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1 % Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2014 Bert Burgemeister
3 % Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
4 % document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
5 % Version 1.2; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts and
6 % no Back-Cover Texts. For details see file COPYING.
9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
10 \section{Sequences}
11 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
12 \label{section:Sequences}
14 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
15 \subsection[Seq.~Predicates]{Sequence Predicates}
16 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
17 \begin{LIST}{1cm}
19 \IT{(\xorGOO{\FU*{EVERY}\\
20 \FU*{NOTEVERY}}{\}} \VAR{test}
21 \RP{\VAR{sequence}})}
23 Return \retval{\NIL} or \retval{\T}, respectively, as soon as \VAR{test} on
24 any set of corresponding elements of \VAR{sequence}s returns \NIL.
27 \IT{(\xorGOO{\FU*{SOME}\\
28 \FU*{NOTANY}}{\}} \VAR{test}
29 \RP{\VAR{sequence}})}
31 Return \retval{value of \VAR{test}} or \retval{\NIL}, respectively, as soon
32 as \VAR{test} on any set of corresponding elements of
33 \VAR{sequence}s returns non-\NIL.
36 \IT{(\FU*{MISMATCH} \VAR{sequence-a} \VAR{sequence-b}
37 \orGOO{\kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
38 \xorGOO{%
39 \kwd{:test} \VAR{ function}\DF{\kwd{\#'eql}}\\
40 \kwd{:test-not} \VAR{ function}}{.}\\
41 \kwd{:start1} \VAR{ start-a}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
42 \kwd{:start2} \VAR{ start-b}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
43 \kwd{:end1} \VAR{ end-a}\DF{\NIL}\\
44 \kwd{:end2} \VAR{ end-b}\DF{\NIL}\\
45 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}}{\}})}
47 Return \retval{position in \VAR{sequence-a}} where
48 \VAR{sequence-a} and \VAR{sequence-b} begin to
49 mismatch. Return \retval{\NIL} if
50 they match entirely.
53 \end{LIST}
55 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
56 \subsection[Seq.~Functions]{Sequence Functions}
57 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
59 \begin{LIST}{1cm}
61 \IT{(\FU*{MAKE-SEQUENCE} \VAR{sequence-type} \VAR{size}
62 \Op{\kwd{:initial-element} \VAR{foo}})} % default: implementation-dependent
64 Make \retval{sequence} of \VAR{sequence-type} with \VAR{size} elements.
67 \IT{(\FU*{CONCATENATE} \VAR{type} \OPn{\VAR{sequence}})}
69 Return \retval{concatenated sequence} of \VAR{type}.
72 \IT{(\FU*{MERGE} \VAR{type} \DES{\VAR{sequence-a}} \DES{\VAR{sequence-b}}
73 \VAR{test} \Op{\kwd{:key} \VAR{function}\DF{\NIL}})}
75 Return \retval{interleaved sequence} of \VAR{type}. Merged sequence
76 will be sorted if both \VAR{sequence-a} and \VAR{sequence-b} are
77 sorted.
80 \IT{(\FU*{FILL} \DES{\VAR{sequence}} \VAR{foo}
81 \orGOO{\kwd{:start} \VAR{ start}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
82 \kwd{:end} \VAR{ end}\DF{\NIL}}{\}})}
84 Return \retval{\VAR{sequence}} after setting elements between \VAR{start}
85 and \VAR{end} to \VAR{foo}.
88 \IT{(\FU*{LENGTH} \VAR{sequence})}
89 {Return \retval{length of
90 \VAR{sequence}} (being value of fill pointer if applicable).
93 \IT{(\FU*{COUNT} \VAR{foo} \VAR{sequence}
94 \orGOO{\kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
95 \xorGOO{%
96 \kwd{:test} \VAR{ function}\DF{\kwd{\#'eql}}\\
97 \kwd{:test-not} \VAR{ function}}{.}\\
98 \kwd{:start} \VAR{ start}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
99 \kwd{:end} \VAR{ end}\DF{\NIL}\\
100 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}}{\}})}
102 Return \retval{number of elements} in \VAR{sequence} which match
103 \VAR{foo}.
106 \IT{(\xorGOO{\FU*{COUNT-IF}\\
107 \FU*{COUNT-IF-NOT}}{\}} \VAR{test} \VAR{sequence}
108 \orGOO{\kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
109 \kwd{:start} \VAR{ start}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
110 \kwd{:end} \VAR{ end}\DF{\NIL}\\
111 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}}{\}})}
113 Return \retval{number of elements} in \VAR{sequence} which satisfy
114 \VAR{test}.
117 \IT{(\FU*{ELT} \VAR{sequence} \VAR{index})}
118 {Return \retval{element of
119 \VAR{sequence}} pointed to by zero-indexed
120 \VAR{index}. \kwd{setf}able.
123 \IT{(\FU*{SUBSEQ} \VAR{sequence} \VAR{start}
124 \Op{\VAR{end}\DF{\NIL}})}
126 Return \retval{subsequence of \VAR{sequence}} between \VAR{start}
127 and \VAR{end}. \kwd{setf}able.
130 \IT{(\xorGOO{\FU*{SORT}\\
131 \FU*{STABLE-SORT}}{\}} \DES{\VAR{sequence}} \VAR{test}
132 \Op{\kwd{:key} \VAR{function}})}
134 Return \retval{\VAR{sequence} sorted}. Order
135 of elements considered equal is not guaranteed/retained, respectively.
138 \IT{\arrGOO{(\FU*{REVERSE} \VAR{ sequence})\\
139 (\FU*{NREVERSE } \DES{\VAR{sequence}})}{.}}
141 Return \retval{\VAR{sequence} in reverse order}.
144 \IT{(\xorGOO{\FU*{FIND}\\
145 \FU*{POSITION}}{\}} \VAR{foo} \VAR{sequence}
146 \orGOO{\kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
147 \xorGOO{%
148 \kwd{:test} \VAR{ function}\DF{\kwd{\#'eql}}\\
149 \kwd{:test-not} \VAR{ test}}{.}\\
150 \kwd{:start} \VAR{ start}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
151 \kwd{:end} \VAR{ end}\DF{\NIL}\\
152 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}}{\}})}
154 Return \retval{first element} in \VAR{sequence} which
155 matches \VAR{foo}, or its \retval{position} relative to the begin
156 of \VAR{sequence}, respectively.
159 \IT{(\xorGOO{\FU*{FIND-IF}\\
161 \FU*{POSITION-IF-NOT}}{\}} \VAR{test} \VAR{sequence}
162 \orGOO{\kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
163 \kwd{:start} \VAR{ start}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
164 \kwd{:end} \VAR{ end}\DF{\NIL}\\
165 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}}{\}})}
167 Return \retval{first element} in \VAR{sequence} which satisfies \VAR{test}, or
168 its \retval{position} relative to the begin of \VAR{sequence}, respectively.
171 \IT{(\FU*{SEARCH} \VAR{sequence-a} \VAR{sequence-b}
172 \orGOO{\kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
173 \xorGOO{%
174 \kwd{:test} \VAR{ function}\DF{\kwd{\#'eql}}\\
175 \kwd{:test-not} \VAR{ function}}{.}\\
176 \kwd{:start1} \VAR{ start-a}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
177 \kwd{:start2} \VAR{ start-b}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
178 \kwd{:end1} \VAR{ end-a}\DF{\NIL}\\
179 \kwd{:end2} \VAR{ end-b}\DF{\NIL}\\
180 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}}{\}})}
182 Search \VAR{sequence-b} for a subsequence matching
183 \VAR{sequence-a}. Return \retval{position} in \VAR{sequence-b}, or
184 \retval{\NIL}.
187 \IT{(\xorGOO{\FU*{REMOVE} \VAR{ foo } \VAR{sequence}\\
188 \FU*{DELETE} \VAR{ foo } \DES{\VAR{sequence}}}{\}}
189 \orGOO{\kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
190 \xorGOO{%
191 \kwd{:test} \VAR{ function}\DF{\kwd{\#'eql}}\\
192 \kwd{:test-not} \VAR{ function}}{.}\\
193 \kwd{:start} \VAR{ start}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
194 \kwd{:end} \VAR{ end}\DF{\NIL}\\
195 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}\\
196 \kwd{:count} \VAR{ count}\DF{\NIL}}{\}})}
198 Make \retval{copy of \VAR{sequence}} without elements matching
199 \VAR{foo}.
202 \IT{(\xorGOO{%
203 \arrGOO{
204 \FU*{REMOVE-IF}\\
205 \FU*{REMOVE-IF-NOT}}{\}} \VAR{ test } \VAR{sequence}\\
206 \arrGOO{
207 \FU*{DELETE-IF}\\
208 \FU*{DELETE-IF-NOT}}{\}} \VAR{ test }
209 \DES{\VAR{sequence}}\text{ }}{\}}
210 \orGOO{\kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
211 \kwd{:start} \VAR{ start}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
212 \kwd{:end} \VAR{ end}\DF{\NIL}\\
213 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}\\
214 \kwd{:count} \VAR{ count}\DF{\NIL}}{\}})}
216 Make \retval{copy of \VAR{sequence}} with all (or \VAR{count}) elements
217 satisfying \VAR{test} removed.
220 \IT{(\xorGOO{\FU*{REMOVE-DUPLICATES} \VAR{ sequence }\\
221 \FU*{DELETE-DUPLICATES } \DES{\VAR{sequence}}}{\}}
222 \orGOO{\kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
223 \xorGOO{%
224 \kwd{:test} \VAR{ function}\DF{\kwd{\#'eql}}\\
225 \kwd{:test-not} \VAR{ function}}{.}\\
226 \kwd{:start} \VAR{ start}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
227 \kwd{:end} \VAR{ end}\DF{\NIL}\\
228 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}}{\}})}
230 Make \retval{copy of \VAR{sequence}} without duplicates.
233 \IT{(\xorGOO{%
234 \FU*{SUBSTITUTE} \VAR{ new} \VAR{ old } \VAR{sequence} \\
235 \FU*{NSUBSTITUTE} \VAR{ new} \VAR{ old } \DES{\VAR{sequence}} }{\}}
236 \orGOO{\kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
237 \xorGOO{%
238 \kwd{:test} \VAR{ function}\DF{\kwd{\#'eql}}\\
239 \kwd{:test-not} \VAR{ function}}{.}\\
240 \kwd{:start} \VAR{ start}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
241 \kwd{:end} \VAR{ end}\DF{\NIL}\\
242 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}\\
243 \kwd{:count} \VAR{ count}\DF{\NIL}}{\}})}
245 Make \retval{copy of \VAR{sequence}} with all (or \VAR{count})
246 \VAR{old}s replaced by \VAR{new}.
249 \IT{(\xorGOO{%
250 \arrGOO{%
253 \VAR{ new} \VAR{ test } \VAR{sequence}\\
254 \arrGOO{%
257 \VAR{ new} \VAR{ test } \DES{\VAR{sequence}}\text{ }
258 }{\}}
259 \orGOO{\kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
260 \kwd{:start} \VAR{ start}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
261 \kwd{:end} \VAR{ end}\DF{\NIL}\\
262 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}\\
263 \kwd{:count} \VAR{ count}\DF{\NIL}}{\}})}
265 Make \retval{copy of \VAR{sequence}} with all (or \VAR{count})
266 elements satisfying \VAR{test} replaced by
267 \VAR{new}.
270 \IT{(\FU*{REPLACE} \DES{\VAR{sequence-a}} \VAR{sequence-b}
271 \orGOO{\kwd{:start1} \VAR{ start-a}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
272 \kwd{:start2} \VAR{ start-b}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
273 \kwd{:end1} \VAR{ end-a}\DF{\NIL}\\
274 \kwd{:end2} \VAR{ end-b}\DF{\NIL}}{\}})}
276 Replace elements of \retval{\VAR{sequence-a}} with elements of
277 \VAR{sequence-b}.
280 \IT{(\FU*{MAP} \VAR{type} \VAR{function} \RP{\VAR{sequence}})}
282 Apply \VAR{function} successively to corresponding elements of the
283 \VAR{sequence}s. Return values as a \retval{sequence} of
284 \VAR{type}. If \VAR{type} is \NIL, return \retval{\NIL}.
287 \IT{(\FU*{MAP-INTO} \DES{\VAR{result-sequence}} \VAR{function}
288 \OPn{\VAR{sequence}})}
290 Store into \retval{\VAR{result-sequence}} successively values of
291 \VAR{function} applied to corresponding elements of the \VAR{sequence}s.
294 \IT{(\FU*{REDUCE} \VAR{function} \VAR{sequence}
295 \orGOO{\kwd{:initial-value} \VAR{ foo}\DF{\NIL}\\
296 \kwd{:from-end} \VAR{ bool}\DF{\NIL}\\
297 \kwd{:start} \VAR{ start}\DF{\LIT{0}}\\
298 \kwd{:end} \VAR{ end}\DF{\NIL}\\
299 \kwd{:key} \VAR{ function}}{\}})}
301 Starting with the first two elements of \VAR{sequence}, apply
302 \VAR{function} successively to its last return value together with the next
303 element of \VAR{sequence}. Return \retval{last value} of {function}.
306 \IT{(\FU*{COPY-SEQ} \VAR{sequence})}
308 \retval{Copy of \VAR{sequence}} with shared elements.
312 \end{LIST}
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