Trivial bugfixes.
[closure-html.git] / src / css / css-selector.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: CSS; Readtable: GLISP; Encoding: utf-8; -*-
2 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ;;; Title: CSS selectors
4 ;;; [Split off from css-parse.lisp]
5 ;;; Created: 2001-05-19
6 ;;; Author: Gilbert Baumann <>
7 ;;; License: MIT style (see below)
8 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ;;; (c) copyright 1998-2001 by Gilbert Baumann
11 ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
12 ;;; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
13 ;;; "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
14 ;;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
15 ;;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
16 ;;; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
17 ;;; the following conditions:
18 ;;;
19 ;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
20 ;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
21 ;;;
31 (in-package :CSS)
33 (defun create-style-sheet (super-sheet &key (name "Anonymous style sheet")
34 base-url
35 (media-type :all))
36 (unless base-url
37 (warn "A proper style sheet has a base url; ~
38 (While creating style sheet ~S)." name))
39 (make-style-sheet :super-sheet super-sheet
40 :name name
41 :base-url base-url
42 :rules nil))
44 (defun style-sheet-relate (sheet selector slot value &optional important-p)
45 (cond ((gi-selection-p (car (style-sheet-rules sheet)))
46 (style-sheet-relate-2 sheet selector slot value important-p))
48 (let ((rule (find selector (style-sheet-rules sheet)
49 :test #'equal :key #'rule-selector)))
50 (unless rule
51 (setf rule (make-rule :selector selector
52 :specifity (css2-selector-specificity selector)
53 :media-type '???
54 :assignments nil))
55 (push rule (style-sheet-rules sheet)))
56 (let ((a (make-assignment
57 :selector :unused
58 :importantp important-p
59 :media-type '???
60 :specifity (concatenate 'vector
61 (rule-specifity rule)
62 (vector
63 (progn
64 (style-sheet-j sheet)
65 (incf (style-sheet-j sheet)))))
66 :slot slot
67 :value value)))
68 (push a (rule-assignments rule)) )))))
70 (defun style-sheet-relate-2 (sheet selector slot value important-p)
71 (let ((q (car (style-sheet-rules sheet)))
72 (a (make-assignment
73 :selector :unused
74 :importantp important-p
75 :media-type '???
76 :specifity (concatenate 'vector
77 (css2-selector-specificity selector)
78 (vector
79 (progn
80 (style-sheet-j sheet)
81 (incf (style-sheet-j sheet)))))
82 :slot slot
83 :value value)))
84 (style-sheet-relate-3 selector q a)))
86 (defun style-sheet-relate-3 (selector q a)
87 (let ((gi (find 'gi selector :key #'car)))
88 (cond ((null gi)
89 (maphash (lambda (key value)
90 ;; xxx okay?
91 (setf (gethash key (gi-selection-hashtable q))
92 (augment-to-rules value selector selector a))
94 (gi-selection-hashtable q))
95 (setf (gi-selection-default q)
96 (augment-to-rules (gi-selection-default q) selector selector a)))
98 (let ((x (gethash (cadr gi) (gi-selection-hashtable q))))
99 (cond (x
100 (setf (gethash (cadr gi) (gi-selection-hashtable q))
101 (augment-to-rules x (remove gi selector) selector a)))
103 ;; hmm now we need to shovel all default rules back.
104 (setf (gethash (cadr gi) (gi-selection-hashtable q))
105 (augment-to-rules nil (remove gi selector) selector a))
106 (dolist (y (prog1 (gi-selection-default q)
107 (setf (gi-selection-default q) nil)))
108 (dolist (a (rule-assignments y))
109 (style-sheet-relate-3 selector q a))))))))))
111 (defun augment-to-rules (rules selector selector-orig a)
112 (let ((rule (find selector rules :test #'equal :key #'rule-selector)))
113 (unless rule
114 (setf rule (make-rule :selector selector
115 :specifity (css2-selector-specificity selector-orig)
116 :media-type '???
117 :assignments nil))
118 (push rule rules))
119 (push a (rule-assignments rule))
120 rules))
123 (defun style-sheet->assignments-list (s)
124 (error "Do not call me")
125 (let (res)
126 (setf res (reverse (style-sheet-assignments s)))
127 (let ((res0 res))
128 (setq res (stable-sort res #'selector-lessp :key #'assignment-selector))
129 '(assert (every (lambda (x) (member x res0)) res))
130 res)))
133 ;;; BUGS:
134 ;; - implicit style
135 ;; - important
136 ;; das habe ich immer noch nicht ganz verstanden.
137 ;; ich meine bilden die important regel ein allererstes element fuer den
138 ;; specificity vector?!
139 ;; - style by `style' attribute
141 ;; implicit style;
142 ;; is at start of author style sheet with specificity set to 0
144 ;; style attribute:
145 ;; specificity = #(0 0 1 0 0 inf)
146 ;; origin after everything else
148 ;; This is both compatible with CSS-1
150 ;; Diese ganze explicite Unterscheidung zwischen Author/User/Default
151 ;; ist mir etwas zu speziell. (grade bei !important wird das alles
152 ;; doch etwas merkwürdig!).
154 (defun find-style (sheet element implicit-style
155 &optional (origin 0) (p 0)
156 (res (make-array *n-attrs* :initial-element nil)))
157 ;; handle imported sheets
158 (dolist (im (style-sheet-imported-sheets sheet))
159 (multiple-value-setq (res p) (find-style im element nil origin p res)))
160 ;; handle rules
161 (dolist (rule (style-sheet-rules sheet))
162 (cond ((rule-p rule)
163 (when (css2-selector-matches-p (rule-selector rule) element)
164 (dolist (a (rule-assignments rule))
165 (let ()
166 (setf res
167 (augment-assignment-to-result* (assignment-slot a)
168 (assignment-value a)
169 (if (assignment-importantp a) 1 0) ;CSS-1 modell
170 origin
171 (svref (assignment-specifity a) 0)
172 (svref (assignment-specifity a) 1)
173 (svref (assignment-specifity a) 2)
174 (+ p (svref (assignment-specifity a) 3))
175 res)) ))))
176 ((gi-selection-p rule)
177 (let ((q (gethash (element-gi element)
178 (gi-selection-hashtable rule)
179 (gi-selection-default rule))))
180 (dolist (rule q)
181 ;; code duplication alert!
182 (when (css2-selector-matches-p (rule-selector rule) element)
183 (dolist (a (rule-assignments rule))
184 (let ()
185 (setf res
186 (augment-assignment-to-result* (assignment-slot a)
187 (assignment-value a)
188 (if (assignment-importantp a) 1 0) ;CSS-1 modell
189 origin
190 (svref (assignment-specifity a) 0)
191 (svref (assignment-specifity a) 1)
192 (svref (assignment-specifity a) 2)
193 (+ p (svref (assignment-specifity a) 3))
194 res)) )))))) ))
195 ;; adjust p
196 (incf p (style-sheet-j sheet))
197 ;; handle implicit style
198 (dolist (k implicit-style)
199 (let ((prop (car k)) (value (cdr k)))
200 (setf res (augment-assignment-to-result* prop value
201 0 origin 0 0 0 (prog1 p (incf p))
202 res))))
203 ;; recurse into super sheets
204 (cond ((style-sheet-super-sheet sheet)
205 (setf res
206 (find-style (style-sheet-super-sheet sheet) element nil (- origin 1) 0 res))))
207 ;; return what we found
208 (values res p))
210 (defun augment-assignment-to-result (property value v res)
211 (let ((x (svref res (symbol-value property))))
212 (cond ((null x)
213 (setf (svref res (symbol-value property))
214 (list value v)))
215 ((vector-greater-p v (second x))
216 (setf (first x) value
217 (second x) v)))
218 res))
220 (defun augment-assignment-to-result* (property value v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 res)
221 (let ((x (svref res (symbol-value property))))
222 (cond ((null x)
223 (setf (svref res (symbol-value property))
224 (list value (vector v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6))))
225 ((vector-greater-p* v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 (second x))
226 (setf (first x) value
227 (svref (second x) 0) v1
228 (svref (second x) 1) v2
229 (svref (second x) 2) v3
230 (svref (second x) 3) v4
231 (svref (second x) 4) v5
232 (svref (second x) 5) v6)))
233 res))
235 (defun css2-selector-matches-p (selector element)
236 ;; here is a kludge
237 (cond ((and (pseudo-class-matches-p :first-line element)
238 (not (find '(pclass #.(rod "first-line")) selector
239 :test #'equalp)))
240 (return-from css2-selector-matches-p nil))
241 ((and (pseudo-class-matches-p :before element)
242 (not (find '(pclass #.(rod "before")) selector
243 :test #'equalp)))
244 (return-from css2-selector-matches-p nil))
245 ((and (pseudo-class-matches-p :after element)
246 (not (find '(pclass #.(rod "after")) selector
247 :test #'equalp)))
248 (return-from css2-selector-matches-p nil))
249 ((and (pseudo-class-matches-p :first-letter element)
250 (not (find '(pclass #.(rod "first-letter")) selector
251 :test #'equalp)))
252 (return-from css2-selector-matches-p nil)))
254 (dolist (pred selector t)
255 (unless
256 (case (car pred)
257 ((gi) (css2-gi-match-p (cadr pred) element))
258 ((id) (css2-id-match-p (cadr pred) element))
259 ((class) (css2-class-match-p (cadr pred) element))
261 ((attrib-exists)
262 (not (null (element-attribute element (intern-attribute-name (cadr pred))))))
264 ((attrib)
265 (attribute-equal-p element (cadr pred) (caddr pred) nil)) ;CS or CI??
267 ((attrib-contain)
268 (attribute-contains-p element (cadr pred) (caddr pred) nil))
270 ((attrib-contain-dash)
271 (attribute-contain-dash-p element (cadr pred) (caddr pred) nil))
273 ((pclass)
274 (cond ((and (= (length (cdr pred)) 1)
275 (rod-equal #.(map 'vector #'char-code "first-child") (cadr pred)))
276 (null (pt-predecessor element)))
277 ((and (= (length (cdr pred)) 1)
278 (rod-equal #.(map 'vector #'char-code "link") (cadr pred)))
279 (pseudo-class-matches-p :link element))
280 ((and (= (length (cdr pred)) 1)
281 (rod-equal #.(map 'vector #'char-code "first-line") (cadr pred)))
282 (pseudo-class-matches-p :first-line element))
283 ((and (= (length (cdr pred)) 1)
284 (rod-equal #.(map 'vector #'char-code "first-letter") (cadr pred)))
285 (pseudo-class-matches-p :first-letter element))
286 ((and (= (length (cdr pred)) 1)
287 (rod-equal #.(map 'vector #'char-code "before") (cadr pred)))
288 (pseudo-class-matches-p :before element))
289 ((and (= (length (cdr pred)) 1)
290 (rod-equal #.(map 'vector #'char-code "after") (cadr pred)))
291 (pseudo-class-matches-p :after element))
292 ;; lang fehlt.
294 ;; (print (rod-string (cadr pred)))
295 nil)))
297 ((ancestor)
298 (css2-ancester-match-p (cdr pred) element))
300 ((parent)
301 (and (element-parent element)
302 (css2-selector-matches-p (cdr pred) (element-parent element))))
303 ((preceded-by)
304 (let ((prec (pt-predecessor element)))
305 (and prec
306 (css2-selector-matches-p (cdr pred) prec))))
309 (return nil) )))
311 (defun vector-greater-p (v1 v2)
312 (dotimes (i (length v1) nil)
313 (let ((a (aref v1 i))
314 (b (aref v2 i)))
315 (cond ((> a b) (return t))
316 ((< a b) (return nil))))))
318 (defun vector-greater-p* (v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 w)
319 (block nil
320 (let ((a v1)
321 (b (aref w 0)))
322 (cond ((> a b) (return t))
323 ((< a b) (return nil))))
324 (let ((a v2)
325 (b (aref w 1)))
326 (cond ((> a b) (return t))
327 ((< a b) (return nil))))
328 (let ((a v3)
329 (b (aref w 2)))
330 (cond ((> a b) (return t))
331 ((< a b) (return nil))))
332 (let ((a v4)
333 (b (aref w 3)))
334 (cond ((> a b) (return t))
335 ((< a b) (return nil))))
336 (let ((a v5)
337 (b (aref w 4)))
338 (cond ((> a b) (return t))
339 ((< a b) (return nil))))
340 (let ((a v6)
341 (b (aref w 5)))
342 (cond ((> a b) (return t))
343 ((< a b) (return nil)))) ))
345 (defun pt-predecessor (pt)
346 (let ((par (element-parent pt)))
347 (and par
348 (let ((r nil))
349 (dolist (k (element-children par))
350 (when (eq k pt)
351 (return r))
352 (unless (text-element-p k)
353 (setf r k)))))))
355 (defun css2-ancester-match-p (selector element)
356 (and (element-parent element)
357 (or (css2-selector-matches-p selector (element-parent element))
358 (css2-ancester-match-p selector (element-parent element)))))
360 ;; class, id are case-sensitive in HTML
362 (defun attribute-contains-p (element attribute string case-sensitive-p)
363 (let ((v (element-attribute element (intern-attribute-name attribute))))
364 (and v (rod-contains-p v string case-sensitive-p))))
366 (defun attribute-equal-p (element attribute string case-sensitive-p)
367 (let ((v (element-attribute element (intern-attribute-name attribute))))
368 (and v
369 (if case-sensitive-p
370 (rod= v string)
371 (rod-equal v string)))))
373 (defun rod-contains-p (haystack needle case-sensitive-p)
374 ;; what should (rod-contains-p .. "" ..) yield?
375 (dotimes (i (- (length haystack) (length needle) -1) nil)
376 (when (and (or (= i 0)
377 (white-space-rune-p (rune haystack (1- i))))
378 (or (= (+ i (length needle)) (length haystack))
379 (white-space-rune-p (rune haystack (+ i (length needle))))))
380 (when (dotimes (j (length needle) t)
381 (unless (if case-sensitive-p
382 (rune= (rune needle j) (rune haystack (+ i j)))
383 (rune-equal (rune needle j) (rune haystack (+ i j))))
384 (return nil)))
385 (return t)))))
387 (defun attribute-contain-dash-p (element attribute string case-sensitive-p)
388 (let ((v (element-attribute element (intern-attribute-name attribute))))
389 (and v
390 (>= (length v) (length string))
391 (if case-sensitive-p
392 (rod= (subseq v 0 (length string)) string)
393 (rod-equal (subseq v 0 (length string)) string))
394 (or (= (length string) (length v))
395 (rune= (code-rune #.(char-code #\-)) (rune v (length string)))))))
397 (defun skip-group (seq p &optional (level 0))
398 (cond ((>= p (length seq))
399 nil)
400 ((= (aref seq p) #.(char-code #\{))
401 (skip-group seq (+ p 1) (+ level 1)))
402 ((= (aref seq p) #.(char-code #\}))
403 (cond ((= level 1) p)
404 ((skip-group seq (+ p 1) (- level 1)))))
405 ((skip-group seq (+ p 1) level))))
407 (defun parse-at-rule-body (seq p0)
408 ;; An at-rule consists of everything up to and including the next
409 ;; semicolon (;) or the next block (defined shortly), whichever comes
410 ;; first.
411 (do ((i p0 (+ i 1)))
412 ((= i (length seq))
413 (warn "EOF before at-rule group.")
414 (values (length seq)))
415 (cond ((= (aref seq i) #.(char-code #\;))
416 (return (values (+ i 1))))
417 ((= (aref seq i) #.(char-code #\{))
418 (let ((p1 (skip-group seq i)))
419 (cond ((null p1)
420 (warn "EOF within at-rule group.")
421 (return (values nil (length seq))))
423 (return (values (+ p1 1))))))) )))
425 (defstruct import-rule
426 url-str
427 media-type)
429 (defun parse-media-type-2 (toks)
430 (let ((r (p/comma-separated-list toks (lambda (x)
431 (let ((r (p/ident x)))
432 (and r (cons (list (intern (string-upcase (car r))
433 :keyword))
434 (cdr r))))))))
435 (and r
436 (cons (cons 'or (car r)) (cdr r)))))
438 (defun parse-media-type (string)
439 ;; xxx unicode!
440 (let ((r (parse-media-type-2
441 (tokenize
442 (slurp
443 (cl-char-stream->gstream
444 (make-string-input-stream string)))))))
445 (cond ((and r (null (cdr r)))
446 (car r))
448 (warn "Bad media type: ~S." string)
449 nil))))
451 (defun parse-import-rule (seq)
452 (let ((toks (tokenize seq))
453 (media-type :all))
454 (let ((r (or (p/string toks)
455 (p/url toks))))
456 (when (cdr r)
457 (let ((s (parse-media-type-2 (cdr r))))
458 (setf (cdr r) (cdr s)
459 media-type (car s))))
460 (cond ((and r (null (cdr r)))
461 (let ((url (car r)))
462 (list (make-import-rule :url-str url :media-type media-type))))
464 (warn "CSS @import rule does not parse: ~S." (as-string seq))
465 nil)))))
467 (defun parse-at-rule (seq start import-ok?)
468 (let (p1 p2)
469 (assert (= (aref seq start) #.(char-code #\@)))
470 (unless (setq p1 (parse-ident seq (+ start 1)))
471 (warn "Bad syntax: An '@' must be followed by an identifier")
472 (setf p1 (+ start 1)))
473 (setq p2 (parse-at-rule-body seq p1))
474 (cond ((and p1 p2)
475 (let ((ident (as-string (subseq seq (+ start 1) p1))))
476 (cond ((string-equal ident "import")
477 (if import-ok?
478 (values (parse-import-rule (subseq seq p1 p2))
480 (progn
481 (parse-import-rule (subseq seq p1 p2))
482 (warn "@import not at start of style sheet - ignored.")
483 (values nil p2))))
484 ((string-equal ident "media")
485 (values nil p2)
488 (values nil p2)))))
490 (values nil (length seq))) )))
492 (defun assignment-list-adjoin (new assignments)
493 (cons (cons (reverse (car new)) (cdr new)) assignments))
495 ;;;; new CSS-2 selectors
497 (defun nmchar-p (ch)
498 (or (<= #.(char-code #\a) ch #.(char-code #\z))
499 (<= #.(char-code #\A) ch #.(char-code #\Z))
500 (<= #.(char-code #\0) ch #.(char-code #\9))
501 (= ch #.(char-code #\-))
502 (>= ch 128)))
504 (defun nmstart-p (ch)
505 (or (<= #.(char-code #\a) ch #.(char-code #\z))
506 (<= #.(char-code #\A) ch #.(char-code #\Z))
507 (>= ch 128)))
509 (defun q-cons-rod (string start end)
510 (let ((res (make-array (- end start) :element-type 'rune)))
511 (dotimes (i (- end start))
512 (setf (%rune res i) (code-rune
513 (logand #xFFFF (aref string (+ i start))))))
514 res))
516 (defun q-token (string start end) ;;-> type semantic new-start
517 (let (p)
518 (cond ((>= start end)
519 (values :eof nil start))
521 (let ((c (aref string start)))
522 (cond ((= c #.(char-code #\>)) (values :> nil (+ start 1)))
523 ((= c #.(char-code #\+)) (values :+ nil (+ start 1)))
524 ((= c #.(char-code #\*)) (values :* nil (+ start 1)))
525 ((= c #.(char-code #\[)) (values :|[| nil (+ start 1)))
526 ((= c #.(char-code #\])) (values :|]| nil (+ start 1)))
527 ((= c #.(char-code #\.)) (values :|.| nil (+ start 1)))
528 ((= c #.(char-code #\=)) (values :|=| nil (+ start 1)))
529 ((= c #.(char-code #\:)) (values :|:| nil (+ start 1)))
530 ((= c #.(char-code #\()) (values :|(| nil (+ start 1)))
531 ((= c #.(char-code #\))) (values :|)| nil (+ start 1)))
532 ((= c #.(char-code #\,)) (values :|,| nil (+ start 1)))
533 ((and (= c #.(char-code #\~))
534 (< (+ start 1) end)
535 (= (aref string (+ start 1)) #.(char-code #\=)))
536 (values :|~=| nil (+ start 2)))
537 ((and (= c #.(char-code #\|))
538 (< (+ start 1) end)
539 (= (aref string (+ start 1)) #.(char-code #\=)))
540 (values :\|= nil (+ start 2)))
541 ((and (= c #.(char-code #\#))
542 ;; ID selectors cannot start with an digit
543 ;; xxx is that true?
544 (nmstart-p (aref string (+ start 1)))
545 (setq p (or (position-if-not #'nmchar-p string :start (+ start 1) :end end)
546 end))
547 (> p (+ 1 start)))
548 (values :hash (q-cons-rod string (+ start 1) p) p))
549 ((and (nmstart-p c)
550 (setq p (or (position-if-not #'nmchar-p string :start (+ start 1) :end end)
551 end)))
552 (values :ident (q-cons-rod string start p) p))
553 ((and (= c #.(char-code #\'))
554 (setq p (position #.(char-code #\') string :start (+ start 1) :end end)))
555 (values :string (q-cons-rod string (+ start 1) p) (+ p 1)))
556 ((and (= c #.(char-code #\"))
557 (setq p (position #.(char-code #\") string :start (+ start 1) :end end)))
558 (values :string (q-cons-rod string (+ start 1) p) (+ p 1)))
559 ((member c '(9 10 12 13 32))
560 (values :s nil (+ start 1)))
562 (values :junk c (+ start 1))) ))))))
564 ;;; traditional recursive descent parser for CSS-2 selectors
566 ;; Each selector is a simple list of predicates, which must turn for
567 ;; this selector to match; the predicates produced by the parser are:
569 ;; (GI string)
570 ;; the GI of element must be 'string'
571 ;; (CLASS string)
572 ;; the class attribute of the element must contain 'string'
573 ;; (ID string)
574 ;; the ID attribute of the element must be 'string'
575 ;; (ATTRIB attr string)
576 ;; the attribute given by 'attr' must be 'string'
577 ;; (ATTRIB-EXISTS attr string)
578 ;; the attribute given by 'attr' must exist (been set)
579 ;; (ATTRIB-CONTAIN attr string)
580 ;; the attribute given by 'attr' must contain 'string'
581 ;; (ATTRIB-CONTAIN-DASH attr string)
582 ;; the attribute given by 'attr' must contain 'string' (dash variant)
583 ;; (PCLASS name [argument])
584 ;; the element must belong to the given pseudo class
585 ;; (ANCESTOR . predicates)
586 ;; there must be an anchestor matching the selector 'predicates'
587 ;; (PARENT . predicates)
588 ;; the element must have a parent matching the selector 'predicates'
589 ;; (PRECEDED-BY . predicates)
590 ;; the element must have be preceded by an element matching the selector 'predicates'
592 ;; Example
593 ;; =======
594 ;; "A B C[x]" => ((GI "C")
595 ;; (ATTRIB-EXISTS "x")
596 ;; (ANCESTOR (GI "B")
597 ;; (ANCESTOR (GI "A"))))
601 (defvar *tok*)
602 (defvar *sem*)
603 (defvar *i*)
604 (defvar *s*)
605 (defvar *e*)
607 (defun parse-css2-selector-list (string &optional (start 0) (end (length string)))
608 (let ((res
609 (let* ((*s* string)
610 (*e* end)
611 (*i* start))
612 (q/consume)
613 (q/s*)
614 (prog1
615 (q/selector-list)
616 (q/s*)
617 (unless (eq (q/tok) :eof)
618 (error "Unexpected token ~S." (q/tok)))))))
619 (setq res
620 (mapcar (lambda (selector)
621 (let ((x (find 'gi selector :key #'car)))
622 (if x
623 (cons x (remove x selector))
624 selector)))
625 res))
626 res))
629 (defun q/tok () *tok*)
630 (defun q/sem () *sem*)
631 (defun q/at? (tok) (eq *tok* tok))
633 (defun q/consume ()
634 (multiple-value-bind (tok sem j) (q-token *s* *i* *e*)
635 (setf *tok* tok)
636 (setf *sem* sem)
637 (setf *i* j)))
639 (defun q/selector-list ()
640 (let ((x (q/selector)))
641 (cond ((eq (q/tok) :|,|)
642 (q/consume)
643 (q/s*)
644 (cons x (q/selector-list)))
646 (list x)))))
648 (defun q/selector ()
649 (let ((res nil))
650 (tagbody
651 loob
652 (let ((a (q/simple-selector)))
653 (q/S*)
654 (push a res)
655 (cond ((member (q/tok) '(:ident :hash :|.| :|[| :|:| :|*|))
656 (push 'ancestor res)
657 (go loob))
658 ((eq (q/tok) :>)
659 (q/consume)
660 (q/s*)
661 (push 'parent res)
662 (go loob))
663 ((eq (q/tok) :+)
664 (q/consume)
665 (q/s*)
666 (push 'preceded-by res)
667 (go loob))
669 (go fin))))
670 fin)
671 (parse-combinator-sequence res)))
673 (defun parse-combinator-sequence (q)
674 (cond ((null (cdr q)) (car q))
676 (append (car q)
677 (list (cons (cadr q)
678 (parse-combinator-sequence (cddr q))))))))
682 (defun q/simple-selector ()
683 (multiple-value-bind (element presentp) (q/maybe-element-name)
684 (let ((modifiers nil)
686 (unless presentp
687 (setq x (q/maybe-modifier))
688 (unless x
689 (error "When there is no element name at least one modifiers is required."))
690 (setf modifiers (append modifiers (list x))))
691 (loop
692 (setq x (q/maybe-modifier))
693 (cond (x
694 (setf modifiers (append modifiers (list x))))
695 ((null x)
696 (return))))
697 (q/s*)
698 ;; xxx does this apply to CSS2 as well.
699 ;; xxx also this looks like some bogus random implementation limitation.
700 (when (member-if-not (lambda (x) (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'pclass)))
701 (member-if (lambda (x) (and (consp x) (eq (car x) 'pclass)))
702 modifiers))
703 (error "Psuedoclass in non trailing location: ~S." modifiers))
705 (append element modifiers))))
707 (defun q/s* ()
708 (while (q/at? :s) (q/consume)))
710 (defun q/maybe-modifier ()
711 (case (q/tok)
712 (:hash (prog1 (list 'ID (q/sem)) (q/consume)))
713 (:|.|
714 (q/consume)
715 (cond ((eq (q/tok) :ident)
716 (prog1 (list 'CLASS (q/sem)) (q/consume)))
718 (error "Parse error: Expected <ident> after \".\""))))
719 (:|[|
720 (q/attrib))
721 (:|:|
722 (q/pclass))
724 nil) ))
726 (defun q/expect (tok)
727 (unless (eq (q/tok) tok)
728 (error "Expected ~A." tok))
729 (prog1 (q/sem)
730 (q/consume)))
732 (defun q/attrib ()
733 (let (name x)
734 (q/expect :|[|)
735 (q/s*)
736 (setf name
737 (q/expect :ident))
738 (q/s*)
739 (setf x (q/maybe-attribut-value name))
740 (q/expect :|]|)
743 (defun q/maybe-attribut-value (name)
744 (case (q/tok)
746 (q/consume)
747 (q/s*)
748 (prog1 (list 'attrib name (q/maybe-attribut-value-2))
749 (q/s*)) )
750 (:\~=
751 (q/consume)
752 (q/s*)
753 (prog1 (list 'attrib-contain name (q/maybe-attribut-value-2))
754 (q/s*)) )
755 (:\|=
756 (q/consume)
757 (q/s*)
758 (prog1 (list 'attrib-contain-dash name (q/maybe-attribut-value-2))
759 (q/s*)) )
761 (list 'attrib-exists name))))
763 (defun q/pclass ()
764 (let (nam arg)
765 (q/expect :|:|)
766 (setf nam (q/expect :ident))
767 (cons 'pclass
768 (cond ((eq (q/tok) :|(|)
769 (q/consume)
770 (q/s*)
771 (setf arg (q/expect :ident))
772 (q/s*)
773 (q/expect :|)|)
774 (list nam arg))
776 (list nam))))))
779 (defun q/maybe-attribut-value-2 ()
780 (unless (member (q/tok) '(:ident :string))
781 (error "Expected either a string or an ident here."))
782 (prog1
783 (q/sem)
784 (q/consume)))
786 (defun q/maybe-element-name ()
787 (cond ((q/at? :ident)
788 (multiple-value-prog1
789 (values (list (list 'GI (intern-gi (q/sem)))) t)
790 (q/consume)))
791 ((q/at? :*)
792 (multiple-value-prog1
793 (values nil t)
794 (q/consume)))
796 (values nil nil))))
798 ;;;;
800 (defun css2-selector-specificity (selector)
801 (let ((res (vector 0 0 0)))
802 (dolist (p selector)
803 (case (car p)
804 ((gi) (incf (aref res 2)))
805 ((id) (incf (aref res 0)))
806 ((class attrib attrib-exists attrib-contain attrib-contain-dash pclass)
807 (incf (aref res 1)))
808 ((ancestor parent preceded-by)
809 (setf res (map 'vector #'+ res (css2-selector-specificity (cdr p)))))))
810 res))
812 (defun parse-style-sheet* (seq &optional (start 0) (import-ok? t))
813 (let (p0 p1)
814 (when (setq p0 (position-if-not #'white-space-p* seq :start start))
815 (cond
816 ((= (aref seq p0) #.(char-code #\@))
817 (multiple-value-bind (v p1) (parse-at-rule seq p0 import-ok?)
818 (nconc v (parse-style-sheet* seq p1 import-ok?))))
819 ((setq p1 (position (char-code #\{) seq :start p0))
820 (let ((p2 (skip-group seq p1)))
821 (cond ((null p2)
822 (warn "EOF while parsing CSS group.")
823 nil)
825 (multiple-value-bind (sel-list condition)
826 (ignore-errors (parse-css2-selector-list seq p0 p1))
827 (cond (condition
828 (warn "CSS selector list does not parse: `~A'."
829 (as-string (subseq seq p0 p1)))
830 (setq sel-list nil)))
831 (nconc (multiplex-selectors sel-list
832 (parse-assignment-list
833 (subseq seq (+ p1 1) p2)))
834 (parse-style-sheet* seq (+ p2 1) nil)) )))))
836 (warn "Bad css syntax: ~A" (as-string seq))
837 nil)))))
840 (defun lookup-all-style (style-sheet pt is ss res)
841 (multiple-value-bind (x p) (find-style style-sheet pt is)
842 (dolist (k (reverse ss))
843 (let ((prop (assignment-slot k))
844 (value (assignment-value k))
845 (importantp (assignment-importantp k)))
846 (setf x (augment-assignment-to-result prop value (vector (if importantp 1 0) 0 1 0 0
847 (incf p))
848 x))))
849 (dotimes (i (length x))
850 (let ((q (svref x i)))
851 (when q
852 (setf (svref res i) (first q)))))
853 res))
856 ;;;; Media Types
858 (defparameter *media-types*
859 '(:screen :all))
861 (defmethod is-of-media-type-p ((medium T) (media-type (eql :all))) t)
862 (defmethod is-of-media-type-p ((medium (eql :screen)) (media-type (eql :screen))) t)
864 (defmethod is-of-media-type-p ((medium T) (media-type T))
865 nil)
867 (defmethod is-of-media-type-p ((medium T) (media-type cons))
868 (ecase (car media-type)
869 ((OR)
870 (some (curry #'is-of-media-type-p medium) media-type))
871 ((AND)
872 (every (curry #'is-of-media-type-p medium) media-type))))
874 (defun intern-media-type (rod)
875 (intern-attribute-name rod))
877 ;; TODO
878 ;; - parse-media-type is borken/ugly
879 ;; - parse-style-sheet -- fixed :screen media type is borken
880 ;; - p/ident is not unicode safe!
881 ;; - some how we broke "CSS1 Test Suite: LINK and @import" ;-(