Removed open-inet-socket from dep-*.
[closure-html.git] / src / glisp / util.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: GLISP; -*-
2 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ;;; Title: Some common utilities for the Closure browser
4 ;;; Created: 1997-12-27
5 ;;; Author: Gilbert Baumann <>
6 ;;; License: MIT style (see below)
7 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 ;;; (c) copyright 1997-1999 by Gilbert Baumann
10 ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
11 ;;; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
12 ;;; "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
13 ;;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
14 ;;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
15 ;;; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
16 ;;; the following conditions:
17 ;;;
18 ;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
19 ;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
20 ;;;
29 ;; Changes
31 ;; When Who What
32 ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 ;; 1999-08-24 GB = fixed MULTIPLE-VALUE-OR it now takes any number of
34 ;; subforms
37 (in-package :GLISP)
39 (defun neq (x y) (not (eq x y)))
41 (define-compiler-macro neq (x y)
42 `(not (eq ,x ,y)))
44 (defmacro defsubst (name args &body body)
45 `(runes:definline ,name ,args ,@body))
47 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 ;;; Meta functions
50 (defun curry (fun &rest args)
51 #'(lambda (&rest more)
52 (apply fun (append args more))))
54 (defun rcurry (fun &rest args)
55 #'(lambda (&rest more)
56 (apply fun (append more args))))
58 (defun compose (f g)
59 #'(lambda (&rest args)
60 (funcall f (apply g args))))
62 (defun always (value)
63 #'(lambda (&rest args)
64 (declare (ignore args))
65 value))
67 (defun true (&rest x)
68 (declare (ignore x))
71 (defun false (&rest x)
72 (declare (ignore x))
73 nil)
75 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
76 ;;; Promises
78 (defstruct (promise (:print-function print-promise))
79 forced? value fun)
81 (defun print-promise (self sink depth)
82 (declare (ignore depth))
83 (if (promise-forced? self)
84 (format sink "#<~S ~S ~S>" 'promise :forced (promise-value self))
85 (format sink "#<~S ~S>" 'promise :lazy)))
87 (defmacro promise (form)
88 `(make-promise :forced? nil :fun #'(lambda () ,form)))
90 (defun force (x)
91 (if (promise-forced? x)
92 (promise-value x)
93 (setf (promise-forced? x) t
94 (promise-value x) (funcall (promise-fun x)))))
96 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 ;;; Some additional <op>f macros
99 (define-modify-macro maxf (&rest nums) max)
100 (define-modify-macro minf (&rest nums) min)
101 (define-modify-macro nconcf (&rest args) nconc)
103 ;; Man sollte mal ein generelles <op>f macro definieren, in etwa so
104 ;; (funcallf #'nconc x 10)
106 ;;; Modifizierte Version von max / min.
108 (defun max* (&rest nums)
109 (reduce (lambda (x y)
110 (cond ((null x) y)
111 ((null y) x)
112 (t (max x y))))
113 nums :initial-value nil))
115 (defun min* (&rest nums)
116 (reduce (lambda (x y)
117 (cond ((null x) y)
118 ((null y) x)
119 (t (min x y))))
120 nums :initial-value nil))
122 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
123 ;;; Debuging aids
125 (defmacro show (&rest exprs)
126 `(format T "~&** [~S]~{~#[~:; ~] ~A = ~S~}." ',(current-function-name)
127 (list ,@(mapcan (lambda (x)
128 (list (let ((*print-case* :downcase))
129 (prin1-to-string x))
131 exprs))))
134 (defun current-function-name ()
138 (defun current-function-name ()
141 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 ;;; Multiple values
144 (defmacro multiple-value-or (&rest xs)
145 (cond ((null xs)
146 nil)
147 ((null (cdr xs))
148 (car xs))
150 (let ((g (gensym)))
151 `(LET ((,g (MULTIPLE-VALUE-LIST ,(car xs))))
152 (IF (CAR ,g)
153 (VALUES-LIST ,g)
154 (MULTIPLE-VALUE-OR ,@(cdr xs))))))))
156 (defun multiple-value-some (predicate &rest sequences)
157 (values-list
158 (apply #'some (lambda (&rest args)
159 (let ((res (multiple-value-list (apply predicate args))))
160 (if (car res)
162 nil)))
163 sequences)))
165 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 ;;; while and until
168 (defmacro while (test &body body)
169 `(until (not ,test) ,@body))
171 (defmacro until (test &body body)
172 `(do () (,test) ,@body))
174 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
175 ;;; Sequences
177 (defun split-by-if (predicate seq &key (start 0) (nuke-empty-p nil))
178 (let ((p0 (position-if predicate seq :start start)))
179 (if p0
180 (if (and nuke-empty-p (= start p0))
181 (split-by-if predicate seq :start (+ p0 1) :nuke-empty-p nuke-empty-p)
182 (cons (subseq seq start p0)
183 (split-by-if predicate seq :start (+ p0 1) :nuke-empty-p nuke-empty-p)))
184 (if (and nuke-empty-p (= start (length seq)))
186 (list (subseq seq start))))))
188 (defun split-by (item &rest args)
189 (apply #'split-by-if (curry #'eql item) args))
191 (defun split-by-member (items &rest args)
192 (apply #'split-by-if (rcurry #'member items) args))
194 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 ;;; Strings
197 (defun white-space-p (ch)
198 ;;(declare
199 (or (eq ch #\Return)
200 (eq ch #\Newline)
201 (eq ch #\Space)
202 (eq ch #\Tab)
203 (eq ch #\Page)))
205 (define-compiler-macro white-space-p (ch)
206 `(member ,ch '(#\Return #\Newline #\Space #\Tab #\Page)) )
208 (defun sanify-string (string &optional (begin? t) (end? t)
209 (start 0))
210 (let ((i (position-if #'white-space-p string :start start)))
211 (cond (i
212 (let ((j (position-if-not #'white-space-p string :start i)))
213 (if j
214 (concatenate 'string (subseq string start i)
215 (if (and (= i start) begin?) "" " ")
216 (sanify-string string nil end? j))
217 (concatenate 'string (subseq string start i)
218 (if (not end?) " " "")))))
219 (t (subseq string start)))))
221 (defun sanify-rod (string &optional (begin? t) (end? t) (start 0))
222 (let ((i (position-if #'runes:white-space-rune-p string :start start)))
223 (cond (i
224 (let ((j (position-if-not #'runes:white-space-rune-p
225 string
226 :start i)))
227 (if j
228 (concatenate 'runes:rod (subseq string start i)
229 (if (and (= i start) begin?) '#() '#(32))
230 (sanify-rod string nil end? j))
231 (concatenate 'runes:rod (subseq string start i)
232 (if (not end?) '#(32) '#())))))
233 (t (subseq string start)))))
235 (defun split-string (bag string)
236 (setq string (string-trim bag string))
237 (cond ((= (length string) 0) nil)
239 (let ((p (position bag string :test #'(lambda (x y) (member y x)))))
240 (if p
241 (cons (subseq string 0 p) (split-string bag (subseq string p)))
242 (list string))) )))
244 (defun string-begin-equal (a b)
245 "Returns non-NIL if the beginning of 'a' matches 'b'"
246 (and (>= (length a) (length b))
247 (string-equal a b :end1 (length b))) )
249 (defun string-begin= (a b)
250 "Returns non-NIL if the beginning of 'a' matches 'b'"
251 (and (>= (length a) (length b))
252 (string= a b :end1 (length b))) )
255 ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
256 ;;; Futures
260 (defstruct (future (:print-function print-future))
261 (read-lock (mp/make-lock))
262 (guess-lock (mp/make-lock))
263 value)
265 (defun print-future (self sink depth)
266 (if (future-guess-lock self)
267 (format sink "#<~S unpredicted>" (type-of self))
268 (if (and *print-level* (>= depth *print-level*))
269 (format sink "#<~S predicted as ...>" (type-of self))
270 (format sink "#<~S predicted as ~S>" (type-of self) (future-value self)))))
272 (defun future ()
273 (let ((res (make-future)))
274 (mp/seize-lock (future-guess-lock res))
275 res))
277 (defun guess (future)
278 (mp/with-lock ((future-read-lock future))
279 (let ((lock (future-guess-lock future)))
280 (when lock
281 (mp/seize-lock lock))
282 (future-value future))))
284 (defun predict (future value)
285 (setf (future-value future) value)
286 (let ((lock (future-guess-lock future)))
287 (setf (future-guess-lock future) nil)
288 (mp/release-lock lock))
289 value)
291 ;;; Future lists
293 (defun fcar (x) (car (guess x)))
294 (defun fcdr (x) (cdr (guess x)))
295 (defun fnull (x) (null (guess x)))
296 (defun fendp (x) (endp (guess x)))
298 (defmacro doflist ((var list &optional res) &body body)
299 (let ((q (make-symbol "Q")))
300 `(do ((,q ,list (fcdr ,q)))
301 ((fendp ,q) ,res)
302 (let ((,var (fcar ,q)))
303 ,@body))))
305 (defun mapfcar (fun flist)
306 (cond ((fendp flist) nil)
307 ((cons (funcall fun (fcar flist)) (mapfcar fun (fcdr flist))))))
311 ;; Example:
313 ;; (setq f (future))
315 ;; Thread 1:
316 ;; (doflist (k f) (print k))
318 ;; Thread 2:
319 ;; (setq f (cdr (predict f (cons 'foo (future)))))
320 ;; (setq f (cdr (predict f (cons 'bar (future)))))
321 ;; (predict f nil)
324 ;;;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 ;;;; Homebrew stream classes
326 ;;;;
328 ;; I am really tired of standard Common Lisp streams and thier incompatible implementations.
330 ;; A gstream is an objects with obeys to the following protocol:
332 ;; g/read-byte stream &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value
333 ;; g/unread-byte byte stream
334 ;; g/read-char stream &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value
335 ;; g/unread-char char stream
336 ;; g/write-char char stream
337 ;; g/write-byte byte stream
338 ;; g/finish-output stream
339 ;; g/close stream &key abort
341 ;; Additionally the follwing generic functions are implemented based
342 ;; on the above protocol and may be reimplemented for any custom
343 ;; stream class for performance.
345 ;; g/write-string string stream &key start end
346 ;; g/read-line stream &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value
347 ;; g/read-line* stream &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value
348 ;; g/read-byte-sequence sequence stream &key start end
349 ;; g/read-char-sequence sequence stream &key start end
350 ;; g/write-byte-sequence sequence stream &key start end
351 ;; g/write-char-sequence sequence stream &key start end
354 ;; The following classes exists
356 ;; gstream
357 ;; use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour
358 ;; use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour
359 ;; cl-stream
360 ;; cl-byte-stream
361 ;; cl-char-stream
363 (defclass gstream () ())
365 ;;; use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour
367 (defclass use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour () ())
369 (defmethod g/read-byte ((self use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
370 (let ((r (g/read-char self eof-error-p :eof)))
371 (if (eq r :eof)
372 eof-value
373 (char-code r))))
375 (defmethod g/unread-byte (byte (self use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour))
376 (g/unread-char (or (and #+CMU (<= byte char-code-limit) (code-char byte))
377 (error "Cannot stuff ~D. into a character." byte))
378 self))
380 (defmethod g/write-byte (byte (self use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour))
381 (g/write-char (or (and #+CMU (<= byte char-code-limit) (code-char byte))
382 (error "Cannot stuff ~D. into a character." byte))
383 self))
385 ;;; use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour
387 (defclass use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour () ())
389 (defmethod g/read-char ((self use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
390 (let ((byte (g/read-byte self eof-error-p :eof)))
391 (if (eq byte :eof)
392 eof-value
393 (let ((res (and #+CMU (<= byte char-code-limit) (code-char byte))))
394 (or res
395 (error "The byte ~D. could not been represented as character in your LISP implementation." byte))))))
397 (defmethod g/unread-char (char (self use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour))
398 (g/unread-byte (char-code char) self))
400 (defmethod g/write-char (char (self use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour))
401 (g/write-byte (char-code char) self))
403 ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
404 ;;; Streams made up out of Common Lisp streams
406 ;;; cl-stream
408 (defclass cl-stream (gstream)
409 ((cl-stream :initarg :cl-stream)))
411 (defmethod g/finish-output ((self cl-stream))
412 (with-slots (cl-stream) self
413 (finish-output cl-stream)))
415 (defmethod g/close ((self cl-stream) &key abort)
416 (with-slots (cl-stream) self
417 (close cl-stream :abort abort)))
419 ;;; cl-byte-stream
421 (defclass cl-byte-stream (use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour cl-stream)
422 ((lookahead :initform nil)))
424 (defmethod g/read-byte ((self cl-byte-stream) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
425 (with-slots (cl-stream lookahead) self
426 (if lookahead
427 (prog1 lookahead
428 (setf lookahead nil))
429 (read-byte cl-stream eof-error-p eof-value))))
431 (defmethod g/unread-byte (byte (self cl-byte-stream))
432 (with-slots (cl-stream lookahead) self
433 (if lookahead
434 (error "You cannot unread twice.")
435 (setf lookahead byte))))
437 (defmethod g/write-byte (byte (self cl-byte-stream))
438 (with-slots (cl-stream) self
439 (write-byte byte cl-stream)))
441 (defmethod g/read-byte-sequence (sequence (input cl-byte-stream) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
442 (with-slots (cl-stream) input
443 (read-byte-sequence sequence cl-stream :start start :end end)))
445 (defmethod g/write-byte-sequence (sequence (sink cl-byte-stream) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
446 (with-slots (cl-stream) sink
447 (cl:write-sequence sequence cl-stream :start start :end end)))
449 ;;; cl-char-stream
451 (defclass cl-char-stream (use-char-for-byte-stream-flavour cl-stream)
454 (defmethod g/read-char ((self cl-char-stream) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
455 (with-slots (cl-stream) self
456 (read-char cl-stream eof-error-p eof-value)))
458 (defmethod g/unread-char (char (self cl-char-stream))
459 (with-slots (cl-stream) self
460 (unread-char char cl-stream)))
462 (defmethod g/write-char (char (self cl-char-stream))
463 (with-slots (cl-stream) self
464 (write-char char cl-stream)))
466 ;;; ------------------------------------------------------------
467 ;;; General or fall back stream methods
469 (defmethod g/write-string (string (stream t) &key (start 0) (end (length string)))
470 (do ((i start (+ i 1)))
471 ((>= i end))
472 (g/write-char (char string i) stream)))
474 (defmethod g/read-line ((stream t) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
475 (let ((res nil))
476 (do ((c (g/read-char stream eof-error-p :eof)
477 (g/read-char stream nil :eof)))
478 ((or (eq c :eof) (char= c #\newline))
479 (cond ((eq c :eof)
480 (values (if (null res) eof-value (coerce (nreverse res) 'string))
483 (values (coerce (nreverse res) 'string)
484 nil))))
485 (push c res))))
487 (defmethod g/read-line* ((stream t) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
488 ;; Like read-line, but accepts CRNL, NL, CR as line termination
489 (let ((res nil))
490 (do ((c (g/read-char stream eof-error-p :eof)
491 (g/read-char stream nil :eof)))
492 ((or (eq c :eof) (char= c #\newline) (char= c #\return))
493 (cond ((eq c :eof)
494 (values (if (null res) eof-value (coerce (nreverse res) 'string))
497 (when (char= c #\return)
498 (let ((d (g/read-char stream nil :eof)))
499 (unless (or (eq d :eof) (char= d #\newline))
500 (g/unread-char d stream))))
501 (values (coerce (nreverse res) 'string)
502 nil))))
503 (push c res))))
505 (defmethod g/read-byte-sequence (sequence (input t) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
506 (let ((i start) c)
507 (loop
508 (when (>= i end)
509 (return i))
510 (setf c (g/read-byte input nil :eof))
511 (when (eq c :eof)
512 (return i))
513 (setf (elt sequence i) c)
514 (incf i))))
516 (defmethod g/read-char-sequence (sequence (input t) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
517 (let ((i start) c)
518 (loop
519 (when (>= i end)
520 (return i))
521 (setf c (g/read-char input nil :eof))
522 (when (eq c :eof)
523 (return i))
524 (setf (elt sequence i) c)
525 (incf i))))
527 (defmethod g/write-byte-sequence (sequence (sink t) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
528 (do ((i start (+ i 1)))
529 ((>= i end) i)
530 (g/write-byte (aref sequence i) sink)))
532 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
533 ;;; Vector streams
536 ;; Output
538 (defclass vector-output-stream (use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour)
539 ((buffer :initarg :buffer)))
541 (defun g/make-vector-output-stream (&key (initial-size 100))
542 (make-instance 'vector-output-stream
543 :buffer (make-array initial-size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
544 :fill-pointer 0
545 :adjustable t)))
547 (defmethod g/close ((self vector-output-stream) &key abort)
548 (declare (ignorable self abort))
549 nil)
551 (defmethod g/finish-output ((self vector-output-stream))
552 nil)
554 (defmethod g/write-byte (byte (self vector-output-stream))
555 (with-slots (buffer) self
556 (vector-push-extend byte buffer 100)))
558 (defmethod g/write-byte-sequence (sequence (self vector-output-stream) &key (start 0) (end (length sequence)))
559 (with-slots (buffer) self
560 (adjust-array buffer (+ (length buffer) (- end start)))
561 (replace buffer sequence :start1 (length buffer) :start2 start :end2 end)
562 (setf (fill-pointer buffer) (+ (length buffer) (- end start)))
563 end))
565 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
566 ;;; Echo streams
569 (defclass echo-stream (use-byte-for-char-stream-flavour)
570 ((echoed-to :initarg :echoed-to)))
572 (defun g/make-echo-stream (echoed-to)
573 (make-instance 'echo-stream :echoed-to echoed-to))
578 Hmm unter PCL geht das nicht ;-(
580 (defmethod g/read-byte ((stream stream) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
581 (read-byte stream eof-error-p eof-value))
583 (defmethod g/read-char ((stream stream) &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
584 (read-char stream eof-error-p eof-value))
586 (defmethod g/unread-char (char (stream stream))
587 (unread-char char stream))
589 (defmethod g/write-char (char (stream stream))
590 (write-char char stream))
592 (defmethod g/write-byte (byte (stream stream))
593 (write-byte byte stream))
595 (defmethod g/finish-output ((stream stream))
596 (finish-output stream))
598 (defmethod g/close ((stream stream) &key abort)
599 (close stream :abort abort))
603 ;;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
606 (let ((null (make-symbol "NULL")))
608 (defstruct (future (:print-function print-future))
609 (value null)
610 (awaited-by nil))
612 (defun print-future (self sink depth)
613 (if (eq (future-value self) null)
614 (format sink "#<~S unpredicted>" (type-of self))
615 (if (and *print-level* (>= depth *print-level*))
616 (format sink "#<~S predicted as ...>" (type-of self))
617 (format sink "#<~S predicted as ~S>" (type-of self) (future-value self)))))
619 (defun future ()
620 (make-future))
622 (defun guess (future)
623 (when (eq (future-value future) null)
624 (setf (future-awaited-by future) (mp/current-process))
625 (mp/process-wait "Awaiting future" (lambda () (not (eq (future-value future) null))))
626 (setf (future-awaited-by future) nil))
627 (future-value future))
629 (defun predict (future value)
630 (setf (future-value future) value)
631 (let ((aw (future-awaited-by future)))
632 (when aw (mp/process-allow-schedule aw)))
633 value)
637 (defun map-array (fun array &rest make-array-options)
638 (let ((res (apply #'make-array (array-dimensions array) make-array-options)))
639 (dotimes (i (array-total-size array))
640 (setf (row-major-aref res i) (funcall fun (row-major-aref array i))))
641 res))
643 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
645 (defun g/peek-char (&optional (peek-type nil) (source *standard-input*)
646 (eof-error-p T) eof-value)
647 (cond ((eq peek-type T)
648 (do ((ch (g/read-char source eof-error-p '%the-eof-object%)
649 (g/read-char source eof-error-p '%the-eof-object%)))
650 ((or (eq ch '%the-eof-object%)
651 (not (white-space-p ch)))
652 (cond ((eq ch '%the-eof-object%) eof-value)
653 (t (g/unread-char ch source) ch)) )))
654 ((eq peek-type NIL)
655 (let ((ch (g/read-char source eof-error-p '%the-eof-object%)))
656 (cond ((eq ch '%the-eof-object%) eof-value)
657 (t (g/unread-char ch source)
658 ch))))
659 ((characterp peek-type)
660 (do ((ch (g/read-char source eof-error-p '%the-eof-object%)
661 (g/read-char source eof-error-p '%the-eof-object%)))
662 ((or (eq ch '%the-eof-object%) (eql ch peek-type))
663 (cond ((eq ch '%the-eof-object%) eof-value)
664 (t (g/unread-char ch source) ch)) )) ) ))
668 (defun cl-byte-stream->gstream (stream)
669 (make-instance 'cl-byte-stream :cl-stream stream))
671 (defun cl-char-stream->gstream (stream)
672 (make-instance 'cl-char-stream :cl-stream stream))
674 ;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
676 (defvar *all-temporary-files* nil
677 "List of all temporary files.")
679 (defun find-temporary-file (&key (type nil))
680 (let ((temp-dir "/tmp/*") ;since Motif is only available on unix, we subtly assume a unix host.
681 (stream nil))
682 (labels ((invent-name ()
683 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname
684 :type type
685 :name
686 (let ((*print-base* 35))
687 (format nil "ws_~S" (random (expt 36 7)))))
688 temp-dir)))
689 (unwind-protect
690 (do ((name (invent-name) (invent-name)))
691 ((setq stream (open name :direction :output :if-exists nil))
692 (push name *all-temporary-files*) ;remember this file
693 name))
694 (when stream
695 (close stream)) ))))
697 (defun delete-temporary-file (filename)
698 (setf *all-temporary-files* (delete filename *all-temporary-files*))
699 (ignore-errors (delete-file filename)))
701 (defmacro with-temporary-file ((name-var &key type) &body body)
702 (let ((name (gensym)))
703 `(let* ((,name (find-temporary-file :type ,type))
704 (,name-var ,name))
705 (unwind-protect
706 (progn ,@body)
707 (when (open ,name :direction :probe)
708 (delete-temporary-file ,name)))) ))
710 ;;;;
712 (defun set-equal (x y &rest options)
713 (null (apply #'set-exclusive-or x y options)))
715 ;;;;
717 (defun maybe-parse-integer (string &key (radix 10))
718 (cond ((not (stringp string)) nil)
720 (let ((len (length string)))
721 (cond ((= len 0) nil)
723 (let ((start 0)
724 (vz +1)
725 (res 0))
726 (cond ((and (> len 1) (char= (char string 0) #\+))
727 (incf start))
728 ((and (> len 1) (char= (char string 0) #\-))
729 (setf vz -1)
730 (incf start)))
731 (do ((i start (+ i 1)))
732 ((= i len) (* vz res))
733 (let ((d (digit-char-p (char string i) radix)))
734 (if d
735 (setf res (+ (* radix res) d))
736 (return nil)))))))))))
740 (defun nop (&rest ignore)
741 (declare (ignore ignore))
742 nil)
744 (defmacro with-structure-slots ((type &rest slots) obj &body body)
745 ;; Something like 'with-slots' but for structures. Assumes that the structure
746 ;; slot accessors have the default name. Note that the structure type must
747 ;; been provided.
748 (let ((obj-var (make-symbol "OBJ")))
749 `(LET ((,obj-var ,obj))
750 (SYMBOL-MACROLET ,(mapcar (lambda (slot)
751 (list slot
752 `(,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name type) "-" (symbol-name slot))
753 (symbol-package type))
754 ,obj-var)))
755 slots)
756 ,@body))))
758 ;;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
760 ;; Wir helfen den Compiler mal etwas auf die Spruenge ...
761 (defun compile-funcall (fn args)
762 (cond ((eq fn '#'identity)
763 (car args))
764 ((eq fn '#'nop)
765 `(progn ,args nil))
766 ((and (consp fn) (eq (car fn) 'function))
767 `(,(cadr fn) .,args))
768 ((and (consp fn) (eq (car fn) 'lambda))
769 `(,fn .,args))
770 ((and (consp fn) (eq (car fn) 'curry))
771 (compile-funcall (cadr fn) (append (cddr fn) args)))
772 ((and (consp fn) (eq (car fn) 'rcurry))
773 (compile-funcall (cadr fn) (append args (cddr fn))))
775 (warn "Unable to inline funcall to ~S." fn)
776 `(funcall ,fn .,args)) ))
778 (defmacro funcall* (fn &rest args)
779 (compile-funcall fn args))
781 ;; Ich mag mapc viel lieber als dolist, nur viele Compiler optimieren
782 ;; das nicht, deswegen das Macro hier. Einige Compiler haben auch kein
785 (defmacro mapc* (fn list)
786 (let ((g (gensym)))
787 `(dolist (,g ,list)
788 ,(compile-funcall fn (list g)))))
790 ;; Das gleiche mit REDUCE und MAPCAR.
792 ;; REDUCE arbeitet sowohl fuer Vectoren als auch fuer Listen. Wir
793 ;; haben allerdings leider keinen vernuenftigen Zugriff auf
794 ;; Deklarationen; Man koennte mit TYPEP herangehen und hoffen, dass
795 ;; der Compiler das optimiert, ich fuerchte aber dass das nicht
796 ;; funktionieren wird. Und CLISP verwirft Deklarationen ja total. Also
797 ;; zwei Versionen: LREDUCE* und VREDUCE*
799 (defmacro vreduce* (fun seq &rest rest &key (key '#'identity) from-end start end
800 (initial-value nil initial-value?))
801 (declare (ignore rest))
802 (let (($start (make-symbol "start"))
803 ($end (make-symbol "end"))
804 ($i (make-symbol "i"))
805 ($accu (make-symbol "accu"))
806 ($seq (make-symbol "seq")))
807 (cond (from-end
808 (cond (initial-value?
809 `(LET* ((,$seq ,seq)
810 (,$start ,(or start 0))
811 (,$end ,(or end `(LENGTH ,$seq)))
812 (,$accu ,initial-value))
813 (DECLARE (TYPE FIXNUM ,$start ,$end))
814 (DO ((,$i (- ,$end 1) (THE FIXNUM (- ,$i 1))))
815 ((< ,$i ,$start) ,$accu)
817 (SETF ,$accu (FUNCALL* ,fun (FUNCALL* ,key (AREF ,$seq ,$i)) ,$accu)) )))
819 `(LET* ((,$seq ,seq)
820 (,$start ,(or start 0))
821 (,$end ,(or end `(LENGTH ,$seq))))
822 (DECLARE (TYPE FIXNUM ,$start ,$end))
823 (COND ((= 0 (- ,$end ,$start))
824 (FUNCALL* ,fun))
826 (LET ((,$accu (FUNCALL* ,key (AREF ,$seq (- ,$end 1)))))
827 (DO ((,$i (- ,$end 2) (THE FIXNUM (- ,$i 1))))
828 ((< ,$i ,$start) ,$accu)
830 (SETF ,$accu (FUNCALL* ,fun (FUNCALL* ,key (AREF ,$seq ,$i)) ,$accu)))))))) ))
832 (cond (initial-value?
833 `(LET* ((,$seq ,seq)
834 (,$start ,(or start 0))
835 (,$end ,(or end `(LENGTH ,$seq)))
836 (,$accu ,initial-value))
837 (DECLARE (TYPE FIXNUM ,$start ,$end))
838 (DO ((,$i ,$start (THE FIXNUM (+ ,$i 1))))
839 ((>= ,$i ,$end) ,$accu)
841 (SETF ,$accu (FUNCALL* ,fun ,$accu (FUNCALL* ,key (AREF ,$seq ,$i)))) )))
843 `(let* ((,$seq ,seq)
844 (,$start ,(or start 0))
845 (,$end ,(or end `(LENGTH ,$seq))))
846 (DECLARE (TYPE FIXNUM ,$start ,$end))
847 (COND ((= 0 (- ,$end ,$start))
848 (FUNCALL* ,fun))
850 (LET ((,$accu (FUNCALL* ,key (AREF ,$seq ,$start))))
851 (DO ((,$i (+ ,$start 1) (+ ,$i 1)))
852 ((>= ,$i ,$end) ,$accu)
854 (SETF ,$accu (FUNCALL* ,fun ,$accu (FUNCALL* ,key (AREF ,$seq ,$i)))))))))))))))
856 (defmacro lreduce* (fun seq &rest rest &key (key '#'identity) from-end start end
857 (initial-value nil initial-value?))
858 (cond ((or start end from-end)
859 `(reduce ,fun ,seq .,rest))
861 (cond (initial-value?
862 (let (($accu (make-symbol "accu"))
863 ($k (make-symbol "k")))
864 `(LET* ((,$accu ,initial-value))
865 (DOLIST (,$k ,seq ,$accu)
866 (SETF ,$accu (FUNCALL* ,fun ,$accu (FUNCALL* ,key ,$k)))))))
868 (let (($accu (make-symbol "accu"))
869 ($seq (make-symbol "seq"))
870 ($k (make-symbol "k")))
871 `(LET* ((,$seq ,seq))
872 (IF (NULL ,$seq)
873 (FUNCALL* ,fun)
874 (LET ((,$accu (FUNCALL* ,key (CAR ,$seq))))
875 (DOLIST (,$k (CDR ,$seq) ,$accu)
876 (SETF ,$accu (FUNCALL* ,fun ,$accu (FUNCALL* ,key ,$k)))))))) ))) ))
879 ;;; Wenn wir so weiter machen, koennen wir bald gleich unseren eigenen
880 ;;; Compiler schreiben ;-)
883 (defmacro lreduce* (fun seq &rest x &key key &allow-other-keys)
884 (let ((q (copy-list x)))
885 (remf q :key)
886 (cond (key
887 `(reduce ,fun (map 'vector ,key ,seq) .,q))
889 `(reduce ,fun ,seq .,q)))))
891 (defmacro vreduce* (fun seq &rest x &key key &allow-other-keys)
892 (let ((q (copy-list x)))
893 (remf q :key)
894 (cond (key
895 `(reduce ,fun (map 'vector ,key ,seq) .,q))
897 `(reduce ,fun ,seq .,q)))))
901 ;; Stolen from Eclipse (
903 (defmacro with-unique-names ((&rest names) &body body)
904 `(let (,@(mapcar (lambda (x) (list x `(gensym ',(concatenate 'string (symbol-name x) "-")))) names))
905 .,body))
908 (defun gstream-as-string (gstream &optional (buffer-size 4096))
909 (let ((buffer (g/make-string buffer-size :adjustable t)))
910 (do* ((i 0 j)
911 (j (g/read-char-sequence buffer gstream :start 0 :end buffer-size)
912 (g/read-char-sequence buffer gstream :start i :end (+ i buffer-size)) ))
913 ((= j i) (subseq buffer 0 j))
914 (adjust-array buffer (list (+ j buffer-size))) )))
916 ;;;; Generic hash tables
918 ;; TODO:
919 ;; - automatic size adjustment
920 ;; - sensible printer
921 ;; - make-load-form?!
923 (defstruct g/hash-table
924 hash-function ;hash function
925 compare-function ;predicate to test for equality
926 table ;simple vector of chains
927 size ;size of hash table
928 (nitems 0)) ;number of items
930 (defun g/make-hash-table (&key (size 100) (hash-function #'sxhash) (compare-function #'eql))
931 "Creates a generic hashtable;
932 `size' is the default size of the table.
933 `hash-function' (default #'sxhash) is a specific hash function
934 `compare-function' (default #'eql) is a predicate to test for equality."
935 (setf size (nearest-greater-prime size))
936 (make-g/hash-table :hash-function hash-function
937 :compare-function compare-function
938 :table (make-array size :initial-element nil)
939 :size size
940 :nitems 0))
942 (defun g/hashget (hashtable key &optional (default nil))
943 "Looks up the key `key' in the generic hash table `hashtable'.
944 Returns three values:
945 value - value, which as associated with the key, or `default' is no value
946 present.
947 successp - true, iff the key was found.
948 key - the original key in the hash table."
949 ;; -> value ; successp ; key
950 (let ((j (mod (funcall (g/hash-table-hash-function hashtable) key)
951 (g/hash-table-size hashtable))))
952 (let ((q (assoc key (aref (g/hash-table-table hashtable) j)
953 :test (g/hash-table-compare-function hashtable))))
954 (if q
955 (values (cdr q) t (car q))
956 (values default nil)))))
958 (defun (setf g/hashget) (new-value hashtable key &optional (default nil))
959 (declare (ignore default))
960 (let ((j (mod (funcall (g/hash-table-hash-function hashtable) key)
961 (g/hash-table-size hashtable))))
962 (let ((q (assoc key (aref (g/hash-table-table hashtable) j)
963 :test (g/hash-table-compare-function hashtable))))
964 (cond ((not (null q))
965 (setf (cdr q) new-value))
967 (push (cons key new-value)
968 (aref (g/hash-table-table hashtable) j))
969 (incf (g/hash-table-nitems hashtable))))))
970 new-value)
972 (defun resize-hash-table (hashtable new-size)
973 "Adjust the size of a generic hash table. (the size is round to the next greater prime number)."
974 (setf new-size (nearest-greater-prime new-size))
975 (let ((new-table (make-array new-size :initial-element nil)))
976 (dotimes (i (g/hash-table-size hashtable))
977 (dolist (k (aref (g/hash-table-table hashtable) i))
978 (push k (aref new-table
979 (mod (funcall (g/hash-table-hash-function hashtable) (car k))
980 new-size)))))
981 (setf (g/hash-table-table hashtable) new-table
982 (g/hash-table-size hashtable) new-size)
983 hashtable))
985 (defun g/clrhash (hashtable)
986 "Clears a generic hash table."
987 (dotimes (i (g/hash-table-size hashtable))
988 (setf (aref (g/hash-table-table hashtable) i) nil))
989 (setf (g/hash-table-nitems hashtable) nil)
990 hashtable)
992 ;; hash code utilities
994 (defconstant +fixnum-bits+
995 (1- (integer-length most-positive-fixnum))
996 "Pessimistic approximation of the number of bits of fixnums.")
998 (defconstant +fixnum-mask+
999 (1- (expt 2 +fixnum-bits+))
1000 "Pessimistic approximation of the largest bit-mask, still being a fixnum.")
1002 (defun stir-hash-codes (a b)
1003 "Stirs two hash codes together; always returns a fixnum.
1004 When applied sequenitally the first argument should be used as accumulator."
1005 ;; ich mach das mal wie Bruno
1006 (logand +fixnum-mask+
1007 (logxor (logior (logand +fixnum-mask+ (ash a 5))
1008 (logand +fixnum-mask+ (ash a (- 5 +fixnum-bits+))))
1009 b)))
1011 (defun hash-sequence (sequence hash-function &optional (accu 0))
1012 "Applies the hash function `hash-function' to each element of `sequence' and
1013 stirs the resulting hash codes together using STIR-HASH-CODE starting from
1014 `accu'."
1015 (map nil (lambda (item)
1016 (setf accu (stir-hash-codes accu (funcall hash-function item))))
1017 sequence)
1018 accu)
1020 ;; some specific hash functions
1022 (defun hash/string-equal (string)
1023 "Hash function compatible with STRING-EQUAL."
1024 (hash-sequence string (lambda (char)
1025 (sxhash (char-upcase char)))))
1027 ;; some specific hash tables
1029 (defun make-string-equal-hash-table (&rest options)
1030 "Constructs a new generic hash table using STRING-EQUAL as predicate."
1031 (apply #'g/make-hash-table
1032 :hash-function #'hash/string-equal
1033 :compare-function #'string-equal
1034 options))
1036 ;; prime numbers
1038 (defun primep (n)
1039 "Returns true, iff `n' is prime."
1040 (and (> n 2)
1041 (do ((i 2 (+ i 1)))
1042 ((> (* i i) n) t)
1043 (cond ((zerop (mod n i)) (return nil))))))
1045 (defun nearest-greater-prime (n)
1046 "Returns the smallest prime number no less than `n'."
1047 (cond ((primep n) n)
1048 ((nearest-greater-prime (+ n 1)))))
1053 (defun grind-documentation-string (string &optional (sink *standard-output*))
1054 ;; some people say:
1055 ;; (defun foo ()
1056 ;; "This function
1057 ;; frobinates its two arguments.")
1058 ;; some say:
1059 ;; (defun foo ()
1060 ;; "This function
1061 ;; frobinates its two arguments.")
1062 ;; instead.
1063 (let ((min-indention nil))
1064 ;; We sort this out by finding the minimum indent in all but the first line.
1065 (with-input-from-string (in string)
1066 (read-line in nil nil) ;ignore first line
1067 (do ((x (read-line in nil nil) (read-line in nil nil)))
1068 ((null x))
1069 (let ((p (position-if-not (curry #'char= #\space) x)))
1070 (when p
1071 (setf min-indention (min* min-indention p))))))
1072 (setf min-indention (or min-indention 0))
1073 ;; Now we could dump the string
1074 (with-input-from-string (in string)
1075 ;; first line goes unindented
1076 (let ((x (read-line in nil nil)))
1077 (when x
1078 (fresh-line sink)
1079 (write-string x sink)))
1080 (do ((x (read-line in nil nil) (read-line in nil nil)))
1081 ((null x))
1082 (terpri sink)
1083 (when (< min-indention (length x))
1084 (write-string x sink :start min-indention)))))
1085 (values))
1087 (defun ap (&rest strings)
1088 "A new apropos."
1089 (let ((res nil))
1090 (do-all-symbols (symbol)
1091 (unless (member symbol res)
1092 (when (every (lambda (string)
1093 (search string (symbol-name symbol)))
1094 strings)
1095 (push symbol res))))
1096 (dolist (k res)
1097 (print k)
1098 (when (fboundp k)
1099 (princ ", function"))
1100 (when (boundp k)
1101 (princ ", variable"))