Use CXML's rune implementation and XML parser.
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1 #! /bin/sh
2 lisp << EOF
3 (in-package :cl-user)
5 ;;(gc-off)
7 (setf *print-case* :upcase)
9 (setf *features* (delete :no-clx *features* :test #'eq))
11 (or
12 (ignore-errors (require :clx))
13 (ignore-errors (require :cmucl-clx)))
15 (unless (member :clx *features*)
16 (error "CLX was not loaded successfully."))
18 (ignore-errors (require :gray-streams))
20 (unless (find-class 'ext::fundamental-stream)
21 (error "The graystreams was not loaded successfully."))
23 ;; Switch off bullshit
24 (setf *TOP-LEVEL-AUTO-DECLARE* nil)
25 (setf *GC-VERBOSE* nil)
26 (setf *LOAD-VERBOSE* nil)
27 (setf *LOAD-PRINT* nil)
29 ;;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 ;;;; fixes
34 ;; SIGINTs are now delivered to the "main thread"
37 (in-package "MULTIPROCESSING")
39 (defvar *top-level-loop* nil)
41 (defun startup-idle-and-top-level-loops ()
42 "Enter the idle loop, starting a new process to run the top level loop.
43 The awaking of sleeping processes is timed better with the idle loop process
44 running, and starting a new process for the top level loop supports a
45 simultaneous interactive session. Such an initialisation will likely be the
46 default when there is better MP debug support etc."
47 (assert (eq *current-process* *initial-process*) ()
48 "Only the *initial-process* is intended to run the idle loop")
49 (init-multi-processing) ; Initialise in case MP had been shutdown.
50 ;; Start a new Top Level loop.
51 (setq *top-level-loop*
52 (make-process #'top-level :name "Top Level Loop") )
53 ;; start the listener
54 (ignore-errors (eval (read-from-string "(telnet::start :port 60666)")))
56 ;; Enter the idle loop.
57 (idle-process-loop))
59 (in-package "UNIX")
61 (defun my-sigint-handler (signal code scp)
62 (declare (ignore signal code)
63 (type system-area-pointer scp)
64 (optimize (inhibit-warnings 3)))
65 (if mp::*top-level-loop*
66 (let ((adr (with-alien ((scp (* sigcontext) scp))
67 (sap-int (vm:sigcontext-program-counter scp)))))
68 (mp:process-interrupt mp::*top-level-loop*
69 (lambda ()
70 (break "Interrupted at #x~x."
71 adr))))
72 (break "Interrupted at #x~x." adr)))
74 (setf ext:*after-save-initializations*
75 (append ext:*after-save-initializations*
76 (list (lambda ()
77 (enable-interrupt :sigint #'my-sigint-handler))
78 ;; mp::start-sigalrm-yield -- not reliable enough :-(
79 )))
81 (in-package "CL-USER")
84 ;;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
86 (load "closure.system")
88 (oos :clim :compile)
89 (oos :clim-clx :compile)
90 (oos :closure :compile)
92 (setf ext:*herald-items*
93 (list* :clim (list (format nil " Closure (loaded ~D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D)"
94 (nth-value 5 (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time)))
95 (nth-value 4 (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time)))
96 (nth-value 3 (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time)))))
97 ext:*herald-items*))
99 ;;;; Dump
101 ;; Enable the garbage collector. But first fake it into thinking that
102 ;; we don't need to garbage collect. The save-lisp is going to call
103 ;; purify so any garbage will be collected then.
104 (setf lisp::*need-to-collect-garbage* nil)
105 ;; (ext:gc-on)
107 ;; Save the lisp.
108 (setf lisp::*internal-real-time-base-seconds* nil)
109 (ext:save-lisp "lisp.core"
110 :init-function 'mp::startup-idle-and-top-level-loops)
111 (ext:quit)