LHTML serialization.
[closure-html.git] / src / parse / sgml-dtd.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: SGML; -*-
2 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ;;; Title: A very first approach to parse DTD's directly
4 ;;; Created: 1997-10-14
5 ;;; Author: Gilbert Baumann <gilbert@base-engineering.com>
6 ;;; License: MIT style (see below)
7 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 ;;; (c) copyright 1997-2001 by Gilbert Baumann
10 ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
11 ;;; a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
12 ;;; "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
13 ;;; without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
14 ;;; distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
15 ;;; permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
16 ;;; the following conditions:
17 ;;;
18 ;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
19 ;;; included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
20 ;;;
29 (in-package :SGML)
31 (defstruct element
32 name ;the name (a SYMBOL)
33 include ;set of included elements (a list)
34 exclude ;set of excluded elements (a list)
35 obegin? ;optional start tag? (boolean)
36 oend? ;optional end tag? (boolean)
37 attlist)
39 (defstruct (dtd (:print-function print-dtd))
40 name
41 elements ;EQ-hashtable mapping from SYMBOLs to ELEMENTs
42 entities ;a simple alist mapping from entity names to entity values
43 resolve-info ;a EQUAL-hashtable
44 elm-surclusion-cache
45 root-elements)
47 (defun print-dtd (self sink depth)
48 (declare (ignore depth))
49 (cond (*print-readably*
50 (princ "#S" sink)
51 (prin1 (list 'dtd
52 :name (dtd-name self)
53 :elements (dtd-elements self))
54 sink))
56 (format sink "#<~S ~S>" (type-of self) (dtd-name self)))))
58 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 ;;;; Lexical analysis
60 ;;;;
62 (defvar *entities*)
64 #||
65 (defun find-entity (name)
66 (cdr (assoc name *entities* :test #'string=)))
68 (defun add-entity (name value)
69 (setf *entities* (nconc *entities* (list (cons name value)))))
71 (defun new-entities ()
72 (setf *entities* nil))
73 ||#
75 (defun find-entity (name)
76 (gethash name *entities*))
78 (defun add-entity (name value)
79 (if (> (length value) 60)
80 (format T "~&;; % ~A <- '~A [...]' "
81 name (substitute #\space #\newline (subseq value 0 60)))
82 (format T "~&;; % ~A <- '~A' " name (substitute #\space #\newline value)))
83 (unless (gethash name *entities*)
84 (setf (gethash name *entities*) value)))
86 (defun new-entities ()
87 (setf *entities* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
89 (clex:deflexer dtd
90 ((alpha (or (range "a" "z") (range "A" "Z")))
91 (digit (range "0" "9"))
92 (white (or #\space #\newline #\tab #\page))
93 (name-start alpha)
94 (name-char (or alpha digit "." "-" "_"))
96 (string-char (or white (range #\space #\!) (range #\# #\&) (range #\( #\~)))
98 (name (and name-start (* name-char)))
99 (any (or white (range #\space #\~))) )
101 ;;slurp away white spaces
102 ((white))
103 ;; slurp away comments
104 ("--" (clex:begin 'comment))
105 ((clex::in comment "--") (clex:begin 'clex:initial))
106 ((clex::in comment any))
108 (("%" name ";")
109 ;;this is a defined entity
110 (let ((looked (find-entity (subseq clex:bag 1 (- (length clex:bag) 1)))))
111 (cond (looked
112 (clex:backup looked)
113 #+(OR)
114 (do ((i (- (length looked) 1) (- i 1)))
115 ((< i 0))
116 (clex:backup (char looked i))))
117 ((error "Entity ~A is not defined." clex:bag)) )))
118 (("%" name)
119 ;;this is a defined entity
120 (let ((looked (find-entity (subseq clex:bag 1))))
121 (cond (looked
122 (do ((i (- (length looked) 1) (- i 1)))
123 ((< i 0))
124 (clex:backup (char looked i))))
125 ((error "Entity ~A is not defined." clex:bag)) )))
127 ("<!"
128 (return :open))
129 (">"
130 (return :close))
131 ("[" (return #\[))
132 ("]" (return #\]))
133 ("ENTITY" (return :entity))
134 ("ATTLIST" (return :attlist))
135 ("ELEMENT" (return :element))
136 ("SYSTEM" (return :system))
137 ("PUBLIC" (return :public))
138 ("CDATA" (return :cdata))
139 ("IGNORE" (return :ignore))
140 ("INCLUDE" (return :include))
141 ("#REQUIRED" (return :required))
142 ("#IMPLIED" (return :implied))
143 ("#PCDATA" (return :pcdata))
144 ("#FIXED" (return :fixed))
145 (name (return (list :name clex:bag)))
147 ("+(" (clex:backup #\() (return :plus-prefix))
148 ("-(" (clex:backup #\() (return :minus-prefix))
150 ((+ digit)
151 (return (list :number (parse-integer clex:bag))))
153 ;;singetons
154 ((or "%()|+-*?,&")
155 (return (char clex:bag 0)))
157 ((and #\" (* (or string-char #\')) #\")
158 (return (list :string (subseq clex:bag 1 (- (length clex:bag) 1)))))
159 ((and #\' (* (or string-char #\")) #\')
160 (return (list :string (subseq clex:bag 1 (- (length clex:bag) 1))))) )
162 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 ;;;; Grammar
164 ;;;;
166 (defvar *dtd*)
168 (defmacro action (&rest body)
169 (let ((args (gensym)))
170 `#'(lambda (&rest ,args)
171 (declare (ignorable ,args))
172 (symbol-macrolet (($1 (nth 0 ,args))
173 ($2 (nth 1 ,args))
174 ($3 (nth 2 ,args))
175 ($4 (nth 3 ,args))
176 ($5 (nth 4 ,args))
177 ($6 (nth 5 ,args))
178 ($7 (nth 6 ,args)))
179 ,@body))) )
181 (lalr:define-grammar dtd-parser (:open :close :entity :attlist :element :name
182 #\% #\( #\) #\| #\+ #\- #\* #\? #\, #\&
183 :string
184 :plus-prefix :minus-prefix
185 :fixed
186 :required :implied :number :pcdata :cdata
187 :public :system :ignore :include #\[ #\])
188 (start --> <definitions> (action nil))
190 (<definitions> --> <one-def> :close <definitions> (action nil))
191 (<definitions> --> #'(lambda () nil))
193 (<one-def> --> definition (action (cond ((eq (car $1) 'def-my-entity)
194 (add-entity (second $1) (third $1)))
196 (case (car $1)
197 ((defelement defattlist) (princ #\.) (finish-output *standard-output*)))
198 (process-dtd-def *dtd* $1)))))
200 (<ignored-definitions> --> ignored-definition :close <ignored-definitions> (action nil))
201 (<ignored-definitions> --> (action nil))
203 (ignored-definition --> definition (action nil))
205 (definition --> :open (action nil))
206 (definition --> :open :ENTITY #\% :name :string (action (list 'DEF-MY-ENTITY $4 $5)))
207 (definition --> :open :ENTITY #\% :name <sgml-resource> (action (list 'DEF-MY-ENTITY $4 (sgml-resource-as-string $5))))
208 (definition --> :open :ENTITY :name <sgml-resource> (action (list 'DEF-ENTITY $3 (sgml-resource-as-string $4))))
209 (definition --> :open :ATTLIST production attliste (action (list 'DEFATTLIST $3 $4)))
210 (definition --> :open :ELEMENT production odef odef production maybe-pm (action (list 'DEFELEMENT $3 $4 $5 $6 $7)))
212 (definition --> :open #\[ :ignore #\[ <ignored-definitions> #\] #\]
213 #'(lambda (&rest i) i nil))
214 (definition --> :open #\[ :include #\[ <definitions> #\] #\]
215 #'(lambda (&rest i) i nil))
217 (attliste --> #'(lambda () nil))
218 (attliste --> att-def attliste #'cons)
220 (att-def --> ident production value #'list)
221 (att-def --> ident production :fixed value #'(lambda (n p i v) i (list n p v)))
223 (maybe-pm --> #'(lambda () nil))
224 (maybe-pm --> :plus-prefix production #'(lambda (i p) i (list '+ p)))
225 (maybe-pm --> :minus-prefix production #'(lambda (i p) i (list '- p)))
227 (odef --> #\- #'(lambda (i) i '-))
228 (odef --> ident #'identity)
229 (production --> p1 #'identity)
231 (p1 --> p2 #\| p1 #'(lambda (a b c) b (as-cons 'or a c)))
232 (p1 --> p2 #'identity)
233 (p2 --> p3 #\, p2 #'(lambda (a b c) b (as-cons 'and a c)))
234 (p2 --> p3 #\& p2 #'(lambda (a b c) b (as-cons 'amp a c)))
235 (p2 --> p3 #'identity)
236 (p3 --> p4 #\* #'(lambda (a b) b (list '* a)))
237 (p3 --> p4 #\+ #'(lambda (a b) b (list '+ a)))
238 (p3 --> p4 #\? #'(lambda (a b) b (list '? a)))
239 (p3 --> p4 #'identity)
240 (p4 --> #\( production #\) #'(lambda (a b c) a c b))
241 (p4 --> ident #'identity)
242 (p4 --> :pcdata #'identity)
243 (p4 --> :cdata #'identity)
244 (p4 --> :number #'(lambda (x) (princ-to-string x)))
246 (value --> :implied #'(lambda (a) a :implied))
247 (value --> :required #'(lambda (a) a :required))
248 (value --> ident #'identity)
249 (value --> :string #'identity)
250 (value --> :number #'identity)
252 (ident --> :name
253 #'(lambda (x) (intern (string-upcase x) :keyword)))
255 ( <sgml-resource> --> :cdata :string #'list)
256 ( <sgml-resource> --> :public :string #'list)
257 ( <sgml-resource> --> :public :string :string #'list)
260 (defun parse-dtd (res-name &optional (top-elment :html))
261 (let ((dtd (make-dtd :name res-name :elements (make-hash-table :test #'eq))))
262 (with-open-stream (input (apply #'open-sgml-resource res-name))
263 (let ((*dtd* dtd)
264 (*entities*)
265 (lexer (make-dtd-lexer input)))
266 (new-entities)
267 (labels ((next-input ()
268 (let ((x (funcall lexer)))
269 (cond ((eq x :eof) (values :eof :eof))
270 ((atom x) (values x x))
271 (t (values (first x) (second x))))))
272 (parse-error ()
273 ;;(untrack)
274 (error "Parse-Error! at pos = ~D" (ignore-errors (file-position input)))))
275 (dtd-parser #'next-input #'parse-error))))
276 (setf (gethash :pcdata (dtd-elements dtd))
277 (make-element :name :pcdata
278 :include nil
279 :exclude nil))
280 (calculate-resolve-info dtd top-elment)
281 dtd))
283 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
285 (defun as-cons (op x y)
286 (cond ((and (consp y) (eq (car y) op))
287 (list* op x (cdr y)))
288 ((list op x y))))
290 (defun find-element (dtd name &optional (intern? nil) (error? t))
291 (or (gethash name (dtd-elements dtd))
292 (and intern?
293 (let ((new (make-element :name name)))
294 (setf (gethash name (dtd-elements dtd)) new)
295 new))
296 (and error? (error "Element ~S is not defined." name))))
298 (defun find-element-attlist (dtd name)
299 (let ((x (find-element dtd name nil nil)))
300 (and x (element-attlist x))))
302 (defun canon-optional-tag-definition (x)
303 (cond ((eq x '-) nil)
304 ((eq x :O) t)
306 (error "Optionalilty definition must be either '-' or 'O' - ~S. " x))))
308 (defun production->name-list (prod)
309 (cond ((atom prod) (list prod))
310 ((eq (car prod) 'or)
311 (mapcan #'production->name-list (cdr prod)))
313 (error "Bogus production - ~S" prod))))
315 (defun production->name-list/2 (prod)
316 (cond ((atom prod) (list prod))
317 ((member (car prod) '(or and amp + * ?))
318 (mapcan #'production->name-list/2 (cdr prod)))
320 (error "Bogus production - ~S" prod))))
322 (defun process-def-element (dtd name odef cdef production additional)
323 (cond ((consp name)
324 (dolist (name (production->name-list name))
325 (process-def-element dtd name odef cdef production additional)))
326 ((let ((obegin? (canon-optional-tag-definition odef))
327 (oend? (canon-optional-tag-definition cdef))
328 (incl (subst :pcdata :cdata ;xxx hack here
329 (production->name-list/2 production)))
330 (excl nil))
331 (cond ((and (consp additional) (eq (car additional) '+))
332 (setf incl (union incl (production->name-list/2 (cadr additional)))))
333 ((and (consp additional) (eq (car additional) '-))
334 (setf excl (production->name-list/2 (cadr additional))))
335 ((null additional))
337 (error "Bogus extra inclusion/exclusion - ~S" additional)))
338 (let ((elm (find-element dtd name t)))
339 (setf (element-include elm) (if (equal incl '(:empty)) nil incl)
340 (element-exclude elm) excl
341 (element-obegin? elm) obegin?
342 (element-oend? elm) oend?))))))
344 (defun process-attribute (name type value)
345 (declare (ignore value))
346 (setq type (production->name-list type))
347 (cond ((and (= (length type) 1)
348 (member (car type) '(:cdata)))
349 (list (intern (symbol-name name) :keyword) 't))
350 ((and (= (length type) 1)
351 (member (car type) '(:number :name :id)))
352 (list name (car type)))
353 ((list (intern (symbol-name name) :keyword) type)) ))
355 (defun process-def-attlist (dtd name attlist)
356 (cond ((consp name)
357 (dolist (name (production->name-list name))
358 (process-def-attlist dtd name attlist)))
360 (setf (element-attlist (find-element dtd name t))
361 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
362 (process-attribute (first x) (second x) (third x)))
363 attlist)))))
365 (defun process-dtd-def (dtd def)
366 (cond ((null def))
367 ((eq (car def) 'def-entity)
368 (push (cons (second def)
369 (resolve-entities-in-string
370 (string-rod (third def))
371 (dtd-entities dtd)))
372 (dtd-entities dtd)))
373 ((eq (car def) 'defelement)
374 (process-def-element dtd
375 (second def) (third def) (fourth def) (fifth def) (sixth def)))
376 ((eq (car def) 'defattlist)
377 (process-def-attlist dtd (second def) (third def)))
379 (error "Bogus dtd-def-form ~S" def))))
381 ;;; Uhu! CDATA seems also to been a defined content element. E.g. upon
382 ;;; STYLE in the HTML-4.0 DTD.
385 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
386 ;;;; SGML resources (how is this called in reality?)
387 ;;;;
389 (defvar *simple-catalog* nil)
391 (defun open-sgml-resource (name-space &rest more)
392 (ecase name-space
393 (:system (apply #'open-system-resource more))
394 (:public (apply #'open-public-resource more))
395 (:cdata (apply #'make-string-input-stream more)) ))
397 (defun open-system-resource (filename)
398 (open filename :direction :input))
400 (defun open-public-resource (name &optional system-fallback)
401 (open-sgml-resource :system
402 (cdr (or (assoc name *simple-catalog* :test #'string-equal)
403 system-fallback
404 (error "I do not know where to fetch PUBLIC \"~A\"." name)))))
406 #+nil
407 (defun slurp-catalog (catalog-url)
408 ;; Really dirty implementation
409 (setf *simple-catalog* nil)
410 (multiple-value-bind (io header) (netlib::open-document-2 catalog-url)
411 (declare (ignore header))
412 (unwind-protect
413 (let ((str (html-glisp::gstream-as-string io)))
414 (with-input-from-string (input str)
415 (do ((x (read input nil nil) (read input nil nil)))
416 ((null x))
417 (assert (equal (symbol-name x) "PUBLIC"))
418 (let ((name (read input))
419 (file (read input)))
420 (assert (stringp name))
421 (assert (stringp file))
422 (push (cons name (url:merge-url (url:parse-url file) catalog-url))
423 *simple-catalog*)))))
424 (g/close io))))
426 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
428 #+(OR) ;seems to be buggy
429 (defun sgml-resource-as-string (name)
430 (with-open-stream (in (apply #'open-sgml-resource name))
431 (let ((buffer (g/make-string 32 :adjustable t)))
432 (do* ((i 0 j)
433 (j (html-glisp:read-char-sequence buffer in :start 0 :end 32)
434 (html-glisp:read-char-sequence buffer in :start i :end (+ i 4000)) ))
435 ((= j i) (subseq buffer 0 j))
436 (princ "%") (finish-output)
437 (adjust-array buffer (list (+ j 4000))) ))))
439 (defun sgml-resource-as-string (name)
440 (with-output-to-string (bag)
441 (with-open-stream (in (apply #'open-sgml-resource name))
442 (do ((x (read-char in nil nil) (read-char in nil nil)))
443 ((null x))
444 (write-char x bag)))))
448 ;;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
449 ;;;; Calculating the resolve information
450 ;;;;
452 ;;; Token data type
454 (defstruct token
457 (defstruct (tag (:include token))
458 name)
460 (defstruct (start-tag (:include tag) (:print-function print-start-tag))
461 atts)
463 (defstruct (end-tag (:include tag) (:print-function print-end-tag)))
465 (defstruct (comment-token (:include token))
466 data)
469 (defstruct (empty-tag
470 (:include tag)
471 (:print-function print-empty-tag))
472 atts)
475 (defun print-start-tag (self sink depth)
476 (declare (ignore depth))
477 (cond (*print-readably*
478 (format sink "#.~S" `(MAKE-START-TAG :NAME ,(tag-name self)
479 :ATTS ,(start-tag-atts self))))
481 (format sink "<~A>" (tag-name self)))))
483 (defun print-end-tag (self sink depth)
484 (declare (ignore depth))
485 (cond (*print-readably*
486 (format sink "#.~S" `(MAKE-END-TAG :NAME ,(tag-name self))))
488 (format sink "</~A>" (tag-name self)))))
490 ;;; Elements
492 (defun elm-stag (elm)
493 (make-start-tag :name elm))
495 (defun elm-etag (elm)
496 (make-end-tag :name elm))
498 (defun find-dtd-top-elements (dtd)
499 (or (dtd-root-elements dtd)
500 (setf (dtd-root-elements dtd)
501 (let ((includes nil)
502 (tags nil))
503 (maphash (lambda (key val)
504 (pushnew key tags)
505 (dolist (k (element-include val))
506 (pushnew k includes)))
507 (dtd-elements dtd))
508 (set-difference tags includes)))))
510 (defun elm-inclusion (dtd x)
511 (cond ((eql x :%top)
512 (find-dtd-top-elements dtd)) ;;'(:html))
514 (element-include (find-element dtd x)))))
516 (defun elm-oend? (dtd x)
517 (cond ((eql x :%top)
518 nil)
519 ((eql x :pcdata)
522 (element-oend? (find-element dtd x)))))
524 (defun elm-ostart? (dtd x)
525 (if (eql x :%top)
527 (element-obegin? (find-element dtd x))))
529 (defun all-elms (dtd)
530 (let ((r nil))
531 (maphash (lambda (n i)
532 (declare (ignore i))
533 (push n r))
534 (dtd-elements dtd))
537 (defun elm-surclusion (dtd e)
538 "For a given element 'e' calculate the surclusion, that is the set of all
539 elements, which may contain `e' as direct child."
540 (or (gethash e (dtd-elm-surclusion-cache dtd))
541 (setf (gethash e (dtd-elm-surclusion-cache dtd))
542 (cond ((eql e :html)
543 (list :%top))
545 (loop for k in (all-elms dtd)
546 when (member e (elm-inclusion dtd k))
547 collect k))) )))
549 (defun legal-in-p (dtd s x)
550 (cond ((start-tag-p x)
551 (member (tag-name x) (elm-inclusion dtd s)))
552 ((end-tag-p x)
553 (eq s (tag-name x))) ))
555 ;;; Actual calculation of resolve information
557 (defun raux (dtd s x yet)
558 (let ((res nil))
559 (cond ((member s yet)
560 nil)
561 ((legal-in-p dtd s x)
562 (list nil))
564 (let (q)
565 (dolist (a (elm-inclusion dtd s))
566 (when (and (elm-ostart? dtd a)
567 (setq q (raux dtd a x (cons s yet))))
568 (cond ((and (end-tag-p (car q))
569 (eql (tag-name (car q)) a))
570 '(warn "RAUX: s=~S x=~S yet=~S -> a=~S" s x yet a))
572 (pushnew (elm-stag a) res :key #'tag-name)))))
573 (when (elm-oend? dtd s)
574 (dolist (z (elm-surclusion dtd s))
575 (when (raux dtd z x (cons s yet))
576 (pushnew (elm-etag s) res :key #'tag-name))))
577 res)))))
579 (defun resolve-key (state token)
580 (cond ((start-tag-p token)
581 (list state :start (tag-name token)))
582 ((end-tag-p token)
583 (list state :end (tag-name token)))
585 (error "oops in resolve-key ~S ~S" state token))))
587 (defun calculate-resolve-info (dtd &optional (top-elment :html))
588 (setf (dtd-resolve-info dtd)
589 (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
590 (setf (dtd-elm-surclusion-cache dtd) (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
591 (let ()
592 (labels ((puta (a b r)
593 (cond ((null r) )
594 ((= (length r) 1)
595 (setf (gethash (resolve-key a b) (dtd-resolve-info dtd)) (car r)))
597 (warn "Ambiguous : ~S ~S." a b)))))
598 (dolist (a (cons ':%top (all-elms dtd)))
599 (princ "*") (finish-output)
600 (dolist (b (cons ':%top (all-elms dtd)))
601 (let ((bs (elm-stag b))
602 (be (elm-etag b)))
603 (unless (legal-in-p dtd a bs)
604 (puta a bs (raux dtd a bs nil)))
605 (unless (legal-in-p dtd a be)
606 (puta a be (raux dtd a be nil)))))))) )
608 (defun resolve (dtd state token)
609 (gethash (resolve-key state token) (dtd-resolve-info dtd)))
611 ;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
613 (defun set-equal (x y &rest options)
614 (null (apply #'set-exclusive-or x y options)))
616 (defun elms-eqv (dtd x y)
617 ;; zwei elms sind genau dann aequivalent, wenn inclusion und surclusion gleich sind.
618 (and (set-equal (elm-inclusion dtd x) (elm-inclusion dtd y))
619 (set-equal (elm-surclusion dtd x) (elm-surclusion dtd y))
620 (equal (elm-oend? dtd x) (elm-oend? dtd x))
621 (equal (elm-ostart? dtd x) (elm-ostart? dtd x))))
623 (defun eqv-classes (dtd)
624 (let ((classes nil))
625 (dolist (k (all-elms dtd))
626 (do ((q classes (cdr q)))
627 ((null q)
628 (push (list k) classes))
629 (when (elms-eqv dtd k (caar q))
630 (setf (car q) (cons k (car q)))
631 (return))))
632 classes))
634 ;;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
635 ;;;; Compiled DTDs
636 ;;;;
638 ;; Since parsing and 'compiling' DTDs is slow, I'll provide for a way
639 ;; to (un)dump compiled DTD to stream.
641 (defun dump-dtd (dtd sink)
642 (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
643 (*print-readably* t)
644 (*print-circle* t))
645 (princ "#." sink)
646 (prin1
647 `(MAKE-DTD :NAME ',(dtd-name dtd)
649 (SETF ,@(let ((q nil))
650 (maphash (lambda (key value)
651 (push `',value q)
652 (push `(GETHASH ',key R) q))
653 (dtd-elements dtd))
656 :ENTITIES ',(dtd-entities dtd)
658 (SETF ,@(let ((q nil))
659 (maphash (lambda (key value)
660 (push `',value q)
661 (push `(GETHASH ',key R) q))
662 (dtd-resolve-info dtd))
665 ;; XXX surclusion-cache fehlt
667 sink)))
669 ;;XXX
670 (defun save-html-dtd ()
671 (with-open-file (sink "html-dtd.lisp" :direction :output :if-exists :new-version)
672 (print `(in-package :sgml) sink)
673 (let ((*package* (find-package :sgml)))
674 (princ "(SETQ " sink)
675 (prin1 'cl-user::*html-dtd* sink)
676 (princ " '" sink)
677 (dump-dtd cl-user::*html-dtd* sink)
678 (princ ")" sink))))
680 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
681 ;;; dumping DTDs
684 (defun dump-dtd (dtd filename)
685 (let ((*foo* dtd))
686 (declare (special *foo*))
687 (with-open-file (sink (merge-pathnames filename "*.lisp")
688 :direction :output
689 :if-exists :new-version)
690 (format sink "(in-package :sgml)(locally (declare (special *foo*))(setq *foo* '#.*foo*))"))
691 (compile-file (merge-pathnames filename "*.lisp"))))
693 (defun undump-dtd (filename)
694 (let (*foo*)
695 (declare (special *foo*))
696 (load (compile-file-pathname (merge-pathnames filename "*.lisp"))
697 :verbose nil
698 :print nil)
699 *foo*))
701 (defmethod make-load-form ((self dtd) &optional env)
702 (declare (ignore env))
703 `(make-dtd :name ',(dtd-name self)
704 :elements ',(dtd-elements self)
705 :entities ',(dtd-entities self)
706 :resolve-info ',(dtd-resolve-info self)
707 :elm-surclusion-cache ',(dtd-elm-surclusion-cache self)
708 :root-elements ',(dtd-root-elements self)))
710 (defmethod make-load-form ((self element) &optional env)
711 (declare (ignore env))
712 `(make-element
713 :name ',(element-name self)
714 :include ',(element-include self)
715 :exclude ',(element-exclude self)
716 :obegin? ',(element-obegin? self)
717 :oend? ',(element-oend? self)
718 :attlist ',(element-attlist self)))
720 (defmethod make-load-form ((self tag) &optional env)
721 (declare (ignore env))
722 `(make-tag :name ',(tag-name self)))
724 (defmethod make-load-form ((self start-tag) &optional env)
725 (declare (ignore env))
726 `(make-start-tag :name ',(tag-name self)
727 :atts ',(start-tag-atts self)))
729 (defmethod make-load-form ((self end-tag) &optional env)
730 (declare (ignore env))
731 `(make-end-tag :name ',(tag-name self)))
733 (defmethod make-load-form ((self comment-token) &optional env)
734 (declare (ignore env))
735 `(make-comment-token :data ',(comment-token-data self)))
737 ;;;;
739 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((self dtd))
740 (declare (ignore env))
741 `(make-dtd :name ,(my-make-load-form (dtd-name self))
742 :elements ,(my-make-load-form (dtd-elements self))
743 :entities ,(my-make-load-form (dtd-entities self))
744 :resolve-info ,(my-make-load-form (dtd-resolve-info self))
745 :elm-surclusion-cache ,(my-make-load-form (dtd-elm-surclusion-cache self))
746 :root-elements ,(my-make-load-form (dtd-root-elements self))))
748 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((self element))
749 (declare (ignore env))
750 `(make-element
751 :name ,(my-make-load-form (element-name self))
752 :include ,(my-make-load-form (element-include self))
753 :exclude ,(my-make-load-form (element-exclude self))
754 :obegin? ,(my-make-load-form (element-obegin? self))
755 :oend? ,(my-make-load-form (element-oend? self))
756 :attlist ,(my-make-load-form (element-attlist self))))
758 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((self tag))
759 (declare (ignore env))
760 `(make-tag :name ,(my-make-load-form (tag-name self))))
762 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((self start-tag))
763 (declare (ignore env))
764 `(make-start-tag :name ,(my-make-load-form (tag-name self))
765 :atts ,(my-make-load-form (start-tag-atts self))))
767 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((self end-tag))
768 (declare (ignore env))
769 `(make-end-tag :name ,(my-make-load-form (tag-name self))))
771 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((self comment-token))
772 (declare (ignore env))
773 `(make-comment-token :data ,(my-make-load-form (comment-token-data self))))
775 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((object cons))
776 (let ((yet nil))
777 (do ((q object (cdr q)))
778 ((atom q)
779 (if (null q)
780 `(list ,@(reverse yet))
781 `(list* ,@(reverse yet) ,(my-make-load-form q))))
782 (push (my-make-load-form (car q)) yet))))
784 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((object string))
785 object)
787 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((object vector))
788 `(make-array ,(length object)
789 :element-type ',(array-element-type object)
790 :initial-contents ,(my-make-load-form (coerce object 'list))))
792 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((object symbol))
793 (cond ((keywordp object) object)
794 ((eq object nil) nil)
795 (t `',object)))
797 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((object number))
798 object)
800 (defmethod my-make-load-form ((object hash-table))
801 `(let ((res (make-hash-table :test ',(hash-table-test object))))
802 ,@(let ((todo nil))
803 (maphash (lambda (key value)
804 (push `(gethash ,(my-make-load-form key) res) todo)
805 (push (my-make-load-form value) todo))
806 object)
807 todo)
808 res))
810 (defun dump-dtd (dtd filename)
811 (with-open-file (sink filename
812 :direction :output
813 :if-exists :new-version)
814 (with-standard-io-syntax
815 (let ((*package* (find-package :cl)))
816 (print (my-make-load-form dtd) sink))))
817 (values))
821 ;; ACL specific
823 (defun dump-dtd (dtd filename)
824 (with-open-file (sink filename
825 :direction :output
826 :if-exists :new-version
827 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
828 (with-standard-io-syntax
829 (let ((*package* (find-package :cl)))
830 (excl:fasl-write dtd sink))))
831 (values))
833 (defun undump-dtd (filename)
834 (first (excl:fasl-read (open filename :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))))