Fix use of asdf:component-relative-pathname to avoid unportable :unspecific
[closure-html.git] / doc / index.xsl
1 <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
2 <xsl:output method="html"
3 indent="yes"
4 doctype-public="-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
5 doctype-system=""/>
7 <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
8 <xsl:copy>
9 <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
10 </xsl:copy>
11 </xsl:template>
13 <xsl:template match="/">
14 <html>
15 <head>
16 <title>
17 <xsl:value-of select="/page/@title"/>
18 </title>
19 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index.css"/>
20 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
21 </head>
22 <body>
23 <xsl:call-template name="sidebar"/>
24 <xsl:call-template name="header"/>
25 <xsl:apply-templates/>
26 </body>
27 </html>
28 </xsl:template>
30 <xsl:template match="page">
31 <div id="homepage" class="main">
32 <xsl:apply-templates/>
33 </div>
34 </xsl:template>
36 <xsl:template match="blau">
37 <span style="color: black">
38 <xsl:apply-templates/>
39 </span>
40 </xsl:template>
42 <xsl:template match="raute">
43 <span style="font-size: 12pt">&#x2b17;</span>
44 </xsl:template>
46 <xsl:template match="example-box">
47 &#160; <!-- sonst zu breit -->
48 <div style="background-color: #ffffff;
49 float: right;
50 width: 30%;
51 text-align: right;
52 margin-right: 2em">
53 <div style="border-bottom: 1px solid #9c0000;
54 font-weight: bold;
55 padding-right: 1em;
56 padding-bottom: 5px">
57 In this example
58 </div>
59 <div style="border-right: 2px solid #9c0000;
60 background-color: #f7f7f7;
61 padding-top: 5px;
62 padding-right: 1em;
63 padding-bottom: 1em">
64 <xsl:for-each select="fun|macro">
65 <a href="atdoc/pages/closure-html__{local-name()}__{string()}.html">
66 <span style="color: #777777">chtml:</span>
67 <xsl:apply-templates/>
68 </a>
69 <br/>
70 </xsl:for-each>
71 <xsl:for-each select="a">
72 <xsl:apply-templates select="."/>
73 <br/>
74 </xsl:for-each>
75 </div>
76 </div>
77 </xsl:template>
79 <xsl:template match="example">
80 <pre class="example">
81 <xsl:text>* </xsl:text>
82 <xsl:apply-templates/>
83 </pre>
84 </xsl:template>
86 <xsl:template match="result">
87 <pre class="result">
88 <xsl:text>=> </xsl:text>
89 <xsl:apply-templates/>
90 </pre>
91 </xsl:template>
93 <xsl:template match="toc">
94 <ul>
95 <xsl:for-each select="//section">
96 <li>
97 <a href="#{generate-id()}">
98 <xsl:apply-templates/>
99 </a>
100 </li>
101 </xsl:for-each>
102 </ul>
103 </xsl:template>
105 <xsl:template match="section">
106 <h3>
107 <xsl:apply-templates/>
108 <a name="{generate-id()}"/>
109 </h3>
110 </xsl:template>
112 <xsl:template name="header">
113 <div id="header">
114 <div style="margin-left: 30px">
116 <span style="color: #9c0000">
117 <xsl:value-of select="/page/@title"/>
118 </span>
119 </b>
120 </div>
121 </div>
122 </xsl:template>
124 <xsl:template name="sidebar">
125 <div class="sidebar">
126 <xsl:if test="/page/@clear-sidebar">
127 <xsl:attribute name="style">
128 clear: <xsl:value-of select="/page/@clear-sidebar"/>;
129 </xsl:attribute>
130 </xsl:if>
131 <div class="sidebar-title">
132 <a href="index.html">Closure HTML</a>
133 </div>
134 <div class="sidebar-main">
135 <ul class="main">
136 <li>
137 <a href="installation.html">Installing Closure HTML</a>
138 <ul class="sub">
139 <li><a href="installation.html#download">Download</a></li>
140 <li><a href="installation.html#compilation">Installation</a></li>
141 </ul>
142 </li>
143 <li>
144 <a href="examples.html">Examples</a>
145 <br/>&#160;
146 </li>
147 <li>
148 <a href="atdoc/index.html">API documentation</a>
149 </li>
150 </ul>
151 </div>
152 </div>
153 </xsl:template>
154 </xsl:stylesheet>