imported sources
[closure-html.git] / src / gui / clim-gui.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-USER; -*-
2 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ;;; Title: CLIM GUI
4 ;;; Created: 2002-07-22
5 ;;; Author: Gilbert Baumann <>
6 ;;; License: GPL (See file COPYING for details).
7 ;;; $Id: clim-gui.lisp,v 2002-07-22 02:27:22 gilbert Exp $
8 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 ;;; (c) copyright 2002 by Gilbert Baumann
11 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
14 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
15 ;;;
16 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
20 ;;;
21 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
23 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
25 ;; $Log: clim-gui.lisp,v $
26 ;; Revision 2002-07-22 02:27:22 gilbert
27 ;; imported sources
30 (in-package :CLIM-USER)
31 (use-package :clim)
33 ;;;;;;;
35 (defvar *medium*)
37 (defclass closure-pane (sheet-multiple-child-mixin
38 application-pane)
39 ())
41 (define-application-frame closure ()
43 (:panes
44 (canvas (make-pane 'closure-pane
45 :height 2000
46 :width 800
47 :display-time nil))
48 (aux :application
49 :height 300
50 :width 300
51 :min-width 100
52 :min-height 100
53 :max-width 300
54 :max-height 20000
55 :display-function 'aux-display
56 :display-time :command-loop)
57 (status :pointer-documentation
58 :text-style (make-text-style :sans-serif :roman :normal)
59 :scroll-bar nil
60 :height 20
61 :width 200
62 :background +black+
63 :foreground +white+)
64 (interactor :interactor :height 200 :min-height 50 :max-height 200)
65 (back (make-pane 'push-button :label "Back"))
66 (forward (make-pane 'push-button :label "Forward"))
67 (stop (make-pane 'push-button :label "Stop"))
68 (url-entry (make-pane 'text-field
69 :value ""
70 :max-width +fill+
71 :background +white+))
72 (wholine
73 :pointer-documentation :width 5 :max-width +fill+ :height 20
74 :foreground +white+
75 :background +black+)
76 (menu-bar (climi::make-menu-bar 'menubar-command-table :height 25)))
77 (:layouts
78 (default
79 (vertically ()
80 menu-bar
81 (horizontally ()
82 (vertically ()
83 (climi::scrolling (:width 830 :height 600 :min-height 400 :max-height 20000)
84 canvas)
85 (vertically ()
86 interactor))
87 #+NIL
88 (labelling (:label "Auxillary Pane")
89 aux))
90 (horizontally ()
91 wholine
93 (200 status))))
94 (hidden-listener
95 (vertically ()
96 menu-bar
97 (horizontally ()
98 (vertically ()
99 (climi::scrolling (:width 830 :height 600 :min-height 400 :max-height 20000)
100 canvas)) )
101 (horizontally ()
102 wholine
104 (200 status)))))
105 ;;(:top-level (closure-frame-top-level . nil))
108 (make-command-table 'menubar-command-table
109 :errorp nil
110 :menu '(("File" :menu file-command-table)
111 ("Go" :menu go-command-table)
112 ("Bookmarks" :menu bookmarks-command-table)
113 ("View" :menu view-command-table)
114 ("Appearance" :menu appearance-command-table)
117 (make-command-table 'appearance-command-table :errorp nil
118 :menu '(("Show Listener" :command com-show-listener)
119 ("Hide Listener" :command com-hide-listener)))
121 (define-closure-command com-show-listener ()
122 (setf (sheet-enabled-p (sheet-parent (find-pane-named *application-frame* 'interactor))) t))
124 (define-closure-command com-hide-listener ()
125 (setf (sheet-enabled-p (sheet-parent (find-pane-named *application-frame* 'interactor))) nil))
127 (make-command-table 'file-command-table
128 :errorp nil
129 :menu '(("Quit" :command com-quit)))
131 (make-command-table 'go-command-table
132 :errorp nil
133 :menu '(("Back" :command com-back)
134 ("Forward" :command com-forward)
135 ("Home" :command com-home)))
137 (make-command-table 'view-command-table
138 :errorp nil
139 :menu '(("Zoom" :menu zoom-command-table)))
141 (make-command-table 'zoom-command-table
142 :errorp nil
143 :menu '(("Zoom In" :command com-zoom-in)
144 ("Zoom Out" :command com-zoom-out)
145 ("Zoom 100%" :command com-zoom-100%)))
147 (make-command-table 'bookmarks-command-table
148 :errorp nil
149 :menu '(("Add" :command com-add-bookmark)
150 ;;("Forward" :command com-forward)
154 (defparameter *shopping-list* nil)
158 (define-closure-command com-hide-aux-pane ()
159 (setf (sheet-enabled-p (sheet-parent(find-pane-named *application-frame* 'aux))) nil))
160 (define-closure-command com-show-aux-pane ()
161 (setf (sheet-enabled-p (sheet-parent(find-pane-named *application-frame* 'aux))) t))
163 (define-closure-command com-add-to-shopping-list ((url 'url))
164 (setf *shopping-list* (append *shopping-list* (list url)))
165 #+NIL
166 (setf (pane-needs-redisplay (sheet-parent (find-pane-named *application-frame*
167 'aux)))
170 (defun aux-display (frame pane)
171 (dolist (k *shopping-list*)
172 (present k 'url)
173 (terpri)))
175 (define-closure-command nop ()
178 (defmethod closure-frame-top-level ((frame application-frame)
179 &key (command-parser 'command-line-command-parser)
180 (command-unparser 'command-line-command-unparser)
181 (partial-command-parser
182 'command-line-read-remaining-arguments-for-partial-command)
183 (prompt "Command: "))
184 (declare (ignore command-parser command-unparser partial-command-parser prompt))
185 (clim-extensions:simple-event-loop))
187 (define-closure-command com-foo ()
188 (let ((*standard-output* *trace-output*))
189 (let #+CMU
190 ((*standard-output* sys:*tty*)
191 (*standard-input* sys:*tty*)
192 (*debug-io* sys:*tty*)
193 (*error-output* sys:*tty*)
194 (*trace-output* sys:*tty*))
195 #-CMU
197 (foo)
200 (define-presentation-type url ())
201 (define-presentation-type r2::pt ())
202 (define-presentation-type r2::hyper-link ())
204 (define-closure-command com-visit-url ((url 'url :gesture :select))
205 (let ((*standard-output* *query-io*)) ;;(find-pane-named *frame* 'interactor)))
206 (with-text-style (*standard-output* (make-text-style :sans-serif :roman :normal))
207 (format t "~%You are visiting "))
208 (present url 'url)
209 (with-text-style (*standard-output* (make-text-style :sans-serif :roman :normal))
210 (format t ".~%")))
211 (let ((*standard-output* *trace-output*))
212 (foo url)))
214 (defun make-google-search-url (string)
215 (url:unparse-url
216 (url:merge-url
217 (url:make-url :query (list
218 (cons "hl" "en")
219 (cons "ie" "ISO-8859-1")
220 (cons "q" string)))
221 (url:parse-url ""))))
223 (define-closure-command com-reverse-lookup ((url 'url))
224 (let ((*standard-output* *trace-output*))
225 (com-visit-url
226 (make-google-search-url (format nil "link:~A" url)))))
228 (define-closure-command com-search-google ((what 'string))
229 (com-visit-url (make-google-search-url what)))
232 (define-closure-command com-visit-string ((url 'string :gesture :select))
233 (let ((*standard-output* *trace-output*))
234 (foo url)))
236 (define-closure-command com-visit-hyper-link ((url 'r2::hyper-link :gesture :select))
237 (let ((*standard-output* *trace-output*))
238 (foo (r2::hyper-link-url url))))
240 (define-closure-command com-describe-pt ((pt 'r2::pt :gesture :describe))
241 (print pt))
243 (define-closure-command com-quit ()
244 (unix:unix-exit 0))
246 (defvar *frame*)
247 (defvar *pane*)
249 (defun foo-init ()
250 (setf CLUE-GUI2::*PIXMAP-CACHE* nil)
251 (setf CLUE-GUI2::*PIXMAP-CACHE* nil)
252 (setf CLUE-GUI2::*DCACHE* nil)
253 (setf climi::*3d-dark-color* (make-gray-color .45))
254 (setf climi::*3d-normal-color* (make-gray-color .75))
255 (setf climi::*3d-light-color* (make-gray-color .92))
256 (setf climi::*3d-inner-color* (make-gray-color .65))
257 (setf clim-clx::*clx-text-sizes*
258 '(:normal 12
259 :tiny 8
260 :very-small 10
261 :small 10
262 :large 14
263 :very-large 18
264 :huge 24))
265 (gui::init-closure)
266 ;;;+XXX
267 (loop for port in climi::*all-ports*
268 do (destroy-port port))
269 (setq climi::*all-ports* nil)
270 ;;;-XXX
271 (setf *frame* (make-application-frame 'closure))
272 (setf *pane* (find-pane-named *frame* 'canvas))
273 (funcall;;progn ;;clim-sys:make-process
274 (lambda ()
275 (run-frame-top-level *frame*))))
277 (defun write-status (string)
278 (window-clear (find-pane-named *frame* 'status))
279 (write-string string (find-pane-named *frame* 'status)))
282 (defun foo (&optional (url "file:/home/gilbert/work/closure/simple.html")) ;;http://127.1/~gilbert/tests/"))
284 (clim-sys:make-process
285 (lambda ()
286 (window-clear *pane*)
287 (setf (gadget-value (find-pane-named *frame* 'url-entry)) url)
288 (progn;;with-sheet-medium (medium *pane*)
289 (let ((*medium* *pane*))
290 (let ((device (make-instance 'closure/clim-device::clim-device :medium *medium*)))
291 (baz device url))))
292 (xlib:display-finish-output (clim-clx::clx-port-display (find-port))))))
294 (defvar *current-document*)
296 (defun baz (device url)
297 (setq url (r2::parse-url* url))
298 (let ((request (clue-gui2::make-request :url url :method :get)))
299 (multiple-value-bind (io header) (clue-gui2::open-document-4 request)
300 (write-status "Fetching Document ...")
301 (let* ((doc (make-instance 'r2::document
302 :processes-hooks nil
303 :location
304 (r2::parse-url* url)
305 :http-header header
306 :pt (clue-gui2::make-pt-from-input
308 (netlib::get-header-field header :content-type) url) )))
309 (write-status "Rendering ...")
310 (setf *current-document* doc)
311 (time
312 (multiple-value-bind (x1 y1 x2 y2)
313 (r2::render-pt
314 device
316 (r2::document-pt doc)
317 700 ;xxx width
318 t ;?
320 (clim:change-space-requirements *pane* :width x2 :height y2)))
321 (write-status "Done.")
322 '(describe doc)))))
324 (defun parse-x11-color (string &aux sym)
325 (cond ((and (= (length string) 4) (char= (char string 0) #\#))
326 (make-rgb-color
327 (/ (parse-integer string :start 1 :end 2 :radix 16) #xF)
328 (/ (parse-integer string :start 2 :end 3 :radix 16) #xF)
329 (/ (parse-integer string :start 3 :end 4 :radix 16) #xF)))
330 ((and (= (length string) 7) (char= (char string 0) #\#))
331 (make-rgb-color
332 (/ (parse-integer string :start 1 :end 3 :radix 16) #xFF)
333 (/ (parse-integer string :start 3 :end 5 :radix 16) #xFF)
334 (/ (parse-integer string :start 5 :end 7 :radix 16) #xFF)))
335 ((and (= (length string) 13) (char= (char string 0) #\#))
336 (make-rgb-color
337 (/ (parse-integer string :start 1 :end 5 :radix 16) #xFFFF)
338 (/ (parse-integer string :start 5 :end 9 :radix 16) #xFFFF)
339 (/ (parse-integer string :start 9 :end 13 :radix 16) #xFFFF)))
340 ((and (setf sym (find-symbol (concatenate 'string "+" (string-upcase string) "+")
341 (find-package :clim)))
342 (boundp sym)
343 (clim:colorp (symbol-value sym)))
344 (symbol-value sym))
346 (warn "~S: foo color: ~S." 'parse-x11-color string)
347 +red+)))
349 ;;;;;
351 (defun invoke-for-all-links (cont &optional (doc *current-document*)
352 &aux url)
353 (sgml:map-pt (lambda (pt)
354 (cond ((and (eq (sgml:gi pt) :A)
355 (setf url (r2::pt-effective-url-attr doc pt :href)))
356 (funcall cont url))))
357 (r2::document-pt doc)))
359 (defmacro over-all-links ((var) &body body)
360 `(invoke-for-all-links (lambda (,var) .,body)))
362 (define-closure-command com-fetch-files-matching ((pattern 'string))
363 (over-all-links (url)
364 (when (equal (url:url-extension url) pattern)
365 (print url))))
367 (define-closure-command com-search-clx-manual ((query 'string))
368 (com-visit-url
369 (url:unparse-url
370 (url:merge-url
371 (url:make-url :query (list
372 (cons "q" query)))
373 (url:parse-url "http://127.1/clxman/doc-index.cgi")))))
375 (define-closure-command com-search-java-doc ((query 'string))
376 (com-visit-url
377 (url:unparse-url
378 (url:merge-url
379 (url:make-url :query (list
380 (cons "q" query)))
381 (url:parse-url "http://127.1/~delly/javadoc/")))))
383 (define-closure-command com-bar ()
384 (clim-sys:make-process
385 (lambda ()
386 (run-frame-top-level (make-application-frame 'shopping-list)))))
388 ;;;;
390 (define-application-frame shopping-list ()
392 (:panes
393 (shoping-list :application
394 :width 400
395 :height 600))
396 (:layouts
397 (:default
398 shoping-list))
399 (:top-level
400 (shopping-list-top-level)))
402 (defmethod shopping-list-top-level ((frame application-frame) &key)
403 (let ((*standard-input* (frame-standard-input frame))
404 (*standard-output* (frame-standard-output frame))
405 (*query-io* (frame-query-io frame)))
406 (catch 'exit
407 (clim-extensions:simple-event-loop))
408 (frame-exit frame)))
410 ;;;;;;;;
412 (defmethod clim:sheet-native-transformation ((sheet null)) clim:+identity-transformation+)
413 (defmethod clim:medium-sheet ((sheet sheet)) sheet)
416 ;;;;;;;;
418 ;; Now finally it would be good, if we had something like
419 ;; SPACE-REQUIREMENT-BASELINE, so that we can align these gadgets at
420 ;; the baseline. This however is not really sufficient, since the
421 ;; baseline of a gadget depends on its assigned size.
423 (defmethod draw-gadget (sheet gadget x y)
424 (let ((sq (compose-space gadget)))
425 (allocate-space gadget
426 (space-requirement-width sq)
427 (space-requirement-height sq))
428 (move-sheet gadget x y)
429 (sheet-adopt-child sheet gadget)))
431 (define-closure-command bar ()
432 ;; (window-clear *pane*)
433 ;; (with-output-as-gadget *pane*
434 (let ((gadget
435 (make-pane-1 (frame-manager *application-frame*)
436 *application-frame*
437 'push-button :label "Click me")))
438 (draw-gadget *pane* gadget 100 200)))
441 (define-presentation-translator url-from-string
442 (string url closure)
444 (url:parse-url x))
446 (define-presentation-method accept ((type url)
447 stream
448 (view (eql +textual-view+))
449 &key default default-type)
450 (url:parse-url (accept 'string :stream stream :prompt nil)))
453 (define-closure-command com-search-google ((what 'string))
454 (com-visit-url
455 (url:merge-url
456 (url:make-url :query `(("hl" . "en")
457 ("ie" . "ISO-8859-1")
458 ("q" . ,string)))
459 (url:parse-url ""))))
462 (define-closure-command com-init-test ()
463 (setf *test-urls*
464 (mapcar (lambda (x)
465 (url:merge-url
466 (url:parse-url x)
467 (url:parse-url "")))
468 '("test11.htm"
469 "test12.htm"
470 "test13.htm"
471 "test14.htm"
472 "test15.htm"
473 "test16.htm"
474 "test17.htm"
475 "test21.htm"
476 "test23.htm"
477 "test24.htm"
478 "test25.htm"
479 "test26.htm"
480 "test31.htm"
481 "test32.htm"
482 "test411.htm"
483 "test412.htm"
484 "test414.htm"
485 "test42.htm"
486 "test43.htm"
487 "test44.htm"
488 "test45.htm"
489 "test522.htm"
490 "test523.htm"
491 "test524.htm"
492 "test525.htm"
493 "test526.htm"
494 "test527.htm"
495 "test531.htm"
496 "test532.htm"
497 "test533.htm"
498 "test534.htm"
499 "test535.htm"
500 "test536.htm"
501 "test537.htm"
502 "test541.htm"
503 "test542.htm"
504 "test543.htm"
505 "test544.htm"
506 "test545.htm"
507 "test546.htm"
508 "test547.htm"
509 "test548.htm"
510 "test5501.htm"
511 "test5501b.htm"
512 "test5502.htm"
513 "test5502b.htm"
514 "test5503.htm"
515 "test5503b.htm"
516 "test5504.htm"
517 "test5504b.htm"
518 "test5505.htm"
519 "test5505b.htm"
520 "test5506.htm"
521 "test5506b.htm"
522 "test5507.htm"
523 "test5507b.htm"
524 "test5508.htm"
525 "test5508b.htm"
526 "test5509.htm"
527 "test5509b.htm"
528 "test5510.htm"
529 "test5510b.htm"
530 "test5511.htm"
531 "test5511b.htm"
532 "test5512.htm"
533 "test5512b.htm"
534 "test5513.htm"
535 "test5513b.htm"
536 "test5514.htm"
537 "test5514b.htm"
538 "test5515.htm"
539 "test5515b.htm"
540 "test5516.htm"
541 "test5516b.htm"
542 "test5517.htm"
543 "test5517b.htm"
544 "test5518.htm"
545 "test5518b.htm"
546 "test5519.htm"
547 "test5519b.htm"
548 "test5520.htm"
549 "test5520b.htm"
550 "test5521.htm"
551 "test5521b.htm"
552 "test5522.htm"
553 "test5522b.htm"
554 "test5523.htm"
555 "test5524.htm"
556 "test5525.htm"
557 "test5525b.htm"
558 "test5525c.htm"
559 "test5525d.htm"
560 "test5526.htm"
561 "test5526b.htm"
562 "test5526c.htm"
563 "test561.htm"
564 "test562.htm"
565 "test563.htm"
566 "test564.htm"
567 "test565.htm"
568 "test566.htm"
569 "test61.htm"
570 "test62.htm"
571 "test63.htm"
572 "test64.htm"
573 "test71.htm"))))
575 (define-closure-command com-next-test ()
576 (com-visit-url (pop *test-urls*)))