src/clfswm-placement.lisp: Each child can have its own border size. New binding to...
[clfswm.git] / src / clfswm-util.lisp
1 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
3 ;;;
4 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 ;;; Documentation: Utility
6 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 ;;;
8 ;;; (C) 2011 Philippe Brochard <>
9 ;;;
10 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;;;
15 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;;;
20 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 ;;;
24 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 (in-package :clfswm)
29 ;;; Configuration file
30 (defun xdg-config-home ()
31 (aif (getenv "XDG_CONFIG_HOME")
32 (pathname-directory (concatenate 'string it "/"))
33 (append (pathname-directory (user-homedir-pathname)) '(".config"))))
36 (let ((saved-conf-name nil))
37 (defun conf-file-name (&optional alternate-name)
38 (unless (and saved-conf-name (not alternate-name))
39 (let* ((user-conf (probe-file (merge-pathnames (user-homedir-pathname) #p".clfswmrc")))
40 (etc-conf (probe-file #p"/etc/clfswmrc"))
41 (config-user-conf (probe-file (make-pathname :directory (append (xdg-config-home) '("clfswm"))
42 :name "clfswmrc")))
43 (alternate-conf (and alternate-name (probe-file alternate-name))))
44 (setf saved-conf-name (or alternate-conf config-user-conf user-conf etc-conf))))
45 (print saved-conf-name)
46 saved-conf-name))
51 (defun load-contrib (file)
52 "Load a file in the contrib directory"
53 (let ((truename (merge-pathnames file *contrib-dir*)))
54 (format t "Loading contribution file: ~A~%" truename)
55 (when (probe-file truename)
56 (load truename :verbose nil))))
59 (defun reload-clfswm ()
60 "Reload clfswm"
61 (format t "~&-*- Reloading CLFSWM -*-~%")
62 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op :clfswm)
63 (reset-clfswm))
67 (defun query-yes-or-no (formatter &rest args)
68 (let ((rep (query-string (apply #'format nil formatter args) "" '("yes" "no"))))
69 (or (string= rep "")
70 (char= (char rep 0) #\y)
71 (char= (char rep 0) #\Y))))
75 (defun banish-pointer ()
76 "Move the pointer to the lower right corner of the screen"
77 (with-placement (*banish-pointer-placement* x y)
78 (xlib:warp-pointer *root* x y)))
83 ;;; Root functions utility
84 (defun select-generic-root (fun restart-menu)
85 (no-focus)
86 (let* ((current-root (find-root (current-child)))
87 (parent (find-parent-frame (root-original current-root))))
88 (when parent
89 (setf (frame-child parent) (funcall fun (frame-child parent)))
90 (let ((new-root (find-root (frame-selected-child parent))))
91 (setf (current-child) (aif (root-current-child new-root)
93 (frame-selected-child parent))))))
94 (show-all-children t)
95 (if restart-menu
96 (open-menu (find-menu 'root-menu))
97 (leave-second-mode)))
99 (defun select-next-root ()
100 "Select the next root"
101 (select-generic-root #'rotate-list nil))
103 (defun select-previous-root ()
104 "Select the previous root"
105 (select-generic-root #'anti-rotate-list nil))
108 (defun select-next-root-restart-menu ()
109 "Select the next root"
110 (select-generic-root #'rotate-list t))
112 (defun select-previous-root-restart-menu ()
113 "Select the previous root"
114 (select-generic-root #'anti-rotate-list t))
117 (defun rotate-root-geometry-generic (fun restart-menu)
118 (no-focus)
119 (funcall fun)
120 (show-all-children t)
121 (if restart-menu
122 (open-menu (find-menu 'root-menu))
123 (leave-second-mode)))
126 (defun rotate-root-geometry-next ()
127 "Rotate root geometry to next root"
128 (rotate-root-geometry-generic #'rotate-root-geometry nil))
130 (defun rotate-root-geometry-previous ()
131 "Rotate root geometry to previous root"
132 (rotate-root-geometry-generic #'anti-rotate-root-geometry nil))
134 (defun rotate-root-geometry-next-restart-menu ()
135 "Rotate root geometry to next root"
136 (rotate-root-geometry-generic #'rotate-root-geometry t))
138 (defun rotate-root-geometry-previous-restart-menu ()
139 "Rotate root geometry to previous root"
140 (rotate-root-geometry-generic #'anti-rotate-root-geometry t))
144 (defun exchange-root-geometry-with-mouse ()
145 "Exchange two root geometry pointed with the mouse"
146 (open-notify-window '("Select the first root to exchange"))
147 (wait-no-key-or-button-press)
148 (wait-mouse-button-release)
149 (close-notify-window)
150 (multiple-value-bind (x1 y1) (xlib:query-pointer *root*)
151 (open-notify-window '("Select the second root to exchange"))
152 (wait-no-key-or-button-press)
153 (wait-mouse-button-release)
154 (close-notify-window)
155 (multiple-value-bind (x2 y2) (xlib:query-pointer *root*)
156 (exchange-root-geometry (find-root-by-coordinates x1 y1)
157 (find-root-by-coordinates x2 y2))))
158 (show-all-children)
159 (leave-second-mode))
161 (defun change-current-root-geometry ()
162 "Change the current root geometry"
163 (let* ((root (find-root (current-child)))
164 (x (query-number "New root X position" (root-x root)))
165 (y (query-number "New root Y position" (root-y root)))
166 (w (query-number "New root width" (root-w root)))
167 (h (query-number "New root height" (root-h root))))
168 (setf (root-x root) x (root-y root) y
169 (root-w root) w (root-h root) h)
170 (show-all-children)
171 (leave-second-mode)))
175 (defun place-window-from-hints (window)
176 "Place a window from its hints"
177 (let* ((hints (xlib:wm-normal-hints window))
178 (min-width (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-min-width hints)) 0))
179 (min-height (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-min-height hints)) 0))
180 (max-width (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-width hints)) (x-drawable-width *root*)))
181 (max-height (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-height hints)) (x-drawable-height *root*)))
182 (rwidth (or (and hints (or (xlib:wm-size-hints-width hints) (xlib:wm-size-hints-base-width hints)))
183 (x-drawable-width window)))
184 (rheight (or (and hints (or (xlib:wm-size-hints-height hints) (xlib:wm-size-hints-base-height hints)))
185 (x-drawable-height window))))
186 (setf (x-drawable-width window) (min (max min-width rwidth *default-window-width*) max-width)
187 (x-drawable-height window) (min (max min-height rheight *default-window-height*) max-height))
188 (with-placement (*unmanaged-window-placement* x y (x-drawable-width window) (x-drawable-height window))
189 (setf (x-drawable-x window) x
190 (x-drawable-y window) y))
191 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)))
194 (defun rename-current-child ()
195 "Rename the current child"
196 (let ((name (query-string (format nil "New child name: (last: ~A)" (child-name (current-child)))
197 (child-name (current-child)))))
198 (rename-child (current-child) name)
199 (leave-second-mode)))
202 (defun ask-child-transparency (msg child)
203 (let ((trans (query-number (format nil "New ~A transparency: (last: ~A)"
205 (* 100 (child-transparency child)))
206 (* 100 (child-transparency child)))))
207 (when (numberp trans)
208 (setf (child-transparency child) (float (/ trans 100))))))
210 (defun set-current-child-transparency ()
211 "Set the current child transparency"
212 (ask-child-transparency "child" (current-child))
213 (leave-second-mode))
216 (defun ask-child-border-size (msg child)
217 (let ((size (query-number (format nil "New ~A border size: (last: ~A)"
219 (child-border-size child))
220 (child-border-size child))))
221 (when (numberp size)
222 (setf (child-border-size child) size))))
225 (defun set-current-child-border-size ()
226 "Set the current child border size"
227 (ask-child-border-size "child" (current-child))
228 (leave-second-mode))
231 (defun renumber-current-frame ()
232 "Renumber the current frame"
233 (when (frame-p (current-child))
234 (let ((number (query-number (format nil "New child number: (last: ~A)" (frame-number (current-child)))
235 (frame-number (current-child)))))
236 (setf (frame-number (current-child)) number)
237 (leave-second-mode))))
242 (defun add-default-frame ()
243 "Add a default frame in the current frame"
244 (when (frame-p (current-child))
245 (let ((name (query-string "Frame name")))
246 (push (create-frame :name name) (frame-child (current-child)))))
247 (leave-second-mode))
249 (defun add-frame-in-parent-frame ()
250 "Add a frame in the parent frame (and reorganize parent frame)"
251 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame (current-child))))
252 (when (and parent (not (child-original-root-p (current-child))))
253 (let ((new-frame (create-frame)))
254 (pushnew new-frame (frame-child parent))
255 (awhen (child-root-p (current-child))
256 (change-root it parent))
257 (setf (current-child) parent)
258 (set-layout-once #'tile-space-layout)
259 (setf (current-child) new-frame)
260 (leave-second-mode)))))
265 (defun add-placed-frame ()
266 "Add a placed frame in the current frame"
267 (when (frame-p (current-child))
268 (let ((name (query-string "Frame name"))
269 (x (/ (query-number "Frame x in percent (%)") 100))
270 (y (/ (query-number "Frame y in percent (%)") 100))
271 (w (/ (query-number "Frame width in percent (%)" 100) 100))
272 (h (/ (query-number "Frame height in percent (%)" 100) 100)))
273 (push (create-frame :name name :x x :y y :w w :h h)
274 (frame-child (current-child)))))
275 (leave-second-mode))
279 (defun delete-focus-window-generic (close-fun)
280 (with-focus-window (window)
281 (when (child-equal-p window (current-child))
282 (setf (current-child) (find-current-root)))
283 (delete-child-and-children-in-all-frames window close-fun)))
285 (defun delete-focus-window ()
286 "Close focus window: Delete the focus window in all frames and workspaces"
287 (delete-focus-window-generic 'delete-window))
289 (defun destroy-focus-window ()
290 "Kill focus window: Destroy the focus window in all frames and workspaces"
291 (delete-focus-window-generic 'destroy-window))
293 (defun remove-focus-window ()
294 "Remove the focus window from the current frame"
295 (with-focus-window (window)
296 (setf (current-child) (find-current-root))
297 (hide-child window)
298 (remove-child-in-frame window (find-parent-frame window))
299 (show-all-children)))
302 (defun unhide-all-windows-in-current-child ()
303 "Unhide all hidden windows into the current child"
304 (dolist (window (get-hidden-windows))
305 (unhide-window window)
306 (process-new-window window)
307 (map-window window))
308 (show-all-children))
313 (defun find-window-under-mouse (x y)
314 "Return the child window under the mouse"
315 (let ((win *root*))
316 (with-all-windows-frames-and-parent (*root-frame* child parent)
317 (when (and (or (managed-window-p child parent) (child-equal-p parent (current-child)))
318 (not (window-hidden-p child))
319 (in-window child x y))
320 (setf win child))
321 (when (in-frame child x y)
322 (setf win (frame-window child))))
323 win))
328 (defun find-child-under-mouse-in-never-managed-windows (x y)
329 "Return the child under mouse from never managed windows"
330 (let ((ret nil))
331 (dolist (win (xlib:query-tree *root*))
332 (unless (window-hidden-p win)
333 (multiple-value-bind (never-managed raise)
334 (never-managed-window-p win)
335 (when (and never-managed raise (in-window win x y))
336 (setf ret win)))))
337 ret))
340 (defun find-child-under-mouse-in-child-tree (x y &optional first-foundp)
341 "Return the child under the mouse"
342 (let ((ret nil))
343 (with-all-windows-frames-and-parent (*root-frame* child parent)
344 (when (and (not (window-hidden-p child))
345 (or (managed-window-p child parent) (child-equal-p parent (current-child)))
346 (in-window child x y))
347 (if first-foundp
348 (return-from find-child-under-mouse-in-child-tree child)
349 (setf ret child)))
350 (when (in-frame child x y)
351 (if first-foundp
352 (return-from find-child-under-mouse-in-child-tree child)
353 (setf ret child))))
354 ret))
357 (defun find-child-under-mouse (x y &optional first-foundp also-never-managed)
358 "Return the child under the mouse"
359 (or (and also-never-managed
360 (find-child-under-mouse-in-never-managed-windows x y))
361 (find-child-under-mouse-in-child-tree x y first-foundp)))
367 ;;; Selection functions
368 (defun clear-selection ()
369 "Clear the current selection"
370 (setf *child-selection* nil)
371 (display-all-root-frame-info))
373 (defun copy-current-child ()
374 "Copy the current child to the selection"
375 (pushnew (current-child) *child-selection*)
376 (display-all-root-frame-info))
379 (defun cut-current-child (&optional (show-now t))
380 "Cut the current child to the selection"
381 (unless (child-root-p (current-child))
382 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame (current-child))))
383 (hide-all (current-child))
384 (copy-current-child)
385 (remove-child-in-frame (current-child) (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root)))
386 (when parent
387 (setf (current-child) parent))
388 (when show-now
389 (show-all-children t))
390 (current-child))))
392 (defun remove-current-child ()
393 "Remove the current child from its parent frame"
394 (unless (child-root-p (current-child))
395 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame (current-child))))
396 (hide-all (current-child))
397 (remove-child-in-frame (current-child) (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root)))
398 (when parent
399 (setf (current-child) parent))
400 (show-all-children t)
401 (leave-second-mode))))
403 (defun delete-current-child ()
404 "Delete the current child and its children in all frames"
405 (unless (child-root-p (current-child))
406 (hide-all (current-child))
407 (delete-child-and-children-in-all-frames (current-child))
408 (show-all-children t)
409 (leave-second-mode)))
412 (defun paste-selection-no-clear ()
413 "Paste the selection in the current frame - Do not clear the selection after paste"
414 (when (frame-p (current-child))
415 (dolist (child *child-selection*)
416 (unless (find-child-in-parent child (current-child))
417 (pushnew child (frame-child (current-child)) :test #'child-equal-p)))
418 (show-all-children)))
420 (defun paste-selection ()
421 "Paste the selection in the current frame"
422 (when (frame-p (current-child))
423 (paste-selection-no-clear)
424 (setf *child-selection* nil)
425 (display-all-root-frame-info)))
428 (defun copy-focus-window ()
429 "Copy the focus window to the selection"
430 (with-focus-window (window)
431 (with-current-child (window)
432 (copy-current-child))))
435 (defun cut-focus-window ()
436 "Cut the focus window to the selection"
437 (with-focus-window (window)
438 (setf (current-child) (with-current-child (window)
439 (cut-current-child nil)))
440 (show-all-children t)))
447 ;;; Maximize function
448 (defun frame-toggle-maximize ()
449 "Maximize/Unmaximize the current frame in its parent frame"
450 (when (frame-p (current-child))
451 (let ((unmaximized-coords (frame-data-slot (current-child) :unmaximized-coords)))
452 (if unmaximized-coords
453 (with-slots (x y w h) (current-child)
454 (destructuring-bind (nx ny nw nh) unmaximized-coords
455 (setf (frame-data-slot (current-child) :unmaximized-coords) nil
456 x nx y ny w nw h nh)))
457 (with-slots (x y w h) (current-child)
458 (setf (frame-data-slot (current-child) :unmaximized-coords)
459 (list x y w h)
460 x 0 y 0 w 1 h 1))))
461 (show-all-children)
462 (leave-second-mode)))
472 ;;; CONFIG - Identify mode
473 (defun identify-key ()
474 "Identify a key"
475 (let* ((done nil)
476 (font (xlib:open-font *display* *identify-font-string*))
477 (window (xlib:create-window :parent *root*
478 :x 0 :y 0
479 :width (- (xlib:screen-width *screen*) (* *border-size* 2))
480 :height (* 5 (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent font) (xlib:max-char-descent font)))
481 :background (get-color *identify-background*)
482 :border-width *border-size*
483 :border (get-color *identify-border*)
484 :colormap (xlib:screen-default-colormap *screen*)
485 :event-mask '(:exposure)))
486 (gc (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable window
487 :foreground (get-color *identify-foreground*)
488 :background (get-color *identify-background*)
489 :font font
490 :line-style :solid)))
491 (setf (window-transparency window) *identify-transparency*)
492 (labels ((print-doc (msg hash-table-key pos code state)
493 (let ((function (find-key-from-code hash-table-key code state)))
494 (when (and function (fboundp (first function)))
495 (xlib:draw-glyphs *pixmap-buffer* gc 10 (+ (* pos (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent font) (xlib:max-char-descent font))) 5)
496 (format nil "~A ~A" msg (documentation (first function) 'function))))))
497 (print-key (code state keysym key modifiers)
498 (clear-pixmap-buffer window gc)
499 (setf (xlib:gcontext-foreground gc) (get-color *identify-foreground*))
500 (xlib:draw-glyphs *pixmap-buffer* gc 5 (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent font) 5)
501 (format nil "Press a key to identify. Press 'q' to stop the identify loop."))
502 (when code
503 (xlib:draw-glyphs *pixmap-buffer* gc 10 (+ (* 2 (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent font) (xlib:max-char-descent font))) 5)
504 (format nil "Code=~A KeySym=~S Key=~S Modifiers=~A"
505 code keysym key modifiers))
506 (print-doc "Main mode : " *main-keys* 3 code state)
507 (print-doc "Second mode: " *second-keys* 4 code state))
508 (copy-pixmap-buffer window gc))
509 (handle-identify-key (&rest event-slots &key root code state &allow-other-keys)
510 (declare (ignore event-slots root))
511 (let* ((modifiers (state->modifiers state))
512 (key (keycode->char code state))
513 (keysym (keysym->keysym-name (keycode->keysym code modifiers))))
514 (setf done (and (equal key #\q) (equal modifiers *default-modifiers*)))
515 (dbg code keysym key modifiers)
516 (print-key code state keysym key modifiers)
517 (force-output)))
518 (handle-identify (&rest event-slots &key display event-key &allow-other-keys)
519 (declare (ignore display))
520 (case event-key
521 (:key-press (apply #'handle-identify-key event-slots) t)
522 (:exposure (print-key nil nil nil nil nil)))
524 (xgrab-pointer *root* 92 93)
525 (map-window window)
526 (format t "~&Press 'q' to stop the identify loop~%")
527 (print-key nil nil nil nil nil)
528 (force-output)
529 (unwind-protect
530 (loop until done do
531 (when (xlib:event-listen *display* *loop-timeout*)
532 (xlib:process-event *display* :handler #'handle-identify))
533 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*))
534 (xlib:destroy-window window)
535 (xlib:close-font font)
536 (xgrab-pointer *root* 66 67)))))
543 (defun eval-from-query-string ()
544 "Eval a lisp form from the query input"
545 (let ((form (query-string (format nil "Eval Lisp - ~A" (package-name *package*))))
546 (result nil))
547 (when (and form (not (equal form "")))
548 (let ((printed-result
549 (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
550 (setf result (handler-case
551 (loop for i in (multiple-value-list
552 (eval (read-from-string form)))
553 collect (format nil "~S" i))
554 (error (condition)
555 (format nil "~A" condition)))))))
556 (info-mode (expand-newline (append (ensure-list (format nil "> ~A" form))
557 (ensure-list printed-result)
558 (ensure-list result)))
559 :width (- (xlib:screen-width *screen*) 2))
560 (eval-from-query-string)))))
565 (defun run-program-from-query-string ()
566 "Run a program from the query input"
567 (multiple-value-bind (program return)
568 (query-string "Run:")
569 (when (and (equal return :return) program (not (equal program "")))
570 (setf *second-mode-leave-function* (let ((cmd (concatenate 'string "cd $HOME && " program)))
571 (lambda ()
572 (do-shell cmd))))
573 (leave-second-mode))))
578 ;;; Frame name actions
579 (defun ask-frame-name (msg)
580 "Ask a frame name"
581 (let ((all-frame-name nil))
582 (with-all-frames (*root-frame* frame)
583 (awhen (frame-name frame) (push it all-frame-name)))
584 (query-string msg "" all-frame-name)))
587 ;;; Focus by functions
588 (defun focus-frame-by (frame)
589 (when (frame-p frame)
590 (focus-all-children frame (or (find-parent-frame frame (find-current-root))
591 (find-parent-frame frame)
592 *root-frame*))
593 (show-all-children t)))
596 (defun focus-frame-by-name ()
597 "Focus a frame by name"
598 (focus-frame-by (find-frame-by-name (ask-frame-name "Focus frame:")))
599 (leave-second-mode))
601 (defun focus-frame-by-number ()
602 "Focus a frame by number"
603 (focus-frame-by (find-frame-by-number (query-number "Focus frame by number:")))
604 (leave-second-mode))
607 ;;; Open by functions
608 (defun open-frame-by (frame)
609 (when (frame-p frame)
610 (push (create-frame :name (query-string "Frame name")) (frame-child frame))
611 (show-all-children)))
615 (defun open-frame-by-name ()
616 "Open a new frame in a named frame"
617 (open-frame-by (find-frame-by-name (ask-frame-name "Open a new frame in: ")))
618 (leave-second-mode))
620 (defun open-frame-by-number ()
621 "Open a new frame in a numbered frame"
622 (open-frame-by (find-frame-by-number (query-number "Open a new frame in the group numbered:")))
623 (leave-second-mode))
626 ;;; Delete by functions
627 (defun delete-frame-by (frame)
628 (unless (or (child-equal-p frame *root-frame*)
629 (child-root-p frame))
630 (when (child-equal-p frame (current-child))
631 (setf (current-child) (find-current-root)))
632 (remove-child-in-frame frame (find-parent-frame frame)))
633 (show-all-children t))
636 (defun delete-frame-by-name ()
637 "Delete a frame by name"
638 (delete-frame-by (find-frame-by-name (ask-frame-name "Delete frame: ")))
639 (leave-second-mode))
641 (defun delete-frame-by-number ()
642 "Delete a frame by number"
643 (delete-frame-by (find-frame-by-number (query-number "Delete frame by number:")))
644 (leave-second-mode))
647 ;;; Move by function
648 (defun move-child-to (child frame-dest)
649 (when (and child (frame-p frame-dest))
650 (remove-child-in-frame child (find-parent-frame child))
651 (pushnew child (frame-child frame-dest))
652 (focus-all-children child frame-dest)
653 (show-all-children t)))
655 (defun move-current-child-by-name ()
656 "Move current child in a named frame"
657 (move-child-to (current-child)
658 (find-frame-by-name
659 (ask-frame-name (format nil "Move '~A' to frame: " (child-name (current-child))))))
660 (leave-second-mode))
662 (defun move-current-child-by-number ()
663 "Move current child in a numbered frame"
664 (move-child-to (current-child)
665 (find-frame-by-number
666 (query-number (format nil "Move '~A' to frame numbered:" (child-name (current-child))))))
667 (leave-second-mode))
670 ;;; Copy by function
671 (defun copy-child-to (child frame-dest)
672 (when (and child (frame-p frame-dest))
673 (pushnew child (frame-child frame-dest))
674 (focus-all-children child frame-dest)
675 (show-all-children t)))
677 (defun copy-current-child-by-name ()
678 "Copy current child in a named frame"
679 (copy-child-to (current-child)
680 (find-frame-by-name
681 (ask-frame-name (format nil "Copy '~A' to frame: " (child-name (current-child))))))
682 (leave-second-mode))
684 (defun copy-current-child-by-number ()
685 "Copy current child in a numbered frame"
686 (copy-child-to (current-child)
687 (find-frame-by-number
688 (query-number (format nil "Copy '~A' to frame numbered:" (child-name (current-child))))))
689 (leave-second-mode))
694 ;;; Show frame info
695 (defun show-all-frames-info ()
696 "Show all frames info windows"
697 (let ((*show-root-frame-p* t))
698 (show-all-children)
699 (dolist (root (all-root-child))
700 (with-all-frames (root frame)
701 (raise-window (frame-window frame))
702 (display-frame-info frame)))))
704 (defun hide-all-frames-info ()
705 "Hide all frames info windows"
706 (show-all-children))
708 (defun show-all-frames-info-key ()
709 "Show all frames info windows until a key is release"
710 (show-all-frames-info)
711 (wait-no-key-or-button-press)
712 (hide-all-frames-info))
715 (defun move-frame (frame parent orig-x orig-y)
716 (when (and frame parent (not (child-root-p frame)))
717 (hide-all-children frame)
718 (with-slots (window) frame
719 (move-window window orig-x orig-y #'display-frame-info (list frame))
720 (setf (frame-x frame) (x-px->fl (x-drawable-x window) parent)
721 (frame-y frame) (y-px->fl (x-drawable-y window) parent)))
722 (show-all-children)))
724 (defun resize-frame (frame parent orig-x orig-y)
725 (when (and frame parent (not (child-root-p frame)))
726 (hide-all-children frame)
727 (with-slots (window) frame
728 (resize-window window orig-x orig-y #'display-frame-info (list frame))
729 (setf (frame-w frame) (w-px->fl (anti-adj-border-wh (x-drawable-width window) frame) parent)
730 (frame-h frame) (h-px->fl (anti-adj-border-wh (x-drawable-height window) frame) parent)))
731 (show-all-children)))
735 (defun mouse-click-to-focus-generic (root-x root-y mouse-fn)
736 "Focus the current frame or focus the current window parent
737 mouse-fun is #'move-frame or #'resize-frame"
738 (let* ((to-replay t)
739 (child (find-child-under-mouse root-x root-y))
740 (parent (find-parent-frame child))
741 (root-p (child-root-p child)))
742 (labels ((add-new-frame ()
743 (when (frame-p child)
744 (setf parent child
745 child (create-frame)
746 mouse-fn #'resize-frame
747 (current-child) child)
748 (place-frame child parent root-x root-y 10 10)
749 (map-window (frame-window child))
750 (pushnew child (frame-child parent)))))
751 (when (and root-p *create-frame-on-root*)
752 (add-new-frame))
753 (when (and (frame-p child) (not (child-root-p child)))
754 (funcall mouse-fn child parent root-x root-y))
755 (when (and child parent
756 (focus-all-children child parent (not (child-root-p child))))
757 (when (show-all-children)
758 (setf to-replay nil)))
759 (if to-replay
760 (replay-button-event)
761 (stop-button-event)))))
764 (defun mouse-click-to-focus-and-move (window root-x root-y)
765 "Move and focus the current frame or focus the current window parent.
766 Or do actions on corners"
767 (declare (ignore window))
768 (or (do-corner-action root-x root-y *corner-main-mode-left-button*)
769 (mouse-click-to-focus-generic root-x root-y #'move-frame)))
771 (defun mouse-click-to-focus-and-resize (window root-x root-y)
772 "Resize and focus the current frame or focus the current window parent.
773 Or do actions on corners"
774 (declare (ignore window))
775 (or (do-corner-action root-x root-y *corner-main-mode-right-button*)
776 (mouse-click-to-focus-generic root-x root-y #'resize-frame)))
778 (defun mouse-middle-click (window root-x root-y)
779 "Do actions on corners"
780 (declare (ignore window))
781 (or (do-corner-action root-x root-y *corner-main-mode-middle-button*)
782 (replay-button-event)))
787 (defun mouse-focus-move/resize-generic (root-x root-y mouse-fn window-parent)
788 "Focus the current frame or focus the current window parent
789 mouse-fun is #'move-frame or #'resize-frame.
790 Focus child and its parents -
791 For window: set current child to window or its parent according to window-parent"
792 (labels ((move/resize-managed (child)
793 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame child)))
794 (when (and child
795 (frame-p child)
796 (child-root-p child))
797 (setf parent child
798 child (create-frame)
799 mouse-fn #'resize-frame)
800 (place-frame child parent root-x root-y 10 10)
801 (map-window (frame-window child))
802 (push child (frame-child parent)))
803 (focus-all-children child parent window-parent)
804 (show-all-children)
805 (typecase child
806 (xlib:window
807 (if (managed-window-p child parent)
808 (funcall mouse-fn parent (find-parent-frame parent) root-x root-y)
809 (funcall (cond ((or (eql mouse-fn #'move-frame)
810 (eql mouse-fn #'move-frame-constrained))
811 #'move-window)
812 ((or (eql mouse-fn #'resize-frame)
813 (eql mouse-fn #'resize-frame-constrained))
814 #'resize-window))
815 child root-x root-y)))
816 (frame (funcall mouse-fn child parent root-x root-y)))
817 (show-all-children)))
818 (move/resize-never-managed (child raise-fun)
819 (funcall raise-fun child)
820 (funcall (cond ((eql mouse-fn #'move-frame) #'move-window)
821 ((eql mouse-fn #'resize-frame) #'resize-window))
822 child root-x root-y)))
823 (let ((child (find-child-under-mouse root-x root-y nil t)))
824 (multiple-value-bind (never-managed raise-fun)
825 (never-managed-window-p child)
826 (if (and (xlib:window-p child) never-managed raise-fun)
827 (move/resize-never-managed child raise-fun)
828 (move/resize-managed child))))))
831 (defun test-mouse-binding (window root-x root-y)
832 (dbg window root-x root-y)
833 (replay-button-event))
837 (defun mouse-select-next-level (window root-x root-y)
838 "Select the next level in frame"
839 (declare (ignore root-x root-y))
840 (let ((frame (find-frame-window window)))
841 (when (or frame (xlib:window-equal window *root*))
842 (select-next-level))
843 (replay-button-event)))
847 (defun mouse-select-previous-level (window root-x root-y)
848 "Select the previous level in frame"
849 (declare (ignore root-x root-y))
850 (let ((frame (find-frame-window window)))
851 (when (or frame (xlib:window-equal window *root*))
852 (select-previous-level))
853 (replay-button-event)))
857 (defun mouse-enter-frame (window root-x root-y)
858 "Enter in the selected frame - ie make it the root frame"
859 (declare (ignore root-x root-y))
860 (let ((frame (find-frame-window window)))
861 (when (or frame (xlib:window-equal window *root*))
862 (enter-frame))
863 (replay-button-event)))
867 (defun mouse-leave-frame (window root-x root-y)
868 "Leave the selected frame - ie make its parent the root frame"
869 (declare (ignore root-x root-y))
870 (let ((frame (find-frame-window window)))
871 (when (or frame (xlib:window-equal window *root*))
872 (leave-frame))
873 (replay-button-event)))
877 ;;;;;,-----
878 ;;;;;| Various definitions
879 ;;;;;`-----
881 (defun show-help (&optional (browser "dillo") (tempfile "/tmp/clfswm.html"))
882 "Show current keys and buttons bindings"
883 (ignore-errors
884 (produce-doc-html-in-file tempfile))
885 (sleep 1)
886 (do-shell (format nil "~A ~A" browser tempfile)))
890 ;;; Bind or jump functions
891 (let ((key-slots (make-array 10 :initial-element nil))
892 (current-slot 1))
893 (defun bind-on-slot (&optional (slot current-slot))
894 "Bind current child to slot"
895 (setf (aref key-slots slot) (current-child)))
897 (defun remove-binding-on-slot ()
898 "Remove binding on slot"
899 (setf (aref key-slots current-slot) nil))
901 (defun jump-to-slot ()
902 "Jump to slot"
903 (let ((jump-child (aref key-slots current-slot)))
904 (when (find-child jump-child *root-frame*)
905 (unless (find-child-in-all-root jump-child)
906 (change-root (find-root jump-child) jump-child))
907 (setf (current-child) jump-child)
908 (focus-all-children (current-child) (current-child))
909 (show-all-children t))))
911 (defun bind-or-jump (n)
912 "Bind or jump to a slot (a frame or a window)"
913 (setf current-slot (- n 1))
914 (let ((default-bind `("b" bind-on-slot
915 ,(format nil "Bind slot ~A on child: ~A" n (child-fullname (current-child))))))
916 (info-mode-menu (aif (aref key-slots current-slot)
917 `(,default-bind
918 ("BackSpace" remove-binding-on-slot
919 ,(format nil "Remove slot ~A binding on child: ~A" n (child-fullname (current-child))))
920 (" - " nil " -")
921 ("Tab" jump-to-slot
922 ,(format nil "Jump to child: ~A" (aif (aref key-slots current-slot)
923 (child-fullname it)
924 "Not set - Please, bind it with 'b'")))
925 ("Return" jump-to-slot "Same thing")
926 ("space" jump-to-slot "Same thing"))
927 (list default-bind))))))
931 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
932 ;;; Useful function for the second mode ;;;
933 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
934 (defmacro with-movement (&body body)
935 `(when (frame-p (current-child))
936 ,@body
937 (show-all-children)
938 (display-all-frame-info)
939 (draw-second-mode-window)
940 (open-menu (find-menu 'frame-movement-menu))))
943 ;;; Pack
944 (defun current-frame-pack-up ()
945 "Pack the current frame up"
946 (with-movement (pack-frame-up (current-child) (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root)))))
948 (defun current-frame-pack-down ()
949 "Pack the current frame down"
950 (with-movement (pack-frame-down (current-child) (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root)))))
952 (defun current-frame-pack-left ()
953 "Pack the current frame left"
954 (with-movement (pack-frame-left (current-child) (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root)))))
956 (defun current-frame-pack-right ()
957 "Pack the current frame right"
958 (with-movement (pack-frame-right (current-child) (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root)))))
960 ;;; Center
961 (defun center-current-frame ()
962 "Center the current frame"
963 (with-movement (center-frame (current-child))))
965 ;;; Fill
966 (defun current-frame-fill-up ()
967 "Fill the current frame up"
968 (with-movement (fill-frame-up (current-child) (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root)))))
970 (defun current-frame-fill-down ()
971 "Fill the current frame down"
972 (with-movement (fill-frame-down (current-child) (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root)))))
974 (defun current-frame-fill-left ()
975 "Fill the current frame left"
976 (with-movement (fill-frame-left (current-child) (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root)))))
978 (defun current-frame-fill-right ()
979 "Fill the current frame right"
980 (with-movement (fill-frame-right (current-child) (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root)))))
982 (defun current-frame-fill-all-dir ()
983 "Fill the current frame in all directions"
984 (with-movement
985 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root))))
986 (fill-frame-up (current-child) parent)
987 (fill-frame-down (current-child) parent)
988 (fill-frame-left (current-child) parent)
989 (fill-frame-right (current-child) parent))))
991 (defun current-frame-fill-vertical ()
992 "Fill the current frame vertically"
993 (with-movement
994 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root))))
995 (fill-frame-up (current-child) parent)
996 (fill-frame-down (current-child) parent))))
998 (defun current-frame-fill-horizontal ()
999 "Fill the current frame horizontally"
1000 (with-movement
1001 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame (current-child) (find-current-root))))
1002 (fill-frame-left (current-child) parent)
1003 (fill-frame-right (current-child) parent))))
1006 ;;; Resize
1007 (defun current-frame-resize-up ()
1008 "Resize the current frame up to its half height"
1009 (with-movement (resize-half-height-up (current-child))))
1011 (defun current-frame-resize-down ()
1012 "Resize the current frame down to its half height"
1013 (with-movement (resize-half-height-down (current-child))))
1015 (defun current-frame-resize-left ()
1016 "Resize the current frame left to its half width"
1017 (with-movement (resize-half-width-left (current-child))))
1019 (defun current-frame-resize-right ()
1020 "Resize the current frame right to its half width"
1021 (with-movement (resize-half-width-right (current-child))))
1023 (defun current-frame-resize-all-dir ()
1024 "Resize down the current frame"
1025 (with-movement (resize-frame-down (current-child))))
1027 (defun current-frame-resize-all-dir-minimal ()
1028 "Resize down the current frame to its minimal size"
1029 (with-movement (resize-minimal-frame (current-child))))
1032 ;;; Children navigation
1033 (defun with-movement-select-next-brother ()
1034 "Select the next brother frame"
1035 (with-movement (select-next-brother-simple)))
1037 (defun with-movement-select-previous-brother ()
1038 "Select the previous brother frame"
1039 (with-movement (select-previous-brother-simple)))
1041 (defun with-movement-select-next-level ()
1042 "Select the next level"
1043 (with-movement (select-next-level)))
1045 (defun with-movement-select-previous-level ()
1046 "Select the previous levelframe"
1047 (with-movement (select-previous-level)))
1049 (defun with-movement-select-next-child ()
1050 "Select the next child"
1051 (with-movement (select-next-child-simple)))
1055 ;;; Adapt frame functions
1056 (defun adapt-current-frame-to-window-hints-generic (width-p height-p)
1057 "Adapt the current frame to the current window minimal size hints"
1058 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1059 (let ((window (first (frame-child (current-child)))))
1060 (when (xlib:window-p window)
1061 (let* ((hints (xlib:wm-normal-hints window))
1062 (min-width (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-min-width hints)))
1063 (min-height (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-min-height hints))))
1064 (when (and width-p min-width)
1065 (setf (frame-rw (current-child)) min-width))
1066 (when (and height-p min-height)
1067 (setf (frame-rh (current-child)) min-height))
1068 (fixe-real-size (current-child) (find-parent-frame (current-child)))
1069 (leave-second-mode))))))
1071 (defun adapt-current-frame-to-window-hints ()
1072 "Adapt the current frame to the current window minimal size hints"
1073 (adapt-current-frame-to-window-hints-generic t t))
1075 (defun adapt-current-frame-to-window-width-hint ()
1076 "Adapt the current frame to the current window minimal width hint"
1077 (adapt-current-frame-to-window-hints-generic t nil))
1079 (defun adapt-current-frame-to-window-height-hint ()
1080 "Adapt the current frame to the current window minimal height hint"
1081 (adapt-current-frame-to-window-hints-generic nil t))
1086 ;;; Managed window type functions
1087 (defun current-frame-manage-window-type-generic (type-list)
1088 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1089 (setf (frame-managed-type (current-child)) type-list
1090 (frame-forced-managed-window (current-child)) nil
1091 (frame-forced-unmanaged-window (current-child)) nil))
1092 (leave-second-mode))
1095 (defun current-frame-manage-window-type ()
1096 "Change window types to be managed by a frame"
1097 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1098 (let* ((type-str (query-string "Managed window type: (all, normal, transient, maxsize, desktop, dock, toolbar, menu, utility, splash, dialog)"
1099 (format nil "~{~:(~A~) ~}" (frame-managed-type (current-child)))))
1100 (type-list (loop :for type :in (split-string type-str)
1101 :collect (intern (string-upcase type) :keyword))))
1102 (current-frame-manage-window-type-generic type-list))))
1105 (defun current-frame-manage-all-window-type ()
1106 "Manage all window type"
1107 (current-frame-manage-window-type-generic '(:all)))
1109 (defun current-frame-manage-only-normal-window-type ()
1110 "Manage only normal window type"
1111 (current-frame-manage-window-type-generic '(:normal)))
1113 (defun current-frame-manage-no-window-type ()
1114 "Do not manage any window type"
1115 (current-frame-manage-window-type-generic nil))
1124 ;;; Force window functions
1125 (defun force-window-in-frame ()
1126 "Force the current window to move in the frame (Useful only for unmanaged windows)"
1127 (with-current-window
1128 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame window)))
1129 (setf (x-drawable-x window) (frame-rx parent)
1130 (x-drawable-y window) (frame-ry parent))
1131 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)))
1132 (leave-second-mode))
1135 (defun force-window-center-in-frame ()
1136 "Force the current window to move in the center of the frame (Useful only for unmanaged windows)"
1137 (with-current-window
1138 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame window)))
1139 (setf (x-drawable-x window) (truncate (+ (frame-rx parent)
1140 (/ (- (frame-rw parent)
1141 (x-drawable-width window)) 2)))
1142 (x-drawable-y window) (truncate (+ (frame-ry parent)
1143 (/ (- (frame-rh parent)
1144 (x-drawable-height window)) 2))))
1145 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)))
1146 (leave-second-mode))
1150 (defun display-current-window-info ()
1151 "Display information on the current window"
1152 (with-current-window
1153 (info-mode (list (format nil "Window: ~A" window)
1154 (format nil "Window name: ~A" (xlib:wm-name window))
1155 (format nil "Window class: ~A" (xlib:get-wm-class window))
1156 (format nil "Window type: ~:(~A~)" (window-type window))
1157 (format nil "Window id: 0x~X" (xlib:window-id window))
1158 (format nil "Window transparency: ~A" (* 100 (window-transparency window))))))
1159 (leave-second-mode))
1161 (defun set-current-window-transparency ()
1162 "Set the current window transparency"
1163 (with-current-window
1164 (ask-child-transparency "window" window))
1165 (leave-second-mode))
1168 (defun manage-current-window ()
1169 "Force to manage the current window by its parent frame"
1170 (with-current-window
1171 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame window)))
1172 (with-slots ((managed forced-managed-window)
1173 (unmanaged forced-unmanaged-window)) parent
1174 (setf unmanaged (child-remove window unmanaged)
1175 unmanaged (remove (xlib:wm-name window) unmanaged :test #'string-equal-p))
1176 (pushnew window managed))))
1177 (leave-second-mode))
1179 (defun unmanage-current-window ()
1180 "Force to not manage the current window by its parent frame"
1181 (with-current-window
1182 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame window)))
1183 (with-slots ((managed forced-managed-window)
1184 (unmanaged forced-unmanaged-window)) parent
1185 (setf managed (child-remove window managed)
1186 managed (remove (xlib:wm-name window) managed :test #'string-equal-p))
1187 (pushnew window unmanaged))))
1188 (leave-second-mode))
1192 ;;; Moving child with the mouse button
1193 (defun mouse-move-child-over-frame (window root-x root-y)
1194 "Move the child under the mouse cursor to another frame"
1195 (declare (ignore window))
1196 (let ((child (find-child-under-mouse root-x root-y)))
1197 (unless (child-root-p child)
1198 (hide-all child)
1199 (remove-child-in-frame child (find-parent-frame child))
1200 (wait-mouse-button-release 50 51)
1201 (multiple-value-bind (x y)
1202 (xlib:query-pointer *root*)
1203 (let ((dest (find-child-under-mouse x y)))
1204 (when (xlib:window-p dest)
1205 (setf dest (find-parent-frame dest)))
1206 (unless (child-equal-p child dest)
1207 (move-child-to child dest)
1208 (show-all-children))))))
1209 (stop-button-event))
1214 ;;; Hide/Show frame window functions
1215 (defun hide/show-frame-window (frame value)
1216 "Hide/show the frame window"
1217 (when (frame-p frame)
1218 (setf (frame-show-window-p (current-child)) value)
1219 (show-all-children))
1220 (leave-second-mode))
1223 (defun hide-current-frame-window ()
1224 "Hide the current frame window"
1225 (hide/show-frame-window (current-child) nil))
1227 (defun show-current-frame-window ()
1228 "Show the current frame window"
1229 (hide/show-frame-window (current-child) t))
1233 ;;; Hide/Unhide current child
1234 (defun hide-current-child ()
1235 "Hide the current child"
1236 (unless (child-root-p (current-child))
1237 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame (current-child))))
1238 (when (frame-p parent)
1239 (with-slots (child hidden-children) parent
1240 (hide-all (current-child))
1241 (setf child (child-remove (current-child) child))
1242 (pushnew (current-child) hidden-children)
1243 (setf (current-child) parent))
1244 (show-all-children)))
1245 (leave-second-mode)))
1248 (defun frame-unhide-child (hidden frame-src frame-dest)
1249 "Unhide a hidden child from frame-src in frame-dest"
1250 (with-slots (hidden-children) frame-src
1251 (setf hidden-children (child-remove hidden hidden-children)))
1252 (with-slots (child) frame-dest
1253 (pushnew hidden child)))
1257 (defun unhide-a-child ()
1258 "Unhide a child in the current frame"
1259 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1260 (with-slots (child hidden-children) (current-child)
1261 (info-mode-menu (loop :for i :from 0
1262 :for hidden :in hidden-children
1263 :collect (list (code-char (+ (char-code #\a) i))
1264 (let ((lhd hidden))
1265 (lambda ()
1266 (frame-unhide-child lhd (current-child) (current-child))))
1267 (format nil "Unhide ~A" (child-fullname hidden))))))
1268 (show-all-children))
1269 (leave-second-mode))
1272 (defun unhide-all-children ()
1273 "Unhide all current frame hidden children"
1274 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1275 (with-slots (child hidden-children) (current-child)
1276 (dolist (c hidden-children)
1277 (pushnew c child))
1278 (setf hidden-children nil))
1279 (show-all-children))
1280 (leave-second-mode))
1283 (defun unhide-a-child-from-all-frames ()
1284 "Unhide a child from all frames in the current frame"
1285 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1286 (let ((acc nil)
1287 (keynum -1))
1288 (with-all-frames (*root-frame* frame)
1289 (when (frame-hidden-children frame)
1290 (push (format nil "~A" (child-fullname frame)) acc)
1291 (dolist (hidden (frame-hidden-children frame))
1292 (push (list (code-char (+ (char-code #\a) (incf keynum)))
1293 (let ((lhd hidden))
1294 (lambda ()
1295 (frame-unhide-child lhd frame (current-child))))
1296 (format nil "Unhide ~A" (child-fullname hidden)))
1297 acc))))
1298 (info-mode-menu (nreverse acc)))
1299 (show-all-children))
1300 (leave-second-mode))
1306 (let ((last-child nil))
1307 (defun init-last-child ()
1308 (setf last-child nil))
1309 (defun switch-to-last-child ()
1310 "Store the current child and switch to the previous one"
1311 (let ((current-child (current-child)))
1312 (when last-child
1313 (change-root (find-root last-child) last-child)
1314 (setf (current-child) last-child)
1315 (focus-all-children (current-child) (current-child))
1316 (show-all-children t))
1317 (setf last-child current-child))
1318 (leave-second-mode)))
1326 ;;; Focus policy functions
1327 (defun set-focus-policy-generic (focus-policy)
1328 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1329 (setf (frame-focus-policy (current-child)) focus-policy))
1330 (leave-second-mode))
1333 (defun current-frame-set-click-focus-policy ()
1334 "Set a click focus policy for the current frame."
1335 (set-focus-policy-generic :click))
1337 (defun current-frame-set-sloppy-focus-policy ()
1338 "Set a sloppy focus policy for the current frame."
1339 (set-focus-policy-generic :sloppy))
1341 (defun current-frame-set-sloppy-strict-focus-policy ()
1342 "Set a (strict) sloppy focus policy only for windows in the current frame."
1343 (set-focus-policy-generic :sloppy-strict))
1345 (defun current-frame-set-sloppy-select-policy ()
1346 "Set a sloppy select policy for the current frame."
1347 (set-focus-policy-generic :sloppy-select))
1351 (defun set-focus-policy-generic-for-all (focus-policy)
1352 (with-all-frames (*root-frame* frame)
1353 (setf (frame-focus-policy frame) focus-policy))
1354 (leave-second-mode))
1357 (defun all-frames-set-click-focus-policy ()
1358 "Set a click focus policy for all frames."
1359 (set-focus-policy-generic-for-all :click))
1361 (defun all-frames-set-sloppy-focus-policy ()
1362 "Set a sloppy focus policy for all frames."
1363 (set-focus-policy-generic-for-all :sloppy))
1365 (defun all-frames-set-sloppy-strict-focus-policy ()
1366 "Set a (strict) sloppy focus policy for all frames."
1367 (set-focus-policy-generic-for-all :sloppy-strict))
1369 (defun all-frames-set-sloppy-select-policy ()
1370 "Set a sloppy select policy for all frames."
1371 (set-focus-policy-generic-for-all :sloppy-select))
1375 ;;; Ensure unique name/number functions
1376 (defun extract-number-from-name (name)
1377 (when (stringp name)
1378 (let* ((pos (1+ (or (position #\. name :from-end t) -1)))
1379 (number (parse-integer name :junk-allowed t :start pos)))
1380 (values number
1381 (if number (subseq name 0 (1- pos)) name)))))
1386 (defun ensure-unique-name ()
1387 "Ensure that all children names are unique"
1388 (with-all-children (*root-frame* child)
1389 (multiple-value-bind (num1 name1)
1390 (extract-number-from-name (child-name child))
1391 (declare (ignore num1))
1392 (when name1
1393 (let ((acc nil))
1394 (with-all-children (*root-frame* c)
1395 (unless (child-equal-p child c))
1396 (multiple-value-bind (num2 name2)
1397 (extract-number-from-name (child-name c))
1398 (when (string-equal name1 name2)
1399 (push num2 acc))))
1400 (dbg acc)
1401 (when (> (length acc) 1)
1402 (setf (child-name child)
1403 (format nil "~A.~A" name1
1404 (1+ (find-free-number (loop for i in acc when i collect (1- i)))))))))))
1405 (leave-second-mode))
1407 (defun ensure-unique-number ()
1408 "Ensure that all children numbers are unique"
1409 (let ((num -1))
1410 (with-all-frames (*root-frame* frame)
1411 (setf (frame-number frame) (incf num))))
1412 (leave-second-mode))
1416 ;;; Standard menu functions - Based on the XDG specifications
1417 (defun um-create-xdg-section-list (menu)
1418 (dolist (section *xdg-section-list*)
1419 (add-sub-menu menu :next section (format nil "~A" section) menu))
1420 (unless (find-toplevel-menu 'Utility menu)
1421 (add-sub-menu menu :next 'Utility (format nil "~A" 'Utility) menu)))
1423 (defun um-find-submenu (menu section-list)
1424 (let ((acc nil))
1425 (dolist (section section-list)
1426 (awhen (find-toplevel-menu (intern (string-upcase section) :clfswm) menu)
1427 (push it acc)))
1428 (if acc
1430 (list (find-toplevel-menu 'Utility menu)))))
1433 (defun um-extract-value (line)
1434 (second (split-string line #\=)))
1437 (defun um-add-desktop (desktop menu)
1438 (let (name exec categories comment)
1439 (when (probe-file desktop)
1440 (with-open-file (stream desktop :direction :input)
1441 (loop for line = (read-line stream nil nil)
1442 while line
1444 (cond ((first-position "Name=" line) (setf name (um-extract-value line)))
1445 ((first-position "Exec=" line) (setf exec (um-extract-value line)))
1446 ((first-position "Categories=" line) (setf categories (um-extract-value line)))
1447 ((first-position "Comment=" line) (setf comment (um-extract-value line))))
1448 (when (and name exec categories)
1449 (let* ((sub-menu (um-find-submenu menu (split-string categories #\;)))
1450 (fun-name (intern name :clfswm)))
1451 (setf (symbol-function fun-name) (let ((do-exec exec))
1452 (lambda ()
1453 (do-shell do-exec)
1454 (leave-second-mode)))
1455 (documentation fun-name 'function) (format nil "~A~A" name (if comment
1456 (format nil " - ~A" comment)
1457 "")))
1458 (dolist (m sub-menu)
1459 (add-menu-key (menu-name m) :next fun-name m)))
1460 (setf name nil exec nil categories nil comment nil)))))))
1463 (defun update-menus (&optional (menu (make-menu :name 'main :doc "Main menu")))
1464 (um-create-xdg-section-list menu)
1465 (let ((count 0)
1466 (found (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
1467 (dolist (dir (remove-duplicates
1468 (split-string (or (getenv "XDG_DATA_DIRS") "/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/")
1469 #\:) :test #'string-equal))
1470 (dolist (desktop (directory (concatenate 'string dir "/applications/**/*.desktop")))
1471 (unless (gethash (file-namestring desktop) found)
1472 (setf (gethash (file-namestring desktop) found) t)
1473 (um-add-desktop desktop menu)
1474 (incf count))))
1475 menu))
1479 ;;; Close/Kill focused window
1481 (defun ask-close/kill-current-window ()
1482 "Close or kill the current window (ask before doing anything)"
1483 (let ((window (xlib:input-focus *display*))
1484 (*info-mode-placement* *ask-close/kill-placement*))
1485 (info-mode-menu
1486 (if (and window (not (xlib:window-equal window *no-focus-window*)))
1487 `(,(format nil "Focus window: ~A" (xlib:wm-name window))
1488 (#\s delete-focus-window "Close the focus window")
1489 (#\k destroy-focus-window "Kill the focus window")
1490 (#\x cut-focus-window)
1491 (#\c copy-focus-window)
1492 (#\v paste-selection))
1493 `(,(format nil "Focus window: None")
1494 (#\v paste-selection))))
1499 ;;; Other window manager functions
1500 (defun get-proc-list ()
1501 (let ((proc (do-shell "ps x -o pid=" nil t))
1502 (proc-list nil))
1503 (loop for line = (read-line proc nil nil)
1504 while line
1505 do (push line proc-list))
1506 (dbg proc-list)
1507 proc-list))
1509 (defun run-other-window-manager ()
1510 (let ((proc-start (get-proc-list)))
1511 (do-shell *other-window-manager* nil t :terminal)
1512 (let* ((proc-end (get-proc-list))
1513 (proc-diff (set-difference proc-end proc-start :test #'equal)))
1514 (dbg 'killing-sigterm proc-diff)
1515 (do-shell (format nil "kill ~{ ~A ~} 2> /dev/null" proc-diff) nil t :terminal)
1516 (dbg 'killing-sigkill proc-diff)
1517 (do-shell (format nil "kill -9 ~{ ~A ~} 2> /dev/null" proc-diff) nil t :terminal)
1518 (sleep 1))
1519 (setf *other-window-manager* nil)))
1522 (defun do-run-other-window-manager (window-manager)
1523 (setf *other-window-manager* window-manager)
1524 (throw 'exit-main-loop nil))
1526 (defmacro def-run-other-window-manager (name &optional definition)
1527 (let ((definition (or definition name)))
1528 `(defun ,(create-symbol "run-" name) ()
1529 ,(format nil "Run ~A" definition)
1530 (do-run-other-window-manager ,(format nil "~A" name)))))
1532 (def-run-other-window-manager "xterm")
1533 (def-run-other-window-manager "icewm")
1534 (def-run-other-window-manager "twm")
1535 (def-run-other-window-manager "gnome-session" "Gnome")
1536 (def-run-other-window-manager "startkde" "KDE")
1537 (def-run-other-window-manager "xfce4-session" "XFCE")
1539 (defun run-lxde ()
1540 "Run LXDE"
1541 (do-run-other-window-manager "( lxsession & ); xterm -e \"echo ' /----------------------------------\\' ; echo ' | CLFSWM Note: |' ; echo ' | Close this window when done. |' ; echo ' \\----------------------------------/'; echo; echo; $SHELL\""))
1543 (defun run-xfce4 ()
1544 "Run LXDE (xterm)"
1545 (do-run-other-window-manager "( xfce4-session &) ; xterm -e \"echo ' /----------------------------------\\' ; echo ' | CLFSWM Note: |' ; echo ' | Close this window when done. |' ; echo ' \\----------------------------------/'; echo; echo; $SHELL\""))
1548 (defun run-prompt-wm ()
1549 "Prompt for an other window manager"
1550 (let ((wm (query-string "Run an other window manager:" "icewm")))
1551 (do-run-other-window-manager wm)))
1554 ;;; Hide or show unmanaged windows utility.
1555 (defun set-hide-unmanaged-window ()
1556 "Hide unmanaged windows when frame is not selected"
1557 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1558 (setf (frame-data-slot (current-child) :unmanaged-window-action) :hide)
1559 (leave-second-mode)))
1561 (defun set-show-unmanaged-window ()
1562 "Show unmanaged windows when frame is not selected"
1563 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1564 (setf (frame-data-slot (current-child) :unmanaged-window-action) :show)
1565 (leave-second-mode)))
1567 (defun set-default-hide-unmanaged-window ()
1568 "Set default behaviour to hide or not unmanaged windows when frame is not selected"
1569 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1570 (setf (frame-data-slot (current-child) :unmanaged-window-action) nil)
1571 (leave-second-mode)))
1573 (defun set-globally-hide-unmanaged-window ()
1574 "Hide unmanaged windows by default. This is overriden by functions above"
1575 (setf *hide-unmanaged-window* t)
1576 (leave-second-mode))
1578 (defun set-globally-show-unmanaged-window ()
1579 "Show unmanaged windows by default. This is overriden by functions above"
1580 (setf *hide-unmanaged-window* nil)
1581 (leave-second-mode))
1584 ;;; Speed mouse movement.
1585 (let (minx miny maxx maxy history lx ly)
1586 (labels ((middle (x1 x2)
1587 (round (/ (+ x1 x2) 2)))
1588 (reset-if-moved (x y)
1589 (when (or (/= x (or lx x)) (/= y (or ly y)))
1590 (speed-mouse-reset)))
1591 (add-in-history (x y)
1592 (push (list x y) history)))
1593 (defun speed-mouse-reset ()
1594 "Reset speed mouse coordinates"
1595 (setf minx nil miny nil maxx nil maxy nil history nil lx nil ly nil))
1596 (defun speed-mouse-left ()
1597 "Speed move mouse to left"
1598 (with-x-pointer
1599 (reset-if-moved x y)
1600 (setf maxx x)
1601 (add-in-history x y)
1602 (setf lx (middle (or minx 0) maxx))
1603 (xlib:warp-pointer *root* lx y)))
1604 (defun speed-mouse-right ()
1605 "Speed move mouse to right"
1606 (with-x-pointer
1607 (reset-if-moved x y)
1608 (setf minx x)
1609 (add-in-history x y)
1610 (setf lx (middle minx (or maxx (xlib:screen-width *screen*))))
1611 (xlib:warp-pointer *root* lx y)))
1612 (defun speed-mouse-up ()
1613 "Speed move mouse to up"
1614 (with-x-pointer
1615 (reset-if-moved x y)
1616 (setf maxy y)
1617 (add-in-history x y)
1618 (setf ly (middle (or miny 0) maxy))
1619 (xlib:warp-pointer *root* x ly)))
1620 (defun speed-mouse-down ()
1621 "Speed move mouse to down"
1622 (with-x-pointer
1623 (reset-if-moved x y)
1624 (setf miny y)
1625 (add-in-history x y)
1626 (setf ly (middle miny (or maxy (xlib:screen-height *screen*))))
1627 (xlib:warp-pointer *root* x ly)))
1628 (defun speed-mouse-undo ()
1629 "Undo last speed mouse move"
1630 (when history
1631 (let ((h (pop history)))
1632 (when h
1633 (destructuring-bind (bx by) h
1634 (setf lx bx ly by
1635 minx nil maxx nil
1636 miny nil maxy nil)
1637 (xlib:warp-pointer *root* lx ly))))))
1638 (defun speed-mouse-first-history ()
1639 "Revert to the first speed move mouse"
1640 (when history
1641 (let ((h (first (last history))))
1642 (when h
1643 (setf lx (first h)
1644 ly (second h))
1645 (xlib:warp-pointer *root* lx ly)))))))
1649 ;;; Notify window functions
1650 (let (font
1651 window
1653 width height
1654 text
1655 current-child)
1656 (labels ((text-string (tx)
1657 (typecase tx
1658 (cons (first tx))
1659 (t tx)))
1660 (text-color (tx)
1661 (get-color (typecase tx
1662 (cons (second tx))
1663 (t *notify-window-foreground*)))))
1664 (defun is-notify-window-p (win)
1665 (when (and (xlib:window-p win) (xlib:window-p window))
1666 (xlib:window-equal win window)))
1668 (defun refresh-notify-window ()
1669 (add-timer 0.1 #'refresh-notify-window :refresh-notify-window)
1670 (raise-window window)
1671 (let ((text-height (- (xlib:font-ascent font) (xlib:font-descent font))))
1672 (loop for tx in text
1673 for i from 1 do
1674 (setf (xlib:gcontext-foreground gc) (text-color tx))
1675 (xlib:draw-glyphs window gc
1676 (truncate (/ (- width (* (xlib:max-char-width font) (length (text-string tx)))) 2))
1677 (* text-height i 2)
1678 (text-string tx)))))
1680 (defun close-notify-window ()
1681 (erase-timer :refresh-notify-window)
1682 (setf *never-managed-window-list*
1683 (remove (list #'is-notify-window-p 'raise-window)
1684 *never-managed-window-list* :test #'equal))
1685 (when gc
1686 (xlib:free-gcontext gc))
1687 (when window
1688 (xlib:destroy-window window))
1689 (when font
1690 (xlib:close-font font))
1691 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
1692 (setf window nil
1693 gc nil
1694 font nil))
1696 (defun open-notify-window (text-list)
1697 (close-notify-window)
1698 (setf font (xlib:open-font *display* *notify-window-font-string*))
1699 (let ((text-height (- (xlib:font-ascent font) (xlib:font-descent font))))
1700 (setf text text-list)
1701 (setf width (* (xlib:max-char-width font) (+ (loop for tx in text-list
1702 maximize (length (text-string tx))) 2))
1703 height (+ (* text-height (length text-list) 2) text-height))
1704 (with-placement (*notify-window-placement* x y width height)
1705 (setf window (xlib:create-window :parent *root*
1706 :x x
1707 :y y
1708 :width width
1709 :height height
1710 :background (get-color *notify-window-background*)
1711 :border-width *border-size*
1712 :border (get-color *notify-window-border*)
1713 :colormap (xlib:screen-default-colormap *screen*)
1714 :event-mask '(:exposure :key-press))
1715 gc (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable window
1716 :foreground (get-color *notify-window-foreground*)
1717 :background (get-color *notify-window-background*)
1718 :font font
1719 :line-style :solid))
1720 (setf (window-transparency window) *notify-window-transparency*)
1721 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1722 (setf current-child (current-child)))
1723 (push (list #'is-notify-window-p 'raise-window) *never-managed-window-list*)
1724 (map-window window)
1725 (refresh-notify-window)
1726 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*))))))
1728 (defun notify-message (delay &rest messages)
1729 (erase-timer :close-notify-window)
1730 (funcall #'open-notify-window messages)
1731 (add-timer delay #'close-notify-window :close-notify-window))
1734 (defun display-hello-window ()
1735 (notify-message *notify-window-delay*
1736 '("Welcome to CLFSWM" "yellow")
1737 "Press Alt+F1 for help"))
1740 ;;; Run or raise functions
1741 (defun run-or-raise (raisep run-fn &key (maximized nil))
1742 (let ((window (with-all-windows (*root-frame* win)
1743 (when (funcall raisep win)
1744 (return win)))))
1745 (if window
1746 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame window)))
1747 (setf (current-child) parent)
1748 (put-child-on-top window parent)
1749 (when maximized
1750 (change-root (find-root parent) parent))
1751 (focus-all-children window parent)
1752 (show-all-children t))
1753 (funcall run-fn))))
1755 ;;; Transparency setting
1756 (defun inc-transparency (window root-x root-y)
1757 "Increment the child under mouse transparency"
1758 (declare (ignore root-x root-y))
1759 (unless *in-second-mode* (stop-button-event))
1760 (incf (child-transparency window) 0.1))
1762 (defun dec-transparency (window root-x root-y)
1763 "Decrement the child under mouse transparency"
1764 (declare (ignore root-x root-y))
1765 (unless *in-second-mode* (stop-button-event))
1766 (decf (child-transparency window) 0.1))
1768 (defun inc-transparency-slow (window root-x root-y)
1769 "Increment slowly the child under mouse transparency"
1770 (declare (ignore root-x root-y))
1771 (unless *in-second-mode* (stop-button-event))
1772 (incf (child-transparency window) 0.01))
1774 (defun dec-transparency-slow (window root-x root-y)
1775 "Decrement slowly the child under mouse transparency"
1776 (declare (ignore root-x root-y))
1777 (unless *in-second-mode* (stop-button-event))
1778 (decf (child-transparency window) 0.01))
1781 (defun key-inc-transparency ()
1782 "Increment the current window transparency"
1783 (with-current-window
1784 (incf (child-transparency window) 0.1)))
1786 (defun key-dec-transparency ()
1787 "Decrement the current window transparency"
1788 (with-current-window
1789 (decf (child-transparency window) 0.1)))
1795 ;;; Geometry change functions
1796 (defun swap-frame-geometry ()
1797 "Swap current brother frame geometry"
1798 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1799 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame (current-child))))
1800 (when (frame-p parent)
1801 (let ((brother (second (frame-child parent))))
1802 (when (frame-p brother)
1803 (rotatef (frame-x (current-child)) (frame-x brother))
1804 (rotatef (frame-y (current-child)) (frame-y brother))
1805 (rotatef (frame-w (current-child)) (frame-w brother))
1806 (rotatef (frame-h (current-child)) (frame-h brother))
1807 (show-all-children t)
1808 (leave-second-mode)))))))
1810 (defun rotate-frame-geometry-generic (fun)
1811 "(Rotate brother frame geometry"
1812 (when (frame-p (current-child))
1813 (let ((parent (find-parent-frame (current-child))))
1814 (when (frame-p parent)
1815 (let* ((child-list (funcall fun (frame-child parent)))
1816 (first (first child-list)))
1817 (dolist (child (rest child-list))
1818 (when (and (frame-p first) (frame-p child))
1819 (rotatef (frame-x first) (frame-x child))
1820 (rotatef (frame-y first) (frame-y child))
1821 (rotatef (frame-w first) (frame-w child))
1822 (rotatef (frame-h first) (frame-h child))
1823 (setf first child)))
1824 (show-all-children t))))))
1827 (defun rotate-frame-geometry ()
1828 "Rotate brother frame geometry"
1829 (rotate-frame-geometry-generic #'identity))
1831 (defun anti-rotate-frame-geometry ()
1832 "Anti rotate brother frame geometry"
1833 (rotate-frame-geometry-generic #'reverse))