src/clfswm-configuration.lisp (save-variables-in-conf-file): Save only variables...
[clfswm.git] / src / config.lisp
1 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
3 ;;;
4 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 ;;; Documentation: Configuration file
6 ;;;
7 ;;; Change this file to your own needs or update some of this variables in
8 ;;; your ~/.clfswmrc
9 ;;; Some simple hack can be done in the code begining with the word CONFIG
10 ;;; (you can do a 'grep CONFIG *.lisp' to see what you can configure)
11 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 ;;;
13 ;;; (C) 2010 Philippe Brochard <>
14 ;;;
15 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
16 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
17 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
18 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
19 ;;;
20 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
24 ;;;
25 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
27 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
28 ;;;
29 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 (in-package :clfswm)
34 ;;; CONFIG - Default modifiers
35 (defconfig *default-modifiers* '() nil
36 "Default modifiers list to append to explicit modifiers
37 Example: :mod-2 for num_lock, :lock for Caps_lock...")
41 (defun-equal-wm-class equal-wm-class-rox-pinboard "ROX-Pinboard")
42 (defun-equal-wm-class equal-wm-class-xvkbd "xvkbd")
44 ;;; CONFIG - Never managed window list
45 (defconfig *never-managed-window-list*
46 (list (list 'equal-wm-class-rox-pinboard nil)
47 (list 'equal-wm-class-xvkbd 'raise-window)
48 (list 'equal-clfswm-terminal 'raise-and-focus-window))
49 nil "CLFSWM will never manage windows of this type.
50 A list of (list match-function handle-function)")
54 (defconfig *hide-unmanaged-window* t nil
55 "Hide or not unmanaged windows when a child is deselected.")
57 ;;; CONFIG - Screen size
58 (defun get-fullscreen-size ()
59 "Return the size of root child (values rx ry rw rh)
60 You can tweak this to what you want"
61 (values -2 -2 (+ (xlib:screen-width *screen*) 2) (+ (xlib:screen-height *screen*) 2)))
62 ;;(values -1 -1 (xlib:screen-width *screen*) (xlib:screen-height *screen*)))
63 ;; (values -1 -1 1024 768))
64 ;; (values 100 100 800 600))
67 (defconfig *corner-size* 3 'Corner
68 "The size of the corner square")
71 ;;; CONFIG: Corner actions - See in clfswm-corner.lisp for
72 ;;; allowed functions
73 (defconfig *corner-main-mode-left-button*
74 '((:top-left open-menu)
75 (:top-right present-virtual-keyboard)
76 (:bottom-right expose-windows-mode)
77 (:bottom-left nil))
78 'Corner "Actions on corners in the main mode with the left mouse button")
80 (defconfig *corner-main-mode-middle-button*
81 '((:top-left help-on-clfswm)
82 (:top-right ask-close/kill-current-window)
83 (:bottom-right nil)
84 (:bottom-left nil))
85 'Corner "Actions on corners in the main mode with the middle mouse button")
87 (defconfig *corner-main-mode-right-button*
88 '((:top-left present-clfswm-terminal)
89 (:top-right ask-close/kill-current-window)
90 (:bottom-right expose-all-windows-mode)
91 (:bottom-left nil))
92 'Corner "Actions on corners in the main mode with the right mouse button")
94 (defconfig *corner-second-mode-left-button*
95 '((:top-left nil)
96 (:top-right nil)
97 (:bottom-right expose-windows-mode)
98 (:bottom-left nil))
99 'Corner "Actions on corners in the second mode with the left mouse button")
101 (defconfig *corner-second-mode-middle-button*
102 '((:top-left help-on-clfswm)
103 (:top-right nil)
104 (:bottom-right nil)
105 (:bottom-left nil))
106 'Corner "Actions on corners in the second mode with the middle mouse button")
108 (defconfig *corner-second-mode-right-button*
109 '((:top-left nil)
110 (:top-right nil)
111 (:bottom-right expose-all-windows-mode)
112 (:bottom-left nil))
113 'Corner "Actions on corners in the second mode with the right mouse button")
116 (defconfig *virtual-keyboard-cmd* "xvkbd"
117 'Corner "The command to display the virtual keybaord
118 Here is an ~/.Xresources example for xvkbd:
119 xvkbd.windowGeometry: 300x100-0-0
120 xvkbd*Font: 6x12
121 xvkbd.modalKeytop: true
122 xvkbd.customization: -french
123 xvkbd.keypad: false
124 And make it always on top")
126 (defconfig *clfswm-terminal-name* "clfswm-terminal"
127 'Corner "The clfswm terminal name")
128 ;;(defparameter *clfswm-terminal-cmd* (format nil "xterm -T ~A -e /bin/bash --noprofile --norc" *clfswm-terminal-name*)
129 ;;(defparameter *clfswm-terminal-cmd* (format nil "urxvt -name ~A" *clfswm-terminal-name*)
130 (defconfig *clfswm-terminal-cmd* (format nil "xterm -T ~A" *clfswm-terminal-name*)
131 'Corner "The clfswm terminal command.
132 This command must set the window title to *clfswm-terminal-name*")
137 ;;; Hook definitions
139 ;;; A hook is a function, a symbol or a list of functions with a rest
140 ;;; arguments.
142 ;;; This hooks are set in clfswm.lisp, you can overwrite them or extend
143 ;;; them with a hook list.
145 ;;; See clfswm.lisp for hooks examples.
147 (defconfig *init-hook* '(default-init-hook display-hello-window)
148 'Hook "Init hook. This hook is run just after the first root frame is created")
150 (defconfig *close-hook* '(close-notify-window close-clfswm-terminal close-virtual-keyboard)
151 'Hook "Close hook. This hook is run just before closing the display")
153 (defconfig *default-nw-hook* 'default-frame-nw-hook
154 'Hook "Default action to do on newly created windows")
159 ;;; CONFIG
160 (defconfig *create-frame-on-root* nil
161 nil "Create frame on root.
162 Set this variable to true if you want to allow to create a new frame
163 on the root window in the main mode with the mouse")
166 ;;; CONFIG: Main mode colors
167 (defconfig *color-selected* "Red"
168 'Main-mode "Color of selected window")
169 (defconfig *color-unselected* "Blue"
170 'Main-mode "Color of unselected color")
171 (defconfig *color-maybe-selected* "Yellow"
172 'Main-mode "Color of maybe selected windows")
175 ;;; CONFIG: Frame colors
176 (defconfig *frame-background* "Black"
177 'Frame-colors "Frame background")
178 (defconfig *frame-foreground* "Green"
179 'Frame-colors "Frame foreground")
180 (defconfig *frame-foreground-root* "Red"
181 'Frame-colors "Frame foreground when the frame is the root frame")
182 (defconfig *frame-foreground-hidden* "Darkgreen"
183 'Frame-colors "Frame foreground for hidden windows")
185 ;;; CONFIG: Default window size
186 (defconfig *default-window-width* 400
187 nil "Default window width")
188 (defconfig *default-window-height* 300
189 nil "Default window height")
191 ;;; CONFIG: Second mode colors and fonts
192 (defconfig *sm-border-color* "Green"
193 'Second-mode "Second mode window border color")
194 (defconfig *sm-background-color* "Black"
195 'Second-mode "Second mode window background color")
196 (defconfig *sm-foreground-color* "Red"
197 'Second-mode "Second mode window foreground color")
198 (defconfig *sm-font-string* *default-font-string*
199 'Second-mode "Second mode window font string")
200 (defconfig *sm-width* 300
201 'Second-mode "Second mode window width")
202 (defconfig *sm-height* 25
203 'Second-mode "Second mode window height")
209 ;;; CONFIG - Identify key colors
210 (defconfig *identify-font-string* *default-font-string*
211 'Identify-key "Identify window font string")
212 (defconfig *identify-background* "black"
213 'Identify-key "Identify window background color")
214 (defconfig *identify-foreground* "green"
215 'Identify-key "Identify window foreground color")
216 (defconfig *identify-border* "red"
217 'Identify-key "Identify window border color")
219 ;;; CONFIG - Query string colors
220 (defconfig *query-font-string* *default-font-string*
221 'Query-string "Query string window font string")
222 (defconfig *query-background* "black"
223 'Query-string "Query string window background color")
224 (defconfig *query-message-color* "yellow"
225 'Query-string "Query string window message color")
226 (defconfig *query-foreground* "green"
227 'Query-string "Query string window foreground color")
228 (defconfig *query-cursor-color* "white"
229 'Query-string "Query string window foreground cursor color")
230 (defconfig *query-parent-color* "blue"
231 'Query-string "Query string window parenthesis color")
232 (defconfig *query-parent-error-color* "red"
233 'Query-string "Query string window parenthesis color when no match")
234 (defconfig *query-border* "red"
235 'Query-string "Query string window border color")
238 ;;; CONFIG - Info mode
239 (defconfig *info-background* "black"
240 'Info-mode "Info window background color")
241 (defconfig *info-foreground* "green"
242 'Info-mode "Info window foreground color")
243 (defconfig *info-border* "red"
244 'Info-mode "Info window border color")
245 (defconfig *info-line-cursor* "white"
246 'Info-mode "Info window line cursor color color")
247 (defconfig *info-selected-background* "blue"
248 'Info-mode "Info selected item background color")
249 (defconfig *info-font-string* *default-font-string*
250 'Info-mode "Info window font string")
252 (defconfig *info-click-to-select* t
253 'Info-mode "If true, click on info window select item. Otherwise, click to drag the menu")
255 ;;; CONFIG - Circulate string colors
256 (defconfig *circulate-font-string* *default-font-string*
257 'Circulate-mode "Circulate string window font string")
258 (defconfig *circulate-background* "black"
259 'Circulate-mode "Circulate string window background color")
260 (defconfig *circulate-foreground* "green"
261 'Circulate-mode "Circulate string window foreground color")
262 (defconfig *circulate-border* "red"
263 'Circulate-mode "Circulate string window border color")
264 (defconfig *circulate-width* 400
265 'Circulate-mode "Circulate mode window width")
266 (defconfig *circulate-height* 15
267 'Circulate-mode "Circulate mode window height")
270 (defconfig *circulate-text-limite* 30
271 'Circulate-mode "Maximum text limite in the circulate window")
274 ;;; CONFIG - Expose string colors
275 (defconfig *expose-font-string* *default-font-string*
276 'Expose-mode "Expose string window font string")
277 (defconfig *expose-background* "black"
278 'Expose-mode "Expose string window background color")
279 (defconfig *expose-foreground* "green"
280 'Expose-mode "Expose string window foreground color")
281 (defconfig *expose-border* "red"
282 'Expose-mode "Expose string window border color")
283 (defconfig *expose-valid-on-key* t
284 'Expose-mode "Valid expose mode when an accel key is pressed")
285 (defconfig *expose-show-window-title* t
286 'Expose-mode "Show the window title on accel window")
290 ;;; CONFIG - Show key binding colors
291 (defconfig *info-color-title* "Magenta"
292 'Info-mode "Colored info title color")
293 (defconfig *info-color-underline* "Yellow"
294 'Info-mode "Colored info underline color")
295 (defconfig *info-color-first* "Cyan"
296 'Info-mode "Colored info first color")
297 (defconfig *info-color-second* "lightblue"
298 'Info-mode "Colored info second color")
301 ;;; CONFIG - Menu colors
302 ;;; Set *info-foreground* to change the default menu foreground
303 (defconfig *menu-color-submenu* "Cyan"
304 'Menu "Submenu color in menu")
305 (defconfig *menu-color-comment* "Yellow"
306 'Menu "Comment color in menu")
307 (defconfig *menu-color-key* "Magenta"
308 'Menu "Key color in menu")
309 (defconfig *menu-color-menu-key* (->color #xFF9AFF)
310 'Menu "Menu key color in menu")
313 ;;; CONFIG - Notify window string colors
314 (defconfig *notify-window-font-string* *default-font-string*
315 'Notify-Window "Notify window font string")
316 (defconfig *notify-window-background* "black"
317 'Notify-Window "Notify Window background color")
318 (defconfig *notify-window-foreground* "green"
319 'Notify-Window "Notify Window foreground color")
320 (defconfig *notify-window-border* "red"
321 'Notify-Window "Notify Window border color")
322 (defconfig *notify-window-delay* 10
323 'Notify-Window "Notify Window display delay")