Ignore incompliant wm-class strings
[clfswm.git] / src / xlib-util.lisp
1 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
3 ;;;
4 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 ;;; Documentation: Utility functions
6 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 ;;;
8 ;;; (C) 2005-2013 Philippe Brochard <pbrochard@common-lisp.net>
9 ;;;
10 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;;;
15 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;;;
20 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 ;;;
24 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
27 (in-package :clfswm)
30 ;; Window states
31 (defconstant +withdrawn-state+ 0)
32 (defconstant +normal-state+ 1)
33 (defconstant +iconic-state+ 3)
36 (defparameter *window-events* '(:structure-notify
37 :property-change
38 :colormap-change
39 :focus-change
40 :enter-window
41 :leave-window
42 :pointer-motion
43 :exposure)
44 "The events to listen for on managed windows.")
47 (defparameter +netwm-supported+
55 "Supported NETWM properties.
56 Window types are in +WINDOW-TYPES+.")
58 (defparameter +netwm-window-types+
59 '((:_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP . :desktop)
60 (:_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK . :dock)
61 (:_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLBAR . :toolbar)
62 (:_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU . :menu)
63 (:_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_UTILITY . :utility)
64 (:_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_SPLASH . :splash)
65 (:_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG . :dialog)
66 (:_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL . :normal))
67 "Alist mapping NETWM window types to keywords.")
72 (defparameter *x-error-count* 0)
73 (defparameter *max-x-error-count* 10000)
74 (defparameter *clfswm-x-error-filename* "/tmp/clfswm-backtrace.error")
77 (defmacro with-xlib-protect ((&optional name tag) &body body)
78 "Ignore Xlib errors in body."
79 `(handler-case
80 (with-simple-restart (top-level "Return to clfswm's top level")
81 ,@body)
82 (xlib::x-error (c)
83 (incf *x-error-count*)
84 (when (> *x-error-count* *max-x-error-count*)
85 (format t "Xlib error: ~A ~A: ~A~%" ,name (if ,tag ,tag ',body) c)
86 (force-output)
87 (write-backtrace *clfswm-x-error-filename*
88 (format nil "~%------- Additional information ---------
89 Xlib error: ~A ~A: ~A
90 Body: ~A
92 Features: ~A"
93 ,name ,tag c ',body
94 *features*))
95 (error "Too many X errors: ~A (logged in ~A)" c *clfswm-x-error-filename*))
96 #+:xlib-debug
97 (progn
98 (format t "Xlib error: ~A ~A: ~A~%" ,name (if ,tag ,tag ',body) c)
99 (force-output)))))
102 ;;(defmacro with-xlib-protect ((&optional name tag) &body body)
103 ;; `(progn
104 ;; ,@body))
106 (declaim (inline screen-width screen-height))
107 (defun screen-width ()
108 ;;(xlib:screen-width *screen*))
109 (x-drawable-width *root*))
111 (defun screen-height ()
112 ;;(xlib:screen-height *screen*))
113 (x-drawable-height *root*))
116 (defmacro with-x-pointer (&body body)
117 "Bind (x y) to mouse pointer positions"
118 `(multiple-value-bind (x y)
119 (xlib:query-pointer *root*)
120 ,@body))
124 (declaim (inline window-x2 window-y2))
125 (defun window-x2 (window)
126 (+ (x-drawable-x window) (x-drawable-width window)))
128 (defun window-y2 (window)
129 (+ (x-drawable-y window) (x-drawable-height window)))
134 ;;; Events management functions.
136 (defparameter *unhandled-events* nil)
137 (defparameter *current-event-mode* nil)
139 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
140 (defun keyword->handle-event (mode keyword)
141 (create-symbol 'handle-event-fun "-" mode "-" keyword)))
143 (defun handle-event->keyword (symbol)
144 (let* ((name (string-downcase (symbol-name symbol)))
145 (pos (search "handle-event-fun-" name)))
146 (when (and pos (zerop pos))
147 (let ((pos-mod (search "mode" name)))
148 (when pos-mod
149 (intern (string-upcase (subseq name (+ pos-mod 5))) :keyword))))))
150 ;; (values (intern (string-upcase (subseq name (+ pos-mod 5))) :keyword)
151 ;; (subseq name (length "handle-event-fun-") (1- pos-mod))))))))
153 (defparameter *handle-event-fun-symbols* nil)
155 (defun fill-handle-event-fun-symbols ()
156 (with-all-internal-symbols (symbol :clfswm)
157 (let ((pos (symbol-search "handle-event-fun-" symbol)))
158 (when (and pos (zerop pos))
159 (pushnew symbol *handle-event-fun-symbols*)))))
162 (defmacro with-handle-event-symbol ((mode) &body body)
163 "Bind symbol to all handle event functions available in mode"
164 `(let ((pattern (format nil "handle-event-fun-~A" ,mode)))
165 (dolist (symbol *handle-event-fun-symbols*)
166 (let ((pos (symbol-search pattern symbol)))
167 (when (and pos (zerop pos))
168 ,@body)))))
171 (defun find-handle-event-function (&optional (mode ""))
172 "Print all handle event functions available in mode"
173 (with-handle-event-symbol (mode)
174 (print symbol)))
176 (defun assoc-keyword-handle-event (mode)
177 "Associate all keywords in mode to their corresponding handle event functions.
178 For example: main-mode :key-press is bound to handle-event-fun-main-mode-key-press"
179 (setf *current-event-mode* mode)
180 (with-handle-event-symbol (mode)
181 (let ((keyword (handle-event->keyword symbol)))
182 (when (fboundp symbol)
183 #+:event-debug
184 (progn
185 (format t "~&Associating: ~S with ~S~%" symbol keyword)
186 (force-output))
187 (setf (symbol-function keyword) (symbol-function symbol))))))
189 (defun unassoc-keyword-handle-event (&optional (mode ""))
190 "Unbound all keywords from their corresponding handle event functions."
191 (setf *current-event-mode* nil)
192 (with-handle-event-symbol (mode)
193 (let ((keyword (handle-event->keyword symbol)))
194 (when (fboundp keyword)
195 #+:event-debug
196 (progn
197 (format t "~&Unassociating: ~S ~S~%" symbol keyword)
198 (force-output))
199 (fmakunbound keyword)))))
201 (defmacro define-handler (mode keyword args &body body)
202 "Like a defun but with a name expanded as handle-event-fun-'mode'-'keyword'
203 For example (define-handler main-mode :key-press (args) ...)
204 Expand in handle-event-fun-main-mode-key-press"
205 `(defun ,(keyword->handle-event mode keyword) (&rest event-slots &key #+:event-debug event-key ,@args &allow-other-keys)
206 (declare (ignorable event-slots))
207 #+:event-debug (print (list *current-event-mode* event-key))
208 ,@body))
211 (defun event-hook-name (event-keyword)
212 (create-symbol-in-package :clfswm '*event- event-keyword '-hook*))
214 (let ((event-hook-list nil))
215 (defun get-event-hook-list ()
216 event-hook-list)
218 (defmacro use-event-hook (event-keyword)
219 (let ((symb (event-hook-name event-keyword)))
220 (pushnew symb event-hook-list)
221 `(defvar ,symb nil)))
223 (defun unuse-event-hook (event-keyword)
224 (let ((symb (event-hook-name event-keyword)))
225 (setf event-hook-list (remove symb event-hook-list))
226 (makunbound symb)))
228 (defmacro add-event-hook (name &rest value)
229 (let ((symb (event-hook-name name)))
230 `(add-hook ,symb ,@value)))
232 (defmacro remove-event-hook (name &rest value)
233 (let ((symb (event-hook-name name)))
234 `(remove-hook ,symb ,@value)))
236 (defun clear-event-hooks ()
237 (dolist (symb event-hook-list)
238 (makunbound symb)))
241 (defun optimize-event-hook ()
242 "Remove unused event hooks"
243 (dolist (symb event-hook-list)
244 (when (and (boundp symb)
245 (null (symbol-value symb)))
246 (makunbound symb)
247 (setf event-hook-list (remove symb event-hook-list))))))
251 (defmacro define-event-hook (event-keyword args &body body)
252 (let ((event-fun (gensym)))
253 `(let ((,event-fun (lambda (&rest event-slots &key #+:event-debug event-key ,@args &allow-other-keys)
254 (declare (ignorable event-slots))
255 #+:event-debug (print (list ,event-keyword event-key))
256 ,@body)))
257 (add-event-hook ,event-keyword ,event-fun)
258 ,event-fun)))
261 (defmacro event-defun (name args &body body)
262 `(defun ,name (&rest event-slots &key #+:event-debug event-key ,@args &allow-other-keys)
263 (declare (ignorable event-slots))
264 #+:event-debug (print (list ,event-keyword event-key))
265 ,@body))
267 (defun exit-handle-event ()
268 (throw 'exit-handle-event nil))
271 (defun handle-event (&rest event-slots &key event-key &allow-other-keys)
272 (labels ((make-xlib-window (xobject)
273 "For some reason the clx xid cache screws up returns pixmaps when
274 they should be windows. So use this function to make a window out of them."
275 ;; Workaround for pixmap error taken from STUMPWM - thanks:
276 ;; XXX: In both the clisp and sbcl clx libraries, sometimes what
277 ;; should be a window will be a pixmap instead. In this case, we
278 ;; need to manually translate it to a window to avoid breakage
279 ;; in stumpwm. So far the only slot that seems to be affected is
280 ;; the :window slot for configure-request and reparent-notify
281 ;; events. It appears as though the hash table of XIDs and clx
282 ;; structures gets out of sync with X or perhaps X assigns a
283 ;; duplicate ID for a pixmap and a window.
284 #+clisp (make-instance 'xlib:window :id (slot-value xobject 'xlib::id) :display *display*)
285 #+(or sbcl ecl openmcl) (xlib::make-window :id (slot-value xobject 'xlib::id) :display *display*)
286 #-(or sbcl clisp ecl openmcl)
287 (error 'not-implemented)))
288 (handler-case
289 (catch 'exit-handle-event
290 (let ((win (getf event-slots :window)))
291 (when (and win (not (xlib:window-p win)))
292 (dbg "Pixmap Workaround! Should be a window: " win)
293 (setf (getf event-slots :window) (make-xlib-window win))))
294 (let ((hook-symbol (event-hook-name event-key)))
295 (when (boundp hook-symbol)
296 (apply #'call-hook (symbol-value hook-symbol) event-slots)))
297 (if (fboundp event-key)
298 (apply event-key event-slots)
299 #+:event-debug (pushnew (list *current-event-mode* event-key) *unhandled-events* :test #'equal))
300 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*))
301 ((or xlib:window-error xlib:drawable-error) (c)
302 #-xlib-debug (declare (ignore c))
303 #+xlib-debug (format t "Ignore Xlib synchronous error: ~a~%" c)))
310 (defun parse-display-string (display)
311 "Parse an X11 DISPLAY string and return the host and display from it."
312 (let* ((colon (position #\: display))
313 (host (subseq display 0 colon))
314 (rest (subseq display (1+ colon)))
315 (dot (position #\. rest))
316 (num (parse-integer (subseq rest 0 dot))))
317 (values host num)))
320 ;;; Transparency support
321 (let ((opaque #xFFFFFFFF))
322 (defun window-transparency (window)
323 "Return the window transparency"
324 (float (/ (or (first (xlib:get-property window :_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY)) opaque) opaque)))
326 (defun set-window-transparency (window value)
327 "Set the window transparency"
328 (when (numberp value)
329 (xlib:change-property window :_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY
330 (list (max (min (round (* opaque (if (equal *transparent-background* t) value 1)))
331 opaque)
333 :cardinal 32)))
335 (defsetf window-transparency set-window-transparency))
339 (defun maxmin-size-equal-p (window)
340 (when (xlib:window-p window)
341 (let ((hints (xlib:wm-normal-hints window)))
342 (when hints
343 (let ((hint-x (xlib:wm-size-hints-x hints))
344 (hint-y (xlib:wm-size-hints-y hints))
345 (user-specified-position-p (xlib:wm-size-hints-user-specified-position-p hints))
346 (min-width (xlib:wm-size-hints-min-width hints))
347 (min-height (xlib:wm-size-hints-min-height hints))
348 (max-width (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-width hints))
349 (max-height (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-height hints)))
350 (and hint-x hint-y min-width max-width min-height max-height
351 user-specified-position-p
352 (= hint-x 0) (= hint-y 0)
353 (= min-width max-width)
354 (= min-height max-height)))))))
356 (defun maxmin-size-equal-window-in-tree ()
357 (dolist (win (xlib:query-tree *root*))
358 (when (maxmin-size-equal-p win)
359 (return win))))
364 (defun window-state (win)
365 "Get the state (iconic, normal, withdrawn) of a window."
366 (first (xlib:get-property win :WM_STATE)))
369 (defun set-window-state (win state)
370 "Set the state (iconic, normal, withdrawn) of a window."
371 (xlib:change-property win
373 (list state)
375 32))
377 (defsetf window-state set-window-state)
381 (defun window-hidden-p (window)
382 (eql (window-state window) +iconic-state+))
385 (defun window-transient-for (window)
386 (first (xlib:get-property window :WM_TRANSIENT_FOR)))
388 (defun window-leader (window)
389 (when (xlib:window-p window)
390 (or (first (xlib:get-property window :WM_CLIENT_LEADER))
391 (let ((id (window-transient-for window)))
392 (when id
393 (window-leader id))))))
397 (defun unhide-window (window)
398 (when window
399 (when (window-hidden-p window)
400 (xlib:map-window window)
401 (setf (window-state window) +normal-state+
402 (xlib:window-event-mask window) *window-events*))))
405 (defun map-window (window)
406 (when window
407 (xlib:map-window window)))
410 (defun delete-window (window)
411 (send-client-message window :WM_PROTOCOLS
412 (xlib:intern-atom *display* :WM_DELETE_WINDOW)))
414 (defun destroy-window (window)
415 (xlib:kill-client *display* (xlib:window-id window)))
418 ;;(defconstant +exwm-atoms+
440 ;; ;; "_NET_WM_MOVE_ACTIONS"
466 ;; ))
469 ;;(defun intern-atoms (display)
470 ;; (declare (type xlib:display display))
471 ;; (mapcar #'(lambda (atom-name) (xlib:intern-atom display atom-name))
472 ;; +exwm-atoms+)
473 ;; (values))
477 ;;(defun get-atoms-property (window property-atom atom-list-p)
478 ;; "Returns a list of atom-name (if atom-list-p is t) otherwise returns
479 ;; a list of atom-id."
480 ;; (xlib:get-property window property-atom
481 ;; :transform (when atom-list-p
482 ;; (lambda (id)
483 ;; (xlib:atom-name (xlib:drawable-display window) id)))))
485 ;;(defun set-atoms-property (window atoms property-atom &key (mode :replace))
486 ;; "Sets the property designates by `property-atom'. ATOMS is a list of atom-id
487 ;; or a list of keyword atom-names."
488 ;; (xlib:change-property window property-atom atoms :ATOM 32
489 ;; :mode mode
490 ;; :transform (unless (integerp (car atoms))
491 ;; (lambda (atom-key)
492 ;; (xlib:find-atom (xlib:drawable-display window) atom-key)))))
497 ;;(defun net-wm-state (window)
498 ;; (get-atoms-property window :_NET_WM_STATE t))
500 ;;(defsetf net-wm-state (window &key (mode :replace)) (states)
501 ;; `(set-atoms-property ,window ,states :_NET_WM_STATE :mode ,mode))
504 (defun hide-window (window)
505 (when window
506 (setf (window-state window) +iconic-state+
507 (xlib:window-event-mask window) (remove :structure-notify *window-events*))
508 (xlib:unmap-window window)
509 (setf (xlib:window-event-mask window) *window-events*)))
513 (defun window-type (window)
514 "Return one of :desktop, :dock, :toolbar, :utility, :splash,
515 :dialog, :transient, :maxsize and :normal."
516 (when (xlib:window-p window)
517 (or (and (let ((hints (xlib:wm-normal-hints window)))
518 (and hints (or (and (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-width hints)
519 (< (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-width hints) (x-drawable-width *root*)))
520 (and (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-height hints)
521 (< (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-height hints) (x-drawable-height *root*)))
522 (xlib:wm-size-hints-min-aspect hints)
523 (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-aspect hints))))
524 :maxsize)
525 (let ((net-wm-window-type (xlib:get-property window :_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE)))
526 (when net-wm-window-type
527 (dolist (type-atom net-wm-window-type)
528 (when (assoc (xlib:atom-name *display* type-atom) +netwm-window-types+)
529 (return (cdr (assoc (xlib:atom-name *display* type-atom) +netwm-window-types+)))))))
530 (and (xlib:get-property window :WM_TRANSIENT_FOR)
531 :transient)
532 :normal)))
537 ;;; Stolen from Eclipse
538 (defun send-configuration-notify (window x y w h bw)
539 "Send a synthetic configure notify event to the given window (ICCCM 4.1.5)"
540 (xlib:send-event window :configure-notify (xlib:make-event-mask :structure-notify)
541 :event-window window
542 :window window
543 :x x :y y
544 :width w
545 :height h
546 :border-width bw
547 :propagate-p nil))
551 (defun send-client-message (window type &rest data)
552 "Send a client message to a client's window."
553 (xlib:send-event window
554 :client-message nil
555 :window window
556 :type type
557 :format 32
558 :data data))
564 (defun raise-window (window)
565 "Map the window if needed and bring it to the top of the stack. Does not affect focus."
566 (when (xlib:window-p window)
567 (when (window-hidden-p window)
568 (unhide-window window))
569 (setf (xlib:window-priority window) :above)))
572 (defun no-focus ()
573 "don't focus any window but still read keyboard events."
574 (xlib:set-input-focus *display* *no-focus-window* :pointer-root))
576 (defun focus-window (window)
577 "Give the window focus."
578 (no-focus)
579 (when (xlib:window-p window)
580 (xlib:set-input-focus *display* window :parent)))
582 (defun raise-and-focus-window (window)
583 "Raise and focus."
584 (raise-window window)
585 (focus-window window))
588 (defun lower-window (window sibling)
589 "Map the window if needed and bring it just above sibling. Does not affect focus."
590 (when (xlib:window-p window)
591 (when (window-hidden-p window)
592 (unhide-window window))
593 (setf (xlib:window-priority window sibling) :below)))
598 (let ((cursor-font nil)
599 (cursor nil)
600 (pointer-grabbed nil))
601 (defun free-grab-pointer ()
602 (when cursor
603 (xlib:free-cursor cursor)
604 (setf cursor nil))
605 (when cursor-font
606 (xlib:close-font cursor-font)
607 (setf cursor-font nil)))
609 (defun xgrab-init-pointer ()
610 (setf pointer-grabbed nil))
612 (defun xgrab-pointer-p ()
613 pointer-grabbed)
615 (defun xgrab-pointer (root cursor-char cursor-mask-char
616 &optional (pointer-mask '(:enter-window :pointer-motion
617 :button-press :button-release)) owner-p)
618 "Grab the pointer and set the pointer shape."
619 (when pointer-grabbed
620 (xungrab-pointer))
621 (setf pointer-grabbed t)
622 (let* ((white (xlib:make-color :red 1.0 :green 1.0 :blue 1.0))
623 (black (xlib:make-color :red 0.0 :green 0.0 :blue 0.0)))
624 (cond (cursor-char
625 (setf cursor-font (xlib:open-font *display* "cursor")
626 cursor (xlib:create-glyph-cursor :source-font cursor-font
627 :source-char (or cursor-char 68)
628 :mask-font cursor-font
629 :mask-char (or cursor-mask-char 69)
630 :foreground black
631 :background white))
632 (xlib:grab-pointer root pointer-mask
633 :owner-p owner-p :sync-keyboard-p nil :sync-pointer-p nil :cursor cursor))
635 (xlib:grab-pointer root pointer-mask
636 :owner-p owner-p :sync-keyboard-p nil :sync-pointer-p nil)))))
638 (defun xungrab-pointer ()
639 "Remove the grab on the cursor and restore the cursor shape."
640 (setf pointer-grabbed nil)
641 (xlib:ungrab-pointer *display*)
642 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
643 (free-grab-pointer)))
646 (let ((keyboard-grabbed nil))
647 (defun xgrab-init-keyboard ()
648 (setf keyboard-grabbed nil))
650 (defun xgrab-keyboard-p ()
651 keyboard-grabbed)
653 (defun xgrab-keyboard (root)
654 (setf keyboard-grabbed t)
655 (xlib:grab-keyboard root :owner-p nil :sync-keyboard-p nil :sync-pointer-p nil))
658 (defun xungrab-keyboard ()
659 (setf keyboard-grabbed nil)
660 (xlib:ungrab-keyboard *display*)))
667 (defun ungrab-all-buttons (window)
668 (xlib:ungrab-button window :any :modifiers :any))
670 (defun grab-all-buttons (window)
671 (ungrab-all-buttons window)
672 (xlib:grab-button window :any '(:button-press :button-release :pointer-motion)
673 :modifiers :any
674 :owner-p nil
675 :sync-pointer-p t
676 :sync-keyboard-p nil))
678 (defun ungrab-all-keys (window)
679 (xlib:ungrab-key window :any :modifiers :any))
683 (defmacro with-grab-keyboard-and-pointer ((cursor mask old-cursor old-mask &optional ungrab-main) &body body)
684 `(let ((pointer-grabbed (xgrab-pointer-p))
685 (keyboard-grabbed (xgrab-keyboard-p)))
686 (xgrab-pointer *root* ,cursor ,mask)
687 (unless keyboard-grabbed
688 (when ,ungrab-main
689 (ungrab-main-keys))
690 (xgrab-keyboard *root*))
691 (unwind-protect
692 (progn
693 ,@body)
694 (progn
695 (if pointer-grabbed
696 (xgrab-pointer *root* ,old-cursor ,old-mask)
697 (xungrab-pointer))
698 (unless keyboard-grabbed
699 (when ,ungrab-main
700 (grab-main-keys))
701 (xungrab-keyboard))))))
704 (defmacro with-grab-pointer ((&optional cursor-char cursor-mask-char) &body body)
705 `(let ((pointer-grabbed-p (xgrab-pointer-p)))
706 (unless pointer-grabbed-p
707 (xgrab-pointer *root* ,cursor-char ,cursor-mask-char))
708 (unwind-protect
709 (progn
710 ,@body)
711 (unless pointer-grabbed-p
712 (xungrab-pointer)))))
718 (defun stop-button-event ()
719 (xlib:allow-events *display* :sync-pointer))
721 (defun replay-button-event ()
722 (xlib:allow-events *display* :replay-pointer))
732 ;;; Mouse action on window
733 (let (add-fn add-arg dx dy window)
734 (define-handler move-window-mode :motion-notify (root-x root-y)
735 (unless (compress-motion-notify)
736 (if add-fn
737 (multiple-value-bind (move-x move-y)
738 (apply add-fn add-arg)
739 (when move-x
740 (setf (x-drawable-x window) (+ root-x dx)))
741 (when move-y
742 (setf (x-drawable-y window) (+ root-y dy))))
743 (setf (x-drawable-x window) (+ root-x dx)
744 (x-drawable-y window) (+ root-y dy)))))
746 (define-handler move-window-mode :key-release ()
747 (throw 'exit-move-window-mode nil))
749 (define-handler move-window-mode :button-release ()
750 (throw 'exit-move-window-mode nil))
752 (defun move-window (orig-window orig-x orig-y &optional additional-fn additional-arg)
753 (setf window orig-window
754 add-fn additional-fn
755 add-arg additional-arg
756 dx (- (x-drawable-x window) orig-x)
757 dy (- (x-drawable-y window) orig-y)
758 (xlib:window-border window) (get-color *color-move-window*))
759 (raise-window window)
760 (with-grab-pointer ()
761 (when additional-fn
762 (apply additional-fn additional-arg))
763 (generic-mode 'move-window-mode 'exit-move-window-mode
764 :original-mode '(main-mode)))))
767 (let (add-fn add-arg window
768 o-x o-y
769 orig-width orig-height
770 min-width max-width
771 min-height max-height)
772 (define-handler resize-window-mode :motion-notify (root-x root-y)
773 (unless (compress-motion-notify)
774 (if add-fn
775 (multiple-value-bind (resize-w resize-h)
776 (apply add-fn add-arg)
777 (when resize-w
778 (setf (x-drawable-width window) (min (max (+ orig-width (- root-x o-x)) 10 min-width) max-width)))
779 (when resize-h
780 (setf (x-drawable-height window) (min (max (+ orig-height (- root-y o-y)) 10 min-height) max-height))))
781 (setf (x-drawable-width window) (min (max (+ orig-width (- root-x o-x)) 10 min-width) max-width)
782 (x-drawable-height window) (min (max (+ orig-height (- root-y o-y)) 10 min-height) max-height)))))
784 (define-handler resize-window-mode :key-release ()
785 (throw 'exit-resize-window-mode nil))
787 (define-handler resize-window-mode :button-release ()
788 (throw 'exit-resize-window-mode nil))
790 (defun resize-window (orig-window orig-x orig-y &optional additional-fn additional-arg)
791 (let* ((hints (xlib:wm-normal-hints orig-window)))
792 (setf window orig-window
793 add-fn additional-fn
794 add-arg additional-arg
795 o-x orig-x
796 o-y orig-y
797 orig-width (x-drawable-width window)
798 orig-height (x-drawable-height window)
799 min-width (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-min-width hints)) 0)
800 min-height (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-min-height hints)) 0)
801 max-width (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-width hints)) most-positive-fixnum)
802 max-height (or (and hints (xlib:wm-size-hints-max-height hints)) most-positive-fixnum)
803 (xlib:window-border window) (get-color *color-move-window*))
804 (raise-window window)
805 (with-grab-pointer ()
806 (when additional-fn
807 (apply additional-fn additional-arg))
808 (generic-mode 'resize-window-mode 'exit-resize-window-mode
809 :original-mode '(main-mode))))))
813 (define-handler wait-mouse-button-release-mode :button-release ()
814 (throw 'exit-wait-mouse-button-release-mode nil))
816 (defun wait-mouse-button-release (&optional cursor-char cursor-mask-char)
817 (with-grab-pointer (cursor-char cursor-mask-char)
818 (generic-mode 'wait-mouse-button-release 'exit-wait-mouse-button-release-mode)))
824 (let ((color-hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
825 (defun get-color (color)
826 (multiple-value-bind (val foundp)
827 (gethash color color-hash)
828 (if foundp
830 (setf (gethash color color-hash)
831 (xlib:alloc-color (xlib:screen-default-colormap *screen*) color))))))
835 (defgeneric ->color (color))
837 (defmethod ->color ((color-name string))
838 color-name)
840 (defmethod ->color ((color integer))
841 (labels ((hex->float (color)
842 (/ (logand color #xFF) 256.0)))
843 (xlib:make-color :blue (hex->float color)
844 :green (hex->float (ash color -8))
845 :red (hex->float (ash color -16)))))
847 (defmethod ->color ((color list))
848 (destructuring-bind (red green blue) color
849 (xlib:make-color :blue red :green green :red blue)))
851 (defmethod ->color ((color xlib:color))
852 color)
854 (defmethod ->color (color)
855 (format t "Wrong color type: ~A~%" color)
856 "White")
859 (defun color->rgb (color)
860 (multiple-value-bind (r g b)
861 (xlib:color-rgb color)
862 (+ (ash (round (* 256 r)) +16)
863 (ash (round (* 256 g)) +8)
864 (round (* 256 b)))))
870 (defmacro my-character->keysyms (ch)
871 "Convert a char to a keysym"
872 ;; XLIB:CHARACTER->KEYSYMS should probably be implemented in NEW-CLX
873 ;; some day. Or just copied from MIT-CLX or some other CLX
874 ;; implementation (see translate.lisp and keysyms.lisp). For now,
875 ;; we do like this. It suffices for modifiers and ASCII symbols.
876 (if (fboundp 'xlib:character->keysyms)
877 `(xlib:character->keysyms ,ch)
878 `(list
879 (case ,ch
880 (:character-set-switch #xFF7E)
881 (:left-shift #xFFE1)
882 (:right-shift #xFFE2)
883 (:left-control #xFFE3)
884 (:right-control #xFFE4)
885 (:caps-lock #xFFE5)
886 (:shift-lock #xFFE6)
887 (:left-meta #xFFE7)
888 (:right-meta #xFFE8)
889 (:left-alt #xFFE9)
890 (:right-alt #xFFEA)
891 (:left-super #xFFEB)
892 (:right-super #xFFEC)
893 (:left-hyper #xFFED)
894 (:right-hyper #xFFEE)
896 (etypecase ,ch
897 (character
898 ;; Latin-1 characters have their own value as keysym
899 (if (< 31 (char-code ,ch) 256)
900 (char-code ,ch)
901 (error "Don't know how to get keysym from ~A" ,ch)))))))))
906 (defun char->keycode (char)
907 "Convert a character to a keycode"
908 (xlib:keysym->keycodes *display* (first (my-character->keysyms char))))
911 (defun keycode->char (code state)
912 (xlib:keysym->character *display* (xlib:keycode->keysym *display* code 0) state))
914 (defun modifiers->state (modifier-list)
915 (apply #'xlib:make-state-mask modifier-list))
917 (defun state->modifiers (state)
918 (xlib:make-state-keys state))
920 (defun keycode->keysym (code modifiers)
921 (xlib:keycode->keysym *display* code (cond ((member :shift modifiers) 1)
922 ((member :mod-5 modifiers) 4)
923 (t 0))))
929 (let ((modifier-list nil))
930 (defun init-modifier-list ()
931 (dolist (name '("Shift_L" "Shift_R" "Control_L" "Control_R"
932 "Alt_L" "Alt_R" "Meta_L" "Meta_R" "Hyper_L" "Hyper_R"
933 "Mode_switch" "script_switch" "ISO_Level3_Shift"
934 "Caps_Lock" "Scroll_Lock" "Num_Lock"))
935 (awhen (xlib:keysym->keycodes *display* (keysym-name->keysym name))
936 (push it modifier-list))))
938 (defun modifier-p (code)
939 (member code modifier-list)))
941 (defun wait-no-key-or-button-press ()
942 (with-grab-keyboard-and-pointer (66 67 66 67)
943 (loop
944 (let ((key (loop for k across (xlib:query-keymap *display*)
945 for code from 0
946 when (and (plusp k) (not (modifier-p code)))
947 return t))
948 (button (loop for b in (xlib:make-state-keys (nth-value 4 (xlib:query-pointer *root*)))
949 when (member b '(:button-1 :button-2 :button-3 :button-4 :button-5))
950 return t)))
951 (when (and (not key) (not button))
952 (loop while (xlib:event-case (*display* :discard-p t :peek-p nil :timeout 0)
953 (:motion-notify () t)
954 (:key-press () t)
955 (:key-release () t)
956 (:button-press () t)
957 (:button-release () t)
958 (t nil)))
959 (return))))))
962 (defun wait-a-key-or-button-press ()
963 (with-grab-keyboard-and-pointer (24 25 66 67)
964 (loop
965 (let ((key (loop for k across (xlib:query-keymap *display*)
966 unless (zerop k) return t))
967 (button (loop for b in (xlib:make-state-keys (nth-value 4 (xlib:query-pointer *root*)))
968 when (member b '(:button-1 :button-2 :button-3 :button-4 :button-5))
969 return t)))
970 (when (or key button)
971 (return))))))
975 (defun compress-motion-notify ()
976 (when *have-to-compress-notify*
977 (loop while (xlib:event-cond (*display* :timeout 0)
978 (:motion-notify () t)))))
981 (defun display-all-cursors (&optional (display-time 1))
982 "Display all X11 cursors for display-time seconds"
983 (loop for i from 0 to 152 by 2
984 do (xgrab-pointer *root* i (1+ i))
985 (dbg i)
986 (sleep display-time)
987 (xungrab-pointer)))
991 ;;; Double buffering tools
992 (defun clear-pixmap-buffer (window gc)
993 (if (equal *transparent-background* :pseudo)
994 (xlib:copy-area *background-image* *background-gc*
995 (x-drawable-x window) (x-drawable-y window)
996 (x-drawable-width window) (x-drawable-height window)
997 *pixmap-buffer* 0 0)
998 (xlib:with-gcontext (gc :foreground (xlib:gcontext-background gc)
999 :background (xlib:gcontext-foreground gc))
1000 (xlib:draw-rectangle *pixmap-buffer* gc
1001 0 0 (x-drawable-width window) (x-drawable-height window)
1002 t))))
1005 (defun copy-pixmap-buffer (window gc)
1006 (xlib:copy-area *pixmap-buffer* gc
1007 0 0 (x-drawable-width window) (x-drawable-height window)
1008 window 0 0))
1012 (defun is-a-key-pressed-p ()
1013 (loop for k across (xlib:query-keymap *display*)
1014 when (plusp k)
1015 return t))
1017 ;;; Windows wm class and name tests
1018 (defmacro defun-equal-wm-class (symbol class)
1019 `(defun ,symbol (window)
1020 (ignore-errors ;; Ignore incompliant wm-class strings
1021 (when (xlib:window-p window)
1022 (string-equal (xlib:get-wm-class window) ,class)))))
1025 (defmacro defun-equal-wm-name (symbol name)
1026 `(defun ,symbol (window)
1027 (when (xlib:window-p window)
1028 (string-equal (xlib:wm-name window) ,name))))