contrib/toolbar.lisp (toolbar-adjust-root-size): Takes care of multiple toolbar on...
[clfswm.git] / contrib / toolbar.lisp
1 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; CLFSWM - FullScreen Window Manager
3 ;;;
4 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 ;;; Documentation: Toolbar
6 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 ;;;
8 ;;; (C) 2012 Philippe Brochard <>
9 ;;;
10 ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
13 ;;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;;;
15 ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;;;
20 ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23 ;;;
24 ;;; Documentation: If you want to use this file, just add this line in
25 ;;; your configuration file:
26 ;;;
27 ;;; (load-contrib "toolbar.lisp")
28 ;;;
29 ;;; You can add a toolbar with the function add-toolbar in your configuration
30 ;;; file. You can obtain modules list with the list-toolbar-modules function.
31 ;;;
32 ;;; For convenience, here is the add-toolbar documentation:
33 ;;;
34 ;;; add-toolbar (root-x root-y direction size placement modules
35 ;;; &key (autohide *toolbar-default-autohide*)
36 ;;; (thickness *toolbar-default-thickness*)
37 ;;; (refresh-delay *toolbar-default-refresh-delay*)
38 ;;; (border-size *toolbar-default-border-size*))
39 ;;; "Add a new toolbar.
40 ;;; root-x, root-y: root coordinates or if root-y is nil, root-x is the nth root in root-list.
41 ;;; direction: one of :horiz or :vert
42 ;;; placement: same argument as with-placement macro
43 ;;; modules: list of modules: a list of module name, position in percent and arguments.
44 ;;; 0%=left/up <-> 100%=right/down.
45 ;;; Example: '((clock 1) (label 50 \"My label\") (clickable-clock 90))
46 ;;; size: toolbar size in percent of root size
47 ;;; thickness: toolbar height for horizontal toolbar or width for vertical one
48 ;;; autohide: one of nil, :click, or :motion
49 ;;; refresh-delay: refresh delay for toolbar in seconds
50 ;;; border-size: toolbar window border size"
51 ;;;
52 ;;; Here are some examples:
53 ;;; (load-contrib "toolbar.lisp")
54 ;;;
55 ;;; ;; Add an horizontal toolbar on root at coordinates 0,0 pixels
56 ;;; ;; with default modules
57 ;;;
58 ;;; (add-toolbar 0 0 :horiz 80 'top-middle-root-placement *default-toolbar*)
59 ;;;
60 ;;;
61 ;;; ;; Add an horizontal toolbar on root at coordinates 0,0 pixels
62 ;;;
63 ;;; (add-toolbar 0 0 :horiz 90 'top-middle-root-placement
64 ;;; '((clock 1) (label 50 "Plop") (clock-second 25) (clickable-clock 99))
65 ;;; :autohide :click
66 ;;; :refresh-delay 1)
67 ;;;
68 ;;;
69 ;;; ;; Add an horizontal toolbar on root at coordinates 0,0 pixels
70 ;;;
71 ;;; (add-toolbar 0 0 :horiz 70 'bottom-middle-root-placement '((clock 1) (label 50 "Paf) (clock 99))
72 ;;; :autohide :motion)
73 ;;;
74 ;;;
75 ;;; ;; Add a vertical toolbar on root 0
76 ;;;
77 ;;; (add-toolbar 0 nil :vert 60 'middle-left-root-placement '((clock 1) (label 50 "My label") (clock 90)))
78 ;;;
79 ;;;
80 ;;; ;; Add a vertical toolbar on root 1
81 ;;;
82 ;;; (add-toolbar 1 nil :vert 70 'bottom-right-root-placement '((clock 1) (label 50) (clickable-clock 99)))
83 ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 (in-package :clfswm)
87 (format t "Loading Toolbar code... ")
89 (pushnew :clfswm-toolbar *features*)
91 (defstruct toolbar root-x root-y root direction size thickness placement refresh-delay
92 autohide modules clickable hide-state font window gc border-size
93 exposure-hook button-press-hook motion-notify-hook leave-notify-hook)
95 (defstruct toolbar-module name pos display-fun click-fun args rect)
97 (defparameter *toolbar-list* nil)
98 (defparameter *toolbar-module-list* nil)
100 (defparameter *toolbar-root-usage* nil)
102 (defconfig *default-toolbar* '((clfswm-menu 1)
103 (expose-mode-button 10)
104 (system-usage 90)
105 (clickable-clock 99))
106 'Toolbar "Default toolbar modules")
109 ;;; CONFIG - Toolbar window string colors
110 (defconfig *toolbar-window-font-string* *default-font-string*
111 'Toolbar "Toolbar window font string")
112 (defconfig *toolbar-window-background* "black"
113 'Toolbar "Toolbar Window background color")
114 (defconfig *toolbar-window-foreground* "green"
115 'Toolbar "Toolbar Window foreground color")
116 (defconfig *toolbar-window-border* "red"
117 'Toolbar "Toolbar Window border color")
118 (defconfig *toolbar-default-border-size* 0
119 'Toolbar "Toolbar Window border size")
120 (defconfig *toolbar-window-transparency* *default-transparency*
121 'Toolbar "Toolbar window background transparency")
122 (defconfig *toolbar-default-thickness* 20
123 'Toolbar "Toolbar default thickness")
124 (defconfig *toolbar-default-refresh-delay* 30
125 'Toolbar "Toolbar default refresh delay")
126 (defconfig *toolbar-default-autohide* nil
127 'Toolbar "Toolbar default autohide value")
128 (defconfig *toolbar-sensibility* 3
129 'Toolbar "Toolbar sensibility in pixels")
131 (defconfig *toolbar-window-placement* 'top-left-placement
132 'Placement "Toolbar window placement")
134 (use-event-hook :exposure)
135 (use-event-hook :button-press)
136 (use-event-hook :motion-notify)
137 (use-event-hook :leave-notify)
139 (defun toolbar-symbol-fun (name &optional (type 'display))
140 (create-symbol-in-package :clfswm 'toolbar- name '-module- type))
142 (defmacro with-toolbar-root-usage ((root place) &body body)
143 "Apply body only if root place is not already used"
144 `(unless (member ,place (gethash ,root *toolbar-root-usage*))
145 ,@body
146 (pushnew ,place (gethash ,root *toolbar-root-usage*))))
148 (defun toolbar-adjust-root-size (toolbar &optional (dir +1))
149 (unless (toolbar-autohide toolbar)
150 (let ((root (toolbar-root toolbar))
151 (placement-name (symbol-name (toolbar-placement toolbar)))
152 (thickness (+ (toolbar-thickness toolbar) (* 2 (toolbar-border-size toolbar)))))
153 (when (root-p root)
154 (case (toolbar-direction toolbar)
155 (:horiz (cond ((search "TOP" placement-name)
156 (with-toolbar-root-usage (root :top)
157 (incf (root-y root) (* thickness dir))
158 (decf (root-h root) (* thickness dir))))
159 ((search "BOTTOM" placement-name)
160 (with-toolbar-root-usage (root :bottom)
161 (decf (root-h root) (* thickness dir))))))
162 (t (cond ((search "LEFT" placement-name)
163 (with-toolbar-root-usage (root :left)
164 (incf (root-x root) (* thickness dir))
165 (decf (root-w root) (* thickness dir))))
166 ((search "RIGHT" placement-name)
167 (with-toolbar-root-usage (root :right)
168 (decf (root-w root) (* thickness dir)))))))))))
171 (defun toolbar-draw-text (toolbar pos1 pos2 text color)
172 "pos1: percent of toolbar, pos2: pixels in toolbar"
173 (labels ((horiz-text ()
174 (let* ((height (- (xlib:font-ascent (toolbar-font toolbar)) (xlib:font-descent (toolbar-font toolbar))))
175 (dy (truncate (+ pos2 (/ height 2))))
176 (width (xlib:text-width (toolbar-font toolbar) text))
177 (pos (truncate (/ (* (- (xlib:drawable-width (toolbar-window toolbar)) width) pos1) 100))))
178 (xlib:draw-glyphs *pixmap-buffer* (toolbar-gc toolbar) pos dy text)
179 (values (+ pos (xlib:drawable-x (toolbar-window toolbar)))
180 (xlib:drawable-y (toolbar-window toolbar))
181 width
182 (xlib:drawable-height (toolbar-window toolbar)))))
183 (vert-text ()
184 (let* ((width (xlib:max-char-width (toolbar-font toolbar)))
185 (dx (truncate (- pos2 (/ width 2))))
186 (dpos (xlib:max-char-ascent (toolbar-font toolbar)))
187 (height (* dpos (length text)))
188 (pos (+ (truncate (/ (* (- (xlib:drawable-height (toolbar-window toolbar)) height
189 (xlib:max-char-descent (toolbar-font toolbar)))
190 pos1) 100))
191 (xlib:font-ascent (toolbar-font toolbar)))))
192 (loop for c across text
193 for i from 0
194 do (xlib:draw-glyphs *pixmap-buffer* (toolbar-gc toolbar) dx (+ pos (* i dpos)) (string c)))
195 (values (xlib:drawable-x (toolbar-window toolbar))
196 (+ (- pos dpos) (xlib:drawable-y (toolbar-window toolbar)))
197 (xlib:drawable-width (toolbar-window toolbar))
198 height))))
199 (xlib:with-gcontext ((toolbar-gc toolbar) :foreground (get-color color))
200 (case (toolbar-direction toolbar)
201 (:horiz (horiz-text))
202 (:vert (vert-text))))))
205 (defun toolbar-module-text (toolbar module color formatter &rest text)
206 "Print a formatted text at module position centered in toolbar"
207 (toolbar-draw-text toolbar (toolbar-module-pos module) (/ *toolbar-default-thickness* 2)
208 (apply #'format nil formatter text)
209 color))
211 (defun is-valid-toolbar (toolbar)
212 (member toolbar *toolbar-list*))
215 (defun refresh-toolbar (toolbar)
216 (when (is-valid-toolbar toolbar)
217 (unless (toolbar-hide-state toolbar)
218 (add-timer (toolbar-refresh-delay toolbar)
219 (lambda ()
220 (refresh-toolbar toolbar))
221 :refresh-toolbar)
222 (clear-pixmap-buffer (toolbar-window toolbar) (toolbar-gc toolbar))
223 (dolist (module (toolbar-modules toolbar))
224 (when (fboundp (toolbar-module-display-fun module))
225 (apply (toolbar-module-display-fun module) toolbar module (toolbar-module-args module))))
226 (copy-pixmap-buffer (toolbar-window toolbar) (toolbar-gc toolbar)))))
228 (defun toolbar-in-sensibility-zone-p (toolbar root-x root-y)
229 (let* ((tb-win (toolbar-window toolbar))
230 (win-x (xlib:drawable-x tb-win))
231 (win-y (xlib:drawable-y tb-win))
232 (width (xlib:drawable-width tb-win))
233 (height (xlib:drawable-height tb-win))
234 (tb-dir (toolbar-direction toolbar) )
235 (placement-name (symbol-name (toolbar-placement toolbar))))
236 (or (and (equal tb-dir :horiz) (search "TOP" placement-name)
237 (<= root-y win-y (+ root-y *toolbar-sensibility*))
238 (<= win-x root-x (+ win-x width)) (toolbar-autohide toolbar))
239 (and (equal tb-dir :horiz) (search "BOTTOM" placement-name)
240 (<= (+ win-y height (- *toolbar-sensibility*)) root-y (+ win-y height))
241 (<= win-x root-x (+ win-x width)) (toolbar-autohide toolbar))
242 (and (equal tb-dir :vert) (search "LEFT" placement-name)
243 (<= root-x win-x (+ root-x *toolbar-sensibility*))
244 (<= win-y root-y (+ win-y height)) (toolbar-autohide toolbar))
245 (and (equal tb-dir :vert) (search "RIGHT" placement-name)
246 (<= (+ win-x width (- *toolbar-sensibility*)) root-x (+ win-x width))
247 (<= win-y root-y (+ win-y height)) (toolbar-autohide toolbar)))))
250 (defun toolbar-add-exposure-hook (toolbar)
251 (push (define-event-hook :exposure (window)
252 (when (and (is-valid-toolbar toolbar)
253 (xlib:window-p window)
254 (xlib:window-equal (toolbar-window toolbar) window))
255 (refresh-toolbar toolbar)))
256 (toolbar-exposure-hook toolbar)))
259 (defun toggle-toolbar-hide-state (toolbar)
260 (let* ((tb-win (toolbar-window toolbar)))
261 (if (toolbar-hide-state toolbar)
262 (progn
263 (setf (toolbar-hide-state toolbar) nil)
264 (map-window tb-win)
265 (raise-window tb-win)
266 (refresh-toolbar toolbar))
267 (progn
268 (hide-window tb-win)
269 (setf (toolbar-hide-state toolbar) t)))))
271 (defun toolbar-add-hide-button-press-hook (toolbar)
272 (push (define-event-hook :button-press (code root-x root-y)
273 (when (and (is-valid-toolbar toolbar) (= code 1)
274 (toolbar-in-sensibility-zone-p toolbar root-x root-y))
275 (toggle-toolbar-hide-state toolbar)
276 (wait-mouse-button-release)
277 (stop-button-event)
278 (exit-handle-event)))
279 (toolbar-button-press-hook toolbar)))
281 (defun toolbar-add-hide-motion-hook (toolbar)
282 (push (define-event-hook :motion-notify (root-x root-y)
283 (unless (compress-motion-notify)
284 (when (and (is-valid-toolbar toolbar)
285 (toolbar-hide-state toolbar)
286 (toolbar-in-sensibility-zone-p toolbar root-x root-y))
287 (map-window (toolbar-window toolbar))
288 (raise-window (toolbar-window toolbar))
289 (refresh-toolbar toolbar)
290 (setf (toolbar-hide-state toolbar) nil)
291 (exit-handle-event))))
292 (toolbar-motion-notify-hook toolbar)))
294 (defun toolbar-add-hide-leave-hook (toolbar)
295 (push (define-event-hook :leave-notify (root-x root-y)
296 (when (and (is-valid-toolbar toolbar)
297 (not (toolbar-hide-state toolbar))
298 (not (in-window (toolbar-window toolbar) root-x root-y)))
299 (hide-window (toolbar-window toolbar))
300 (setf (toolbar-hide-state toolbar) t)
301 (exit-handle-event)))
302 (toolbar-leave-notify-hook toolbar)))
305 (defun toolbar-add-clickable-module-hook (toolbar)
306 (push (define-event-hook :button-press (code state root-x root-y)
307 (when (and (is-valid-toolbar toolbar)
308 (in-window (toolbar-window toolbar) root-x root-y)
309 (not (toolbar-hide-state toolbar)))
310 (dolist (module (toolbar-modules toolbar))
311 (when (and (in-rectangle root-x root-y (toolbar-module-rect module))
312 (fboundp (toolbar-module-click-fun module)))
313 (apply (toolbar-module-click-fun module) toolbar module code state root-x root-y
314 (toolbar-module-args module))
315 (stop-button-event)
316 (exit-handle-event)))))
317 (toolbar-button-press-hook toolbar)))
320 (defun define-toolbar-hooks (toolbar)
321 (toolbar-add-exposure-hook toolbar)
322 (when (toolbar-clickable toolbar)
323 (toolbar-add-clickable-module-hook toolbar))
324 (case (toolbar-autohide toolbar)
325 (:click (toolbar-add-hide-button-press-hook toolbar))
326 (:motion (toolbar-add-hide-motion-hook toolbar)
327 (toolbar-add-hide-leave-hook toolbar))))
329 (defun set-clickable-toolbar (toolbar)
330 (dolist (module (toolbar-modules toolbar))
331 (when (fboundp (toolbar-module-click-fun module))
332 (setf (toolbar-clickable toolbar) t))))
335 (defmacro remove-toolbar-hook (toolbar keyword)
336 (let ((fun (create-symbol 'toolbar- keyword '-hook)))
337 `(dolist (hook (,fun ,toolbar))
338 (remove-event-hook ,keyword hook))))
342 (let ((windows-list nil))
343 (defun is-toolbar-window-p (win)
344 (and (xlib:window-p win) (member win windows-list :test 'xlib:window-equal)))
346 (defun close-toolbar (toolbar)
347 (when (toolbar-p toolbar)
348 (erase-timer :refresh-toolbar-window)
349 (remove-toolbar-hook toolbar :exposure)
350 (remove-toolbar-hook toolbar :button-press)
351 (remove-toolbar-hook toolbar :leave-notify)
352 (remove-toolbar-hook toolbar :motion-notify)
353 (setf *never-managed-window-list*
354 (remove (list #'is-toolbar-window-p nil)
355 *never-managed-window-list* :test #'equal))
356 (awhen (toolbar-gc toolbar)
357 (xlib:free-gcontext it))
358 (awhen (toolbar-window toolbar)
359 (xlib:destroy-window it))
360 (awhen (toolbar-font toolbar)
361 (xlib:close-font it))
362 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
363 (setf (toolbar-window toolbar) nil
364 (toolbar-gc toolbar) nil
365 (toolbar-font toolbar) nil)))
367 (defun open-toolbar (toolbar)
368 (let ((root (root (toolbar-root-x toolbar) (toolbar-root-y toolbar))))
369 (when (root-p root)
370 (setf (toolbar-root toolbar) root)
371 (let ((*get-current-root-fun* (lambda () root)))
372 (setf (toolbar-font toolbar) (xlib:open-font *display* *toolbar-window-font-string*))
373 (let* ((width (if (equal (toolbar-direction toolbar) :horiz)
374 (round (/ (* (root-w root) (toolbar-size toolbar)) 100))
375 (toolbar-thickness toolbar)))
376 (height (if (equal (toolbar-direction toolbar) :horiz)
377 (toolbar-thickness toolbar)
378 (round (/ (* (root-h root) (toolbar-size toolbar)) 100)))))
379 (with-placement ((toolbar-placement toolbar) x y width height (toolbar-border-size toolbar))
380 (setf (toolbar-window toolbar) (xlib:create-window :parent *root*
381 :x x
382 :y y
383 :width width
384 :height height
385 :background (get-color *toolbar-window-background*)
386 :border-width (toolbar-border-size toolbar)
387 :border (when (plusp (toolbar-border-size toolbar))
388 (get-color *toolbar-window-border*))
389 :colormap (xlib:screen-default-colormap *screen*)
390 :event-mask '(:exposure :key-press :leave-window
391 :pointer-motion))
392 (toolbar-gc toolbar) (xlib:create-gcontext :drawable (toolbar-window toolbar)
393 :foreground (get-color *toolbar-window-foreground*)
394 :background (get-color *toolbar-window-background*)
395 :font (toolbar-font toolbar)
396 :line-style :solid))
397 (push (toolbar-window toolbar) windows-list)
398 (setf (window-transparency (toolbar-window toolbar)) *toolbar-window-transparency*)
399 (add-in-never-managed-window-list (list 'is-toolbar-window-p nil))
400 (map-window (toolbar-window toolbar))
401 (raise-window (toolbar-window toolbar))
402 (refresh-toolbar toolbar)
403 (when (toolbar-autohide toolbar)
404 (hide-window (toolbar-window toolbar))
405 (setf (toolbar-hide-state toolbar) t))
406 (xlib:display-finish-output *display*)
407 (set-clickable-toolbar toolbar)
408 (define-toolbar-hooks toolbar))))))))
412 (defun remove-toolbar (toolbar)
413 (close-toolbar toolbar)
414 (setf *toolbar-list* (remove toolbar *toolbar-list* :test #'equal)))
417 (defun open-all-toolbars ()
418 "Open all toolbars"
419 (setf *toolbar-root-usage* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
420 (dolist (toolbar *toolbar-list*)
421 (open-toolbar toolbar))
422 (dolist (toolbar *toolbar-list*)
423 (toolbar-adjust-root-size toolbar)))
425 (defun close-all-toolbars ()
426 (setf *toolbar-root-usage* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
427 (dolist (toolbar *toolbar-list*)
428 (toolbar-adjust-root-size toolbar -1))
429 (dolist (toolbar *toolbar-list*)
430 (remove-toolbar toolbar))
431 (stop-system-poll))
433 (defun create-toolbar-modules (modules)
434 (loop for mod in modules
435 collect (make-toolbar-module :name (first mod)
436 :pos (second mod)
437 :display-fun (toolbar-symbol-fun (first mod))
438 :click-fun (toolbar-symbol-fun (first mod) 'click)
439 :args (cddr mod)
440 :rect nil)))
443 (defun add-toolbar (root-x root-y direction size placement modules
444 &key (autohide *toolbar-default-autohide*)
445 (thickness *toolbar-default-thickness*)
446 (refresh-delay *toolbar-default-refresh-delay*)
447 (border-size *toolbar-default-border-size*))
448 "Add a new toolbar.
449 root-x, root-y: root coordinates or if root-y is nil, root-x is the nth root in root-list.
450 direction: one of :horiz or :vert
451 placement: same argument as with-placement macro
452 modules: list of modules: a list of module name, position in percent and arguments.
453 0%=left/up <-> 100%=right/down.
454 Example: '((clock 1) (label 50 \"My label\") (clickable-clock 90))
455 size: toolbar size in percent of root size
456 thickness: toolbar height for horizontal toolbar or width for vertical one
457 autohide: one of nil, :click, or :motion
458 refresh-delay: refresh delay for toolbar in seconds
459 border-size: toolbar window border size"
460 (let ((toolbar (make-toolbar :root-x root-x :root-y root-y
461 :direction direction :size size
462 :thickness thickness
463 :placement placement
464 :autohide autohide
465 :refresh-delay refresh-delay
466 :border-size border-size
467 :modules (create-toolbar-modules modules))))
468 (push toolbar *toolbar-list*)
469 toolbar))
472 (add-hook *init-hook* 'open-all-toolbars)
473 (add-hook *close-hook* 'close-all-toolbars)
476 (defun set-toolbar-module-rectangle (module x y width height)
477 (unless (toolbar-module-rect module)
478 (setf (toolbar-module-rect module) (make-rectangle)))
479 (setf (rectangle-x (toolbar-module-rect module)) x
480 (rectangle-y (toolbar-module-rect module)) y
481 (rectangle-width (toolbar-module-rect module)) width
482 (rectangle-height (toolbar-module-rect module)) height))
484 (defmacro with-set-toolbar-module-rectangle ((module) &body body)
485 (let ((x (gensym)) (y (gensym)) (width (gensym)) (height (gensym)))
486 `(multiple-value-bind (,x ,y ,width ,height)
487 ,@body
488 (set-toolbar-module-rectangle ,module ,x ,y ,width ,height))))
492 (defmacro define-toolbar-module ((name &rest args) &body body)
493 (let ((symbol-fun (toolbar-symbol-fun name)))
494 `(progn
495 (pushnew ',name *toolbar-module-list*)
496 (defun ,symbol-fun (toolbar module ,@(when args `(&optional ,@args)))
497 ,@body))))
499 (defmacro define-toolbar-module-click ((name &rest args) &body body)
500 (let ((symbol-fun (toolbar-symbol-fun name 'click)))
501 `(progn
502 (pushnew ',name *toolbar-module-list*)
503 (defun ,symbol-fun (toolbar module code state root-x root-y ,@(when args `(&optional ,@args)))
504 ,@body))))
507 (defun list-toolbar-modules (&optional (stream t))
508 "List all toolbar modules"
509 (format stream "Toolbar modules availables:~%")
510 (dolist (module (reverse *toolbar-module-list*))
511 (format stream " Module: ~A~%" module)
512 (when (fboundp (toolbar-symbol-fun module))
513 (format stream " ~A~%" (documentation (toolbar-symbol-fun module) 'function)))
514 (when (fboundp (toolbar-symbol-fun module 'click))
515 (format stream " On click: ~A~%" (documentation (toolbar-symbol-fun module 'click) 'function)))))
518 (defmacro define-toolbar-color (name doc-string &optional (value *toolbar-window-foreground*))
519 (let ((symbol-name (create-symbol '*toolbar- name '-color*)))
520 `(defconfig ,symbol-name ,value 'Toolbar ,doc-string)))
522 (defmacro tb-color (name)
523 (let ((symbol-name (create-symbol '*toolbar- name '-color*)))
524 symbol-name))
528 ;;; Module subdivisions functions
530 (defun toolbar-module-subdiv-horiz (module root-x N)
531 (truncate (* N (/ (- root-x (rectangle-x (toolbar-module-rect module)))
532 (rectangle-width (toolbar-module-rect module))))))
534 (defun toolbar-module-subdiv-vert (module root-y N)
535 (truncate (* N (/ (- root-y (rectangle-y (toolbar-module-rect module)))
536 (rectangle-height (toolbar-module-rect module))))))
538 (defun toolbar-module-subdiv (toolbar module root-x root-y N)
539 (case (toolbar-direction toolbar)
540 (:horiz (toolbar-module-subdiv-horiz module root-x N))
541 (:vert (toolbar-module-subdiv-vert module root-y N))))
545 ;;; Modules definitions
549 ;;; Clock module
551 (define-toolbar-color clock "Clock color")
553 (define-toolbar-module (clock)
554 "A clock module"
555 (multiple-value-bind (s m h)
556 (get-decoded-time)
557 (declare (ignore s))
558 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module (tb-color clock) "~2,'0D:~2,'0D" h m)))
561 ;;; Clock module with seconds
563 (define-toolbar-module (clock-second)
564 "A clock module with seconds"
565 (multiple-value-bind (s m h)
566 (get-decoded-time)
567 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module (tb-color clock) "~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D" h m s)))
571 ;;; Label module
573 (define-toolbar-color label "Label color")
575 (define-toolbar-module (label text)
576 "(text) - Display a text in toolbar"
577 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module (tb-color label) (or text "Empty")))
580 ;;; Clickable label module
582 (define-toolbar-color clickable-label "Clickable label color")
584 (define-toolbar-module (clickable-label text action)
585 "(text action) - Display a clickable text in toolbar"
586 (declare (ignore action))
587 (with-set-toolbar-module-rectangle (module)
588 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module (tb-color clickable-label) (or text "Empty"))))
590 (define-toolbar-module-click (clickable-label text action)
591 "Call the function 'action'"
592 (declare (ignore text root-x root-y))
593 (when action
594 (funcall action toolbar module code state )))
597 ;;; Clickable clock module
599 (define-toolbar-color clickable-clock "Clickable clock color")
601 (define-toolbar-module (clickable-clock)
602 "A clickable clock module"
603 (multiple-value-bind (s m h)
604 (get-decoded-time)
605 (declare (ignore s))
606 (with-set-toolbar-module-rectangle (module)
607 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module (tb-color clickable-clock) "~2,'0D:~2,'0D" h m))))
610 (defconfig *toolbar-clock-action* "xclock -analog"
611 'toolbar "Toolbar clickable clock module action on click")
613 (define-toolbar-module-click (clickable-clock)
614 "Start an external clock"
615 (declare (ignore toolbar module state root-x root-y))
616 (when (= code 1)
617 (do-shell *toolbar-clock-action*)))
620 (format t "done~%")
624 ;;; CLFSWM menu module
626 (define-toolbar-color clfswm-menu "CLFSWM menu color")
628 (define-toolbar-module (clfswm-menu text placement)
629 "(text placement) - Display an entry for the CLFSWM menu"
630 (declare (ignore placement))
631 (with-set-toolbar-module-rectangle (module)
632 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module (tb-color clfswm-menu) (or text "CLFSWM"))))
634 (define-toolbar-module-click (clfswm-menu text placement)
635 "Open the CLFSWM main menu"
636 (declare (ignore text code state toolbar module root-x root-y))
637 (let ((*info-mode-placement* (or placement *info-mode-placement*)))
638 (open-menu)))
641 ;;; CPU usage
643 (define-toolbar-color cpu "CPU color")
645 (define-toolbar-module (cpu)
646 "Display the CPU usage (slow methode)"
647 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module (tb-color cpu) "CPU:~A%" (cpu-usage)))
651 ;;; Memory usage
653 (define-toolbar-color mem "Memory color")
655 (define-toolbar-module (mem)
656 "Display the memory usage (slow methode)"
657 (multiple-value-bind (used total)
658 (memory-usage)
659 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module (tb-color mem) "Mem:~A%" (round (* (/ used total) 100.0)))))
664 ;;; Battery usage
666 (define-toolbar-color system-info "System information colors (CPU+Mem+Battery)")
667 (define-toolbar-color system-info-low "System information colors (CPU+Mem+Battery)" "Yellow")
668 (define-toolbar-color system-info-alert "System information colors (CPU+Mem+Battery)" "Magenta")
669 (define-toolbar-color system-info-urgent "System information colors (CPU+Mem+Battery)" "Red")
671 (defun toolbar-battery-color (bat)
672 (if (numberp bat)
673 (cond ((<= bat 5) (tb-color system-info-urgent))
674 ((<= bat 10) (tb-color system-info-alert))
675 ((<= bat 25) (tb-color system-info-low))
676 (t (tb-color system-info)))
677 (tb-color system-info)))
679 (define-toolbar-module (bat)
680 "Display the battery usage (slow methode)"
681 (let* ((bat (battery-usage)))
682 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module
683 (toolbar-battery-color bat)
684 "Bat:~A%" bat)))
689 ;;; System usage - Battery, CPU and Memory usage all in one
691 (define-toolbar-module (system-usage (poll-delay 10))
692 "Display system usage: CPU, Memory and Battery (poll methode)"
693 (multiple-value-bind (cpu used total bat)
694 (system-usage-poll poll-delay)
695 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module (toolbar-battery-color bat)
696 "Bat:~A% CPU:~A% Mem:~A%"
697 bat cpu
698 (round (* (/ used total) 100)))))
701 ;;; CPU and Memory usage - CPU and Memory usage
703 (define-toolbar-module (system-cpu-mem (poll-delay 10))
704 "Display system usage: CPU and Memory (poll methode)"
705 (multiple-value-bind (cpu used total)
706 (system-usage-poll poll-delay)
707 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module (tb-color cpu)
708 "CPU:~A% Mem:~A%"
710 (round (* (/ used total) 100)))))
713 ;;; Expose-mode-button
715 (define-toolbar-color expose-mode-button "Expose-mode button")
717 (define-toolbar-module (expose-mode-button text)
718 "On click, switch to expose-mode"
719 (with-set-toolbar-module-rectangle (module)
720 (toolbar-module-text toolbar module (tb-color expose-mode-button) (or text "Xpo"))))
722 (define-toolbar-module-click (expose-mode-button)
723 "left click=Show only current frames ; Right click=show all roots frames"
724 (declare (ignore state toolbar module root-x root-y))
725 (if (= code 1)
726 (expose-windows-mode)
727 (expose-all-windows-mode)))