Conditionnaly handle kerning.
[cl-vectors.git] / aa-misc.lisp
1 ;;;; cl-vectors -- Rasterizer and paths manipulation library
2 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2007 Frédéric Jolliton <>
3 ;;;;
4 ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 ;;;; modify it under the terms of the Lisp Lesser GNU Public License
6 ;;;; (, known as the LLGPL.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
9 ;;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 ;;;; Lesser GNU Public License for more details.
13 (defpackage #:net.tuxee.aa-misc
14 (:use #:common-lisp)
15 (:nicknames #:aa-misc)
16 (:export ;; minimal image support (for testing purpose!)
17 #:make-image
18 #:image-width
19 #:image-height
20 ;; Rendering functions.
21 #:image-put-pixel
22 #:image-put-span
23 ;; Loading, saving and displaying image.
24 #:load-image
25 #:save-image
26 #:show-image
27 #:*external-viewer*
30 (in-package #:net.tuxee.aa-misc)
32 (defvar *external-viewer* "xv"
33 "Default program to run to display a PNM image.")
35 (deftype octet () '(unsigned-byte 8))
37 (defun make-image (width height &optional default-color)
38 "Create a new image.
40 width -- width of the image
41 height -- height of the image
42 default-color -- if not NIL, then the image is filled with the
43 specified color. If unspecified, then the contents of the image
44 is also unspecified.
46 Return the newly created image."
47 (let ((image (make-array (list height width 3)
48 :element-type 'octet)))
49 (when default-color
50 (loop for y below height
51 do (loop for x below width
52 do (loop for rgb below 3
53 do (setf (aref image y x rgb) (aref default-color rgb))))))
54 image))
56 (defun image-width (image)
57 (array-dimension image 1))
59 (defun image-height (image)
60 (array-dimension image 0))
62 ;;;--[ Rendering ]-----------------------------------------------------------
64 (declaim (inline blend-value))
65 (defun blend-value (a b alpha)
66 (max 0 (min 255 (floor (+ (* (- 256 alpha) a)
67 (* alpha b))
68 256))))
70 (defun alpha/normalized (alpha)
71 (min 255 (abs alpha)))
73 (defun alpha/even-odd (alpha)
74 (min 255 (- 256 (abs (- 256 (mod (abs alpha) 512))))))
76 (defun image-put-pixel (image &optional (color #(0 0 0)) (opacity 1.0) (alpha-function :normalized))
77 (check-type image (array octet (* * 3)))
78 (let ((width (image-width image))
79 (height (image-height image)))
80 (case alpha-function
81 (:normalized
82 (setf alpha-function #'alpha/normalized))
83 (:even-odd
84 (setf alpha-function #'alpha/even-odd)))
85 (if (/= opacity 1.0)
86 (lambda (x y alpha)
87 (declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (debug 0)))
88 (when (and (<= 0 x (1- width))
89 (<= 0 y (1- height)))
90 (loop for rgb below 3
91 do (setf (aref image y x rgb)
92 (blend-value (aref image y x rgb)
93 (aref color rgb)
94 (floor (* opacity (funcall alpha-function alpha))))))))
95 (lambda (x y alpha)
96 (declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (debug 0)))
97 (when (and (<= 0 x (1- width))
98 (<= 0 y (1- height)))
99 (loop for rgb below 3
100 do (setf (aref image y x rgb)
101 (blend-value (aref image y x rgb)
102 (aref color rgb)
103 (funcall alpha-function alpha)))))))))
105 (defun image-put-span (image &optional (color #(0 0 0)) (opacity 1.0) (alpha-function :normalized))
106 (check-type image (array octet (* * 3)))
107 (let ((width (image-width image))
108 (height (image-height image)))
109 (case alpha-function
110 (:normalized
111 (setf alpha-function #'alpha/normalized))
112 (:even-odd
113 (setf alpha-function #'alpha/even-odd)))
114 (if (/= opacity 1.0)
115 (lambda (x1 x2 y alpha)
116 (declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (debug 0)))
117 (when (and (< x1 width)
118 (> x2 0)
119 (<= 0 y (1- height)))
120 (setf alpha (funcall alpha-function alpha))
121 (loop for x from (max 0 x1) below (min x2 width)
122 do (loop for rgb below 3
123 do (setf (aref image y x rgb)
124 (blend-value (aref image y x rgb)
125 (aref color rgb)
126 (floor (* opacity alpha))))))))
127 (lambda (x1 x2 y alpha)
128 (declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (debug 0)))
129 (when (and (< x1 width)
130 (> x2 0)
131 (<= 0 y (1- height)))
132 (setf alpha (funcall alpha-function alpha))
133 (loop for x from (max 0 x1) below (min x2 width)
134 do (loop for rgb below 3
135 do (setf (aref image y x rgb)
136 (blend-value (aref image y x rgb)
137 (aref color rgb)
138 alpha)))))))))
140 ;;;--[ load/save/display ]---------------------------------------------------
142 (defun %load-image/pnm (filename)
143 (with-open-file (file filename :element-type 'octet)
144 (flet ((read-word (&optional limit)
145 "Read the next \"word\" (a sequence of non-space
146 characters) skipping initial blanks. The first blank
147 character after the word is also consumed."
148 (declare (ignore limit)) ; FIXME
149 (let ((result (make-array 0
150 :element-type 'octet
151 :fill-pointer 0
152 :adjustable t)))
153 ;; skip blanks, extract the word, consume the following
154 ;; blank.
155 (loop for byte = (read-byte file)
156 while (member byte '(9 10 13 32))
157 finally (vector-push-extend byte result))
158 (loop for byte = (read-byte file)
159 until (member byte '(9 10 13 32))
160 do (vector-push-extend byte result))
161 result))
162 (parse-ascii-integer (seq)
163 "Parse an integer represented by the ASCII charset
164 in the array SEQ."
165 (let ((result 0))
166 (loop for digit in (coerce seq 'list)
167 unless (<= 48 digit 57)
168 do (error "Invalid ASCII integer")
169 do (setf result (+ (* 10 result) (- digit 48))))
170 result)))
171 (let ((format (read-word 3)))
172 (unless (equalp format #(80 54))
173 (error "Expected P6 image format (got ASCII sequence ~S)" (subseq format 0 16)))
174 (let ((width (parse-ascii-integer (read-word 10)))
175 (height (parse-ascii-integer (read-word 10)))
176 (maxval (parse-ascii-integer (read-word 10))))
177 (when (/= maxval 255)
178 (error "Expected 24 bits color image"))
179 (unless (and (<= 1 width 4096)
180 (<= 1 height 4096))
181 (error "Cowardly refusing to read an image of size ~Dx~D" width height))
182 (let* ((image (make-array (list height width 3) :element-type 'octet))
183 (index 0)
184 (end-index (apply #'* (array-dimensions image))))
185 ;; skip blanks to find the first byte of data.
186 (loop for byte = (read-byte file)
187 while (member byte '(9 10 13 32))
188 finally (setf (row-major-aref image index) byte))
189 (incf index)
190 ;; read the rest of the data.
191 (loop while (< index end-index)
192 for byte = (read-byte file)
193 do (setf (row-major-aref image index) byte)
194 (incf index))
195 image))))))
197 (defun load-image (filename format)
198 (ecase format
199 (:pnm
200 (%load-image/pnm filename))))
202 (defun make-array-flat-displaced (array &optional (start 0))
203 (make-array (apply #'* (array-dimensions array))
204 :element-type (array-element-type array)
205 :displaced-to array
206 :displaced-index-offset start))
208 (defun save-image/pnm (filename image)
209 "Save image with PNM format into the file with filename
210 FILENAME. IMAGE must be an (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) array of
211 dimension (* * 3). Last axis represent the RGB component in that
212 order."
213 (with-open-file (file filename
214 :element-type 'octet
215 :direction :output
216 :if-does-not-exist :create
217 :if-exists :overwrite)
218 (labels ((write-ascii-integer (n stream)
219 (when (minusp n)
220 (write-byte 45 stream) ; #\-
221 (setf n (- n)))
222 (write-sequence (loop with digits = ()
223 for digit = (mod n 10)
224 do (push (+ 48 digit) digits)
225 (setf n (floor n 10))
226 while (plusp n)
227 finally (return digits))
228 stream)))
229 ;; "P6" <width> <height> <maxval>
230 (write-sequence #(80 54) file)
231 (write-byte 32 file)
232 (write-ascii-integer (array-dimension image 1) file)
233 (write-byte 32 file)
234 (write-ascii-integer (array-dimension image 0) file)
235 (write-byte 32 file)
236 (write-ascii-integer 255 file)
237 (write-byte 10 file)
238 (write-sequence (make-array-flat-displaced image) file))))
240 (defun save-image (filename image format)
241 (ecase format
242 ((:pnm :ppm)
243 (save-image/pnm filename image)))
244 (values))
246 ;;; WARNING: Run external program.
247 (defun show-image (image &optional (external-viewer *external-viewer*))
248 "Display IMAGE using the specified external viewver."
249 (let ((temp-filename "/tmp/.cl-aa-tmp.pnm"))
250 (save-image temp-filename image :pnm)
251 (asdf:run-shell-command "~S ~S" external-viewer temp-filename)
252 (delete-file temp-filename)))