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1 <html><head><title>TRANE-TAXONOMY</title></head><body><h3>API for package TRANE-TAXONOMY</h3>
2 <blockquote>UNDOCUMENTED</blockquote>
3 <p>(<b>apply-term</b> item term &key value order)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
4 <blockquote>Apply TERM to ITEM, optionally setting its value to VALUE.</blockquote><p><b>cl-store-valued-taxonomy</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>class</i></p>
5 <blockquote>Valued taxonomy that by default encodes/decodes almost any Lisp object with CL-STORE as BASE64 string.</blockquote><blockquote>Class precedence list: <tt> cl-store-valued-taxonomy valued-taxonomy taxonomy standard-object t</tt></blockquote>
6 <blockquote>Class init args: <tt> :name :item-dao-class :encoder :decoder</tt></blockquote>
7 <p>(<b>deftaxonomy</b> name (&optional (class (quote taxonomy))) &rest args)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
8 <blockquote>Defines taxonomy named NAME, with class CLASS and initargs ARGS, and remembers it in *TAXONOMIES*.
10 NAME is symbol or string, which will be transformed to a keyword anyway.</blockquote><p><b>DESCRIPTION</b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i><font color="FF0000">undocumented</font></i></p>
11 <p>(<b>ensure-taxonomy</b> taxonomy)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
12 <blockquote>If TAXONOMY is a taxonomy object, return it, otherwise find and return taxonomy named TAXONOMY.</blockquote><p>(<b>ensure-term</b> taxonomy &key text slug create-p)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
13 <blockquote>Find or create term in taxonomy TAXONOMY.
15 TEXT is a full text of term; if TEXT is given, CREATE-P is
16 non-NIL and term is not found, new term is inserted into
17 database.
19 If SLUG is given instead of TEXT, only search is possible, not
20 creation.</blockquote><p>(<b>find-terms</b> &key taxonomy text slug)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
21 <blockquote>Find list of terms satisfying given keywords.</blockquote><p>(<b>id</b> x)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>generic-function</i></p>
22 <blockquote>Numeric ID or :NULL for DAOs and, if it makes sense, other objects.
24 Usually it will be a reader method automatically defined for ID column of a DAO.</blockquote><p><b>ITEM-DAO-CLASS</b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i><font color="FF0000">undocumented</font></i></p>
25 <p>(<b>item-terms</b> item &optional taxonomy)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
26 <blockquote>List TERMs associated with ITEM in given TAXONOMY.
28 If TAXONOMY is not given, returns terms in all taxonomies.</blockquote><p>(<b>new-term</b> taxonomy text &optional parent)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
29 <blockquote>Create new term in TAXONOMY, with full name TEXT.</blockquote><p>(<b>order-item-terms</b> item terms &key taxonomy null-other-terms)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
30 <blockquote>Set TERMS (a list of terms or term IDs), associated with ITEM, in given order.
32 If NULL-OTHER-TERMS is not NIL, terms not listed in TERMS get their
33 order column set to NULL. If TAXONOMY is given, restrict changes to
34 terms of given taxonomy.</blockquote><p>(<b>setup-taxonomy-sql</b> &key item)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
35 <blockquote>List of SQL statements, suitable for TRANE-COMMON:EXECUTE*, to initialize database for Trane Taxonomy module.
37 ITEM is an optional arguments that, if given, specifies foreign key
38 reference on term's associated item_id columns. It can be a DAO
39 class, a symbol naming one, or a list literally specifying S-SQL's
40 foreign key (as for :CREATE-TABLE sql-op :REFERENCES constraint).</blockquote><p>(<b>slug</b> x)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>generic-function</i></p>
41 <blockquote>Get short, unique, urlified name of OBJECT.</blockquote><p><b>taxonomy</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>class</i></p>
42 <blockquote>Base taxonomy class.
44 Taxonomy has a name (symbol or string, which is transformed to a
45 keyword by DEFTAXONOMY), and refers to DAO classes of taxonomy's ITEM.
46 DAO classes are required to have an integer primary key, accessible by
47 reader named ID.</blockquote><blockquote>Class precedence list: <tt> taxonomy standard-object t</tt></blockquote>
48 <blockquote>Class init args: <tt> :name :item-dao-class</tt></blockquote>
49 <p>(<b>taxonomy</b> term)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
50 <blockquote>TERM's taxonomy object</blockquote><p><b>TAXONOMY-NAME</b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i><font color="FF0000">undocumented</font></i></p>
51 <p>(<b>taxonomy-slug</b> taxonomy)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
52 <blockquote>Return name of taxonomy for database or URL (lowercased string).
54 Applicable to taxonomy objects, symbols and strings.</blockquote><p><b>term</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>class</i></p>
55 <blockquote>Class for a term associated with taxonomy.</blockquote><blockquote>Class precedence list: <tt> term standard-object t</tt></blockquote>
56 <blockquote>Class init args: <tt> :text :taxonomy-name :description</tt></blockquote>
57 <p>(<b>term-item-ids</b> term)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
58 <blockquote>IDs of items associated with given TERM.</blockquote><p>(<b>term-items</b> term)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
59 <blockquote>Items associated with given TERM.</blockquote><p>(<b>term-synonyms</b> term)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
60 <blockquote>Return list of terms synonymous with TERM.
62 Two terms are synonymous when they are in the same taxonomy and differ
63 only in case. More special cases for synonymity may be introduced
64 later.
66 TERM is always included in the returned list, and it is a first item.
68 TERM may be also a list, whose first element is taxonomy object or
69 name, and second element is term name. This is a case of premature
70 optimization.</blockquote><p>(<b>term-taxonomy</b> term)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
71 <blockquote>TERM's taxonomy object</blockquote><p><b>TERM-TAXONOMY-NAME</b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i><font color="FF0000">undocumented</font></i></p>
72 <p><b>TERM-TEXT</b></p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i><font color="FF0000">undocumented</font></i></p>
73 <p>(<b>term-value</b> item term)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
74 <blockquote>Returns value that association of ITEM and TERM is set to.
76 As a second value returns T if an association was found at all,
77 NIL otherwise. This makes it possible to tell between an
78 association with a NIL value and no association at all.
80 Third value is a term ordering value, if ordering is set.</blockquote><p>(setf (<b>term-value</b> item term) new-value)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
81 <blockquote>Set new value for association of ITEM and TERM.
83 New association between ITEM and TERM is established if it was
84 not present before.</blockquote><p>(<b>unbind-term</b> item term)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>function</i></p>
85 <blockquote>Deletes association between ITEM and TERM.
87 If PURGE-EMPTY is non-NIL (default), deletes also from TERM table if
88 no more items refer to this term.</blockquote><p><b>valued-taxonomy</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>class</i></p>
89 <blockquote>Taxonomy where items applied to terms may have values.
91 Defines encoder and decoder function slots, which are responsible
92 for translating value from a Lisp value to DB-safe string. By
93 default it is identity function, which means values need to be
94 strings.</blockquote><blockquote>Class precedence list: <tt> valued-taxonomy taxonomy standard-object t</tt></blockquote>
95 <blockquote>Class init args: <tt> :name :item-dao-class :encoder :decoder</tt></blockquote>
96 <font size=-1><p>Documentation generated by <a href="http://homepage.mac.com/svc/lispdoc/">lispdoc</a> running on Clozure Common Lisp</p></font></body></html>