fixes for package name confusion in swig-lispify
[cl-satwrap.git] / backends / minisat / minisat-cffi.i
1 /* SWIG wrapper generation for minisat library -*- lisp -*- */
2 /* (c) 2010 Utz-Uwe Haus */
4 %module "satwrap.minisat"
6 %feature("intern_function","1"); // use swig-lispify
7 %feature("export"); // export wrapped things
9 %insert("lisphead")%{
10 ;;; Auto-generated -*- lisp -*- file
11 ;;; generated from $Id:$
12 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
13 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 1))))
15 (cl:defpackage :satwrap.minisat
16 (:use :cl :cffi :satwrap.backend)
17 (:documentation "Package containing minisat-backend")
18 ;; other exports done by swig
19 (:export #:minisat-backend #:satisiablep #:solution #:add-clause #:numvars))
20 (cl:in-package :satwrap.minisat)
21 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
22 (cl:defun swig-lispify (name flag cl:&optional (package cl:*package*))
23 (cl:labels ((helper (lst last rest cl:&aux (c (cl:car lst)))
24 (cl:cond
25 ((cl:null lst)
26 rest)
27 ((cl:upper-case-p c)
28 (helper (cl:cdr lst) 'upper
29 (cl:case last
30 ((lower digit) (cl:list* c #\- rest))
31 (cl:t (cl:cons c rest)))))
32 ((cl:lower-case-p c)
33 (helper (cl:cdr lst) 'lower (cl:cons (cl:char-upcase c) rest)))
34 ((cl:digit-char-p c)
35 (helper (cl:cdr lst) 'digit
36 (cl:case last
37 ((upper lower) (cl:list* c #\- rest))
38 (cl:t (cl:cons c rest)))))
39 ((cl:char-equal c #\_)
40 (helper (cl:cdr lst) '_ (cl:cons #\- rest)))
41 ((cl:char-equal c #\-)
42 (helper (cl:cdr lst) '- (cl:cons #\- rest)))
43 (cl:t
44 (cl:error "Invalid character: ~A" c)))))
45 (cl:let ((fix (cl:case flag
46 ((constant enumvalue) "+")
47 (variable "*")
48 (cl:t ""))))
49 (cl:intern
50 (cl:concatenate
51 'cl:string
52 fix
53 (cl:nreverse (helper (cl:concatenate 'cl:list name) cl:nil cl:nil))
54 fix)
55 package)))))
59 %insert ("swiglisp") %{
64 %insert ("swiglisp") %{
65 ;; foreign type definitions to hide pointer values
66 (defclass wrapped-pointer ()
67 ((ptrval :reader get-ptrval :initarg :ptrval)
68 (ctype :reader get-ctype :initarg :ctype))
69 (:documentation "A wrapped pointer"))
71 (defmethod print-object ((p wrapped-pointer) stream)
72 (print-unreadable-object (p stream :type nil :identity nil)
73 (format stream "wrapper around `~A' @0x~16R" (get-ctype p) (get-ptrval p))))
75 (define-condition foreign-null-pointer-condition (error)
76 ((type :initarg :type
77 :reader foreign-null-pointer-condition-type))
78 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
79 (format stream "The foreign pointer of type ~A was NULL"
80 (foreign-null-pointer-condition-type condition)))))
86 %insert ("swiglisp") %{
87 (define-foreign-type LISPCLASS ()
89 (:actual-type :pointer)
90 (:documentation "cffi wrapper type around PTRTYPE."))
92 (define-parse-method LISPCLASS ()
93 (make-instance 'LISPCLASS))
95 (defmethod translate-from-foreign (value (type LISPCLASS))
96 "Wrap PTRTYPE, signaling a null-pointer-exception if value is NULL."
97 (if (cffi:null-pointer-p value)
98 (error 'foreign-null-pointer-condition :type type)
99 (make-instance 'wrapped-pointer :ptrval value :ctype "PTRTYPE")))
101 (defmethod translate-to-foreign ((g wrapped-pointer) (type LISPCLASS))
102 "Unwrap PTRTYPE"
103 (get-ptrval g))
106 %typemap (cin) PTRTYPE "LISPCLASS"
107 %typemap (cout) PTRTYPE "LISPCLASS"
108 %enddef
110 TYPEMAP_WRAPPED_POINTER(struct minisat_solver *, minisat-solver)
112 %typemap (cin) struct minisat_solver * "minisat-solver"
113 %typemap (cout) struct minisat_solver * "minisat-solver"
115 /* Now parse and wrap the API header */
116 %insert ("swiglisp") %{
117 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
118 ;; Muffle compiler-notes globally
119 #+sbcl (declaim (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:defconstant-uneql))
123 %include "minisat_wrap.h"
124 %insert ("swiglisp") %{
126 ;; implementation of a satwrap backend using minisat:
127 (defclass minisat-backend (satwrap-backend)
128 ((solver :initarg :solver :accessor minisat-backend-solver)
129 (solved :initform NIL :accessor minisat-backend-solvedp))
131 (:default-initargs :name "MiniSAT" :version "2-070721"
132 :solver (alloc-minisat-solver))
133 (:documentation "MiniSAT solver backend"))
134 ) ;; end of eval-when to avoid top-level export
136 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance minisat-backend) &rest initargs)
137 (let ((solver (minisat-backend-solver instance)))
138 (tg:finalize instance #'(lambda ()
139 ;; (format T "Finalizing ~X." solver)
140 (free-minisat-solver solver)))))
142 ;; (defmethod reinitialize-instance ((instance minisat-backend) &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
143 ;; (apply #'call-next-method initargs))
147 (defmethod (setf numvars) ((numvars fixnum) (backend minisat-backend)) ;; arguments reversed for setf methods...
148 (minisat-set-numvars (minisat-backend-solver backend) numvars))
150 (defmethod add-clause ((backend minisat-backend) (clause list))
151 (assert (not (member 0 clause :test #'=)))
153 (loop :with solver := (minisat-backend-solver backend)
154 :for v :of-type fixnum :in clause
155 :do (minisat-add-var-to-clause solver v)
156 :finally (progn
157 (minisat-add-var-to-clause solver 0)
158 (setf (minisat-backend-solvedp backend) NIL))))
160 (defmacro with-assumptions ((solver assumptions) &body body)
161 (let ((i (gensym "i"))
162 (s (gensym "solver"))
163 (a (gensym "assumptions")))
164 `(let ((,s ,solver)
165 (,a ,assumptions))
166 (unwind-protect
167 (progn
168 (minisat-clear-assumptions ,s)
169 (etypecase ,a
170 (list (dolist (,i ,a)
171 (minisat-add-assumption ,s ,i)))
172 (vector (loop :for ,i :across ,a
173 :do (minisat-add-assumption ,s ,i))))
174 ,@body)
175 (minisat-clear-assumptions ,s)))))
177 (defmethod satisfiablep ((backend minisat-backend) (assumptions sequence))
178 (ecase (let ((be (minisat-backend-solver backend)))
179 (with-assumptions (be assumptions)
180 (minisat-solve be)))
182 (setf (minisat-backend-solvedp backend) T)
186 (defmethod solution ((backend minisat-backend) (interesting-vars list))
187 (if (not (minisat-backend-solvedp backend))
188 (error "Problem still unsolved or UNSAT")
189 (loop :with be := (minisat-backend-solver backend)
190 :for i :of-type fixnum :in interesting-vars
191 :collect (minisat-sol-val be i))))
193 (defmethod synchronize-backend ((backend minisat-backend)
194 numvars
195 (new-clauses list)
196 (deleted-clauses (eql '()))
197 (old-clauses list))
198 "Adding clauses is easy with minisat."
199 (declare (ignore numvars))
200 (dolist (c new-clauses)
201 (add-clause backend c)))