add-clauses convenience function
[cl-satwrap.git] / satwrap.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; satwrap.lisp --- SAT solvers wrapped for CL
5 ;; Copyright (C) 2010 Utz-Uwe Haus <>
6 ;; $Id:$
7 ;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 ;; it under the terms of the version 3 of the GNU General
9 ;; Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, as
10 ;; clarified by the prequel found in LICENSE.Lisp-GPL-Preface.
12 ;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 ;; without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
14 ;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU
15 ;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
17 ;; Version 3 of the GNU General Public License is in the file
18 ;; LICENSE.GPL that was distributed with this file. If it is not
19 ;; present, you can access it from
20 ;; (until superseded by a
21 ;; newer version) or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
22 ;; Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
24 ;; Commentary:
26 ;;
28 ;;; Code:
30 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
31 (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 1) (safety 1))))
34 (in-package #:satwrap)
36 (defvar *default-sat-backend* :minisat
37 "Name of the default backend to be used by make-sat-solver.")
39 (defparameter *satwrap-backends*
40 `((:precosat . ,(find-class 'satwrap.precosat:precosat-backend))
41 (:minisat . ,(find-class 'satwrap.minisat:minisat-backend)))
42 "Alist of symbolic name to backend class name for all supported backends.")
44 (defun describe-supported-backends ()
45 "Return a list of (designator . description) pairs of the supported backends"
46 (loop :for (key . class) :in *satwrap-backends*
47 :as descr := (let ((instance (make-instance class)))
48 (format nil "~A version ~A"
49 (satwrap.backend:sat-backend-name instance)
50 (satwrap.backend:sat-backend-version instance)))
51 :collect `(,key . ,descr)))
54 ;;; Frontend:
55 (defclass sat-solver ()
56 ((backend :initarg :backend :accessor sat-solver-backend)
57 (numvars :initform 0 :accessor sat-solver-numvars)
58 ;; CNF; split into 'old' and 'new' to allow incremental solving
59 (new-clauses :initform '() :accessor sat-solver-new-clauses)
60 (old-clauses :initform '() :accessor sat-solver-old-clauses)
62 (:default-initargs :backend (make-instance (cdr (assoc *default-sat-backend*
63 *satwrap-backends*))))
64 (:documentation "A Sat solver abstraction"))
66 (defmethod sat-solver-numclauses ((solver sat-solver))
67 (+ (length (sat-solver-new-clauses solver))
68 (length (sat-solver-old-clauses solver))
71 (defmethod print-object ((solver sat-solver) stream)
72 (print-unreadable-object (solver stream :type T :identity T)
73 (format stream "~D vars, ~D clauses, backend ~A"
74 (sat-solver-numvars solver)
75 (sat-solver-numclauses solver)
76 (sat-solver-backend solver))))
78 (defmethod clause-valid ((solver sat-solver) (clause list))
79 "Check that CLAUSE is a valid clause for SOLVER."
80 (loop
81 :with max := (sat-solver-numvars solver)
82 :with min := (- max)
83 :for v :in clause
84 :always (and (not (zerop v))
85 (<= min v max))))
87 (defmacro iota (n &optional (start 1))
88 "Return a list of the N sequential integers starting at START (default: 1)."
89 (let ((i (gensym "i")))
90 `(loop :repeat ,n
91 :for ,i :from ,start
92 :collect ,i)))
94 (define-condition satwrap-condition (error)
96 (:documentation "Superclass of all conditions raised by satwrap code."))
98 (define-condition invalid-clause (satwrap-condition)
99 ((solver :initarg :solver :reader invalid-clause-solver)
100 (clause :initarg :clause :reader invalid-clause-clause))
101 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
102 (format stream "Invalid clause ~A for solver ~A"
103 (invalid-clause-clause condition)
104 (invalid-clause-solver condition)))))
106 (define-condition invalid-backend (satwrap-condition)
107 ((name :initarg :name :reader invalid-backend-name))
108 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
109 (declare (special *satwrap-backends* *default-sat-backend*))
110 (format stream "Invalid backend ~S specified. Supported: ~{~S~^, ~}, default ~S."
111 (invalid-backend-name condition)
112 (mapcar #'car *satwrap-backends*)
113 *default-sat-backend*))))
115 (defmethod flush-to-backend ((solver sat-solver))
116 "Populate backend, possibly flushing old backend contents."
117 (satwrap.backend:synchronize-backend (sat-solver-backend solver)
118 (sat-solver-numvars solver)
119 (sat-solver-new-clauses solver)
120 '() ;; deleted clauses, not yet supported
121 (sat-solver-old-clauses solver))
122 (loop :with deleted := '()
123 :for c :in (sat-solver-old-clauses solver)
124 :unless (find c deleted :test #'equal)
125 :do (push c (sat-solver-new-clauses solver)))
126 (setf (sat-solver-old-clauses solver) (sat-solver-new-clauses solver)
127 (sat-solver-new-clauses solver) '()))
130 (defun make-sat-solver (&optional (backend *default-sat-backend*))
131 "Return a new sat solver instance. Optional argument BACKEND can be used to
132 specify which backend should be used. It defaults to *default-sat-backend*."
133 (let ((be (assoc backend *satwrap-backends* :test #'eq)))
134 (if be
135 (make-instance 'sat-solver :backend (make-instance (cdr be)))
136 (error 'invalid-backend :name backend))))
138 (defgeneric add-variable (solver)
139 (:documentation "Add another variable to SOLVER. Returns new variable index.")
140 (:method ((solver sat-solver))
141 (incf (sat-solver-numvars solver))))
143 (defgeneric add-clause (solver clause)
144 (:documentation "Add CLAUSE to SOLVER's cnf formula. Clause is consumed.")
145 (:method ((solver sat-solver) (clause list))
146 (if (clause-valid solver clause)
147 (push clause (sat-solver-new-clauses solver))
148 (error 'invalid-clause :clause clause :solver solver)))
149 (:method ((solver sat-solver) (clause vector))
150 (add-clause solver (coerce clause 'list))))
152 (defgeneric add-clauses (solver clauses)
153 (:documentation "Add CLAUSES to SOLVER's cnf formula. Clauses are consumed.")
154 (:method ((solver sat-solver) (clauses list))
155 (dolist (c clauses)
156 (add-clause solver c))))
158 (defgeneric satisfiablep (solver &key assume)
159 (:documentation "Check whether current CNF in SOLVER is satisfiable.
160 Keyword argument :ASSUME can provide a sequence of literals assumed TRUE or FALSE.
161 Returns T or NIL.")
162 (:method ((solver sat-solver) &key (assume '()))
163 (if (clause-valid solver assume) ;; misusing 'clause' concept here
164 (progn
165 (flush-to-backend solver)
166 (satwrap.backend:satisfiablep (sat-solver-backend solver) assume))
167 (error 'invalid-clause :clause assume :solver solver))))
169 (defgeneric solution (solver &key interesting-vars)
170 (:documentation "Return solution for SOLVER. If unsat, return '(). If sat return
171 sequence of 0/1 values for variables [1...N]. Keyword argument INTERESTING-VARS can be used to restrict the variables whose values are reported. Solution components will be in the same order that INTERESTING-VARS lists the variables in.")
172 (:method ((solver sat-solver)
173 &key (interesting-vars (iota (sat-solver-numvars solver))))
174 (satwrap.backend:solution (sat-solver-backend solver) interesting-vars)))
176 (defgeneric get-essential-variables (solver)
177 (:documentation "Compute the variables that are essential, i.e. fixed in all solutions of SOLVER.
178 Returns a list of literals fixed, sign according to phase.")
179 (:method ((solver sat-solver))
180 ;; The backend may define a specialized method, but then it has to
181 ;; work on the one copy of data flushed to the solver. Precosat for example
182 ;; does not allow that, so we define the universal implementation here instead of
183 ;; a default implementation in the backend.
184 (let ((have-specialized-method
185 (find-method #'satwrap.backend:get-essential-variables
187 `(,(class-of (sat-solver-backend solver)))
188 nil)))
189 (if have-specialized-method
190 (progn
191 (flush-to-backend solver)
192 (satwrap.backend:get-essential-variables (sat-solver-backend solver)))
193 (let ((fixed '()))
194 (loop :for var :of-type (integer 1) :in (iota (sat-solver-numvars solver))
195 :as res-for-+ := (satisfiablep solver :assume `(,var ,@fixed))
196 :as res-for-- := (satisfiablep solver :assume `(,(- var) ,@fixed))
197 :do (cond
198 ((and res-for-+ (not res-for--))
199 (push var fixed))
200 ((and (not res-for-+) res-for--)
201 (push (- var) fixed))))
202 fixed)))))
205 (defmacro with-sat-solver ((name numatoms &key (backend *default-sat-backend*))
206 &body body)
207 "Bind NAME to a fresh sat-solver with backend :BACKEND (default: *default-sat-backend*) and declare NUMATOMS variables numbered 1..NUMATOMS for the duration of BODY."
208 `(let ((,name (make-sat-solver ,backend)))
209 (loop :repeat ,numatoms :do (add-variable ,name))
210 (locally
211 ,@body)))
213 (defmacro with-index-hash ((mapping &key (test 'cl:eq)) objects &body body)
214 "Execute BODY while binding MAPPING to a hash-table (with predicate
215 TEST, defaults to #'cl:eq) mapping the elements of the sequence OBJECTS
216 to integer 1..[length objects].
217 Typically used to map objects to variables inside WITH-SAT-SOLVER."
218 (let ((o (gensym "objects")))
219 `(let* ((,o ,objects)
220 (,mapping (etypecase ,o
221 (list (loop :with ht := (make-hash-table :test ,test)
222 :for x :in ,o
223 :for num :of-type fixnum :from 1
224 :do (setf (gethash x ht) num)
225 :finally (return ht)))
226 (vector (loop :with ht := (make-hash-table :test ,test)
227 :for x :across ,o
228 :for num :of-type fixnum :from 1
229 :do (setf (gethash x ht) num)
230 :finally (return ht))))))
231 ,@body)))