Implement Memoization.
[cl-opossum.git] / pegutils.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10; -*-
2 ;;;
3 ;;; pegutils.lisp --- Utility functions for implementing PEG parsers
5 ;; Copyright (C) 2008 Utz-Uwe Haus <>
6 ;; $Id$
7 ;;
8 ;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 ;; it under the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General
10 ;; Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, as
11 ;; clarified by the lisp prequel found in LICENSE.
13 ;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14 ;; without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
15 ;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU
16 ;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 ;; Version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file
19 ;; LICENSE that was distributed with this file. If it is not
20 ;; present, you can access it from
21 ;; (until superseded by a
22 ;; newer version) or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
23 ;; Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
25 ;; Commentary:
27 ;; Some code here is inspired by the metapeg library of John Leuner
29 ;;; Code:
32 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
33 (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3))))
35 (in-package #:opossum)
37 (defparameter *trace* nil "If non-nil, do extensive tracing of the parser functions.")
40 (defclass context ()
41 (;; these slots are copied when cloning a context for recursion
42 (input :accessor input :initarg :input :initform nil
43 :type 'string
44 :documentation "The input string being parsed.")
45 (dst-package :accessor dst-package :initarg :dst-package :initform nil
46 :type 'package
47 :documentation "The package into which symbols generated during the parse are interned.")
48 (memotab :accessor memotab :initarg :memotab :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
49 :type 'hash-table
50 :documentation "Hash-table used to memoize parsing result. Keyed on (fun . offset) pairs.")
51 ;; these slots are shared by all cloned copies of a context -- use only STORE-ACTION to guarantee consistency
52 (actions :accessor actions :initarg :actions :initform (make-list 1 :initial-element NIL)
53 :type 'list
54 :documentation "The list of actions accumulated during the parse.")
55 (action-counter :accessor action-counter :initarg :action-counter :initform '(0)
56 :type '(cons (integer 0) null)
57 :documentation "The counter of actions.")
58 ;; these slots are what make a context unique
59 (parent :accessor parent :initarg :parent :initform nil
60 :documentation "Parent context of this context.")
61 (rule :accessor rule :initarg :rule :initform nil
62 :documentation "Rule name in this context.")
63 (children :accessor children :initform nil)
64 (value :accessor value :initarg :value :initform nil
65 :documentation "Accumulated value after successful matching of rule in this context.")
66 (start-index :accessor start-index :initarg :start-index :initform nil
67 :documentation "Position in INPUT where this context starts.")
68 (end-index :accessor end-index :initarg :end-index :initform nil
69 :documentation "Position in INPUT where this context's match ends.")
70 (depth :accessor depth :initarg :depth :initform 0
71 :documentation "How deep in the tree is this context?"))
72 (:documentation "A parser context object."))
74 (defmethod print-object ((obj context) stream)
75 (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type T :identity NIL)
76 (format stream "rule ~A (~S) value ~S (~D:~D)"
77 (rule obj) (children obj) (value obj) (start-index obj) (end-index obj))))
79 (defmethod store-action ((ctx context) action)
80 "Store ACTION in context CTX."
81 (let ((a (actions ctx)))
82 (rplacd a (cons (car a) (cdr a)))
83 (rplaca a action)))
85 (defvar *context* nil "The current parser context.")
87 (defun clone-ctx (ctx rule)
88 "Create clone context of CTX for rule RULE."
89 (make-instance 'context
90 :input (input ctx)
91 :dst-package (dst-package ctx)
92 :memotab (memotab ctx)
93 :actions (actions ctx)
94 :action-counter (action-counter ctx)
95 :parent ctx
96 :rule rule
97 :start-index (end-index ctx)
98 :depth (1+ (depth ctx))))
100 (defun ctx-failed-p (ctx)
101 "Check whether CTX failed to match."
102 (null (end-index ctx)))
104 (defun succeed (ctx value start-index end-index)
105 "Mark CTX as successful: set VALUE and matched region START-INDEX:END-INDEX."
106 (setf (value ctx) value)
107 (setf (start-index ctx) start-index)
108 (setf (end-index ctx) end-index)
109 ;; (when *trace*
110 ;; (format *trace-output* "Matched: ~A (~D:~D)~%"
111 ;; (rule ctx) (start-index ctx) (end-index ctx)))
112 ctx)
114 (defun fail ()
115 "Return a failure context generate from *CONTEXT*."
116 (let ((ctx (make-instance 'context
117 :input (input *context*)
118 :rule ':fail
119 :value (rule *context*)
120 :start-index (start-index *context*)
121 :end-index (end-index *context*)
122 ;; probably some of these copies can be saved
123 :dst-package (dst-package *context*)
124 :actions (actions *context*)
125 :action-counter (action-counter *context*)
126 :depth (1+ (depth *context*)))))
127 ;; (when *trace*
128 ;; (format *trace-output* "(failed: ~A ~A ~A)~%"
129 ;; (value ctx) (start-index ctx) (end-index ctx)))
130 ctx))
132 (defun find-memoized-value (name offset &optional (ctx *context*))
133 "Return a memoized value for FUN at OFFSET, or NIL."
134 (let ((res (gethash `(,name . ,offset) (memotab ctx))))
135 (when *trace*
136 (format *trace-output* "~vT~A memoized result.~%" (depth ctx) (if res "Found" "No")))
137 res))
139 (defun memoizing (name offset result-ctx &optional (ctx *context*))
140 (when *trace*
141 (format *trace-output* "~vT(memoizing for ~A/~D)~%" (depth ctx) name offset))
142 (setf (gethash `(,name . ,offset) (memotab ctx))
143 result-ctx)
144 result-ctx)
147 (defun make-name (rule-string)
148 "Create a symbol suitable for naming the parser function for rule RULE-STRING."
149 (intern (concatenate 'string "parse-" rule-string)
150 (dst-package *context*)))
152 (defun make-action-name (&key ctx)
153 "Return a symbol suitable to name the next action in the current *CONTEXT*."
154 (incf (car (action-counter *context*)))
155 (let ((aname (if ctx
156 (format nil "opossum-action-~D-srcpos-~D-~D"
157 (car (action-counter *context*))
158 (start-index ctx)
159 (end-index ctx))
160 (format nil "opossum-action-~D"
161 (car (action-counter *context*)))) ))
162 (intern aname (dst-package *context*))))
164 (defun char-list-to-string (char-list)
165 (coerce char-list 'string))
167 (defmacro build-parser-function (name parser)
168 "Return a function of 1 argument, the offset in *CONTEXT*, parsing using the given PARSER."
169 `(lambda (offset)
170 ,(format nil "Parse a ~A at the given OFFSET." name)
171 (let ((indent (depth *context*)))
172 (when *trace* (format *trace-output* "~vTTrying to parse a ~A at pos ~D~%" indent ,name offset))
173 (or (find-memoized-value ,name offset)
174 (let* ((*context* (clone-ctx *context* ,name))
175 (result (funcall ,parser offset)))
176 (unless result
177 (error "Parser function ~A did not return a value" ,parser))
178 (if (ctx-failed-p result)
179 (progn
180 (when *trace* (format *trace-output* "~vT... no ~A at pos ~D~%" indent ,name offset))
181 (memoizing ,name offset (fail)))
182 (progn
183 (when *trace* (format *trace-output* "~vT... found ~A at ~D:~D~%"
184 indent
185 ,name (start-index result) (end-index result)))
186 (memoizing ,name offset (succeed *context* (value result) (start-index result) (end-index result))))))))))
190 (defun match-string (string)
191 "Return a function of 1 argument, the offset in *CONTEXT*, that tries to match STRING at that position."
192 #'(lambda (offset)
193 (let ((input (input *context*))
194 (len (length string)))
195 (if (and (>= (length input) (+ offset len))
196 (string= string input :start2 offset :end2 (+ offset len)))
197 (succeed (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-string) string offset (+ offset (length string)))
198 (fail)))))
200 (defun match-char (char-list)
201 #'(lambda (offset)
202 (let ((input (input *context*)))
203 ;; (when *trace*
204 ;; (format *trace-output* "match-char: looking for one of `~{~A~}'~%" char-list))
205 (if (and (> (length input) offset)
206 (member (char input offset)
207 char-list :test #'char=))
208 (succeed (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-char) (char input offset) offset (+ offset 1))
209 (fail)))))
211 (defun match-octal-char-code (i1 i2 i3)
212 "Compare the character given by i3 + 8*i2 + 64*i1 to the next input character."
213 (let ((c (+ i3 (* 8 i2) (* 64 i1))))
214 #'(lambda (offset)
215 (let ((input (input *context*)))
216 ;; (when *trace*
217 ;; (format *trace-output* "match-octal-char-code: looking for ~D~%" c))
218 (if (and (> (length input) offset)
219 (= (char-int (char input offset)) c))
220 (succeed (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-char) (char input offset) offset (+ offset 1))
221 (fail))))))
223 (defun match-char-range (lower-char upper-char)
224 "Match characters in the range between LOWER-CHAR and UPPER-CHAR (inclusive) as decided by CL:CHAR-CODE."
225 #'(lambda (offset)
226 (let ((input (input *context*)))
227 ;; (when *trace*
228 ;; (format *trace-output* "match-char-range: looking for ~A-~A~%" lower-char upper-char))
229 (if (and (> (length input) offset)
230 (let ((x (char-code (char input offset))))
231 (and (>= x (char-code lower-char))
232 (<= x (char-code upper-char)))))
233 (succeed (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-char-range) (char input offset) offset (+ offset 1))
234 (fail)))))
236 (defun match-any-char (&optional ignored)
237 (declare (ignore ignored))
238 #'(lambda (offset)
239 "Match any character at OFFSET, fail only on EOF."
240 (let ((input (input *context*)))
241 ;; (when *trace*
242 ;; (format *trace-output* "match-any-char~%"))
243 (if (< (1+ offset) (length input))
244 (succeed (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-anychar) (char input offset) offset (+ offset 1))
245 (fail)))))
247 (defun match-char-class (char-class)
248 "Regexp matching of next input character against [CHAR-CLASS] using cl-ppcre:scan."
249 (declare (type string char-class))
250 ;; FIXME: could use a pre-computed scanner
251 (let ((cc (format nil "[~A]" char-class)))
252 #'(lambda (offset)
253 "Match next character at OFFSET against the characters in CHAR-CLASS."
254 (let ((input (input *context*)))
255 ;; (when *trace*
256 ;; (format *trace-output* "match-char-class on ~A~%"))
257 (if (and (< (1+ offset) (length input))
258 (let ((c (char input offset)))
259 (cl-ppcre:scan cc (make-string 1 :initial-element c))))
260 (succeed (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-charclass)
261 (char input offset) offset (+ offset 1))
262 (fail))))))
264 (defun fix-escape-sequences (char-list)
265 "Iterate over the list CHAR-LIST, glueing adjacent #\\ #\n and #\\ #\t chars into
266 #\Newline and #\Tab."
267 (cond
268 ((null char-list) char-list)
269 ((null (cdr char-list)) char-list)
271 (loop :with drop := nil
272 :for (c1 c2) :on char-list
273 :if drop
274 :do (setf drop nil)
275 :else
276 :collect (if (char= c1 #\\)
277 (case c2
278 ((#\n) (setf drop T) #\Newline)
279 ((#\t) (setf drop T) #\Tab)
280 ((#\r) (setf drop T) #\Linefeed)
281 (otherwise c1))
283 :end))))
286 ;; parsing combinator functions cribbed from libmetapeg
288 (defun either (&rest parsers)
289 "Produce a function that tries each of the functions in PARSERS sequentially until one succeeds and
290 returns the result of that function, or a failure context if none succeeded."
291 #'(lambda (offset)
292 (let ((*context* (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-either)))
293 ;; (when *trace*
294 ;; (format *trace-output* "either: ~A ~A~%" *context* parsers))
295 (loop :for p :in parsers
296 :as result = (funcall p offset)
297 :when (not (ctx-failed-p result))
298 :return (succeed *context* (value result) offset (end-index result))
299 :finally (return (fail))))))
302 (defun optional (parser)
303 #'(lambda (offset)
304 (let ((*context* (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-optional)))
305 ;; (when *trace*
306 ;; (format *trace-output* "optional: ~A ~A~%" *context* parser))
307 (let ((result (funcall parser offset)))
308 (if (ctx-failed-p result)
309 (succeed *context* 'optional offset offset)
310 (succeed *context* (value result) offset (end-index result)))))))
312 (defun follow (parser)
313 #'(lambda (offset)
314 (let ((*context* (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-follow)))
315 ;; (when *trace*
316 ;; (format *trace-output* "follow: ~A ~A~%" *context* parser))
317 (let ((result (funcall parser offset)))
318 (if (ctx-failed-p result)
319 (fail)
320 (succeed *context* (value result)
321 ;; don't consume input
322 offset offset))))))
324 (defun many (parser)
325 #'(lambda (offset)
326 (let ((*context* (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-many))
327 (start-offset offset)
328 children)
329 ;; (when *trace*
330 ;; (format *trace-output* "many: ~A ~A~%" *context* parser))
331 (loop :as result := (funcall parser offset)
332 :while (not (ctx-failed-p result))
333 :do (progn (push (value result) children)
334 (setf offset (end-index result)))
335 :finally (return (succeed *context* (nreverse children) start-offset offset))))))
338 (defun many1 (parser)
339 #'(lambda (offset)
340 (let* ((*context* (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-many1))
341 (result (funcall parser offset)))
342 ;; (when *trace*
343 ;; (format *trace-output* "many1: ~A ~A~%" *context* parser))
344 (if (not (ctx-failed-p result))
345 (let ((result2 (funcall (many parser) (end-index result))))
346 (if (end-index result2)
347 (succeed *context* (cons (value result) (value result2)) offset (end-index result2))
348 (succeed *context* (value result) offset (end-index result))))
349 (fail)))))
352 (defun seq (&rest parsers)
353 #'(lambda (offset)
354 (assert (> (length parsers) 0))
355 (let ((*context* (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-seq))
356 (start-offset offset)
357 child-values
358 child-nodes)
359 ;; (when *trace*
360 ;; (format *trace-output* "seq: ~A ~A~%" *context* parsers))
361 ;; run the parsers
362 (loop :for p :in parsers
363 ;; :do (when *trace* (format *trace-output* " (seq ~A) trying ~A~%" *context* p))
364 :do (cond
365 ((consp p)
366 (push (succeed (clone-ctx *context* 'action) nil offset offset) child-nodes)
367 (push p child-values)
368 (setf (children *context*) (reverse child-nodes)))
370 (let ((result (funcall p offset)))
371 (if (end-index result)
372 (progn
373 (push result child-nodes)
374 (push (value result) child-values)
375 (setf offset (end-index result))
376 (setf (children *context*) (reverse child-nodes)))
377 (return (fail))))))
378 :finally (return (succeed *context* (reverse child-values) start-offset offset))))))
380 (defun negate (parser)
381 #'(lambda (offset)
382 "Return a successful context at OFFSET if PARSER succeeds, without advancing input position."
383 (let ((*context* (clone-ctx *context* 'opossum-negate)))
384 (let ((result (funcall parser offset)))
385 (if (ctx-failed-p result)
386 (succeed *context* 'negate offset offset)
387 (fail))))))
391 (defun read-stream (stream)
392 "Read STREAM and return a string of all its contents."
393 (let ((s ""))
394 (loop :as line := (read-line stream nil nil)
395 :while line
396 :do (setq s (concatenate 'string s line)))
399 (defun read-file (file)
400 "Read FILE and return a string of all its contents."
401 (with-open-file (f file :direction :input)
402 (let ((len (file-length f)))
403 (if len
404 (let ((s (make-string len)))
405 (read-sequence s f)
407 (read-stream f)))))
409 (defun make-default-dst-package (grammarfile)
410 (make-package (gensym "opossum-parser")
411 :documentation (format T "Opossum parser for grammar ~A" grammarfile)))
413 (defun get-iso-time ()
414 "Return a string in ISO format for the current time"
415 (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone)
416 (get-decoded-time)
417 (declare (ignore day))
418 (format nil "~4D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D (UCT~@D)"
419 year month date
420 hour minute second
421 (if daylight-p (1+ (- zone)) (- zone)))))
423 (defun cleanup-action-code (code)
424 "Remove trailing newlines so that the string CODE can be printed nicely."
425 (subseq code 0
426 (when (char= #\Newline (char code (1- (length code))))
427 (1+ (position #\Newline code :from-end T :test #'char/=)))))
429 (defmacro checking-parse (grammarfile parse-file-fun)
430 (let ((res (gensym "resultctx")))
431 `(let ((,res (funcall ,parse-file-fun ,grammarfile *package*)))
432 (cond
433 ((ctx-failed-p ,res)
434 (format *error-output* "Failed to parse PEG grammar ~A~%" ,grammarfile)
435 (error "Parsing ~A failed: ~A" ,grammarfile ,res))
436 ((< (end-index ,res) (length (input ,res)))
437 (format *error-output* "Parsed only ~D characters of grammar ~A~%" (end-index ,res) ,grammarfile)
438 ,res)
439 (T ,res)))))
441 (defun generate-parser-file (grammarfile dst-package dst-file &key start-rule (parse-file-fun #'opossum:parse-file))
442 "Create lisp code in DST-FILE that can be loaded to yield functions to parse using GRAMMARFILE in DST-PACKAGE.
443 DST-PACKAGE will contain the 3 functions PARSE-STRING, PARSE-FILE and PARSE-STREAM as exported entrypoints."
444 (let* ((*package* dst-package)
445 (result (checking-parse grammarfile parse-file-fun))
446 ;; FIXME: check for complete parse
447 (*context* result) ;; routines in pegutils.lisp expect *context* to be bound properly
448 (dpkg (intern (package-name dst-package) :keyword)))
449 (let ((forms (transform (value result)))
450 (actions (actions result)))
451 (with-open-file (s dst-file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
452 (let ((*print-readably* T)
453 (*print-pretty* T)
454 (*print-circle* NIL))
455 (format s ";; This is a Common Lisp peg parser automatically generated by OPOSSUM -*- mode:lisp -*-~%")
456 (format s ";; generated from ~A on ~A~%" grammarfile (get-iso-time))
457 (prin1 `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
458 (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3))))
460 (terpri s)
461 (prin1 `(defpackage ,dpkg
462 (:use :cl :opossum)
463 (:export :parse-string :parse-file :parse-stream :*trace*))
465 (terpri s)
466 (prin1 `(in-package ,dpkg) s) (terpri s)
467 ;; First form is taken to be the start rule
468 (let ((entryrule (or (and start-rule (make-name start-rule))
469 (and forms (cadr (first forms))))))
470 (if (not entryrule)
471 (format *error-output* "Cannot find entry rule for parser")
472 (progn
473 (when *trace*
474 (format *trace-output* "Inserting definitions for parser entry points through ~A~%"
475 entryrule))
476 (terpri s)
477 (prin1 `(defun parse-string (,(intern :s dst-package) dst-package)
478 ,(format nil "Parse S using grammar ~A starting at ~A" grammarfile entryrule)
479 (let ((*context* (make-instance 'opossum:context
480 :dst-package dst-package
481 :input ,(intern :s dst-package))))
482 (funcall (,entryrule) 0)))
484 (terpri s)
485 (prin1 `(defun parse-file (,(intern :f dst-package) dst-package)
486 ,(format nil "Parse file F using grammar ~A starting at ~A" grammarfile entryrule)
487 (parse-string (opossum:read-file ,(intern :f dst-package)) dst-package))
489 (terpri s)
490 (prin1 `(defun parse-stream (,(intern :stream dst-package) dst-package)
491 ,(format nil "Parse stream F using grammar ~A starting at ~A" grammarfile entryrule)
492 (parse-string (opossum:read-stream ,(intern :stream dst-package)) dst-package))
494 (fresh-line s))))
495 (loop :for aform :in forms
496 :do (when *trace* (format *trace-output* "Inserting form ~A~%" aform))
497 :do (terpri s)
498 :do (prin1 aform s)
499 :do (fresh-line s))
500 (terpri s)
501 (prin1
502 `(defparameter ,(intern "*trace*" dst-package) nil
503 "When non-nil, the generated parser function log to cl:*trace-output*.")
505 (terpri s)
507 (loop :for (sym code) :in actions
508 :when sym ;; the final action is named NIL because we push a
509 ;; NIL ahead of us in store-actions
510 :do (when *trace* (format *trace-output* "Inserting defun for ~A~%" sym))
511 :and :do (format s "~%(defun ~S (data)~% (declare (ignorable data) (type list data))~% ~A)~%"
512 sym (cleanup-action-code code))))))))
514 (defun generate-parser-package (grammarfile &key (dst-package (make-package (gensym "opossum-parser-")))
515 start-rule (parse-file-fun #'opossum:parse-file))
516 "Create functions to parse using GRAMMARFILE in DST-PACKAGE, starting ar rule named HEAD.
517 DST-PACKAGE will contain the 3 functions PARSE-STRING, PARSE-FILE and PARSE-STREAM as exported entrypoints."
518 (let* ((*package* dst-package)
519 (result (checking-parse grammarfile parse-file-fun))
520 ;; FIXME: check for complete parse
521 (*context* result)) ;; routines in pegutils.lisp expect *context* to be bound properly)
522 (let ((forms (transform (value result)))
523 (actions (actions result)))
524 (format *trace-output* "Injecting parser functions into ~A~%" dst-package)
525 (break "~A, ~A" forms actions)
526 (use-package '(:cl :opossum) dst-package)
527 (let ((entryrule (or (and start-rule (make-name start-rule))
528 (and forms (cadr (first forms))))))
529 (if (not entryrule)
530 (format *error-output* "Cannot find entry rule for parser")
531 (progn
532 (when *trace*
533 (format *trace-output* "Inserting definitions for parser entry points through ~A~%"
534 entryrule))
535 (intern (compile 'parse-string
536 `(lambda (,(intern :s dst-package))
537 ,(format nil "Parse S using grammar ~A starting at ~A" grammarfile entryrule)
538 (let ((*context* (make-instance 'opossum:context
539 :dst-package ,dst-package
540 :input ,(intern :s dst-package))))
541 (funcall (,entryrule) 0))))
542 dst-package)
543 (intern (compile 'parse-file
544 `(lambda (,(intern :f dst-package))
545 ,(format nil "Parse file F using grammar ~A starting at ~A" grammarfile entryrule)
546 (parse-string (opossum:read-file ,(intern :f dst-package)))))
547 dst-package)
549 (intern (compile 'parse-stream
550 `(lambda (,(intern :stream dst-package))
551 ,(format nil "Parse stream F using grammar ~A starting at ~A" grammarfile entryrule)
552 (parse-string (opossum:read-stream ,(intern :stream dst-package)))))
553 dst-package))))
554 (intern '*trace* dst-package)
555 (setf (documentation '*trace* 'cl:variable)
556 "When non-nil, the generated parser function log to cl:*trace-output*.")
557 (export '(:parse-string :parse-file :parse-stream :*trace*) dst-package)
559 (loop :for aform :in forms
560 :do (when *trace*
561 (format *trace-output* "Injecting form ~A~%" aform))
562 :do (destructuring-bind (defun-sym name args &rest body)
563 aform
564 (declare (ignore defun-sym))
565 (intern (compile name `(lambda ,args ,@body)) dst-package)))
566 (loop :for (sym code) :in actions
567 :when sym
568 :do (when *trace* (format *trace-output* "Injecting definition for ~A~%" sym))
569 :and :do (intern (compile sym `(lambda (data) (declare (ignorable data)) ,code)) dst-package)))))
573 (defun transform (tree &optional (depth 0))
574 (if (and tree
575 (consp tree))
576 (if (eq (first tree) ':action)
577 (progn
578 (when *trace*
579 (format *trace-output* "~AFound action ~A~%" (make-string depth :initial-element #\Space) tree))
580 tree)
581 (let ((data (mapcar #'(lambda (tr) (transform tr (1+ depth)))
582 tree)))
583 (loop :for el :in data
584 :when (and (listp el)
585 (eq (first el) ':action)
586 (symbolp (third el)))
587 :do (let ((*package* (dst-package *context*))
588 (action (third el)))
589 (when *trace*
590 (format *trace-output* "~&Applying action ~A to ~A~%" action data))
591 (handler-case
592 (return-from transform
593 (funcall (symbol-function action) data))
594 (undefined-function (x)
595 (progn
596 (format *error-output* "missing definition for ~A: ~A~%" action x)
597 ; (break "~A in ~A" action *package*)
598 tree)))))
599 data))
600 tree))