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[cl-ipmsg.git] / ipmsg.lisp
2 (in-package cl-ipmsg)
4 (defun msgloop ()
5 (loop
6 (format t "~&> ")(force-output)
7 (let* ((command-line (read-line)))
8 (when (string/= (subseq command-line (max (1- (length command-line)) 0)) "\\")
9 (with-input-from-string (s command-line)
10 (let* ((phrase1 (format nil "~a" (read s nil nil nil)))
11 (phrase2 (read s nil nil nil))
12 (phrase3 (read s nil nil nil))
13 (phrase4 (read s nil nil nil)))
14 (cond
15 ((string-equal phrase1 "quit") (return-from msgloop nil))
16 ((string-equal phrase1 "list")
17 (progn
18 (format t "~2&Here is the list of your buddies online:~&")
19 (loop for i from 0
20 below (length (protocol-buddy-list
21 (get-protocol-singleton 'ipmsg-protocol)))
22 do (format t "~&~a: ~a~&"
23 (1+ i)
24 (nth i (protocol-buddy-list
25 (get-protocol-singleton 'ipmsg-protocol)))))))
26 ((string-equal phrase1 "send-ip")
27 (send-command-message (get-protocol-singleton 'ipmsg-protocol)
28 phrase2
29 (or phrase4
30 (protocol-port
31 (get-protocol-singleton 'ipmsg-protocol)))
32 :cmd :sendmsg
33 :msg (format nil "~a" phrase3)))
34 ((string-equal phrase1 "send")
35 (let* ((nickname-to-find (format nil "~a" phrase2))
36 (target-buddy
37 (find-if (lambda (item)
38 (string-equal (getf item :username nil)
39 nickname-to-find))
40 (protocol-buddy-list
41 (get-protocol-singleton 'ipmsg-protocol)))))
42 (if (null target-buddy)
43 (format t "~& Error: no such buddy.~%")
44 (send-command-message (get-protocol-singleton 'ipmsg-protocol)
45 (format-ip (getf target-buddy :host))
46 (getf target-buddy :port)
47 :cmd :sendmsg
48 :msg (format nil "~a" phrase3)))))
49 ((string-equal phrase1 "csend")
50 (let* ((channel-to-find (format nil "~a" phrase2)))
51 (if (not
52 (member channel-to-find
53 (protocol-channel-list (get-protocol-singleton
54 'ipmsg-protocol))
55 :test #'string-equal))
56 (format t "~& Error: no such channel.~%")
57 (broadcast-command-message (get-protocol-singleton 'ipmsg-protocol)
58 (protocol-port (get-protocol-singleton
59 'ipmsg-protocol))
60 :cmd :ext-sendchannelmsg
61 :msg (format nil "~a" phrase3)
62 :exmsg (format nil "~a" phrase2)))))
63 ((string-equal phrase1 "add-channel")
64 (pushnew (format nil "~a" phrase2)
65 (protocol-channel-list (get-protocol-singleton 'ipmsg-protocol))
66 :test 'equal))
67 ((string-equal phrase1 "del-channel")
68 (let* ((channel-to-find (format nil "~a" phrase2)))
69 (if (not
70 (member channel-to-find
71 (protocol-channel-list (get-protocol-singleton
72 'ipmsg-protocol)) :test #'equal))
73 (format t "~& Error: no such channel.~%")
74 (setf (protocol-channel-list (get-protocol-singleton 'ipmsg-protocol))
75 (remove-if (lambda (item) (equal item channel-to-find))
76 (protocol-channel-list (get-protocol-singleton
77 'ipmsg-protocol)))))))
78 ((or (string-equal phrase1 "help") (string-equal phrase1 "?"))
79 (format t "~& Following commands are avaiable:~%~& send~%~& send-ip~%~& list~%~& quit~%~& add-channel~%~& del-channel~%~& csend~2%"))
80 (t (format t "~& Unknown command!~%")))))))))
82 (defun main ()
83 (showlogo)
84 (let ((self-info (make-instance 'ipmsg-protocol-selfinfo)))
85 (setf (user-name self-info) (init-username)
86 (host-name self-info) (usocket::get-host-name))
87 (setf (protocol-if (get-protocol-singleton 'ipmsg-protocol))
88 (init-user-ip-interface)))
89 (ipmsg-start-server)
90 (msgloop)
91 (vendor:quit)