Added finalizing of all gtk+ classes at the end of compilation
[cl-gtk2.git] / gtk / gtk.high-level.lisp
1 (in-package :gtk)
3 (define-condition gtk-call-aborted (error)
4 ((condition :initarg :condition :reader gtk-call-aborted-condition))
5 (:report (lambda (c stream)
6 (format stream "Call within main loop aborted because of error:~%~A" (gtk-call-aborted-condition c)))))
8 (defun call-within-main-loop-and-wait (fn)
9 (let ((lock (bt:make-lock))
10 (cv (bt:make-condition-variable))
11 error
12 result)
13 (bt:with-lock-held (lock)
14 (within-main-loop
15 (handler-case
16 (setf result (multiple-value-list (funcall fn)))
17 (error (e) (setf error e)))
18 (bt:with-lock-held (lock)
19 (bt:condition-notify cv)))
20 (bt:condition-wait cv lock)
21 (if error
22 (error 'gtk-call-aborted :condition error)
23 (values-list result)))))
25 (export 'call-within-main-loop-and-wait)
27 (defmacro within-main-loop-and-wait (&body body)
28 `(call-within-main-loop-and-wait (lambda () ,@body)))
30 (export 'within-main-loop-and-wait)
32 (defstruct progress-display parent name count bar time-started current)
34 (export 'progress-display)
35 (export 'progress-display-parent)
36 (export 'progress-display-name)
37 (export 'progress-display-count)
38 (export 'progress-display-bar)
39 (export 'progress-display-time-started)
40 (export 'progress-display-current)
42 (defstruct (progress-window (:include progress-display)) window box)
44 (export 'progress-window)
45 (export 'progress-window-window)
46 (export 'progress-window-box)
48 (defun create-progress-window (name count)
49 (within-main-loop-and-wait
50 (let* ((window (make-instance 'gtk-window :type :toplevel :title name :window-position :center))
51 (box (make-instance 'v-box))
52 (bar (make-instance 'progress-bar :text name)))
53 (container-add window box)
54 (box-pack-start box bar :expand nil)
55 (widget-show window)
56 (make-progress-window :parent nil :name name :count count :bar bar :window window :box box :time-started (get-internal-real-time) :current 0))))
58 (defun progress-display-root (progress)
59 (if (progress-display-parent progress)
60 (progress-display-root (progress-display-parent progress))
61 progress))
63 (defun create-progress-bar (parent name count)
64 (assert name) (assert count)
65 (if parent
66 (within-main-loop-and-wait
67 (let* ((root (progress-display-root parent))
68 (bar (make-instance 'progress-bar :text name)))
69 (box-pack-start (progress-window-box root) bar :expand nil)
70 (widget-show bar)
71 (make-progress-display :parent parent :name name :count count :bar bar :time-started (get-internal-real-time) :current 0)))
72 (create-progress-window name count)))
74 (export 'create-progress-window)
76 (defgeneric delete-progress-bar (bar))
78 (export 'delete-progress-bar)
80 (defmethod delete-progress-bar ((bar progress-window))
81 (within-main-loop-and-wait (object-destroy (progress-window-window bar))))
83 (defmethod delete-progress-bar ((bar progress-display))
84 (let ((root (progress-display-root bar)))
85 (within-main-loop-and-wait (container-remove (progress-window-box root) (progress-display-bar bar)))))
87 (defun format-duration (stream seconds colon-modifier-p at-sign-modifier-p)
88 (declare (ignore colon-modifier-p at-sign-modifier-p))
89 (let ((seconds (mod (truncate seconds) 60))
90 (minutes (mod (truncate seconds 60) 60))
91 (hours (truncate seconds 3600)))
92 (format stream "~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D" hours minutes seconds)))
94 (defun update-progress-bar-text (bar &optional (lower-frac 0.0))
95 (let* ((elapsed (coerce (/ (- (get-internal-real-time)
96 (progress-display-time-started bar))
97 internal-time-units-per-second)
98 'double-float))
99 (process-rate (coerce (/ elapsed (+ lower-frac (progress-display-current bar))) 'double-float))
100 (total-time (coerce (* (progress-display-count bar) process-rate) 'double-float)))
101 (setf (progress-bar-text (progress-display-bar bar))
102 (format nil "~A (~/gtk::format-duration/; ETA ~/gtk::format-duration/)" (progress-display-name bar) elapsed total-time))))
104 (defun update-progress-bar-texts (bar &optional (lower-frac 0.0))
105 (when bar
106 (update-progress-bar-text bar lower-frac)
107 (update-progress-bar-texts (progress-display-parent bar) (coerce (/ (progress-display-current bar) (progress-display-count bar)) 'double-float))))
109 (defun tick-progress-bar (bar)
110 (when bar
111 (within-main-loop-and-wait
112 (incf (progress-bar-fraction (progress-display-bar bar))
113 (coerce (/ (progress-display-count bar)) 'double-float))
114 (incf (progress-display-current bar))
115 (update-progress-bar-text bar))))
117 (export 'tick-progress-bar)
119 (defvar *current-progress-bar* nil)
121 (defmacro with-progress-bar ((name count) &body body)
122 (let ((bar (gensym)))
123 `(let* ((,bar (create-progress-bar *current-progress-bar* ,name ,count))
124 (*current-progress-bar* ,bar))
125 (unwind-protect
126 (progn ,@body)
127 (delete-progress-bar ,bar)))))
129 (export 'with-progress-bar)
131 (defmacro with-progress-bar-action (&body body)
132 `(multiple-value-prog1 (progn ,@body)
133 (tick-progress-bar *current-progress-bar*)))
135 (export 'with-progress-bar-action)
137 (defun test-progress ()
138 (with-progress-bar ("Snowball" 10)
139 (loop
140 repeat 10
141 do (with-progress-bar-action
142 (with-progress-bar ("Texts" 10)
143 (loop
144 repeat 10
145 do (with-progress-bar-action (sleep 1))))))))
147 (defun show-message (message &key (buttons :ok) (message-type :info) (use-markup nil))
148 (let ((dialog (make-instance 'message-dialog
149 :text message
150 :buttons buttons
151 :message-type message-type
152 :use-markup use-markup)))
153 (prog1
154 (dialog-run dialog)
155 (object-destroy dialog))))
157 (export 'show-message)