Fixed package name
[cl-glfw.git] / examples / gears.lisp
1 (require '#:asdf)
2 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op '#:cl-glfw)
4 (defparameter *autoexit* 0)
5 (defparameter *view-rotx* 20)
6 (defparameter *view-roty* 30)
7 (defparameter *view-rotz* 0)
8 (defparameter *gear1* nil)
9 (defparameter *gear2* nil)
10 (defparameter *gear3* nil)
12 (defun gear (inner-radius outer-radius width teeth tooth-depth)
13 (let ((r0 inner-radius)
14 (r1 (- outer-radius (/ tooth-depth 2)))
15 (r2 (+ outer-radius (/ tooth-depth 2)))
16 (angle 0)
17 (da (/ (/ (* 2 pi) teeth) 4)))
18 (gl:shade-model gl:+flat+)
19 (gl:normal-3f 0 0 1)
21 ;; draw front face
22 (gl:with-begin gl:+quad-strip+
23 (dotimes (i (1+ teeth))
24 (setf angle (/ (* i 2 pi) teeth))
25 (gl:vertex-3f (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5))
26 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5))
27 (when (< i teeth)
28 (gl:vertex-3f (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5))
29 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da))))
30 (* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da))))
31 (* width 0.5)))))
33 ;; draw front sides of teeth
34 (gl:with-begin gl:+quads+
35 (dotimes (i teeth)
36 (setf angle (/ (* i 2 pi) teeth))
37 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5))
38 (gl:vertex-3f (* r2 (cos (+ angle da))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle da))) (* width 0.5))
39 (gl:vertex-3f (* r2 (cos (+ angle (* 2 da)))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle (* 2 da)))) (* width 0.5))
40 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* width 0.5))))
42 (gl:normal-3f 0 0 -1)
44 ;; draw back face
45 (gl:with-begin gl:+quad-strip+
46 (dotimes (i (1+ teeth))
47 (setf angle (/ (* i 2 pi) teeth))
48 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* (- width) 0.5))
49 (gl:vertex-3f (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* (- width) 0.5))
50 (when (< i teeth)
51 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* (- width) 0.5))
52 (gl:vertex-3f (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* (- width) 0.5)))))
54 ;; draw back sides of teeth
55 (gl:with-begin gl:+quads+
56 (dotimes (i teeth)
57 (setf angle (/ (* i 2 pi) teeth))
58 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* (- width) 0.5))
59 (gl:vertex-3f (* r2 (cos (+ angle (* 2 da)))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle (* 2 da)))) (* (- width) 0.5))
60 (gl:vertex-3f (* r2 (cos (+ angle da))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle da))) (* (- width) 0.5))
61 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* (- width) 0.5))))
63 ;; draw outward faces of teeth
64 (gl:with-begin gl:+quad-strip+
65 (dotimes (i teeth)
66 (setf angle (/ (* i 2 pi) teeth))
67 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5))
68 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos angle)) (* r1 (sin angle)) (* (- width) 0.5))
69 (let* ((u (- (* r2 (cos (+ angle da))) (* r1 (cos angle))))
70 (v (- (* r2 (sin (+ angle da))) (* r1 (sin angle))))
71 (len (sqrt (+ (* u u) (* v v)))))
73 (setf u (/ u len))
74 (setf v (/ v len))
75 (gl:normal-3f v (- u) 0)
76 (gl:vertex-3f (* r2 (cos (+ angle da))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle da))) (* width 0.5))
77 (gl:vertex-3f (* r2 (cos (+ angle da))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle da))) (* (- width) 0.5))
78 (gl:normal-3f (cos angle) (sin angle) 0)
79 (gl:vertex-3f (* r2 (cos (+ angle (* 2 da)))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle (* 2 da)))) (* width 0.5))
80 (gl:vertex-3f (* r2 (cos (+ angle (* 2 da)))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle (* 2 da)))) (* (- width) 0.5))
81 (setf u (- (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* r2 (cos (+ angle (* 2 da))))))
82 (setf v (- (* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* r2 (sin (+ angle (* 2 da))))))
83 (gl:normal-3f v (- u) 0)
84 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* width 0.5))
85 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* r1 (sin (+ angle (* 3 da)))) (* (- width) 0.5))
86 (gl:normal-3f (cos angle) (sin angle) 0)))
88 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos 0)) (* r1 (sin 0)) (* width 0.5))
89 (gl:vertex-3f (* r1 (cos 0)) (* r1 (sin 0)) (* (- width) 0.5)))
91 (gl:shade-model gl:+smooth+)
93 ;; draw inside radius cylinder */
94 (gl:with-begin gl:+quad-strip+
95 (dotimes (i (1+ teeth))
96 (setf angle (/ (* i 2 pi) teeth))
97 (gl:normal-3f (- (cos angle)) (- (sin angle)) 0)
98 (gl:vertex-3f (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* (- width) 0.5))
99 (gl:vertex-3f (* r0 (cos angle)) (* r0 (sin angle)) (* width 0.5))))))
101 (let ((frames 0)
102 (angle 0)
103 (t-last-report 0)
104 (t0 0)
105 (t1 0))
107 (defun report-fps ()
108 (incf frames)
109 (setf t0 t1
110 t1 (glfw:get-time))
111 (when (>= (- t1 t-last-report) 5)
112 (let* ((seconds (- t1 t-last-report))
113 (fps (/ frames seconds)))
114 (format t "~d frames in ~3$ seconds = ~3$ FPS~%" frames seconds fps))
115 (setf t-last-report t1
116 frames 0))
117 (when (and (not (zerop *autoexit*))
118 (>= t1 (* 0.999 *autoexit*)))
119 (glfw:close-window)))
121 (defun draw ()
122 (gl:clear (logior gl:+color-buffer-bit+ gl:+depth-buffer-bit+))
123 (gl:with-push-matrix
124 (gl:rotate-f *view-rotx* 1 0 0)
125 (gl:rotate-f *view-roty* 0 1 0)
126 (gl:rotate-f *view-rotz* 0 0 1)
128 (gl:with-push-matrix
129 (gl:translate-f -3 -2 0)
130 (gl:rotate-f angle 0 0 1)
131 (gl:call-list *gear1*))
133 (gl:with-push-matrix
134 (gl:translate-f 3.1 -2 0)
135 (gl:rotate-f (- (* -2 angle) 9) 0 0 1)
136 (gl:call-list *gear2*))
138 (gl:with-push-matrix
139 (gl:translate-f -3.1 4.2 0)
140 (gl:rotate-f (- (* -2 angle) 25) 0 0 1)
141 (gl:call-list *gear3*)))
142 (report-fps))
145 (defun animate()
146 (setf angle (coerce (+ angle (* 100 (- t1 t0))) 'single-float))))
148 (defun init-gl ()
149 (gl:enable gl:+cull-face+)
150 (gl:enable gl:+lighting+)
151 (gl:enable gl:+light0+)
152 (gl:enable gl:+depth-test+)
154 (gl:light-fv gl:+light0+ gl:+position+ #(5.0 5.0 10.0 0.0))
156 ;; make the gears
157 (gl:with-new-list (setf *gear1* (gl:gen-lists 1)) gl:+compile+
158 (gl:material-fv gl:+front+ gl:+ambient-and-diffuse+ #(0.8 0.1 0.0 1.0))
159 (gear 1 4 1 20 0.7))
161 (gl:with-new-list (setf *gear2* (gl:gen-lists 1)) gl:+compile+
162 (gl:material-fv gl:+front+ gl:+ambient-and-diffuse+ #(0.0 0.8 0.2 1.0))
163 (gear 0.5 2 2 10 0.7))
165 (gl:with-new-list (setf *gear3* (gl:gen-lists 1)) gl:+compile+
166 (gl:material-fv gl:+front+ gl:+ambient-and-diffuse+ #(0.2 0.2 1.0 1.0))
167 (gear 1.3 2 0.5 10 0.7))
169 (gl:enable gl:+normalize+)
171 ;; did we get -info or -exit?
172 (dolist (arg (or #+sbcl sb-ext:*posix-argv*
173 #+lispworks system:*line-arguments-list*
174 #+cmu extensions:*command-line-words*
175 nil))
176 (cond ((string= arg "-info")
177 (format t "GL_RENDERER = ~s~%GL_VERSION = ~s~%GL_VENDOR = ~s~%GL_EXTENSIONS = ~s~%"
178 (gl:get-string gl:+renderer+)
179 (gl:get-string gl:+version+)
180 (gl:get-string gl:+vendor+)
181 (gl:get-string gl:+extensions+)))
182 ((string= arg "-exit")
183 (setf *autoexit* 30)
184 (format t "Auto Exit after ~d seconds.~%" *autoexit*)))))
186 (cffi:defcallback key-callback :void ((key :int) (action :int))
187 (when (eql action glfw:+press+)
188 (cond ((eql key (char-code #\Z))
189 (if (eql (glfw:get-key glfw:+key-lshift+) glfw:+press+)
190 (decf *view-rotz* 5)
191 (incf *view-rotz* 5)))
192 ((eql key glfw:+key-esc+) (glfw:close-window))
193 ((eql key glfw:+key-up+) (incf *view-rotx* 5))
194 ((eql key glfw:+key-down+) (decf *view-rotx* 5))
195 ((eql key glfw:+key-left+) (incf *view-roty* 5))
196 ((eql key glfw:+key-right+) (decf *view-roty* 5)))))
198 (cffi:defcallback window-size-callback :void ((width :int) (height :int))
199 (let* ((h (/ height width))
200 (znear 5)
201 (zfar 30)
202 (xmax (* znear 0.5)))
204 (gl:viewport 0 0 width height)
205 (gl:with-setup-projection
206 (gl:frustum (- xmax) xmax (* (- xmax) h) (* xmax h) znear zfar))
208 (gl:load-identity)
209 (gl:translate-f 0 0 -20)))
211 ;; program loop
212 (glfw:do-window ("Gears" 300 300 0 0 0 0 16 0 glfw:+window+)
213 ((glfw:enable glfw:+key-repeat+)
214 (glfw:swap-interval 0)
215 (init-gl)
216 (glfw:set-window-size-callback (cffi:callback window-size-callback))
217 (glfw:set-key-callback (cffi:callback key-callback)))
218 (draw)
219 (animate)
220 (glfw:swap-buffers))