Fixed dll name on windows
[cl-glfw.git] / examples / vbo.lisp
1 (require '#:asdf)
2 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op '#:cl-glfw)
3 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op '#:cl-glfw-opengl-version_1_1)
4 (asdf:oos 'asdf:load-op '#:cl-glfw-glu)
6 (defparameter *use-vbo* t)
8 (defconstant +pi+ (coerce pi 'single-float))
9 (defconstant +2pi+ (* +pi+ 2))
10 (defconstant +pi/2+ (/ +pi+ 2))
11 (defconstant +pi/4+ (/ +pi+ 4))
12 (defconstant +pi/8+ (/ +pi+ 8))
13 (defconstant +pi/16+ (/ +pi+ 16))
14 (defconstant +pi/32+ (/ +pi+ 32))
15 (defconstant +pi/64+ (/ +pi+ 64))
16 (defconstant +pi/128+ (/ +pi+ 128))
18 (defparameter *vertices-vbo* nil)
19 (defparameter *colours-vbo* nil)
20 (defparameter *normals-vbo* nil)
21 (defparameter *triangle-indices-vbo* nil)
23 (defparameter *triangle-indices* nil)
24 (defparameter *colours-array* nil)
25 (defparameter *normals-array* nil)
26 (defparameter *vertices-array* nil)
29 (let ((segments 0)
30 (slices 0)
31 (step +pi/64+)) ;; change this to change the detail of the sphere
32 (loop for phi from (- step +pi/2+) upto (- +pi/2+ step) by step
33 for y from 0 do
34 (incf slices)
35 (loop for theta from 0.0 to +2pi+ by step
36 for x from 0 do
37 (setf segments x)
38 (let* ((theta (+ theta (if (oddp y) (/ step 2) 0.0)))
39 (v (list (* (cos phi) (cos theta))
40 (* (cos phi) (sin theta))
41 (sin phi)))
42 (norm (sqrt (reduce #'+ (mapcar #'* v v))))
43 (normal (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (/ e norm))
44 v)))
45 (setf *colours-array* (nconc *colours-array* (list (+ 0.5 (/ phi +pi+))
46 (/ theta +2pi+)
47 1.0 1.0)))
48 (setf *normals-array* (nconc *normals-array* normal))
49 (setf *vertices-array* (nconc *vertices-array* v)))))
50 (format t "~a slices~%~a segments~%" slices segments)
51 (nconc *normals-array* (list 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0))
52 (nconc *vertices-array* (list 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0))
53 (nconc *colours-array* (list 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.0) (list 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0))
54 (setf *triangle-indices*
55 (nconc
56 (loop for x upto segments nconcing
57 (list x
58 (- (/ (length *vertices-array*) 3) 2)
59 (mod (1+ x) segments)))
61 (loop for y below (1- slices) nconcing
62 (loop for x below segments nconcing
63 (let ((v00 (+ x (* y (1+ segments))))
64 (v01 (+ (mod (1+ x) segments) (* y (1+ segments))))
65 (v10 (+ x (* (1+ y) (1+ segments))))
66 (v11 (+ (mod (1+ x) segments) (* (1+ y) (1+ segments)))))
67 (if (evenp y)
68 (list v00 v01 v10 v10 v01 v11)
69 (list v10 v00 v11 v00 v01 v11)))))
70 (loop for x upto segments nconcing
71 (list (- (/ (length *vertices-array*) 3) 1)
72 (+ x
73 (* (1- slices) (1+ segments)))
74 (+ (mod (1+ x) segments)
75 (* (1- slices) (1+ segments))))))))
77 (defparameter *triangle-indices-length* (length *triangle-indices*))
78 (defparameter *vertices-array-length* (length *vertices-array*))
80 (defparameter *t0* 0.0)
81 (defparameter *frames* 0)
83 (cffi:defcallback key-press :void ((key :int) (action :int))
84 (when (and (= action glfw:+press+) (= key (char-code #\V)))
85 (setf *use-vbo* (and (not *use-vbo*)
86 (gl-ext:extension-available-p "ARB_vertex_buffer_object"))
87 *t0* (glfw:get-time)
88 *frames* 0)
89 (glfw:set-window-title (format nil "VBO: ~a~%" (if *use-vbo* "on" "off")))))
92 (setf *triangle-indices* (cffi:foreign-alloc 'gl:uint :initial-contents *triangle-indices*)
93 *colours-array* (cffi:foreign-alloc 'gl:float :initial-contents *colours-array*)
94 *normals-array* (cffi:foreign-alloc 'gl:float :initial-contents *normals-array*)
95 *vertices-array* (cffi:foreign-alloc 'gl:float :initial-contents *vertices-array*))
97 (glfw:do-window (:title "A VBO Example" :depthbits 16)
98 ((gl:enable gl:+depth-test+)
99 (gl:depth-func gl:+less+)
100 (gl:enable gl:+light0+)
101 (gl:enable gl:+lighting+)
103 (gl:light-fv gl:+light0+ gl:+position+ #(1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0))
104 (gl:color-material gl:+front+ gl:+ambient-and-diffuse+)
105 (gl:enable gl:+color-material+)
107 (glfw:set-key-callback (cffi:callback key-press))
109 (gl:with-setup-projection
110 (glu:perspective 45 4/3 0.125 8))
112 (when (setf *use-vbo* (and t (gl-ext:load-extension "ARB_vertex_buffer_object")))
113 (let ((buffers (make-array 4)))
114 (gl:gen-buffers-arb 4 buffers)
115 (setf *vertices-vbo* (elt buffers 0)
116 *normals-vbo* (elt buffers 1)
117 *colours-vbo* (elt buffers 2)
118 *triangle-indices-vbo* (elt buffers 3)))
119 (format t "Loading in ~d bytes of indices~%" (* *triangle-indices-length* (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gl:uint)) )
120 (gl:with-bind-buffer-arb (gl:+element-array-buffer-arb+ *triangle-indices-vbo*)
121 (gl:buffer-data-arb gl:+element-array-buffer-arb+
122 (* *triangle-indices-length* (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gl:uint))
123 *triangle-indices*
124 gl:+static-draw-arb+))
126 (format t "Loading in ~d bytes of vertices~%" (* *vertices-array-length* (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gl:float)) )
127 (gl:with-bind-buffer-arb (gl:+array-buffer-arb+ *vertices-vbo*)
128 (gl:buffer-data-arb gl:+array-buffer-arb+
129 (* *vertices-array-length* (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gl:float))
130 *vertices-array*
131 gl:+static-draw-arb+))
133 (format t "Loading in ~d bytes of normals~%" (* *vertices-array-length* (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gl:float)) )
134 (gl:with-bind-buffer-arb (gl:+array-buffer-arb+ *normals-vbo*)
135 (gl:buffer-data-arb gl:+array-buffer-arb+
136 (* *vertices-array-length* (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gl:float))
137 *normals-array*
138 gl:+static-draw-arb+))
140 (format t "Loading in ~d bytes of colours~%" (* *vertices-array-length* 4/3 (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gl:float)) )
141 (gl:with-bind-buffer-arb (gl:+array-buffer-arb+ *colours-vbo*)
142 (gl:buffer-data-arb gl:+array-buffer-arb+
143 (* *vertices-array-length* 4/3 (cffi:foreign-type-size 'gl:float))
144 *colours-array*
145 gl:+static-draw-arb+)))
146 (setf *t0* (glfw:get-time)))
148 (let ((t1 (glfw:get-time)))
149 (when (> (- t1 *t0*) 1)
150 (glfw:set-window-title (format nil "~4f FPS, VBO: ~a~%" (/ *frames* (- t1 *t0*)) (if *use-vbo* "on" "off")))
151 (setf *t0* t1
152 *frames* 0)))
153 (gl:clear (logior gl:+color-buffer-bit+ gl:+depth-buffer-bit+))
154 (gl:load-identity)
155 (gl:translate-f 0 0 -5)
156 (gl:rotate-d (* 10 (glfw:get-time)) 1 1 0)
157 (gl:rotate-d (* 90 (glfw:get-time)) 0 0 1)
158 (gl:with-push-client-attrib (gl:+client-vertex-array-bit+)
159 (gl:enable-client-state gl:+color-array+)
160 (gl:enable-client-state gl:+vertex-array+)
161 (gl:enable-client-state gl:+normal-array+)
162 (if *use-vbo*
163 (progn
164 (gl:with-bind-buffer-arb (gl:+array-buffer-arb+ *colours-vbo*)
165 (gl:color-pointer 4 gl:+float+ 0 (cffi:make-pointer 0)))
167 (gl:with-bind-buffer-arb (gl:+array-buffer-arb+ *normals-vbo*)
168 (gl:normal-pointer gl:+float+ 0 (cffi:make-pointer 0)))
170 (gl:with-bind-buffer-arb (gl:+array-buffer-arb+ *vertices-vbo*)
171 (gl:vertex-pointer 3 gl:+float+ 0 (cffi:make-pointer 0)))
173 (gl:with-bind-buffer-arb (gl:+element-array-buffer-arb+ *triangle-indices-vbo*)
174 (gl:draw-elements gl:+triangles+ *triangle-indices-length* gl:+unsigned-int+ (cffi:make-pointer 0))))
175 (progn
176 (gl:color-pointer 4 gl:+float+ 0 *colours-array*)
177 (gl:normal-pointer gl:+float+ 0 *normals-array*)
178 (gl:vertex-pointer 3 gl:+float+ 0 *vertices-array*)
179 (gl:draw-elements gl:+triangles+ *triangle-indices-length* gl:+unsigned-int+ *triangle-indices*))))
180 (incf *frames*))