Fixed dependency of opengl extensions and versions. Spelling fix.
[cl-glfw.git] / src / opengl-template.lisp
1 (defpackage #:cl-glfw-opengl
2 (:use #:cffi #:cl)
3 (:nicknames #:gl #:opengl)
4 (:shadow #:boolean #:byte #:float #:char #:string)
5 (:export
6 #:enum #:boolean #:bitfield #:byte #:short #:int #:sizei #:ubyte #:ushort #:uint
7 #:float #:clampf #:double #:clampd #:void #:uint64 #:int64
8 #:intptr #:sizeiptr
9 #:handle
10 #:char #:string
11 #:half
12 @EXPORTS@))
14 (in-package #:opengl)
16 (cffi:load-foreign-library '(:or (:framework "OpenGL")
17 "opengl32.dll"
18 (:default "libGL")
19 (:default "opengl")
20 (:default "opengl32")
21 (:default "GL")
22 (:default "gl")
23 (:default "libOpenGL")
24 (:default "OpenGL")))
26 ;; TYPES
28 (defctype enum :uint32)
29 (defctype boolean :uint8)
30 (defctype bitfield :uint32)
31 (defctype byte :int8)
32 (defctype short :int16)
33 (defctype int :int32)
34 (defctype sizei :int32)
35 (defctype ubyte :uint8)
36 (defctype ushort :uint16)
37 (defctype uint :uint32)
38 (defctype float :float)
39 (defctype clampf :float)
40 (defctype double :double)
41 (defctype clampd :double)
42 (defctype void :void)
44 (defctype uint64 :uint64)
45 (defctype int64 :int64)
47 (defctype intptr #.(find-symbol (format nil "INT~d" (* 8 (cffi:foreign-type-size :pointer))) (find-package '#:keyword)))
48 (defctype sizeiptr #.(find-symbol (format nil "INT~d" (* 8 (cffi:foreign-type-size :pointer))) (find-package '#:keyword)))
50 (defctype handle :unsigned-int)
52 (defctype char :char)
54 (defctype string :string)
56 (defctype half :unsigned-short) ; this is how glext.h defines it anyway
59 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
61 (defmethod cffi:expand-to-foreign (value (type (eql 'boolean)))
62 `(if ,value gl:+true+ gl:+false+))
64 (defmethod cffi:expand-from-foreign (value (type (eql 'boolean)))
65 `(not (= ,value gl:+false+)))
67 (defmethod cffi:expand-to-foreign (value (type (eql 'clampf)))
68 `(coerce ,value 'single-float))
70 (defmethod cffi:expand-to-foreign (value (type (eql 'clampd)))
71 `(coerce ,value 'double-float))
73 (defmethod cffi:expand-to-foreign (value (type (eql 'float)))
74 `(coerce ,value 'single-float))
76 (defmethod cffi:expand-to-foreign (value (type (eql 'double)))
77 `(coerce ,value 'double-float))
79 (let ((type-maps (quote @TYPE_MAPS@)))
80 (labels ((c-name (func-spec) (first (first func-spec)))
81 (lisp-name (func-spec) (second (first func-spec)))
82 (freturn (func-spec) (first (getf (rest func-spec) :return)))
83 (args (func-spec) (getf (rest func-spec) :args))
84 (deconstant (symbol)
85 (if (not (constantp symbol))
86 symbol
87 (deconstant (intern (concatenate 'cl:string "_" (symbol-name symbol))))))
88 (final-arg-name (arg)
89 (deconstant (intern (string-upcase (symbol-name (getf arg :name))))))
90 (final-arg-type (arg)
91 (let ((type (getf type-maps (getf arg :type))))
92 (cond
93 ((eql 'void type) :pointer)
94 ((getf arg :array) (if (eql type 'char) :string :pointer))
95 (t type))))
96 (arg-element-type (arg)
97 (getf type-maps (getf arg :type)))
98 (conc-symbols (&rest symbols)
99 (intern (apply #'concatenate (cons 'cl:string (mapcar #'symbol-name symbols)))))
100 (array-wrappable-p (arg #|args|#)
101 (let ((resolved-type (getf type-maps (getf arg :type))))
102 (and (getf arg :array)
103 ;; we must have a type, ie. not a void* pointer
104 (not (eql 'void resolved-type))
105 (not (eql :void resolved-type))
106 ;; opengl cannot retain this pointer, as we would destroy it after passing it
107 (not (getf arg :retained))
108 ;; can we guarantee a size? - used to do this, but the app programmer must get it right himself for OpenGL anyway
109 ;; so doing it this way is consistent with the C-interface, though more dangerous
111 (or (integerp (getf arg :size))
112 (and (symbolp (getf arg :size))
113 (find-if #'(lambda (other-arg)
114 (eql (getf arg :size) (final-arg-name other-arg)))
115 args)))|#
116 ;; our own hook
117 (not (getf arg :wrapped)))))
118 (gl-function-definition (func-spec &optional (c-prefix "gl") (lisp-prefix '#:||))
119 `(defcfun (,(concatenate 'cl:string c-prefix (c-name func-spec))
120 ,(conc-symbols lisp-prefix (lisp-name func-spec)))
121 ,(getf type-maps (intern (freturn func-spec)))
122 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (list (final-arg-name arg) (final-arg-type arg)))
123 (args func-spec))))
124 (gl-funcall-definition (func-spec fpointer)
125 `(foreign-funcall ,fpointer
126 ,@(mapcan #'(lambda (arg)
127 `(,(final-arg-type arg) ,(final-arg-name arg)))
128 (args func-spec))
129 ,(getf type-maps (intern (freturn func-spec)))))
130 (expand-a-wrapping (func-spec final-content)
131 (let* ((func-spec (copy-tree func-spec)) ; duplicate because we're not supposed to modify macro params
132 (args (args func-spec))
133 (first-wrappable (position-if #'array-wrappable-p args)))
134 (if first-wrappable
135 (let* ((arg (elt (args func-spec) first-wrappable))
136 (original-array-name (gensym (symbol-name (final-arg-name arg))))
137 (array-name (final-arg-name arg)))
138 ;; set it wrapped by non-consingly attaching a wrapped property on the end
139 (nconc arg (list :wrapped t))
140 `(if (and (typep ,array-name 'sequence) (not (stringp ,array-name)))
141 ;; the actual allocation
142 (let* ((,original-array-name ,array-name)
143 (,array-name (foreign-alloc ',(arg-element-type arg)
144 ;; we used to base it on the count of whatever the spec said
145 #|:count ,(getf arg :size)|#
146 ;; but now, we'll use the user's sequence size, or just their content
147 ,@(if (eql (getf arg :direction) :in)
148 `(:initial-contents ,original-array-name)
149 `(:count (length ,original-array-name))))))
150 ;; (format t "Copying ~a elements of ~a: ~a into ~a~%"
151 ;; ,(getf arg :size) ',array-name ,original-array-name ,array-name)
152 (unwind-protect
153 (prog1
154 #| as input values are set above, we don't use this now (and above is a prog1, it was prog2 before)
155 ;; custom coersion of input values, before call ; ;
156 ,(when (eql (getf arg :direction) :in)
157 `(cond
158 ((listp ,original-array-name)
159 (loop for i upfrom 0 for e in ,original-array-name
160 do (setf (mem-aref ,array-name ',(arg-element-type arg) i) e)))
161 ((vectorp ,original-array-name)
162 (loop for i upfrom 0 for e across ,original-array-name
163 do (setf (mem-aref ,array-name ',(arg-element-type arg) i) e)))))
165 ;; recurse in case there are more
166 ,(expand-a-wrapping func-spec final-content)
167 ;; custom coersion of output values, after call
168 ,(when (eql (getf arg :direction) :out)
169 `(cond
170 ((listp ,original-array-name)
171 (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
172 (ce ,original-array-name (cdr ce)))
173 ((not ce))
174 #|((or (not ce)
175 (>= i ,(getf arg :size))))|#
176 (setf (car ce)
177 (mem-aref ,array-name ',(arg-element-type arg) i))))
178 ((vectorp ,original-array-name)
179 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
180 ((>= i (length ,original-array-name)))
181 #|((or (>= i (length ,original-array-name))
182 (>= i ,(getf arg :size))))|#
183 (setf (aref ,original-array-name i)
184 (mem-aref ,array-name ',(arg-element-type arg) i)))))))
185 (foreign-free ,array-name)))
186 ;; in the case the arg wasn't a sequence, pass it straight through
187 ,(expand-a-wrapping func-spec final-content)))
188 ;; in the case that there is no more wrapping to be done, emit the final content to start unwinding
189 final-content))))
191 (defun wrapped-win32-gl-function-definition (func-spec)
192 `(let ((fpointer (foreign-funcall "wglGetProcAddress"
193 :string ,(concatenate 'cl:string "gl" (c-name func-spec))
194 :pointer)))
195 ;; I know the CFFI guide recommends against holding pointers, but for extensions on win,
196 ;; function pointers are the only way to do it. I don't think the locations are compiled
197 ;; in-to the fasl files, as it's a top-level form.
198 (when (null-pointer-p fpointer)
199 (error 'simple-error "Error! Can't find function ~a" (first func-spec)))
200 (defun ,(lisp-name func-spec)
201 ,(mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (final-arg-name arg))
202 (args func-spec))
203 ;; if there is more than 0 wrappable arrays
204 ,(let ((args (args func-spec)))
205 (if (some #'array-wrappable-p args)
206 (expand-a-wrapping func-spec
207 (gl-funcall-definition func-spec 'fpointer))
208 (gl-funcall-definition func-spec 'fpointer))))))
210 (defun wrapped-gl-function-definition (func-spec)
211 (let ((args (args func-spec)))
212 ;; if there is more than 0 wrappable arrays
213 (if (some #'array-wrappable-p args)
214 `(progn
215 ;; make an inlined function prefixed with %
216 (declaim (inline ,(conc-symbols '#:% (lisp-name func-spec))))
217 ,(gl-function-definition func-spec "gl" '#:%)
218 ;; the exposed function with wrappings
219 (defun ,(lisp-name func-spec) ,(mapcar #'final-arg-name (args func-spec))
220 ,(expand-a-wrapping func-spec
221 `(,(conc-symbols '#:% (lisp-name func-spec))
222 ,@(mapcar #'final-arg-name (args func-spec))))))
223 (gl-function-definition func-spec)))))))
225 (defmacro defglfun (func-spec)
226 (wrapped-gl-function-definition func-spec))
228 (defmacro defglextfun (func-spec)
229 #+win32 (wrapped-win32-gl-function-definition func-spec)
230 #-win32 (wrapped-gl-function-definition func-spec))
233 @BODY@