Stripped out a lot of useless info from the spec, by selecting only what is needed.
[cl-glfw.git] / lib / opengl-ext_texture_object.lisp
1 ;;;; This file was automatically generated by /home/bill/programming/cl-glfw/generators/make-bindings-from-spec.lisp
3 (in-package #:cl-glfw-opengl)
5 ;;;; ext_texture_object
7 (defconstant +texture-priority-ext+ #x8066)
8 (defconstant +texture-resident-ext+ #x8067)
9 (defconstant +texture-1d-binding-ext+ #x8068)
10 (defconstant +texture-2d-binding-ext+ #x8069)
11 (defconstant +texture-priority-ext+ #x8066)
12 (defconstant +texture-resident-ext+ #x8067)
13 (defconstant +texture-1d-binding-ext+ #x8068)
14 (defconstant +texture-2d-binding-ext+ #x8069)
15 (defglextfun "PrioritizeTexturesEXT" prioritize-textures-ext :return "void"
16 :args
17 ((:name |n| :type |SizeI| :direction :in)
18 (:name |textures| :type |Texture| :direction :in :array t :size n)
19 (:name |priorities| :type |ClampedFloat32| :direction :in :array t :size n))
20 :category "EXT_texture_object" :version "1.0")
21 (defglextfun "IsTextureEXT" is-texture-ext :return "Boolean" :args
22 ((:name |texture| :type |Texture| :direction :in)) :category
23 "EXT_texture_object" :version "1.0")
24 (defglextfun "GenTexturesEXT" gen-textures-ext :return "void" :args
25 ((:name |n| :type |SizeI| :direction :in)
26 (:name |textures| :type |Texture| :direction :out :array t :size n))
27 :category "EXT_texture_object" :version "1.0")
28 (defglextfun "DeleteTexturesEXT" delete-textures-ext :return "void" :args
29 ((:name |n| :type |SizeI| :direction :in)
30 (:name |textures| :type |Texture| :direction :in :array t :size n))
31 :category "EXT_texture_object" :version "1.0")
32 (defglextfun "BindTextureEXT" bind-texture-ext :return "void" :args
33 ((:name |target| :type |TextureTarget| :direction :in)
34 (:name |texture| :type |Texture| :direction :in))
35 :category "EXT_texture_object" :version "1.0")
36 (defglextfun "AreTexturesResidentEXT" are-textures-resident-ext :return
37 "Boolean" :args
38 ((:name |n| :type |SizeI| :direction :in)
39 (:name |textures| :type |Texture| :direction :in :array t :size n)
40 (:name |residences| :type |Boolean| :direction :out :array t :size n))
41 :category "EXT_texture_object" :version "1.0")