descriptionCapital Accounting & Property Management System (using PostgreSQL DB)
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last changeMon, 5 Mar 2012 07:14:04 +0000 (5 20:14 +1300)
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Capital APMS is an accounting system which was originally designed to meet the needs of an organisation which owns and manages multi-tenanted office buildings. This version is a reimplementation of the Progress RDBMS system using PostgreSQL, PHP, Perl, Ruby and other free & open source technologies.

As at June 2009 it is now usable as an accounting system though some facets of the original system are still not yet reimplemented.

2012-03-05 Andrew McMillanCurrent code.master
2010-12-24 Andrew McMillanFiddling with the Ruby APMS code.
2010-12-24 Andrew McMillanUp/down images.
2010-12-24 Andrew McMillanIgnore these things.
2010-12-24 Andrew McMillanScript to export end of year data for spreadsheet proce...
2010-12-24 Andrew McMillanSwitch from deprecated assign-by-reference.
2010-12-24 Andrew McMillanAdd taxamount & total.
2010-12-24 Andrew McMillanSwitch to AwlQuery.
2010-12-24 Andrew McMillanRebuild of docs.
2010-05-05 Andrew McMillanMany, many changes to switch to AWL version of classEditormob
2010-05-05 Andrew McMillanAdd an update link on the unposted batch screen.
2010-05-05 Andrew McMillanFix layout issues causing CSS menus to underlay page...
2010-05-05 Andrew McMillanUse the AWL version of this now.
2009-10-28 Andrew McMillanImprove previous_summary() function.
2009-10-28 Andrew McMillanTidy 'money' formatting.
2009-10-28 Andrew McMillanBetter account view page.
15 years ago r1.7.0
16 years ago r1.6.2
12 years ago master
14 years ago mob
16 years ago origin