descriptionaction adventure platform game
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last changeSun, 29 Aug 2010 21:17:37 +0000 (29 16:17 -0500)
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temporary readme with code layout annotations

main.c - init + main loop
kernel.c - core dispatcher

video.c - low level graphics and principle backend stuff
audio.c - low level audio backend stuff
input.c - low level input source

sfx.c - sound effect interface
music.c - music player interface
seq.c - sequencer for music
synth.c - generates sound
org.c - instruments
dsp.c - dsp routines

util.c - reporting and other utility functions
rng.c - random number generator

graphics.c - drawing api exposed to game modules
text.c - drawing nice variable width text
stage.c - the static platforms
entity.c - 

loader.c - reading from game data files
zip.c - zip file reader
midi.c - midi file reader

splash.c - game modules
2010-08-29 EvanRAdded entities. Rewrote stage, half 'working'.master
2010-05-27 EvanRFixed function prototypes.
2010-05-25 EvanRAdded comments to collision code.
2010-05-25 EvanRAdded algorithm to detect collision with stage.
2010-05-22 EvanRFixed a unused result warning.
2010-05-22 EvanRFixed another printf bug.
2010-05-22 EvanRFixed a 'remote compiler refuses' bug.
2010-05-22 EvanRLevel is now drawn.
2010-05-22 EvanRStarted drawing stage. Added more warnings.
2010-05-22 EvanRFixed bug in loading new stage format.
2010-05-18 EvanRMore sophisticated tile panel layout.
2010-05-17 EvanRReload graphics. Fixed optimize bug.
2010-05-17 EvanRFinishing touches on editor.
2010-05-17 EvanREyedropper.
2010-05-17 EvanRCan change zone.
2010-05-17 EvanRCan now change background and tilesets.
14 years ago old-days The old days.
14 years ago master