Updated configure.in for 2.20.1
[bug-buddy.git] / bug-buddy.spec.in
1 Name: bug-buddy
2 Summary: Utility to ease the reporting of bugs within the GNOME Desktop Environment.
3 Version: @VERSION@
4 Release: 1
5 License: GPL
6 Group: Applications/System
7 Source: ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/unstable/sources/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
8 URL: http://www.bug-buddy.org/
9 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
11 Requires: libglade2 >= 1.99.2
12 Requires: gnome-vfs2 >= 1.9.1
13 Requires: libgnome >= 1.104.0
14 Requires: libgnomecanvas >= 1.104.0
15 Requires: libgnomeui >= 1.104.0
16 Requires: libxml2 >= 2.4.6
17 BuildRequires: libglade2-devel >= 1.99.2
18 BuildRequires: gnome-vfs2-devel >= 1.9.1
19 BuildRequires: libgnome-devel >= 1.104.0
20 BuildRequires: libgnomecanvas-devel >= 1.104.0
21 BuildRequires: libgnomeui-devel >= 1.104.0
22 BuildRequires: libxml2-devel >= 2.4.6
24 %description
25 The goal of bug-buddy is to make reporting bugs very simple
26 and easy for users, while making the reports themselves more
27 useful and informative for developers.
29 %prep
30 %setup -q
32 %build
36 if [ ! -f configure ]; then
37 ./autogen.sh
38 rm -f config.cache
41 CFLAGS="$MYCFLAGS" ./configure $MYARCH_FLAGS --prefix=%{_prefix} \
42 --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} --localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \
43 --bindir=%{_bindir} --datadir=%{_datadir}
45 if [ "$SMP" != "" ]; then
46 make -j$SMP "MAKE=make -j$SMP"
47 else
48 make
51 %install
52 rm -fr $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
53 make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
55 %find_lang %{name}
57 %clean
58 rm -fr $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
60 %files -f %{name}.lang
61 %defattr(-, root, root)
64 %{_bindir}/*
65 %{_datadir}/pixmaps/*
66 %{_datadir}/gnome/*
67 %{_datadir}/mime-info/*
68 %{_datadir}/bug-buddy
70 %changelog
71 * Sat Dec 9 2001 Abel Cheung <maddog@linux.org.hk>
72 - Use make install DESTDIR=...
73 - Corrected URL and source location
74 - Simplify %install
75 - Modify buildroot to allow non-root building
76 - Update Requies and BuildRequires
78 * Sun Aug 05 2001 Jens Finke <jens@triq.net>
79 - Merged GPP spec file with CVS bug-buddy.spec.in file
80 - Updated source URL.
81 - Removed explicit defined localstatedir variable.
83 * Mon Jun 25 2001 Gregory Leblanc <gleblanc@rh7.build.cu-portland.edu>
84 - added gdk-pixbuf to the build depandancies
86 * Mon Jun 25 2001 Gregory Leblanc <gleblanc@cu-portland.edu>
87 - used %find_lang macro
89 * Thu May 24 2001 Gregory Leblanc <gleblanc@cu-portland.edu>
90 - removed unnecessary %defines
91 - made %setup quiet
92 - corrected %files section
93 - replaced Copywright with license
94 - Added build requires for gnome-vfs
95 - cleaned up formatting on BuildRequires
97 * Tue Feb 20 2001 Gregory Leblanc <gleblanc@cu-portland.edu>
98 - macro fixes, remove hard-coded paths
100 * Wed Feb 23 2000 Jacob Berkman <jacob@helixcode.com>
101 - don't say we own the pixmaps/ dir
103 * Wed Nov 10 1999 Jacob Berkman <jberkman@andrew.cmu.edu>
104 - fixed up for insertion into the CVS
106 * Fri Nov 05 1999 Ned Rhudy <nrhudy@pabus.com>
107 - the first incarnation of the spec file...watch it not work