description[WIP] P2P messaging and file-sharing network
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last changeWed, 30 Dec 2015 19:57:33 +0000 (30 20:57 +0100)
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2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaAdd build script.master
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaInclude ed25519 and sha512 C language implementation.
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaMerge 'dev' with dht, ecc auth, proof of work and fixes.
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaMerge branch 'ecc-clean' into dev
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaStore mkdir obj on startup.ecc
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaStatic DHT bootstrap from cmdline opt -boot.
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaThe Upload (FS) shoud work. Not tested.
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaChange PoW timestamp format.
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaUse Edwards curve instead of the motogomery version.
2015-12-30 Tomáš Bradafix empty space search in dht
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaDiscover and fix bugs in auth and new chat.
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaDHT: ECC Auth and PoW.
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaChat API update. Breaks everything.
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaSelect message structure change.
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaDHT: Try to always send 4 Selects
2015-12-30 Tomáš BradaSet 1-Byte text output buffer.
8 years ago hulahu A Hulahula version, when Mutables...
8 years ago FileServiceTheradWorking
8 years ago bkpWebBoot
9 years ago show
5 years ago btree
5 years ago dev
7 years ago dev.crazythread
8 years ago teletype
8 years ago dhtbug
8 years ago profile
8 years ago sfs
8 years ago wrk2801
8 years ago ctrlTcp
8 years ago ctrl
8 years ago master
8 years ago bots
8 years ago ecc
8 years ago boot
8 years ago deadend