Fix broken MAKE-THREAD for CMUCL. (from Hans Huebner)
[bordeaux-threads.git] / src / cmu.lisp
1 #|
2 Copyright 2006, 2007 Greg Pfeil
4 Distributed under the MIT license (see LICENSE file)
5 |#
7 (in-package #:bordeaux-threads)
9 ;;; Thread Creation
11 (defun make-thread (function &rest keys &key name)
12 (declare (ignore name))
13 (apply #'mp:make-process function keys))
15 (defun current-thread ()
16 mp:*current-process*)
18 (defmethod threadp (object)
19 (mp:processp object))
21 (defun thread-name (thread)
22 (mp:process-name thread))
24 ;;; Resource contention: locks and recursive locks
26 (defun make-lock (&optional name)
27 (mp:make-lock name))
29 (defun acquire-lock (lock &optional (wait-p t))
30 (if wait-p
31 (mp::lock-wait lock "Lock")
32 (mp::lock-wait-with-timeout lock "Lock" 0)))
34 (defun release-lock (lock)
35 (setf (mp::lock-process lock) nil))
37 (defmacro with-lock-held ((place) &body body)
38 `(mp:with-lock-held (,place) ,@body))
40 (defmacro with-recursive-lock-held ((place &key timeout) &body body)
41 `(mp:with-lock-held (,place "Lock Wait" :timeout ,timeout) ,@body))
43 ;;; Note that the locks _are_ recursive, but not "balanced", and only
44 ;;; checked if they are being held by the same process by with-lock-held.
45 ;;; The default with-lock-held in bordeaux-mp.lisp sort of works, in that
46 ;;; it will wait for recursive locks by the same process as well.
48 ;;; Resource contention: condition variables
50 ;;; There's some stuff in x86-vm.lisp that might be worth investigating
51 ;;; whether to build on. There's also process-wait and friends.
53 (defstruct condition-var
54 "CMUCL doesn't have conditions, so we need to create our own type."
55 lock
56 active)
58 (defun make-condition-variable ()
59 (make-condition-var :lock (make-lock)))
61 (defun condition-wait (condition-variable lock)
62 (check-type condition-variable condition-var)
63 (with-lock-held ((condition-var-lock condition-variable))
64 (setf (condition-var-active condition-variable) nil))
65 (release-lock lock)
66 (mp:process-wait "Condition Wait"
67 #'(lambda () (condition-var-active condition-variable)))
68 (acquire-lock lock)
71 (defun condition-notify (condition-variable)
72 (check-type condition-variable condition-var)
73 (with-lock-held ((condition-var-lock condition-variable))
74 (setf (condition-var-active condition-variable) t))
75 (thread-yield))
77 (defun thread-yield ()
78 (mp:process-yield))
80 ;;; Timeouts
82 (defmacro with-timeout ((timeout) &body body)
83 `(mp:with-timeout (,timeout)
84 ,@body))
86 ;;; Introspection/debugging
88 (defun all-threads ()
89 (mp:all-processes))
91 (defun interrupt-thread (thread function)
92 (mp:process-interrupt thread function))
94 (defun destroy-thread (thread)
95 (signal-error-if-current-thread thread)
96 (mp:destroy-process thread))
98 (defun thread-alive-p (thread)
99 (mp:process-active-p thread))
101 (mark-supported)