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[boost.git] / Version_1_18_3 / boost / libs / graph / docs / VertexAndEdgeListGraph.html
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13 <Head>
14 <Title>VertexAndEdgeListGraph</Title>
15 <BODY BGCOLOR="#ffffff" LINK="#0000ee" TEXT="#000000" VLINK="#551a8b"
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20 <BR Clear>
23 <H2><A NAME="concept:VertexAndEdgeListGraph"></A>
24 VertexAndEdgeListGraph
25 </H2>
27 The VertexAndEdgeListGraph concept refines the <a
28 href="./VertexListGraph.html">VertexListGraph</a> and the <a
29 href="./EdgeListGraph.html">EdgeListGraph</a> concepts. No further
30 requirements are added.
32 <H3>Refinement of</H3>
34 <a href="./VertexListGraph.html">VertexListGraph</a>,
35 <a href="./EdgeListGraph.html">EdgeListGraph</a>
38 <H3>Models</H3>
40 <UL>
41 <LI><TT>adjacency_list</TT></LI>
42 </UL>
44 <P>
46 <H3>See Also</H3>
48 <a href="./graph_concepts.html">Graph concepts</a>
50 <H3>Concept Checking Class</H3>
52 <P>
53 <PRE>
54 template &lt;class G&gt;
55 struct VertexAndEdgeListGraph
57 CLASS_REQUIRES(G, VertexListGraph);
58 CLASS_REQUIRES(G, EdgeListGraph);
59 void constraints() { }
61 </PRE>
64 <br>
65 <HR>
66 <TABLE>
67 <TR valign=top>
68 <TD nowrap>Copyright &copy 2000</TD><TD>
69 <A HREF=>Jeremy Siek</A>, Univ.of Notre Dame (<A HREF=""></A>)
70 </TD></TR></TABLE>
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