nexml.t: Added a missing XML::Twig requirement.
[bioperl-live.git] / Bio / Nexml /
1 # $Id: 15875 2009-07-21 19:20:00Z chmille4 $
3 # BioPerl module for Bio::Nexml::Factory
5 # Please direct questions and support issues to <>
7 # Cared for by Chase Miller <>
9 # Copyright Chase Miller
11 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
13 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
15 =head1 NAME
17 Bio::Nexml::Factory - A factory module for creating BioPerl and Bio::Phylo objects from/to nexml documents
19 =head1 SYNOPSIS
21 Do not use this module directly. It shoulde be used through
22 Bio::NexmlIO, Bio::SeqIO::nexml, Bio::AlignIO::nexml, or
23 Bio::TreeIO::nexml
28 This is a factory/utility module in the Nexml namespace. It contains
29 methods that are needed by multiple modules.
31 This module handles the creation of BioPerl objects from Bio::Phylo
32 objects and vice versa, which is used to read and write nexml
33 documents to and from BioPerl objects.
35 =head1 FEEDBACK
37 =head2 Mailing Lists
39 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
40 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
41 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
43 - General discussion
44 - About the mailing lists
46 =head2 Support
48 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
50 I<>
52 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
53 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
54 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
55 with code and data examples if at all possible.
57 =head2 Reporting Bugs
59 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
60 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via
61 the web:
65 =head1 AUTHOR - Chase Miller
67 Email
69 =head1 APPENDIX
71 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
72 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
74 =cut
77 #Let the code begin
79 package Bio::Nexml::Factory;
81 use strict;
83 BEGIN {
84 use Bio::Root::Root;
85 unless (eval "require Bio::Phylo; 1") {
86 Bio::Root::Root->throw("Bio::Phylo package required; see for download details");
90 use Bio::Phylo::Factory;
91 use Bio::Phylo::Matrices;
92 use Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix;
93 use Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datum;
94 use Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree;
95 use Bio::Phylo::Matrices;
96 use Bio::Phylo::IO;
98 use Bio::SeqFeature::Generic;
101 use base qw(Bio::Root::Root);
103 my $fac = Bio::Phylo::Factory->new();
106 =head2 new
108 Title : new
109 Usage : my $obj = Bio::Nexml::Factory->new();
110 Function: Builds a new L<Bio::Nexml::Factory> object
111 Returns : L<Bio::Nexml::Factory> object
112 Args : none
114 =cut
116 sub new {
117 my($class,@args) = @_;
118 my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
121 #should all these creates be private methods?
122 # naah./maj
124 =head2 create_bperl_aln
126 Title : create_bperl_aln
127 Usage : my @alns = $factory->create_bperl_aln($objIO);
128 Function: Converts Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix objects into L<Bio::SimpleAlign> objects
129 Returns : an array of L<Bio::SimpleAlign> objects
130 Args : Bio::NexmlIO, Bio::SeqIO, Bio::AlignIO, or Bio::TreeIO
132 see [ Bio::Phylo::Project]
134 =cut
136 sub create_bperl_aln {
137 my ($self, $caller) = @_;
138 my ($start, $end, $seq, $desc);
139 my $matrices = $caller->doc->get_matrices();
140 my @alns;
142 foreach my $matrix (@$matrices)
144 #check if mol_type is something that makes sense to be an aln
145 my $mol_type = lc($matrix->get_type());
146 unless ($mol_type eq 'dna' || $mol_type eq 'rna' || $mol_type eq 'protein')
148 next;
149 # something for the back-burner: BioPerl has objects
150 # to handle arbitrary genotypes; might be cool to
151 # be able to create something besides alignments
152 # here .../maj
155 #continue creating an aln
156 my $aln = Bio::SimpleAlign->new();
157 my $taxa = $matrix->get_taxa();
159 # TODO: should $caller->{_ID} always be defined?
160 # ATM, this is a Bio::AlignIO::nexml stream...
161 $aln->{_Nexml_ID} = $caller->{_ID}? $caller->{_ID} . $taxa->get_xml_id : $taxa->get_xml_id;
163 my $aln_feats = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new();
164 $aln_feats->add_tag_value('NexmlIO_ID', $caller->{_ID});
165 #check if there is a taxa associated with this alignment
166 if ($taxa) {
167 $aln_feats->add_tag_value('taxa_id', $taxa->get_xml_id());
168 $aln_feats->add_tag_value('taxa_label', $taxa->get_name()) if $taxa->get_name();
170 my $taxon = $taxa->first;
171 while ($taxon) {
172 $aln_feats->add_tag_value('taxon', $taxon->get_name);
173 $taxon = $taxa->next;
176 $aln->add_SeqFeature($aln_feats);
178 my $basename = $matrix->get_name();
179 $aln->id($basename);
180 my $seqNum = 0;
181 my$row = $matrix->first;
182 while ($row)
184 my $newSeq = $row->get_char();
185 my $rowlabel;
186 $seqNum++;
188 #constuct seqID based on matrix label and row id
189 my $seqID = "$basename.row_$seqNum";
191 #Check if theres a row label and if not default to seqID
192 if( !defined($rowlabel = $row->get_name())) {$rowlabel = $seqID;}
194 $seq = Bio::LocatableSeq->new(
195 -seq => $newSeq,
196 -display_id => "$rowlabel",
197 #-description => $desc,
198 -alphabet => $mol_type,
200 my $seq_feats;
201 #check if there is a taxa associated w/ this alignment
202 if($taxa)
204 if (my $taxon = $taxa->get_by_name($row->get_taxon->get_name())) {
205 #attach taxon to each sequence by using the sequenceID because
206 #LocatableSeq does not support features
207 my $taxon_name = $taxon->get_name();
208 $seq_feats = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new();
209 $seq_feats->add_tag_value('taxon', "$taxon_name");
210 $seq_feats->add_tag_value('id', "$rowlabel");
213 $aln->add_seq($seq);
214 $aln->add_SeqFeature($seq_feats);
215 $self->debug("Reading r$rowlabel\n");
217 $row = $matrix->next();
219 push (@alns, $aln);
221 return \@alns;
225 =head2 create_bperl_tree
227 Title : create_bperl_tree
228 Usage : my @trees = $factory->create_bperl_seq($objIO);
229 Function: Converts Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree objects into L<Bio::Tree::Tree> objects
230 Returns : an array of L<Bio::Tree::Tree> objects
231 Args : Bio::NexmlIO, Bio::SeqIO, Bio::AlignIO, or Bio::TreeIO
233 see [ Bio::Phylo::Project]
235 =cut
237 sub create_bperl_tree {
238 my($self, $caller) = @_;
239 my @trees;
241 my $forests = $caller->doc->get_forests();
243 foreach my $forest (@$forests)
245 my $basename = $forest->get_name() || '';
246 my $taxa = $forest->get_taxa();
247 my $taxa_label = $taxa->get_name();
248 my $taxa_id = $taxa->get_xml_id();
250 my $t = $forest->first();
252 while ($t)
254 my %created_nodes;
255 my $tree_id = $t->get_name();
256 my $tree = Bio::Tree::Tree->new(-id => "$basename.$tree_id");
258 #set the taxa info of the tree
259 $tree->add_tag_value('taxa_label', $taxa_label) if defined($taxa_label);
260 $tree->add_tag_value('taxa_id', $taxa_id) if defined($taxa_id);
262 # TODO: should $caller->{_ID} always be defined?
263 # ATM, this is a Bio::TreeIO::nexml stream...
264 $tree->add_tag_value('_NexmlIO_ID', $caller->{_ID}) if $caller->{_ID};
266 my $taxon = $taxa->first;
267 while($taxon) {
268 $tree->add_tag_value('taxon', $taxon->get_name()) if defined($taxon->get_name);
269 $taxon = $taxa->next;
272 #process terminals only, removing terminals as they get processed
273 #which inturn creates new terminals to process until the entire tree has been processed
274 my $terminals = $t->get_terminals();
275 # for(my $i=0; $i<@$terminals; $i++)
276 while (my $terminal = shift @$terminals)
278 # my $terminal = $$terminals[$i];
279 my $new_node_id = $terminal->get_name();
280 my $newNode;
282 if(exists $created_nodes{$new_node_id})
284 $newNode = $created_nodes{$new_node_id};
286 else
288 $newNode = Bio::Tree::Node->new();
289 $new_node_id ||= 'internal_'.$newNode->_creation_id;
290 $newNode->id($new_node_id);
292 $created_nodes{$new_node_id} = $newNode;
295 #check if taxa data exists for the current node ($terminal)
296 if($taxa) {
297 my $taxon = $terminal->get_taxon();
298 $newNode->add_tag_value("taxon", $taxon->get_name()) if $taxon && $taxon->get_name;
301 #check if you've reached the root of the tree and if so, stop.
302 if($terminal->is_root()) {
303 $tree->set_root_node($newNode);
304 last;
307 #transfer attributes that apply to non-root only nodes
308 $newNode->branch_length($terminal->get_branch_length());
310 my $parent = $terminal->get_parent();
311 my $parentID = $parent->get_name();
312 if(exists $created_nodes{$parentID})
315 $created_nodes{$parentID}->add_Descendent($newNode);
317 else
319 my $parent_node = Bio::Tree::Node->new();
320 $parentID ||= 'internal_'.$parent_node->_creation_id;
321 $parent_node->id($parentID);
322 $parent_node->add_Descendent($newNode);
323 $created_nodes{$parentID} = $parent_node;
325 #remove processed node from tree
326 $parent->prune_child($terminal);
328 #check if the parent of the removed node is now a terminal node and should be added for processing
329 if($parent->is_terminal())
331 push(@$terminals, $terminal->get_parent()) if $terminal->get_parent;
334 push @trees, $tree;
335 $t = $forest->next();
338 return \@trees;
341 =head2 create_bperl_seq
343 Title : create_bperl_seq
344 Usage : my @seqs = $factory->create_bperl_seq($objIO);
345 Function: Converts Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datum objects into L<Bio::Seq> objects
346 Returns : an array of L<Bio::Seq> objects
347 Args : Bio::NexmlIO, Bio::SeqIO, Bio::AlignIO, or Bio::TreeIO
349 see [ Bio::Phylo::Project]
351 =cut
353 sub create_bperl_seq {
354 my($self, $caller) = @_;
355 my $matrices = $caller->doc->get_matrices();
356 my @seqs;
358 foreach my $matrix (@$matrices)
360 #check if mol_type is something that makes sense to be a seq
361 my $mol_type = lc($matrix->get_type());
362 unless ($mol_type eq 'dna' || $mol_type eq 'rna' || $mol_type eq 'protein')
364 next;
367 my $taxa = $matrix->get_taxa();
368 my $seqnum = 0;
369 my $taxa_id = $taxa->get_xml_id();
370 my $taxa_label = $taxa->get_name();
371 my $basename = $matrix->get_name();
372 my $row = $matrix->first;
373 while ($row)
375 my $newSeq = $row->get_char();
376 my $feat = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new();
377 $feat->add_tag_value('matrix_label', $matrix->get_name()) if defined($matrix->get_name);
378 $feat->add_tag_value('matrix_id', $matrix->get_xml_id());
379 $feat->add_tag_value('NexmlIO_ID', $caller->{_ID});
380 $feat->add_tag_value('taxa_id', $taxa_id) if defined($taxa_id);
381 $feat->add_tag_value('taxa_label', $taxa_label) if defined($taxa_label);
383 $seqnum++;
384 #construct full sequence id by using bio::phylo "matrix label" and "row id"
385 my $seqID = "$basename.seq_$seqnum";
386 my $rowlabel;
387 #check if there is a label for the row, if not default to seqID
388 if (!defined ($rowlabel = $row->get_name())) {$rowlabel = $seqID;}
389 else {$seqID = $rowlabel;}
391 #build the seq object using the factory create method
392 my $seqbuilder = Bio::Seq::SeqFactory->new('-type' => 'Bio::Seq');
393 my $seq = $seqbuilder->create(
394 -seq => $newSeq,
395 -id => $rowlabel,
396 -primary_id => $seqID,
397 #-desc => $fulldesc,
398 -alphabet => $mol_type,
399 -direct => 1,
401 # TODO: should $caller->{_ID} always be defined?
402 # ATM, this is a Bio::SeqIO::nexml stream...
403 $seq->{_Nexml_ID} = $caller->{_ID} ? $caller->{_ID} . $taxa_id : $taxa_id;
404 $seq->{_Nexml_matrix_ID} = $caller->{_ID} ? $caller->{_ID} . $matrix->get_xml_id() : $matrix->get_xml_id();
406 #check if taxon linked to sequence if so create feature to attach to alignment
407 if ($taxa) {
408 my $taxon = $taxa->first;
409 while ($taxon) {
410 $feat->add_tag_value('taxon', $taxon->get_name) if defined($taxon->get_name);
411 if($taxon eq $row->get_taxon) {
412 my $taxon_name = $taxon->get_name();
414 $feat->add_tag_value('my_taxon', "$taxon_name") if defined($taxon_name);
415 $feat->add_tag_value('id', $rowlabel);
417 $taxon = $taxa->next;
420 $seq->add_SeqFeature($feat);
421 push (@seqs, $seq);
423 $row = $matrix->next;
426 return \@seqs;
429 =head2 create_bphylo_tree
431 Title : create_bphylo_tree
432 Usage : my $bphylo_tree = $factory->create_bphylo_tree($bperl_tree);
433 Function: Converts a L<Bio::Tree::Tree> object into Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object
434 Returns : a Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree object
435 Args : Bio::Tree::Tree object
437 =cut
439 sub create_bphylo_tree {
440 my ($self, $bptree, $taxa) = @_;
441 #most of the code below ripped form Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree::new_from_bioperl()d
443 my $tree = $fac->create_tree;
444 my $class = 'Bio::Phylo::Forest::Tree';
446 if ( ref $bptree && $bptree->isa('Bio::Tree::TreeI') ) {
447 bless $tree, $class;
448 ($tree) = _copy_tree( $tree, $bptree->get_root_node, "", $taxa);
450 # copy name
451 my $name = $bptree->id;
452 $tree->set_name( $name ) if defined $name;
454 # copy score
455 my $score = $bptree->score;
456 $tree->set_score( $score ) if defined $score;
458 else {
459 $self->throw('Not a bioperl tree!');
461 return $tree;
465 sub _copy_tree {
466 my ( $tree, $bpnode, $parent, $taxa ) = @_;
467 my $node = create_bphylo_node($bpnode);
468 my $taxon;
469 if ($parent) {
470 $parent->set_child($node);
472 if (my $bptaxon_name = $bpnode->get_tag_values('taxon'))
474 $node->set_taxon($taxa->get_by_name($bptaxon_name));
476 $tree->insert($node);
477 foreach my $bpchild ( $bpnode->each_Descendent ) {
478 _copy_tree( $tree, $bpchild, $node, $taxa );
480 return $tree;
483 =head2 create_bphylo_node
485 Title : create_bphylo_node
486 Usage : my $bphylo_node = $factory->create_bphylo_node($bperl_node);
487 Function: Converts a L<Bio::Tree::Node> object into Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node object
488 Returns : a Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node object
489 Args : L<Bio::Tree::Node> object
491 =cut
493 sub create_bphylo_node {
494 my ($bpnode) = @_;
495 my $node = Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node->new();
497 #mostly ripped from Bio::Phylo::Forest::Node->new_from_bioperl()
498 # copy name
499 my $name = $bpnode->id;
500 $node->set_name( $name ) if defined $name;
502 # copy branch length
503 my $branch_length = $bpnode->branch_length;
504 $node->set_branch_length( $branch_length ) if defined $branch_length;
506 # copy description
507 my $desc = $bpnode->description;
508 $node->set_desc( $desc ) if defined $desc;
510 # copy bootstrap
511 my $bootstrap = $bpnode->bootstrap;
512 $node->set_score( $bootstrap ) if defined $bootstrap and looks_like_number $bootstrap;
514 # copy other tags
515 for my $tag ( $bpnode->get_all_tags ) {
516 my @values = $bpnode->get_tag_values( $tag );
517 $node->set_generic( $tag => \@values );
519 return $node;
523 =head2 create_bphylo_aln
525 Title : create_bphylo_aln
526 Usage : my $bphylo_aln = $factory->create_bphylo_aln($bperl_aln);
527 Function: Converts a L<Bio::SimpleAlign> object into Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix object
528 Returns : a Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix object
529 Args : Bio::SimpleAlign object
531 =cut
533 sub create_bphylo_aln {
535 my ($self, $aln, $taxa, @args) = @_;
537 #most of the code below ripped from Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix::new_from_bioperl()
538 if ( $aln->isa('Bio::Align::AlignI') ) {
539 $aln->unmatch;
540 $aln->map_chars('\.','-');
541 my @seqs = $aln->each_seq;
542 my ( $type, $missing, $gap, $matchchar );
543 if ( $seqs[0] ) {
544 $type = $seqs[0]->alphabet || $seqs[0]->_guess_alphabet || 'dna';
546 else {
547 $type = 'dna';
550 my $matrix = $fac->create_matrix(
551 '-type' => $type,
552 '-special_symbols' => {
553 '-missing' => $aln->missing_char || '?',
554 '-matchchar' => $aln->match_char || '.',
555 '-gap' => $aln->gap_char || '-',
557 @args
559 # XXX create raw getter/setter pairs for annotation, accession, consensus_meta source
560 for my $field ( qw(description accession id annotation consensus_meta score source) ) {
561 $matrix->$field( $aln->$field );
563 my $to = $matrix->get_type_object;
564 my @feats = $aln->get_all_SeqFeatures();
566 for my $seq ( @seqs ) {
567 #create datum linked to taxa
568 my $datum = create_bphylo_datum($seq, $taxa, \@feats, '-type_object' => $to);
569 $matrix->insert($datum);
571 return $matrix;
573 else {
574 $self->throw('Not a bioperl alignment!');
580 =head2 create_bphylo_seq
582 Title : create_bphylo_seq
583 Usage : my $bphylo_seq = $factory->create_bphylo_seq($bperl_seq);
584 Function: Converts a L<Bio::Seq> object into Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix object
585 Returns : a Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Matrix object
586 Args : Bio::Seq object
588 =cut
590 sub create_bphylo_seq {
591 my ($self, $seq, $taxa, @args) = @_;
592 my $type = $seq->alphabet || $seq->_guess_alphabet || 'dna';
593 $type = uc($type);
595 my $dat = create_bphylo_datum($seq, $taxa, '-type' => $type);
597 # copy seq string
598 my $seqstring = $seq->seq;
599 if ( $seqstring and $seqstring =~ /\S/ ) {
600 eval { $dat->set_char( $seqstring ) };
601 if ( $@ and UNIVERSAL::isa($@,'Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions::InvalidData') ) {
602 $self->throw("\n\nThe BioPerl sequence object contains invalid data ($seqstring)\n");
606 # copy name
607 my $name = $seq->display_id;
608 #$dat->set_name( $name ) if defined $name;
610 # copy desc
611 my $desc = $seq->desc;
612 $dat->set_desc( $desc ) if defined $desc;
614 #get features from SeqFeatureI
615 for my $field ( qw(start end strand) ) {
616 $dat->$field( $seq->$field ) if $seq->can($field);
618 return $dat;
621 =head2 create_bphylo_taxa
623 Title : create_bphylo_seq
624 Usage : my $taxa = $factory->create_bphylo_taxa($bperl_obj);
625 Function: creates a taxa object from the data attached to a bioperl object
626 Returns : a Bio::Phylo::Taxa object
627 Args : L<Bio::Seq> object, or L<Bio::SimpleAlign> object, or L<Bio::Tree::Tree> object
629 =cut
631 sub create_bphylo_taxa {
632 my $self = shift @_;
633 my ($obj) = @_;
635 #check if tree or aln object
636 if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $obj, 'Bio::Align::AlignI' ) || UNIVERSAL::isa( $obj, 'Bio::Seq')) {
637 return $self->_create_bphylo_matrix_taxa(@_);
639 elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $obj, 'Bio::Tree::TreeI' ) ) {
640 return $self->_create_bphylo_tree_taxa(@_);
644 sub _create_bphylo_tree_taxa {
645 my ($self, $tree) = @_;
647 my $taxa = $fac->create_taxa();
648 my $taxon;
650 #check if taxa exists
651 unless ($tree->has_tag('taxa_id')) {
652 return 0;
655 #copy taxa details
656 $taxa->set_xml_id(($tree->get_tag_values('taxa_id'))[0]);
657 $taxa->set_name(($tree->get_tag_values('taxa_label'))[0]);
659 foreach my $taxon_name ($tree->get_tag_values('taxon')) {
661 $taxon = $fac->create_taxon(-name => $taxon_name);
662 $taxa->insert($taxon);
664 return $taxa;
667 sub _create_bphylo_matrix_taxa {
668 my ($self, $aln) = @_;
670 my $taxa = $fac->create_taxa();
671 my $taxon;
672 my @feats = $aln->get_all_SeqFeatures();
674 foreach my $feat (@feats) {
675 if (my $taxa_id = ($feat->get_tag_values('taxa_id'))[0]) {
676 my $taxa_label = ($feat->get_tag_values('taxa_label'))[0];
678 $taxa->set_name($taxa_label) if defined $taxa_label;
679 $taxa->set_xml_id($taxa_id) if defined $taxa_label;
680 my @taxa_bp = $feat->get_tag_values('taxon');
681 foreach my $taxon_name (@taxa_bp) {
682 $taxon = $fac->create_taxon(-name => $taxon_name);
683 $taxa->insert($taxon);
685 last;
688 return $taxa
691 =head2 create_bphylo_datum
693 Title : create_bphylo_datum
694 Usage : my $bphylo_datum = $factory->create_bphylo_datum($bperl_datum);
695 Function: Converts a L<Bio::Seq> object into Bio::Phylo::Matrices::datum object
696 Returns : a Bio::Phylo::Matrices::datum object
697 Args : Bio::Seq object, Bio::Phylo::Taxa object,
698 [optional] arrayref to SeqFeatures,
699 [optional] key => value pairs to pass to Bio::Phylo constructor
701 =cut
703 sub create_bphylo_datum {
704 #mostly ripped from Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datum::new_from_bioperl()
705 my ( $seq, $taxa, @args ) = @_;
706 my $class = 'Bio::Phylo::Matrices::Datum';
707 my $feats;
708 # want $seq type-check here? Allowable: is-a Bio::PrimarySeq,
709 # Bio::LocatableSeq /maj
710 if (@args % 2) { # odd
711 $feats = shift @args;
712 unless (ref($feats) eq 'ARRAY') {
713 Bio::Root::Root->throw("Third argument must be array of SeqFeatures");
716 my $type = $seq->alphabet || $seq->_guess_alphabet || 'dna';
717 my $self = $class->new( '-type' => $type, @args );
718 # copy seq string
719 my $seqstring = $seq->seq;
720 if ( $seqstring and $seqstring =~ /\S/ ) {
721 eval { $self->set_char( $seqstring ) };
722 if ( $@ and UNIVERSAL::isa($@,'Bio::Phylo::Util::Exceptions::InvalidData') ) {
723 $self->throw("\n\nThe BioPerl sequence object contains invalid data ($seqstring)\n");
727 # copy name
728 my $name = $seq->display_id;
729 $self->set_name( $name ) if defined $name;
730 my $taxon;
731 my @feats = (defined $feats ? @$feats : $seq->get_all_SeqFeatures);
732 # convert taxa
733 foreach my $feat (@feats)
735 #get sequence id associated with taxa to compare
736 my $taxa_id = ($feat->get_tag_values('id'))[0] if $feat->has_tag('id');
737 if ($taxa_id && $name eq $taxa_id)
739 my $taxon_name;
740 if($feat->has_tag('my_taxon')) {
741 $taxon_name = ($feat->get_tag_values('my_taxon'))[0]
743 else {
744 $taxon_name = ($feat->get_tag_values('taxon'))[0];
746 $self->set_taxon($taxa->get_by_name($taxon_name));
750 # copy desc
751 my $desc = $seq->desc;
752 $self->set_desc( $desc ) if defined $desc;
754 # only Bio::LocatableSeq objs have these fields...
755 for my $field ( qw(start end strand) ) {
756 $self->$field( $seq->$field ) if $seq->can($field);
758 return $self;
761 =head2 CREATOR
763 =cut
765 =head1 bioperl_create
767 Title : bioperl_create
768 Usage : $bioperl_obj = $fac->bioperl_create($obj_type, $biophylo_proj);
769 Function: Create a specified bioperl object using a Bio::Phylo project
770 Args : scalar string ('aln', 'tree', 'seq') type designator
771 Bio::Phylo::Project object
772 Returns : Appropriate BioPerl object
774 =cut
776 sub bioperl_create {
777 my $self = shift;
778 my ($type, @args) = @_;
779 unless (grep /^type/,qw( seq aln tree )) {
780 $self->throw("Unrecognized type for argument 1");
782 my $call = 'create_bioperl_'.$type;
783 return $self->$call(@args);