tag fourth (and hopefully last) alpha
[bioperl-live.git] / branch-1-6 / Bio / Phenotype / OMIM / OMIMentry.pm
1 # $Id$
3 # BioPerl module for Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentry
5 # Please direct questions and support issues to <bioperl-l@bioperl.org>
7 # Cared for by Christian M. Zmasek <czmasek-at-burnham.org> or <cmzmasek@yahoo.com>
9 # (c) Christian M. Zmasek, czmasek-at-burnham.org, 2002.
10 # (c) GNF, Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, 2002.
12 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself.
13 # Refer to the Perl Artistic License (see the license accompanying this
14 # software package, or see http://www.perl.com/language/misc/Artistic.html)
15 # for the terms under which you may use, modify, and redistribute this module.
21 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
23 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
25 =head1 NAME
27 Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentry - represents OMIM (Online Mendelian
28 Inheritance in Man) database entries
30 =head1 SYNOPSIS
32 $obj = Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentry->new( -mim_number => 200000,
33 -description => "This is ...",
34 -more_than_two_genes => 1 );
38 Inherits from Bio::Phenotype::PhenotypeI.
39 Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMparser parses the flat file representation
40 of OMIM (i.e. files "omim.txt" and "genemap") returning OMIMentry objects.
42 =head1 FEEDBACK
44 =head2 Mailing Lists
46 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
47 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the
48 Bioperl mailing lists Your participation is much appreciated.
50 bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion
51 http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
53 =head2 Support
55 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
57 I<bioperl-l@bioperl.org>
59 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
60 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
61 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
62 with code and data examples if at all possible.
64 =head2 Reporting Bugs
66 report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
67 the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the
68 web:
70 http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/
72 =head1 AUTHOR
74 Christian M. Zmasek
76 Email: czmasek-at-burnham.org or cmzmasek@yahoo.com
78 WWW: http://monochrome-effect.net/
80 Address:
82 Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation
83 10675 John Jay Hopkins Drive
84 San Diego, CA 92121
86 =head1 APPENDIX
88 The rest of the documentation details each of the object
89 methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
91 =cut
94 # Let the code begin...
97 package Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentry;
98 use strict;
100 use Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::MiniMIMentry;
101 use Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentryAllelicVariant;
103 use constant TRUE => 1;
104 use constant FALSE => 0;
105 use constant DEFAULT_MIM_NUMER => 0;
107 use base qw(Bio::Phenotype::Phenotype);
112 =head2 new
114 Title : new
115 Usage : $obj = Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentry->new( -mim_number => 200000,
116 -description => "This is ...",
117 -more_than_two_genes => 1 );
118 Function: Creates a new OMIMentry object.
119 Returns : A new OMIMentry object.
120 Args : -mim_number => the MIM number
121 -title => the title or name
122 -alternative_titles_and_symbols => the "alternative titles and symbols"
123 -more_than_two_genes => can phenotype can be caused by mutation in any of two or more genes?
124 -is_separate => is this phenotype separate from those represented by other entries
125 -description => the description of this phenotype
126 -mapping_method => the mapping method
127 -gene_status => the gene status of this
128 -comment => a comment
129 -species => ref to the the species (human)
130 -created => created by whom/when
131 -edited => edited by whom/when
132 -contributors => contributed by whom/when
133 -additional_references => "see also"
134 -clinical_symptoms => the clinical symptoms
135 -minimim => the Mini MIM associated with this OMIM antry
137 =cut
139 sub new {
141 my( $class,@args ) = @_;
143 my $self = $class->SUPER::new( @args );
145 my ( $mim_number,
146 $title,
147 $alternative_titles_and_symbols,
148 $more_than_two_genes,
149 $is_separate,
150 $description,
151 $mapping_method,
152 $gene_status,
153 $comment,
154 $species,
155 $created,
156 $edited,
157 $contributors,
158 $additional_references,
159 $clinical_symptoms,
160 $miniMIM )
161 = $self->_rearrange( [ qw( MIM_NUMBER
176 MINIMIM ) ], @args );
178 $self->init();
180 $mim_number && $self->MIM_number( $mim_number );
181 $title && $self->title( $title );
182 $alternative_titles_and_symbols && $self->alternative_titles_and_symbols( $alternative_titles_and_symbols );
183 $more_than_two_genes && $self->more_than_two_genes( $more_than_two_genes );
184 $is_separate && $self->is_separate( $is_separate );
185 $description && $self->description( $description );
186 $mapping_method && $self->mapping_method( $mapping_method );
187 $gene_status && $self->gene_status( $gene_status );
188 $comment && $self->comment( $comment );
189 $species && $self->species( $species );
190 $created && $self->created( $created );
191 $edited && $self->edited( $edited );
192 $contributors && $self->contributors( $contributors );
193 $additional_references && $self->additional_references( $additional_references );
194 $clinical_symptoms && $self->clinical_symptoms_raw( $clinical_symptoms );
195 $miniMIM && $self->miniMIM( $miniMIM );
197 return $self;
199 } # new
203 =head2 init
205 Title : init()
206 Usage : $obj->init();
207 Function: Initializes this OMIMentry to all "" and empty lists.
208 Returns :
209 Args :
211 =cut
213 sub init {
215 my( $self ) = @_;
217 $self->MIM_number( DEFAULT_MIM_NUMER );
218 $self->title( "" );
219 $self->alternative_titles_and_symbols( "" );
220 $self->more_than_two_genes( FALSE );
221 $self->is_separate( FALSE );
222 $self->description( "" );
223 $self->mapping_method( "" );
224 $self->gene_status( "" );
225 $self->comment( "" );
226 my $species = Bio::Species->new();
227 $species->classification( qw( sapiens Homo ) );
228 $self->species( $species );
229 $self->created( "" );
230 $self->edited( "" );
231 $self->contributors( "" );
232 $self->additional_references( "" );
233 $self->clinical_symptoms( {} );
234 $self->remove_Correlates();
235 $self->remove_References();
236 $self->remove_AllelicVariants();
237 $self->remove_CytoPositions();
238 $self->remove_gene_symbols();
239 $self->remove_Genotypes();
240 $self->remove_DBLinks();
241 $self->remove_keywords();
242 $self->remove_Variants();
243 $self->remove_Measures();
244 $self->miniMIM( Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::MiniMIMentry->new() );
246 } # init
250 sub to_string {
252 my( $self ) = @_;
254 my $s = "";
256 $s .= "-- MIM number:\n";
257 $s .= $self->MIM_number()."\n\n";
258 $s .= "-- Title:\n";
259 $s .= $self->title()."\n\n";
260 $s .= "-- Alternative Titles and Symbols:\n";
261 $s .= $self->alternative_titles_and_symbols()."\n\n";
262 $s .= "-- Can be caused by Mutation in any of two or more Genes:\n";
263 $s .= $self->more_than_two_genes()."\n\n";
264 $s .= "-- Phenotype is separate:\n";
265 $s .= $self->is_separate()."\n\n";
266 $s .= "-- Description:\n";
267 $s .= $self->description()."\n\n";
268 $s .= "-- Species:\n";
269 $s .= $self->species()->binomial()."\n\n";
270 $s .= "-- Clinical Symptoms:\n";
271 $s .= $self->clinical_symptoms()."\n\n";
272 $s .= "-- Allelic Variants:\n";
273 $s .= $self->_array_to_string( $self->each_AllelicVariant() )."\n";
274 $s .= "-- Cyto Positions:\n";
275 $s .= $self->_array_to_string( $self->each_CytoPosition() )."\n";
276 $s .= "-- Gene Symbols:\n";
277 $s .= $self->_array_to_string( $self->each_gene_symbol() )."\n";
278 $s .= "-- Correlates:\n";
279 $s .= $self->_array_to_string( $self->each_Correlate() )."\n";
280 $s .= "-- References:\n";
281 $s .= $self->_array_to_string( $self->each_Reference() )."\n";
282 $s .= "-- Additional References:\n";
283 $s .= $self->additional_references()."\n\n";
284 $s .= "-- Mapping Method:\n";
285 $s .= $self->mapping_method()."\n\n";
286 $s .= "-- Gene status:\n";
287 $s .= $self->gene_status()."\n\n";
288 $s .= "-- Created:\n";
289 $s .= $self->created()."\n\n";
290 $s .= "-- Contributors:\n";
291 $s .= $self->contributors()."\n\n";
292 $s .= "-- Edited:\n";
293 $s .= $self->edited()."\n\n";
294 $s .= "-- Comment:\n";
295 $s .= $self->comment()."\n\n";
296 $s .= "-- MiniMIM:\n";
297 $s .= $self->miniMIM()->to_string()."\n\n";
298 return $s;
301 } # to_string
305 =head2 MIM_number
307 Title : MIM_number
308 Usage : $omim->MIM_number( "100050" );
310 print $omim->MIM_number();
311 Function: Set/get for the MIM number of this OMIM entry.
312 Returns : The MIM number [an integer larger than 100000].
313 Args : The MIM number [an integer larger than 100000] (optional).
315 =cut
317 sub MIM_number {
318 my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
320 if ( defined $value ) {
321 if ( $value =~ /\D/
322 || ( $value < 100000 && $value != DEFAULT_MIM_NUMER ) ) {
323 $self->throw( "Found [$value]"
324 . " where [integer larger than 100000] expected" );
326 $self->{ "_MIM_number" } = $value;
329 return $self->{ "_MIM_number" };
331 } # MIM_number
336 =head2 title
338 Title : title
339 Usage : $omim->title( "AARSKOG SYNDROME" );
341 print $omim->title();
342 Function: Set/get for the title or name of this OMIM entry.
343 This method is an alias to the method "name" of
344 Bio::Phenotype::PhenotypeI.
345 Returns : The title [scalar].
346 Args : The title [scalar] (optional).
348 =cut
350 sub title {
351 my $self = shift;
353 $self->name(@_);
355 } # title
360 =head2 alternative_titles_and_symbols
362 Title : alternative_titles_and_symbols
363 Usage : $omim->alternative_titles_and_symbols( "AORTIC ANEURYSM, ABDOMINAL" );
365 print $omim->alternative_titles_and_symbols();
366 Function: Set/get for the "alternative titles and symbols" of this OMIM entry.
367 Currently, everything after the first line of title (TI) field is
368 considered "alternative titles and symbols".
369 Returns : "alternative titles and symbols" [scalar].
370 Args : "alternative titles and symbols" [scalar] (optional).
372 =cut
374 sub alternative_titles_and_symbols {
375 my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
377 if ( defined $value ) {
378 $self->{ "_alternative_titles_and_symbols" } = $value;
381 return $self->{ "_alternative_titles_and_symbols" };
383 } # alternative_titles_and_symbols
388 =head2 more_than_two_genes
390 Title : more_than_two_genes
391 Usage : $omim->more_than_two_genes( 1 );
393 print $omim->more_than_two_genes();
394 Function: This is true if this phenotype can be caused
395 by mutation in any of two or more genes.
396 In OMIM, this is indicated by a number symbol (#)
397 before an entry number (e.g. #114480 -- BREAST CANCER).
398 Returns : [1 or 0].
399 Args : [1 or 0] (optional).
401 =cut
403 sub more_than_two_genes {
404 my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
406 if ( defined $value ) {
407 $self->_is_true_or_false( $value );
408 $self->{ "_more_than_two_genes" } = $value;
411 return $self->{ "_more_than_two_genes" };
413 } # more_than_two_genes
418 =head2 is_separate
420 Title : is_separate
421 Usage : $omim->is_separate( 1 );
423 print $omim->is_separate();
424 Function: This is true if the phenotype determined by the gene at
425 the given locus is separate from those represented by
426 other entries where "is_separate" is true and if the mode
427 of inheritance of the phenotype has been proved
428 (in the judgment of the authors and editors).
429 In OMIM, this is indicated by a asterisk (*)
430 before an entry number (e.g. *113705 BREAST CANCER,
431 TYPE 1; BRCA1).
432 Returns : [1 or 0].
433 Args : [1 or 0] (optional).
435 =cut
437 sub is_separate {
438 my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
440 if ( defined $value ) {
441 $self->_is_true_or_false( $value );
442 $self->{ "_is_separate" } = $value;
445 return $self->{ "_is_separate" };
447 } # is_separate
452 =head2 mapping_method
454 Title : mapping_method
455 Usage : $omim->mapping_method( "PCR of somatic cell hybrid DNA" );
457 print $omim->mapping_method();
458 Function: Set/get for the mapping method of this OMIM entry.
459 Returns : The mapping method [scalar].
460 Args : The mapping method [scalar] (optional).
462 =cut
464 sub mapping_method {
465 my $self = shift;
466 return $self->{ "_mapping_method" } = shift if(@_);
467 return $self->{ "_mapping_method" };
468 } # mapping_method
470 =head2 gene_status
472 Title : gene_status
473 Usage : $omim->gene_status( "C" );
475 print $omim->gene_status();
476 Function: Set/get for the gene status of this OMIM entry.
477 The certainty with which assignment of loci to chromosomes or the linkage
478 between two loci has been established has been graded into the following
479 classes:
480 <L>C = confirmed - observed in at least two laboratories or in several families.
481 <L>P = provisional - based on evidence from one laboratory or one family.
482 <L>I = inconsistent - results of different laboratories disagree.
483 <L>L = limbo - evidence not as strong as that provisional, but included for
484 heuristic reasons. (Same as `tentative'.)
486 Returns : [C, P, I, or L].
487 Args : [C, P, I, or L] (optional).
489 =cut
491 sub gene_status {
492 my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
494 if ( defined $value ) {
495 #unless ( $value eq "C"
496 # || $value eq "P"
497 # || $value eq "I"
498 # || $value eq "L"
499 # || $value eq "A" # !?
500 # || $value eq "H" # !?
501 # || $value eq "U" # !?
502 # || $value eq "" ) {
503 # $self->throw( "Found [$value]"
504 # . " where [C, P, I, or L] expected" );
506 unless ( $value eq "C"
507 || $value eq "P"
508 || $value eq "I"
509 || $value eq "L"
510 || $value eq "" ) {
511 $value = "";
514 $self->{ "_gene_status" } = $value;
517 return $self->{ "_gene_status" };
519 } # gene_status
522 =head2 clinical_symptoms
524 Title : clinical_symptoms
525 Usage : $omim->clinical_symptoms({});
526 Function: Set/get for the clinical symptoms of this OMIM entry.
527 Returns : [hash reference].
528 Args : [hash reference]. Suggested not to assign alone. Parser will do.
530 =cut
532 sub clinical_symptoms {
533 my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
535 if ( defined $value ) {
536 unless(ref($value) eq 'HASH'){
537 $self->throw('a hash referenced needed');
539 $self->{ "_clinical_symptoms" } = $value;
542 return $self->{ "_clinical_symptoms" };
544 } # clinical_symptoms
546 =head2 clinical_symptoms_raw
548 Title : clinical_symptoms_raw
549 Usage : $omim->clinical_symptoms( "Patients with ..." );
550 print $omim->clinical_symptoms();
551 Functions : Get/set for text information of clinical symptoms
552 Returns : The clinical symptoms [scalar].
553 Args : The clinical symptoms [scalar] (optional).
555 =cut
557 sub clinical_symptoms_raw {
558 my $self = shift;
559 return $self->{_clinical_symptoms_raw} = shift if @_;
560 return $self->{_clinical_symptoms_raw};
563 =head2 add_clinical_symptoms
565 Title : add_clinical_symptoms
566 Usage : $entry->add_clinical_symptoms('Ears', 'Floppy ears', 'Lop-ears');
567 Function : add one or more symptoms on one part of body.
568 Returns : [none]
569 Args : ($part, @symptoms)
570 $part, the text name of part/organism of human
571 @symptoms, an array of text description
573 =cut
575 sub add_clinical_symptoms {
576 my ($self, $part, @symptoms) = @_;
577 unless(defined $part){
578 $self->throw('a part/organism must be assigned');
580 $self->{_clinical_symptoms} = {} unless $self->{_clinical_symptoms};
581 $self->{_clinical_symptoms}->{$part} = []
582 unless $self->{_clinical_symptoms}->{$part};
583 push @{$self->{_clinical_symptoms}->{$part}}, @symptoms;
586 =head2 query_clinical_symptoms
588 Title : get_clinical_symptoms
589 Usage : @symptoms = $self->query_clinical_symptoms('Ears');
590 Function : get all symptoms specific to one part/organism.
591 Returns : an array of text
592 Args : $organ
594 =cut
596 sub query_clinical_symptoms {
597 my ($self, $organ)=@_;
598 my $symptoms=$self->{_clinical_symptoms}->{$organ};
599 @$symptoms;
602 sub get_clinical_symptom_organs {
603 my ($self)=@_;
604 keys %{$self->{_clinical_symptoms}};
607 =head2 created
609 Title : created
610 Usage : $omim->created( "Victor A. McKusick: 6/4/1986" );
612 print $omim->created();
613 Function: Set/get for the created field of the OMIM database.
614 Returns : Name(s) and date(s) [scalar - free form].
615 Args : Name(s) and date(s) [scalar - free form] (optional).
617 =cut
619 sub created {
620 my $self = shift;
621 return $self->{ "_created" } = shift if(@_);
622 return $self->{ "_created" };
624 } # created
629 =head2 contributors
631 Title : contributors
632 Usage : $omim->contributors( "Kelly A. Przylepa - revised: 03/18/2002" );
634 print $omim->contributors();
635 Function: Set/get for the contributors field of the OMIM database.
636 Returns : Name(s) and date(s) [scalar - free form].
637 Args : Name(s) and date(s) [scalar - free form] (optional).
639 =cut
641 sub contributors {
642 my $self = shift;
643 $self->{ "_contributors" } = shift if(@_);
644 return $self->{ "_contributors" };
646 } # contributors
651 =head2 edited
653 Title : edited
654 Usage : $omim->edited( "alopez: 06/03/1997" );
656 print $omim->edited();
657 Function: Set/get for the edited field of the OMIM database.
658 Returns : Name(s) and date(s) [scalar - free form].
659 Args : Name(s) and date(s) [scalar - free form] (optional).
661 =cut
663 sub edited {
664 my $self = shift;
665 return $self->{ "_edited" } = shift if(@_);
666 return $self->{ "_edited" };
668 } # edited
673 =head2 additional_references
675 Title : additional_references
676 Usage : $omim->additional_references( "Miller er al." );
678 print $omim->additional_references();
679 Function: Set/get for the additional references of this OMIM antry
680 (see also).
681 Returns : additional reference [scalar].
682 Args : additional reference [scalar] (optional).
684 =cut
686 sub additional_references {
687 my $self = shift;
688 return $self->{ "_additional_references" } = shift if(@_);
689 return $self->{ "_additional_references" };
691 } # additional_references
693 =head2 miniMIM
695 Title : miniMIM
696 Usage : $omim->miniMIM( $MM );
698 $MM = $omim->miniMIM();
699 Function: Set/get for the Mini MIM associated with this OMIM antry
700 (see also).
701 Returns : [Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::MiniMIMentry].
702 Args : [Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::MiniMIMentry] (optional).
704 =cut
706 sub miniMIM {
708 my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
710 if ( defined $value ) {
711 $self->_check_ref_type( $value, "Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::MiniMIMentry" );
712 $self->{ "_mini_mim" } = $value;
715 return $self->{ "_mini_mim" };
718 =head2 each_AllelicVariant
720 Title : each_AllelicVariant()
721 Usage : @avs = $obj->each_AllelicVariant();
722 Function: Returns a list of Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentryAllelicVariant objects
723 associated with this OMIM entry.
724 Returns : A list of Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentryAllelicVariant objects.
725 Args :
727 =cut
729 sub each_AllelicVariant {
730 my ( $self ) = @_;
732 return @{$self->{"_allelic_variants"}} if exists($self->{"_allelic_variants"});
733 return ();
734 } # each_AllelicVariant
737 =head2 add_AllelicVariants
739 Title : add_AllelicVariants
740 Usage : $obj->add_AllelicVariants( @avs );
742 $obj->add_AllelicVariants( $av );
743 Function: Pushes one or more OMIMentryAllelicVariant
744 into the list of OMIMentryAllelicVariants.
745 Returns :
746 Args : Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentryAllelicVariant object(s).
748 =cut
750 sub add_AllelicVariants {
751 my ( $self, @values ) = @_;
753 return unless( @values );
755 foreach my $value ( @values ) {
756 $self->_check_ref_type( $value, "Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentryAllelicVariant" );
759 push( @{ $self->{ "_allelic_variants" } }, @values );
761 } # add_AllelicVariants
764 =head2 remove_AllelicVariants
766 Title : remove_AllelicVariants
767 Usage : $obj->remove_AllelicVariants();
768 Function: Deletes (and returns) the list of OMIMentryAllelicVariant objects
769 associated with this OMIM entry.
770 Returns : A list of OMIMentryAllelicVariant objects.
771 Args :
773 =cut
775 sub remove_AllelicVariants {
776 my ( $self ) = @_;
778 my @a = $self->each_AllelicVariant();
779 $self->{ "_allelic_variants" } = [];
780 return @a;
782 } # remove_AllelicVariants
785 # Title : _array_to_string
786 # Function:
787 # Returns :
788 # Args :
789 sub _array_to_string {
790 my( $self, @value ) = @_;
792 my $s = "";
794 for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar( @value ); ++$i ) {
795 if ( ! ref( $value[ $i ] ) ) {
796 $s .= "#" . $i . "\n-- Value:\n" . $value[ $i ] . "\n";
798 elsif ( $value[ $i ]->isa( "Bio::Phenotype::OMIM::OMIMentryAllelicVariant" )
799 || $value[ $i ]->isa( "Bio::Phenotype::Correlate" ) ) {
800 $s .= "#" . $i . "\n" . ( $value[ $i ] )->to_string() . "\n";
802 elsif ( $value[ $i ]->isa( "Bio::Annotation::Reference" ) ) {
803 $s .= "#".$i."\n-- Authors:\n".( $value[ $i ] )->authors()."\n";
804 $s .= "-- Title:\n".( $value[ $i ] )->title()."\n";
805 $s .= "-- Location:\n".( $value[ $i ] )->location()."\n";
807 elsif ( $value[ $i ]->isa( "Bio::Map::CytoPosition" ) ) {
808 $s .= "#" . $i . "\n-- Value:\n" . ( $value[ $i ] )->value() . "\n";
812 return $s;
814 } # _array_to_string
817 # Title :_is_true_or_false
818 # Function: Checks whether the argument is 1 or 0.
819 # Returns :
820 # Args : The value to be checked.
821 sub _is_true_or_false {
822 my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
823 unless ( $value !~ /\D/ && ( $value == TRUE || $value == FALSE ) ) {
824 $self->throw( "Found [" . $value
825 . "] where " . TRUE . " or " . FALSE . " expected" );
827 } # _is_true_or_false