tag fourth (and hopefully last) alpha
[bioperl-live.git] / branch-1-6 / Bio / DB / SeqFeature / Store / DBI / Pg.pm
2 package Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::DBI::Pg;
3 use DBD::Pg qw(:pg_types);
4 use MIME::Base64;
5 # $Id: Pg.pm 14656 2008-04-14 15:05:37Z lstein $
7 =head1 NAME
9 Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::DBI::Pg -- Mysql implementation of Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store
11 =head1 SYNOPSIS
13 use Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store;
15 # Open the sequence database
16 my $db = Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store->new(-adaptor => 'DBI::Pg',
17 -dsn => 'dbi:Pg:test');
19 # get a feature from somewhere
20 my $feature = Bio::SeqFeature::Generic->new(...);
22 # store it
23 $db->store($feature) or die "Couldn't store!";
25 # primary ID of the feature is changed to indicate its primary ID
26 # in the database...
27 my $id = $feature->primary_id;
29 # get the feature back out
30 my $f = $db->fetch($id);
32 # change the feature and update it
33 $f->start(100);
34 $db->update($f) or die "Couldn't update!";
36 # searching...
37 # ...by id
38 my @features = $db->fetch_many(@list_of_ids);
40 # ...by name
41 @features = $db->get_features_by_name('ZK909');
43 # ...by alias
44 @features = $db->get_features_by_alias('sma-3');
46 # ...by type
47 @features = $db->get_features_by_name('gene');
49 # ...by location
50 @features = $db->get_features_by_location(-seq_id=>'Chr1',-start=>4000,-end=>600000);
52 # ...by attribute
53 @features = $db->get_features_by_attribute({description => 'protein kinase'})
55 # ...by the GFF "Note" field
56 @result_list = $db->search_notes('kinase');
58 # ...by arbitrary combinations of selectors
59 @features = $db->features(-name => $name,
60 -type => $types,
61 -seq_id => $seqid,
62 -start => $start,
63 -end => $end,
64 -attributes => $attributes);
66 # ...using an iterator
67 my $iterator = $db->get_seq_stream(-name => $name,
68 -type => $types,
69 -seq_id => $seqid,
70 -start => $start,
71 -end => $end,
72 -attributes => $attributes);
74 while (my $feature = $iterator->next_seq) {
75 # do something with the feature
78 # ...limiting the search to a particular region
79 my $segment = $db->segment('Chr1',5000=>6000);
80 my @features = $segment->features(-type=>['mRNA','match']);
82 # getting & storing sequence information
83 # Warning: this returns a string, and not a PrimarySeq object
84 $db->insert_sequence('Chr1','GATCCCCCGGGATTCCAAAA...');
85 my $sequence = $db->fetch_sequence('Chr1',5000=>6000);
87 # what feature types are defined in the database?
88 my @types = $db->types;
90 # create a new feature in the database
91 my $feature = $db->new_feature(-primary_tag => 'mRNA',
92 -seq_id => 'chr3',
93 -start => 10000,
94 -end => 11000);
98 Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::Pg is the Mysql adaptor for
99 Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store. You will not create it directly, but
100 instead use Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store-E<gt>new() to do so.
102 See L<Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store> for complete usage instructions.
104 =head2 Using the Mysql adaptor
106 Before you can use the adaptor, you must use the Pgadmin tool to
107 create a database and establish a user account with write
108 permission. In order to use "fast" loading, the user account must have
109 "file" privileges.
111 To establish a connection to the database, call
112 Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store-E<gt>new(-adaptor=E<gt>'DBI::Pg',@more_args). The
113 additional arguments are as follows:
115 Argument name Description
116 ------------- -----------
118 -dsn The database name. You can abbreviate
119 "dbi:Pg:foo" as "foo" if you wish.
121 -user Username for authentication.
123 -pass Password for authentication.
125 -namespace A prefix to attach to each table. This allows you
126 to have several virtual databases in the same
127 physical database.
129 -temp Boolean flag. If true, a temporary database
130 will be created and destroyed as soon as
131 the Store object goes out of scope. (synonym -temporary)
133 -autoindex Boolean flag. If true, features in the database will be
134 reindexed every time they change. This is the default.
137 -tmpdir Directory in which to place temporary files during "fast" loading.
138 Defaults to File::Spec->tmpdir(). (synonyms -dump_dir, -dumpdir, -tmp)
140 -dbi_options A hashref to pass to DBI->connect's 4th argument, the "attributes."
141 (synonyms -options, -dbi_attr)
143 -write Pass true to open database for writing or updating.
145 If successful, a new instance of
146 Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::DBI::Pg will be returned.
148 In addition to the standard methods supported by all well-behaved
149 Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store databases, several following
150 adaptor-specific methods are provided. These are described in the next
151 sections.
153 =cut
155 use strict;
157 use base 'Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::DBI::mysql';
158 use Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::DBI::Iterator;
159 use DBI;
160 use Memoize;
161 use Cwd 'abs_path';
162 use Bio::DB::GFF::Util::Rearrange 'rearrange';
163 use File::Spec;
164 use constant DEBUG=>0;
166 # from the MySQL documentation...
167 # WARNING: if your sequence uses coordinates greater than 2 GB, you are out of luck!
168 use constant MAX_INT => 2_147_483_647;
169 use constant MIN_INT => -2_147_483_648;
170 use constant MAX_BIN => 1_000_000_000; # size of largest feature = 1 Gb
171 use constant MIN_BIN => 1000; # smallest bin we'll make - on a 100 Mb chromosome, there'll be 100,000 of these
174 # object initialization
176 # NOTE: most of this code can be refactored and inherited from DBI or DBI::mysql adapter
178 sub init {
179 my $self = shift;
180 my ($dsn,
181 $is_temporary,
182 $autoindex,
183 $namespace,
184 $dump_dir,
185 $user,
186 $pass,
187 $dbi_options,
188 $writeable,
189 $create,
190 $schema,
191 ) = rearrange(['DSN',
196 'USER',
200 'CREATE',
201 'SCHEMA'
202 ],@_);
205 $dbi_options ||= {};
206 $writeable = 1 if $is_temporary or $dump_dir;
208 $dsn or $self->throw("Usage: ".__PACKAGE__."->init(-dsn => \$dbh || \$dsn)");
210 my $dbh;
211 if (ref $dsn) {
212 $dbh = $dsn;
213 } else {
214 $dsn = "dbi:Pg:$dsn" unless $dsn =~ /^dbi:/;
215 $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$user,$pass,$dbi_options) or $self->throw($DBI::errstr);
217 $dbh->do('set client_min_messages=warning') if $dbh;
218 $self->{'original_arguments'} = {
219 'dsn' => $dsn,
220 'user' => $user,
221 'pass' => $pass,
222 'dbh_options' => $dbi_options,
224 $self->{dbh} = $dbh;
225 $self->{dbh}->{InactiveDestroy} = 1;
226 $self->{is_temp} = $is_temporary;
227 $self->{namespace} = $namespace;
228 $self->{writeable} = $writeable;
229 $self->schema($schema) if ($schema);
231 $self->default_settings;
232 $self->autoindex($autoindex) if defined $autoindex;
233 $self->dumpdir($dump_dir) if $dump_dir;
234 if ($self->is_temp) {
235 # warn "creating a temp database isn't supported";
236 #$self->init_tmp_database();
237 $self->init_database('erase');
238 } elsif ($create) {
239 $self->init_database('erase');
243 sub table_definitions {
244 my $self = shift;
245 return {
246 feature => <<END,
248 id serial primary key,
249 typeid int not null,
250 seqid int,
251 start int,
252 "end" int,
253 strand int default 0,
254 tier int,
255 bin int,
256 indexed int default 1,
257 object bytea not null
259 CREATE INDEX feature_stuff ON feature(seqid,tier,bin,typeid);
260 CREATE INDEX feature_typeid ON feature(typeid);
263 locationlist => <<END,
265 id serial primary key,
266 seqname varchar(256) not null
267 ); CREATE INDEX locationlist_seqname ON locationlist(seqname);
270 typelist => <<END,
272 id serial primary key,
273 tag varchar(256) not null
274 ); CREATE INDEX typelist_tab ON typelist(tag);
276 name => <<END,
278 id int not null,
279 name varchar(256) not null,
280 display_name int default 0
282 CREATE INDEX name_id ON name(id);
283 CREATE INDEX name_name ON name(name);
286 attribute => <<END,
288 id int not null,
289 attribute_id int not null,
290 attribute_value text
292 CREATE INDEX attribute_id ON attribute(id);
293 CREATE INDEX attribute_id_val ON attribute(attribute_id,SUBSTR(attribute_value, 1, 10));
296 attributelist => <<END,
298 id serial primary key,
299 tag varchar(256) not null
301 CREATE INDEX attributelist_tag ON attributelist(tag);
303 parent2child => <<END,
305 id int not null,
306 child int not null
308 CREATE INDEX parent2child_id_child ON parent2child(id,child);
311 meta => <<END,
313 name varchar(128) primary key,
314 value varchar(128) not null
317 sequence => <<END,
319 id int not null,
320 "offset" int not null,
321 sequence text,
322 primary key(id,"offset")
328 sub schema {
329 my ($self, $schema) = @_;
330 $self->{'schema'} = $schema if defined($schema);
331 if ($schema) {
332 $self->dbh->do("SET search_path TO " . $self->{'schema'} . ", public");
333 } else {
334 $self->dbh->do("SET search_path TO public");
336 return $self->{'schema'};
339 # wipe database clean and reinstall schema
341 sub _init_database {
342 my $self = shift;
343 my $erase = shift;
345 my $dbh = $self->dbh;
346 my $tables = $self->table_definitions;
347 foreach (keys %$tables) {
348 next if $_ eq 'meta'; # don't get rid of meta data!
349 my $table = $self->_qualify($_);
350 $dbh->do("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $table") if $erase;
351 my @table_exists = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT * FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = '$table'");
352 if (!scalar(@table_exists)) {
353 my $query = "CREATE TABLE $table $tables->{$_}";
354 $dbh->do($query) or $self->throw($dbh->errstr);
357 $self->subfeatures_are_indexed(1) if $erase;
361 sub maybe_create_meta {
362 my $self = shift;
363 return unless $self->writeable;
364 my $table = $self->_qualify('meta');
365 my $tables = $self->table_definitions;
366 my $temporary = $self->is_temp ? 'TEMPORARY' : '';
367 my @table_exists = $self->dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT * FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = '$table'");
368 $self->dbh->do("CREATE $temporary TABLE $table $tables->{meta}")
369 unless @table_exists || $temporary;
372 sub _finish_bulk_update {
373 my $self = shift;
374 my $dbh = $self->dbh;
375 my $dir = $self->{dumpdir} || '.';
376 for my $table ('feature',$self->index_tables) {
377 my $fh = $self->dump_filehandle($table);
378 my $path = $self->dump_path($table);
379 $fh->close;
380 my $qualified_table = $self->_qualify($table);
381 system "cp $path $path.bak";
382 # Get stuff from file into STDIN so we don't have to be superuser
383 open FH, $path;
384 print STDERR "Loading file $path\n";
385 $dbh->do("COPY $qualified_table FROM STDIN CSV QUOTE '''' DELIMITER '\t'") or $self->throw($dbh->errstr);
386 while (my $line = <FH>) {
387 $dbh->pg_putline($line);
389 $dbh->pg_endcopy() or $self->throw($dbh->errstr);
390 close FH;
391 #unlink $path;
393 delete $self->{bulk_update_in_progress};
394 delete $self->{filehandles};
399 # Add a subparts to a feature. Both feature and all subparts must already be in database.
401 sub _add_SeqFeature {
402 my $self = shift;
404 # special purpose method for case when we are doing a bulk update
405 return $self->_dump_add_SeqFeature(@_) if $self->{bulk_update_in_progress};
407 my $parent = shift;
408 my @children = @_;
410 my $dbh = $self->dbh;
411 local $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
413 my $child_table = $self->_parent2child_table();
414 my $count = 0;
416 my $querydel = "DELETE FROM $child_table WHERE id = ? AND child = ?";
417 my $query = "INSERT INTO $child_table (id,child) VALUES (?,?)";
418 my $sthdel = $self->_prepare($querydel);
419 my $sth = $self->_prepare($query);
421 my $parent_id = (ref $parent ? $parent->primary_id : $parent)
422 or $self->throw("$parent should have a primary_id");
424 $dbh->begin_work or $self->throw($dbh->errstr);
425 eval {
426 for my $child (@children) {
427 my $child_id = ref $child ? $child->primary_id : $child;
428 defined $child_id or die "no primary ID known for $child";
429 $sthdel->execute($parent_id, $child_id);
430 $sth->execute($parent_id,$child_id);
431 $count++;
435 if ($@) {
436 warn "Transaction aborted because $@";
437 $dbh->rollback;
439 else {
440 $dbh->commit;
442 $sth->finish;
443 $count;
446 # because this is a reserved word in postgresql
448 # get primary sequence between start and end
450 sub _fetch_sequence {
451 my $self = shift;
452 my ($seqid,$start,$end) = @_;
454 # backward compatibility to the old days when I liked reverse complementing
455 # dna by specifying $start > $end
456 my $reversed;
457 if (defined $start && defined $end && $start > $end) {
458 $reversed++;
459 ($start,$end) = ($end,$start);
461 $start-- if defined $start;
462 $end-- if defined $end;
464 my $offset1 = $self->_offset_boundary($seqid,$start || 'left');
465 my $offset2 = $self->_offset_boundary($seqid,$end || 'right');
466 my $sequence_table = $self->_sequence_table;
467 my $locationlist_table = $self->_locationlist_table;
469 my $sth = $self->_prepare(<<END);
470 SELECT sequence,"offset"
471 FROM $sequence_table as s,$locationlist_table as ll
472 WHERE s.id=ll.id
473 AND ll.seqname= ?
474 AND "offset" >= ?
475 AND "offset" <= ?
476 ORDER BY "offset"
479 my $seq = '';
480 $sth->execute($seqid,$offset1,$offset2) or $self->throw($sth->errstr);
482 while (my($frag,$offset) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
483 substr($frag,0,$start-$offset) = '' if defined $start && $start > $offset;
484 $seq .= $frag;
486 substr($seq,$end-$start+1) = '' if defined $end && $end-$start+1 < length($seq);
487 if ($reversed) {
488 $seq = reverse $seq;
489 $seq =~ tr/gatcGATC/ctagCTAG/;
491 $sth->finish;
492 $seq;
495 sub _offset_boundary {
496 my $self = shift;
497 my ($seqid,$position) = @_;
499 my $sequence_table = $self->_sequence_table;
500 my $locationlist_table = $self->_locationlist_table;
502 my $sql;
503 $sql = $position eq 'left' ? "SELECT min(\"offset\") FROM $sequence_table as s,$locationlist_table as ll WHERE s.id=ll.id AND ll.seqname=?"
504 :$position eq 'right' ? "SELECT max(\"offset\") FROM $sequence_table as s,$locationlist_table as ll WHERE s.id=ll.id AND ll.seqname=?"
505 :"SELECT max(\"offset\") FROM $sequence_table as s,$locationlist_table as ll WHERE s.id=ll.id AND ll.seqname=? AND \"offset\"<=?";
507 my $sth = $self->_prepare($sql);
508 my @args = $position =~ /^-?\d+$/ ? ($seqid,$position) : ($seqid);
509 $sth->execute(@args) or $self->throw($sth->errstr);
510 my $boundary = $sth->fetchall_arrayref->[0][0];
511 $sth->finish;
512 return $boundary;
515 sub _name_sql {
516 my $self = shift;
517 my ($name,$allow_aliases,$join) = @_;
518 my $name_table = $self->_name_table;
520 my $from = "$name_table as n";
521 my ($match,$string) = $self->_match_sql($name);
523 my $where = "n.id=$join AND lower(n.name) $match";
524 $where .= " AND n.display_name>0" unless $allow_aliases;
525 return ($from,$where,'',$string);
528 sub _search_attributes {
529 my $self = shift;
530 my ($search_string,$attribute_names,$limit) = @_;
531 my @words = map {quotemeta($_)} split /\s+/,$search_string;
532 my $name_table = $self->_name_table;
533 my $attribute_table = $self->_attribute_table;
534 my $attributelist_table = $self->_attributelist_table;
535 my $type_table = $self->_type_table;
536 my $typelist_table = $self->_typelist_table;
538 my @tags = @$attribute_names;
539 my $tag_sql = join ' OR ',("al.tag=?") x @tags;
541 my $perl_regexp = join '|',@words;
543 my @wild_card_words = map { "%$_%" } @words;
544 my $sql_regexp = join ' OR ',("a.attribute_value SIMILAR TO ?") x @words;
545 my $sql = <<END;
546 SELECT name,attribute_value,tl.tag,n.id
547 FROM $name_table as n,$attribute_table as a,$attributelist_table as al,$type_table as t,$typelist_table as tl
548 WHERE n.id=a.id
549 AND al.id=a.attribute_id
550 AND n.id=t.id
551 AND t.typeid=tl.id
552 AND n.display_name=1
553 AND ($tag_sql)
554 AND ($sql_regexp)
556 $sql .= "LIMIT $limit" if defined $limit;
557 $self->_print_query($sql,@tags,@wild_card_words) if DEBUG || $self->debug;
558 my $sth = $self->_prepare($sql);
559 $sth->execute(@tags,@wild_card_words) or $self->throw($sth->errstr);
561 my @results;
562 while (my($name,$value,$type,$id) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
563 my (@hits) = $value =~ /$perl_regexp/ig;
564 my @words_in_row = split /\b/,$value;
565 my $score = int(@hits*100/@words/@words_in_row);
566 push @results,[$name,$value,$score,$type,$id];
568 $sth->finish;
569 @results = sort {$b->[2]<=>$a->[2]} @results;
570 return @results;
573 # overridden here because the mysql adapter uses
574 # a non-standard query hint
575 sub _attributes_sql {
576 my $self = shift;
577 my ($attributes,$join) = @_;
579 my ($wf,@bind_args) = $self->_make_attribute_where('a','al',$attributes);
580 my ($group_by,@group_args)= $self->_make_attribute_group('a',$attributes);
582 my $attribute_table = $self->_attribute_table;
583 my $attributelist_table = $self->_attributelist_table;
585 my $from = "$attribute_table as a, $attributelist_table as al";
587 my $where = <<END;
588 a.id=$join
589 AND a.attribute_id=al.id
590 AND ($wf)
593 my $group = $group_by;
595 my @args = (@bind_args,@group_args);
596 return ($from,$where,$group,@args);
599 sub _match_sql {
600 my $self = shift;
601 my $name = shift;
603 my ($match,$string);
604 if ($name =~ /(?:^|[^\\])[*?]/) {
605 $name =~ s/(^|[^\\])([%_])/$1\\$2/g;
606 $name =~ s/(^|[^\\])\*/$1%/g;
607 $name =~ s/(^|[^\\])\?/$1_/g;
608 $match = "ILIKE ?";
609 $string = $name;
610 } else {
611 $match = "= lower(?)";
612 $string = lc($name);
614 return ($match,$string);
617 # overridden because of differences between LIKE behavior in mysql and postgres
618 # as well as case-sensitivity of matches
619 sub _types_sql {
620 my $self = shift;
621 my ($types,$type_table) = @_;
622 my ($primary_tag,$source_tag);
624 my @types = ref $types eq 'ARRAY' ? @$types : $types;
626 my $typelist = $self->_typelist_table;
627 my $from = "$typelist AS tl";
629 my (@matches,@args);
631 for my $type (@types) {
633 if (ref $type && $type->isa('Bio::DB::GFF::Typename')) {
634 $primary_tag = $type->method;
635 $source_tag = $type->source;
636 } else {
637 ($primary_tag,$source_tag) = split ':',$type,2;
640 if (defined $source_tag) {
641 push @matches,"lower(tl.tag)=lower(?)";
642 push @args,"$primary_tag:$source_tag";
643 } else {
644 push @matches,"tl.tag ILIKE ?";
645 push @args,"$primary_tag:%";
648 my $matches = join ' OR ',@matches;
650 my $where = <<END;
651 tl.id=$type_table.typeid
652 AND ($matches)
655 return ($from,$where,'',@args);
658 # overridden because mysql adapter uses the non-standard REPLACE syntax
659 sub setting {
660 my $self = shift;
661 my ($variable_name,$value) = @_;
662 my $meta = $self->_meta_table;
664 if (defined $value && $self->writeable) {
665 my $querydel = "DELETE FROM $meta WHERE name = ?";
666 my $query = "INSERT INTO $meta (name,value) VALUES (?,?)";
667 my $sthdel = $self->_prepare($querydel);
668 my $sth = $self->_prepare($query);
669 $sthdel->execute($variable_name);
670 $sth->execute($variable_name,$value) or $self->throw($sth->errstr);
671 $sth->finish;
672 $self->{settings_cache}{$variable_name} = $value;
674 else {
675 return $self->{settings_cache}{$variable_name} if exists $self->{settings_cache}{$variable_name};
676 my $query = "SELECT value FROM $meta as m WHERE m.name=?";
677 my $sth = $self->_prepare($query);
678 # $sth->execute($variable_name) or $self->throw($sth->errstr);
679 unless ($sth->execute($variable_name)) {
680 my $errstr = $sth->errstr;
681 $sth = $self->_prepare("SHOW search_path");
682 $sth->execute();
683 $errstr .= "With search_path " . $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0] . "\n";
684 $self->throw($errstr);
687 my ($value) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
688 $sth->finish;
689 return $self->{settings_cache}{$variable_name} = $value;
693 # overridden because of use of REPLACE in mysql adapter
695 # Replace Bio::SeqFeatureI into database.
697 sub replace {
698 my $self = shift;
699 my $object = shift;
700 my $index_flag = shift || undef;
702 # ?? shouldn't need to do this
703 # $self->_load_class($object);
704 my $id = $object->primary_id;
705 my $features = $self->_feature_table;
707 my $query = "INSERT INTO $features (id,object,indexed,seqid,start,\"end\",strand,tier,bin,typeid) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
708 my $query_noid = "INSERT INTO $features (object,indexed,seqid,start,\"end\",strand,tier,bin,typeid) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
709 my $querydel = "DELETE FROM $features WHERE id = ?";
711 my $sthdel = $self->_prepare($querydel);
712 my $sth = $self->_prepare($query);
713 my $sth_noid = $self->_prepare($query_noid);
715 my @location = $index_flag ? $self->_get_location_and_bin($object) : (undef)x6;
717 my $primary_tag = $object->primary_tag;
718 my $source_tag = $object->source_tag || '';
719 $primary_tag .= ":$source_tag";
720 my $typeid = $self->_typeid($primary_tag,1);
722 if ($id) {
723 $sthdel->execute($id);
724 $sth->execute($id,encode_base64($self->freeze($object), ''),$index_flag||0,@location,$typeid) or $self->throw($sth->errstr);
725 } else {
726 $sth_noid->execute(encode_base64($self->freeze($object), ''),$index_flag||0,@location,$typeid) or $self->throw($sth->errstr);
729 my $dbh = $self->dbh;
731 $object->primary_id($dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, undef, undef, {sequence=>$features."_id_seq"})) unless defined $id;
733 $self->flag_for_indexing($dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, undef, undef, {sequence=>$features."_id_seq"})) if $self->{bulk_update_in_progress};
736 =head2 types
738 Title : types
739 Usage : @type_list = $db->types
740 Function: Get all the types in the database
741 Returns : array of Bio::DB::GFF::Typename objects
742 Args : none
743 Status : public
745 =cut
747 # overridden because "offset" is reserved in postgres
749 # Insert a bit of DNA or protein into the database
751 sub _insert_sequence {
752 my $self = shift;
753 my ($seqid,$seq,$offset) = @_;
754 my $id = $self->_locationid($seqid);
755 my $seqtable = $self->_sequence_table;
756 my $sthdel = $self->_prepare("DELETE FROM $seqtable WHERE id = ? AND \"offset\" = ?");
757 my $sth = $self->_prepare(<<END);
758 INSERT INTO $seqtable (id,"offset",sequence) VALUES (?,?,?)
760 $sthdel->execute($id,$offset);
761 $sth->execute($id,$offset,$seq) or $self->throw($sth->errstr);
764 # overridden because of mysql adapter's use of REPLACE
766 # This subroutine flags the given primary ID for later reindexing
768 sub flag_for_indexing {
769 my $self = shift;
770 my $id = shift;
771 my $needs_updating = $self->_update_table;
773 my $querydel = "DELETE FROM $needs_updating WHERE id = ?";
774 my $query = "INSERT INTO $needs_updating VALUES (?)";
775 my $sthdel = $self->_prepare($querydel);
776 my $sth = $self->_prepare($query);
778 $sthdel->execute($id);
779 $sth->execute($id) or $self->throw($self->dbh->errstr);
782 # overridden because of the different ways that mysql and postgres
783 # handle id sequences
784 sub _genericid {
785 my $self = shift;
786 my ($table,$namefield,$name,$add_if_missing) = @_;
787 my $qualified_table = $self->_qualify($table);
788 my $sth = $self->_prepare(<<END);
789 SELECT id FROM $qualified_table WHERE $namefield=?
791 $sth->execute($name) or die $sth->errstr;
792 my ($id) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
793 $sth->finish;
794 return $id if defined $id;
795 return unless $add_if_missing;
797 $sth = $self->_prepare(<<END);
798 INSERT INTO $qualified_table ($namefield) VALUES (?)
800 $sth->execute($name) or die $sth->errstr;
801 my $dbh = $self->dbh;
802 return $dbh->last_insert_id(undef, undef, undef, undef, {sequence=>$qualified_table."_id_seq"});
805 # overridden because of differences in binding between mysql and postgres adapters
806 # given a statement handler that is expected to return rows of (id,object)
807 # unthaw each object and return a list of 'em
808 sub _sth2objs {
809 my $self = shift;
810 my $sth = shift;
811 my @result;
812 my ($id, $o);
813 $sth->bind_col(1, \$id);
814 $sth->bind_col(2, \$o, { pg_type => PG_BYTEA});
815 #while (my ($id,$o) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
816 while ($sth->fetch) {
817 my $obj = $self->thaw(decode_base64($o) ,$id);
818 push @result,$obj;
820 $sth->finish;
821 return @result;
824 # given a statement handler that is expected to return rows of (id,object)
825 # unthaw each object and return a list of 'em
826 sub _sth2obj {
827 my $self = shift;
828 my $sth = shift;
829 my ($id,$o) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
830 return unless $o;
831 my $obj = $self->thaw(decode_base64($o) ,$id);
832 $obj;
835 ####################################################################################################
836 # SQL Fragment generators
837 ####################################################################################################
839 # overridden because of base64 encoding needed here
841 # special-purpose store for bulk loading - write to a file rather than to the db
843 sub _dump_store {
844 my $self = shift;
845 my $indexed = shift;
847 my $count = 0;
848 my $store_fh = $self->dump_filehandle('feature');
849 my $dbh = $self->dbh;
851 my $autoindex = $self->autoindex;
853 for my $obj (@_) {
854 my $id = $self->next_id;
855 my ($seqid,$start,$end,$strand,$tier,$bin) = $indexed ? $self->_get_location_and_bin($obj) : (undef)x6;
856 my $primary_tag = $obj->primary_tag;
857 my $source_tag = $obj->source_tag || '';
858 $primary_tag .= ":$source_tag";
859 my $typeid = $self->_typeid($primary_tag,1);
861 my $frozen_object = encode_base64($self->freeze($obj), '');
862 # TODO: Fix this, why does frozen object start with quote but not end with one
863 print $store_fh join("\t",$id,$typeid,$seqid,$start,$end,$strand,$tier,$bin,$indexed,$frozen_object),"\n";
864 $obj->primary_id($id);
865 $self->_update_indexes($obj) if $indexed && $autoindex;
866 $count++;
869 # remember whether we are have ever stored a non-indexed feature
870 unless ($indexed or $self->{indexed_flag}++) {
871 $self->subfeatures_are_indexed(0);
873 $count;