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[bioperl-db.git] / lib / Bio / DB / BioSQL / Pg / PathAdaptorDriver.pm
1 # $Id$
3 # BioPerl module for Bio::DB::BioSQL::Pg::PathAdaptorDriver
5 # Please direct questions and support issues to <bioperl-l@bioperl.org>
7 # Cared for by Hilmar Lapp <hlapp at gmx.net>
9 # Copyright Hilmar Lapp
13 # (c) Hilmar Lapp, hlapp at gmx.net, 2003.
14 # (c) GNF, Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, 2003.
16 # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself.
17 # Refer to the Perl Artistic License (see the license accompanying this
18 # software package, or see http://www.perl.com/language/misc/Artistic.html)
19 # for the terms under which you may use, modify, and redistribute this module.
26 # POD documentation - main docs before the code
28 =head1 NAME
30 Bio::DB::BioSQL::Pg::PathAdaptorDriver - DESCRIPTION of Object
32 =head1 SYNOPSIS
34 Give standard usage here
38 Describe the object here
40 =head1 FEEDBACK
42 =head2 Mailing Lists
44 User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other
45 Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to
46 the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated.
48 bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion
49 http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists
51 =head2 Support
53 Please direct usage questions or support issues to the mailing list:
55 I<bioperl-l@bioperl.org>
57 rather than to the module maintainer directly. Many experienced and
58 reponsive experts will be able look at the problem and quickly
59 address it. Please include a thorough description of the problem
60 with code and data examples if at all possible.
62 =head2 Reporting Bugs
64 Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
65 of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via
66 the web:
68 http://redmine.open-bio.org/projects/bioperl/
70 =head1 AUTHOR - Hilmar Lapp
72 Email hlapp at gmx.net
76 Additional contributors names and emails here
78 =head1 APPENDIX
80 The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
81 Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
83 =cut
86 # Let the code begin...
89 package Bio::DB::BioSQL::Pg::PathAdaptorDriver;
90 use vars qw(@ISA);
91 use strict;
93 # Object preamble - inherits from Bio::Root::Root
95 use Bio::DB::BioSQL::Pg::BasePersistenceAdaptorDriver;
98 @ISA = qw(Bio::DB::BioSQL::Pg::BasePersistenceAdaptorDriver);
101 =head2 compute_transitive_closure
103 Title : compute_transitive_closure
104 Usage :
105 Function: Compute the transitive closure over a given ontology
106 and populate the respective path table in the relational
107 schema.
109 Example :
110 Returns : TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise
111 Args : The calling adaptor.
113 The ontology to compute the transitive closure over (a
114 persistent Bio::Ontology::OntologyI compliant object).
116 The predicate indicating identity between a term and
117 itself, to be used as the predicate for the paths of
118 distance zero between a term and itself. If undef the zero
119 distance paths will not be created.
121 A scalar that if evaluating to TRUE means truncate the
122 paths for the respective ontology first (optional;
123 even though the default is FALSE this parameter should
124 usually be given as TRUE unless you know what you are
125 doing).
128 =cut
130 sub compute_transitive_closure{
131 my ($self,$adp,$ont,$idpred,$trunc) = @_;
133 # if we only got three arguments and the third is not a term then we
134 # probably got called in the old signature
135 if ((! ref($idpred)) && (@_ == 4)) {
136 $trunc = $idpred;
137 $idpred = undef;
140 # the ontology needs to be persistent (we'll need its primary key)
141 if(! $ont->isa("Bio::DB::PersistentObjectI")) {
142 $self->throw("$ont is not a persistent object. Bummer.");
144 # and obviously needs to have a primary key
145 if(! ($ont->primary_key ||
146 ($ont = $ont->adaptor->find_by_unique_key($ont)) ||
147 ($ont = $ont->adaptor->create($ont)))) {
148 $self->throw("failed to look-up or insert ontology \"".
149 $ont->name().", can't continue without the foreign key");
152 # the identity predicate needs to be persistent too, if given
153 if (ref($idpred)) {
154 if(! $idpred->isa("Bio::DB::PersistentObjectI")) {
155 $idpred = $adp->db->create_persistent($idpred);
157 # and obviously needs to have a primary key as well
158 if(! ($idpred->primary_key ||
159 ($idpred = ($idpred->adaptor->find_by_unique_key($idpred) ||
160 $idpred->adaptor->create($idpred))))) {
161 $self->throw("failed to look-up or insert ID predicate '".
162 $idpred->name()
163 ."', can't continue without the foreign key");
167 # we'll need the name of the path table, and that of the relationship
168 # table
169 my $path_table = $self->table_name($adp);
170 my $rel_table = $self->table_name("Bio::Ontology::RelationshipI");
171 # truncate existing path table content?
172 if($trunc) {
173 my $sth = $self->prepare_delete_query_sth($adp, -fkobjs => [$ont]);
174 $adp->debug("DELETE $path_table: execute, binding column 1 to ".
175 $ont->primary_key().
176 " (PK to ".ref($ont->obj).")\n");
177 my $rv = $sth->execute($ont->primary_key());
178 if(! $rv) {
179 $self->throw("failed to execute DELETE $path_table statement ".
180 "(bound PK ".$ont->primary_key()."): ".
181 $sth->errstr);
183 $adp->debug("DELETE $path_table: deleted $rv rows\n");
185 # initialize the path table with all relationships under the ontology.
187 # for this we need to map a number of objects to foreign keys, so gather
188 # keys, and obtain an attribute map
189 my $termcl = "Bio::Ontology::TermI";
190 my @fks = map {
191 $self->foreign_key_name($_);
192 } ($termcl."::subject", $termcl."::predicate", $termcl."::object", $ont);
193 my $colmap = $self->slot_attribute_map($path_table);
195 # initialize with paths of distance zero between all non-predicate
196 # terms and themselves if the identity predicate was provided
197 if (ref($idpred)) {
198 my $term_table = $self->table_name($termcl);
199 my $pkname = $self->primary_key_name($term_table);
200 my $ontfkname = $self->foreign_key_name($ont);
201 my $sql = "INSERT INTO $path_table ("
202 . join(", ", @fks, $colmap->{"distance"}).")\n"
203 . "SELECT $pkname, ".$idpred->primary_key
204 . ", $pkname, $ontfkname, 0\n"
205 . "FROM $term_table t WHERE $ontfkname = ?\n"
206 . "AND NOT EXISTS (\n"
207 . "SELECT 1 FROM $rel_table ta WHERE ta."
208 . $self->foreign_key_name($termcl."::predicate")." = t.$pkname "
209 . "AND ta.$ontfkname = t.$ontfkname)";
210 $adp->debug("INSERT TC ONTOLOGY #0: preparing: $sql\n");
211 my $sth = $adp->dbh->prepare($sql);
212 $self->throw("failed to prepare statement ($sql): ".$adp->dbh->errstr)
213 unless $sth;
214 $adp->debug("INSERT TC ONTOLOGY #0: executing: binding column 1 to ",
215 $ont->primary_key(),
216 " (FK to ".ref($ont->obj).")\n");
217 my $rv = $sth->execute($ont->primary_key());
218 if($rv) {
219 $adp->debug("INSERT TC ONTOLOGY #0: $rv rows inserted\n");
220 } else {
221 $self->throw("failed to execute statement ($sql) with parameter ".
222 $ont->primary_key()." (FK to ".ref($ont->obj)."): ".
223 $sth->errstr);
227 # now the distance one paths as the relationships in the
228 # Term_Relationship table
229 my $sql = "INSERT INTO $path_table (".
230 join(", ", @fks, $colmap->{"distance"}).")\n".
231 "SELECT ".
232 join(", ", @fks, "1")."\n".
233 "FROM $rel_table WHERE ".$self->foreign_key_name($ont)." = ?";
234 $adp->debug("INSERT TC ONTOLOGY #1: preparing: $sql\n");
235 my $sth = $adp->dbh->prepare($sql);
236 $self->throw("failed to prepare statement ($sql): ".$adp->dbh->errstr)
237 unless $sth;
238 $adp->debug("INSERT TC ONTOLOGY #1: executing: binding column 1 to ",
239 $ont->primary_key(),
240 " (FK to ".ref($ont->obj).")\n");
241 my $rv = $sth->execute($ont->primary_key());
242 if($rv) {
243 $adp->debug("INSERT TC ONTOLOGY #1: executed, $rv rows inserted\n");
244 } else {
245 $self->throw("failed to execute statement ($sql) with parameter ".
246 $ont->primary_key()." (FK to ".ref($ont->obj)."): ".
247 $sth->errstr);
249 # now build the transitive closure in a loop
250 $sql = "INSERT INTO $path_table (".
251 join(", ", @fks, $colmap->{"distance"}).")\n".
253 join(", ",
254 "tr.".$colmap->{"subject"}, "trp1.".$colmap->{"object"},
255 "tp.".$colmap->{"object"}, "tr.".$colmap->{"ontology"},
256 "tp.".$colmap->{"distance"}."+1")."\n".
257 "FROM ".
258 join(", ",
259 "$rel_table tr", "$path_table tp",
260 "$rel_table trp1", "$rel_table trp2")."\n".
261 "WHERE ".
262 join("\nAND ",
263 "tp.".$colmap->{"ontology"}." = tr.".$colmap->{"ontology"},
264 "tr.".$colmap->{"object"}." = tp.".$colmap->{"subject"},
265 "tr.".$colmap->{"ontology"}." = ?",
266 "tp.".$colmap->{"distance"}." = ?",
267 "trp1.".$colmap->{"subject"}." = tp.".$colmap->{"predicate"},
268 "trp2.".$colmap->{"subject"}." = tr.".$colmap->{"predicate"},
269 "trp1.".$colmap->{"object"}." = trp2.".$colmap->{"object"});
270 $adp->debug("INSERT TC ONTOLOGY #2: preparing: $sql\n");
271 $sth = $adp->dbh->prepare($sql);
272 $self->throw("failed to prepare statement ($sql): ".$adp->dbh->errstr)
273 unless $sth;
274 my $dist = 0;
275 $rv = 1; # dummy value in order to enter the while loop at least once
276 while($rv && ($rv > 0)) {
277 $dist++;
278 if($adp->verbose) {
279 $adp->debug("INSERT TC ONTOLOGY #2: executing: ".
280 "binding columns (".
281 join(";", "FK to ".ref($ont->obj), "distance").
282 ") to (".
283 join(";", $ont->primary_key(), $dist).
284 ")\n");
286 $rv = $sth->execute($ont->primary_key(), $dist);
287 $adp->debug("INSERT TC ONTOLOGY #2: executed, $rv rows inserted\n")
288 if $rv;
290 if(! $rv) {
291 $self->throw("failed to execute statement ($sql) with parameters (".
292 join(";", $ont->primary_key(), $dist).
293 "): ".$sth->errstr);
295 # done.
296 return $rv;