Preparing to release 0.45.
[awl.git] / docs / api / errors.html
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
2 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
3 <html xmlns="">
4 <head>
5 <!-- template designed by Marco Von Ballmoos -->
6 <title>phpDocumentor Parser Errors and Warnings</title>
7 <link rel="stylesheet" href="media/stylesheet.css" />
8 </head>
9 <body>
10 <a href="#Post-parsing">Post-parsing</a><br>
11 <a href="#AwlDatabase.php">AwlDatabase.php</a><br>
12 <a href="#AwlDBDialect.php">AwlDBDialect.php</a><br>
13 <a href="#AwlQuery.php">AwlQuery.php</a><br>
14 <a href="#AwlUpgrader.php">AwlUpgrader.php</a><br>
15 <a href="#AWLUtilities.php">AWLUtilities.php</a><br>
16 <a href="#classBrowser.php">classBrowser.php</a><br>
17 <a href="#classEditor.php">classEditor.php</a><br>
18 <a href="#DataEntry.php">DataEntry.php</a><br>
19 <a href="#DataUpdate.php">DataUpdate.php</a><br>
20 <a href="#EMail.php">EMail.php</a><br>
21 <a href="#iCalendar.php">iCalendar.php</a><br>
22 <a href="#MenuSet.php">MenuSet.php</a><br>
23 <a href="#PgQuery.php">PgQuery.php</a><br>
24 <a href="#Session.php">Session.php</a><br>
25 <a href="#Translation.php">Translation.php</a><br>
26 <a href="#User.php">User.php</a><br>
27 <a href="#Validation.php">Validation.php</a><br>
28 <a href="#vComponent.php">vComponent.php</a><br>
29 <a href="#XMLDocument.php">XMLDocument.php</a><br>
30 <a href="#XMLElement.php">XMLElement.php</a><br>
31 <a name="Post-parsing"></a>
32 <h1>Post-parsing</h1>
33 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
34 <b>Warning</b> -
35 duplicate define element "E_USER_ERROR" in file /home/karora/projects/awl/inc/AwlDatabase.php will be ignored.
36 Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.<br>
37 <a name="AuthPlugins.php"></a>
38 <h1>AuthPlugins.php</h1>
39 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
40 <b>Warning on line 27</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once 'AWLUtilities.php'", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
41 <h2>Errors:</h2><br>
42 <b>Error on line 87</b> - DocBlock has multiple @package tags, illegal. ignoring additional tag "@package awl"<br>
43 <b>Error on line 107</b> - DocBlock has multiple @package tags, illegal. ignoring additional tag "@package awl"<br>
44 <a name="AwlDatabase.php"></a>
45 <h1>AwlDatabase.php</h1>
46 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
47 <b>Warning on line 36</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require 'AwlDBDialect.php'", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
48 <b>Warning on line 36</b> - Unknown tag "@compatibility" used<br>
49 <a name="AwlDBDialect.php"></a>
50 <h1>AwlDBDialect.php</h1>
51 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
52 <b>Warning on line 17</b> - Unknown tag "@compatibility" used<br>
53 <b>Warning on line 17</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "define E_USER_ERROR", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
54 <a name="AwlQuery.php"></a>
55 <h1>AwlQuery.php</h1>
56 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
57 <b>Warning on line 10</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once 'AwlDatabase.php'", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
58 <b>Warning on line 10</b> - Unknown tag "@compatibility" used<br>
59 <a name="AwlUpgrader.php"></a>
60 <h1>AwlUpgrader.php</h1>
61 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
62 <b>Warning on line 10</b> - Unknown tag "@compatibility" used<br>
63 <b>Warning on line 10</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once 'AwlQuery.php'", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
64 <a name="classBrowser.php"></a>
65 <h1>classBrowser.php</h1>
66 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
67 <b>Warning on line 16</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once "AWLUtilities.php"", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
68 <a name="classEditor.php"></a>
69 <h1>classEditor.php</h1>
70 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
71 <b>Warning on line 11</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once "DataUpdate.php"", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
72 <a name="DataEntry.php"></a>
73 <h1>DataEntry.php</h1>
74 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
75 <b>Warning on line 10</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once "AWLUtilities.php"", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
76 <a name="DataUpdate.php"></a>
77 <h1>DataUpdate.php</h1>
78 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
79 <b>Warning on line 14</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once 'AWLUtilities.php'", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
80 <a name="EMail.php"></a>
81 <h1>EMail.php</h1>
82 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
83 <b>Warning on line 10</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once "AWLUtilities.php"", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
84 <a name="iCalendar.php"></a>
85 <h1>iCalendar.php</h1>
86 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
87 <b>Warning on line 48</b> - example file "To render just the VEVENTs in the iCalendar with a restricted list of properties:
88 echo $ical->Render( false, 'VEVENT', array( 'DTSTART', 'DURATION', 'DTEND', 'RRULE', 'SUMMARY') );" does not exist<br>
89 <b>Warning on line 48</b> - example file "To create a new iCalendar from several data values:
90 $ical = new iCalendar( array('DTSTART' => $dtstart, 'SUMMARY' => $summary, 'DURATION' => $duration ) );" does not exist<br>
91 <b>Warning on line 48</b> - example file "To parse an existing iCalendar string for manipulation:
92 $ical = new iCalendar( array('icalendar' => $icalendar_text ) );" does not exist<br>
93 <b>Warning on line 48</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once 'XMLElement.php'", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
94 <b>Warning on line 48</b> - example file "To render it as an iCalendar string:
95 echo $ical->Render();" does not exist<br>
96 <b>Warning on line 48</b> - example file "To replace any 'RRULE' property in an iCalendar object
97 $ical->component->SetProperties( 'RRULE', $rrule_definition );" does not exist<br>
98 <b>Warning on line 48</b> - example file "To clear any 'VALARM' components in an iCalendar object
99 $ical->component->ClearComponents('VALARM');" does not exist<br>
100 <b>Warning on line 836</b> - Unknown tag "@note" used<br>
101 <b>Warning on line 948</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
102 <b>Warning on line 1022</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
103 <b>Warning on line 1082</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
104 <b>Warning on line 1101</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
105 <b>Warning on line 1135</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
106 <b>Warning on line 1206</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
107 <b>Warning on line 1243</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
108 <b>Warning on line 1260</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
109 <b>Warning on line 1314</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
110 <b>Warning on line 1335</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
111 <b>Warning on line 1357</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
112 <b>Warning on line 1382</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
113 <b>Warning on line 1393</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
114 <b>Warning on line 1406</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
115 <b>Warning on line 1418</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
116 <b>Warning on line 1429</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
117 <b>Warning on line 1440</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
118 <b>Warning on line 1449</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
119 <b>Warning on line 1459</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
120 <b>Warning on line 1469</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
121 <b>Warning on line 1483</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
122 <b>Warning on line 1518</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
123 <b>Warning on line 1554</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
124 <b>Warning on line 1586</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
125 <b>Warning on line 1662</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
126 <b>Warning on line 1687</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
127 <b>Warning on line 1705</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
128 <b>Warning on line 1719</b> - Unknown tag "@DEPRECATED:" used<br>
129 <h2>Errors:</h2><br>
130 <b>Error on line 1101</b> - DocBlock has multiple @var tags, illegal. ignoring additional tag "@var integer The number of SOMETHINGS we want to get."<br>
131 <a name="MenuSet.php"></a>
132 <h1>MenuSet.php</h1>
133 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
134 <b>Warning on line 14</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once "AWLUtilities.php"", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
135 <a name="PgQuery.php"></a>
136 <h1>PgQuery.php</h1>
137 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
138 <b>Warning on line 55</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once "AWLUtilities.php"", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
139 <a name="Session.php"></a>
140 <h1>Session.php</h1>
141 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
142 <b>Warning on line 24</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once 'AWLUtilities.php'", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
143 <a name="Translation.php"></a>
144 <h1>Translation.php</h1>
145 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
146 <b>Warning on line 74</b> -
147 duplicate function element "translate" in file /home/karora/projects/awl/inc/Translation.php will be ignored.
148 Use an @ignore tag on the original if you want this case to be documented.<br>
149 <a name="User.php"></a>
150 <h1>User.php</h1>
151 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
152 <b>Warning on line 10</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once "AWLUtilities.php"", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
153 <a name="Validation.php"></a>
154 <h1>Validation.php</h1>
155 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
156 <b>Warning on line 10</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once "AWLUtilities.php"", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
157 <a name="vComponent.php"></a>
158 <h1>vComponent.php</h1>
159 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
160 <b>Warning on line 15</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once 'XMLElement.php'", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
161 <b>Warning on line 799</b> - Unknown tag "@note" used<br>
162 <a name="XMLDocument.php"></a>
163 <h1>XMLDocument.php</h1>
164 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
165 <b>Warning on line 12</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once "XMLElement.php"", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
166 <b>Warning on line 304</b> - docblock template never terminated with /**#@-*/<br>
167 <a name="XMLElement.php"></a>
168 <h1>XMLElement.php</h1>
169 <h2>Warnings:</h2><br>
170 <b>Warning on line 11</b> - Page-level DocBlock precedes "require_once 'AWLUtilities.php'", use another DocBlock to document the source element<br>
171 <a name="AWLUtilities.php"></a>
172 <h1>AWLUtilities.php</h1>
173 <h2>Errors:</h2><br>
174 <b>Error on line 26</b> - DocBlock has multiple @var tags, illegal. ignoring additional tag "@var [string ...] Parameters for the format string."<br>
175 <b>Error on line 26</b> - DocBlock has multiple @var tags, illegal. ignoring additional tag "@var string A format string for the log message"<br>
176 <b>Error on line 86</b> - DocBlock has multiple @var tags, illegal. ignoring additional tag "@var boolean Should the dump recurse into arrays/objects in the array"<br>
177 <b>Error on line 86</b> - DocBlock has multiple @var tags, illegal. ignoring additional tag "@var array The array to be dumped."<br>
178 <b>Error on line 86</b> - DocBlock has multiple @var tags, illegal. ignoring additional tag "@var string What name should this array dump identify itself as"<br>
179 <p class="notes" id="credit">
180 Documentation generated on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 12:52:20 +1200 by <a href="" target="_blank">phpDocumentor 1.4.3</a>
181 </p>
182 </body>
183 </html>