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[awl.git] / docs / api / awl / Translation / _Translation.php.html
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87 <div class="page-body">
88 <h2 class="file-name"><img src="../../media/images/Page_logo.png" alt="File" style="vertical-align: middle">/Translation.php</h2>
90 <a name="sec-description"></a>
91 <div class="info-box">
92 <div class="info-box-title">Description</div>
93 <div class="nav-bar">
94 <span class="disabled">Description</span> |
95 <a href="#sec-functions">Functions</a>
96 </div>
97 <div class="info-box-body">
98 <!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= -->
99 <p class="short-description">Functions involved in translating with gettext</p>
100 <ul class="tags">
101 <li><span class="field">author:</span> Andrew McMillan &lt;<a href=""></a>&gt;</li>
102 <li><span class="field">copyright:</span> Catalyst IT Ltd</li>
103 <li><span class="field">license:</span> <a href="">GNU GPL v2 or later</a></li>
104 </ul>
106 </div>
107 </div>
113 <a name="sec-functions"></a>
114 <div class="info-box">
115 <div class="info-box-title">Functions</div>
116 <div class="nav-bar">
117 <a href="#sec-description">Description</a> |
118 <span class="disabled">Functions</span>
119 </div>
120 <div class="info-box-body">
121 <a name="functionawl_set_locale" id="functionawl_set_locale"><!-- --></a>
122 <div class="evenrow">
124 <div>
125 <img src="../../media/images/Function.png" />
126 <span class="method-title">awl_set_locale</span> (line <span class="line-number">99</span>)
127 </div>
129 <!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= -->
130 <p class="short-description">Set the translation to the user's locale. At this stage all we do is call the gettext function.</p>
131 <div class="method-signature">
132 <span class="method-result">void</span>
133 <span class="method-name">
134 awl_set_locale
135 </span>
136 (<span class="var-type"></span>&nbsp;<span class="var-name">$locale</span>)
137 </div>
139 <ul class="parameters">
140 <li>
141 <span class="var-type"></span>
142 <span class="var-name">$locale</span> </li>
143 </ul>
146 </div>
147 <a name="functioni18n" id="functioni18n"><!-- --></a>
148 <div class="oddrow">
150 <div>
151 <img src="../../media/images/Function.png" />
152 <span class="method-title">i18n</span> (line <span class="line-number">54</span>)
153 </div>
155 <!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= -->
156 <p class="short-description">Mark a string as being internationalized. This is a semaphore method; it does nothing but it allows us to easily identify strings that require translation. Generally this is used to mark strings that will be stored in the database (like descriptions of permissions).</p>
157 <p class="description"><p>AWL uses GNU gettext for internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) of text presented to the user. Gettext needs to know about all places involving strings, that must be translated. Mark any place, where localization at runtime shall take place by using the function translate().</p><p>In the help I have used 'xlate' rather than 'translate' and 'x18n' rather than 'i18n' so that the tools skip this particular file for translation :-)</p><p>E.g. instead of: print 'TEST to be displayed in different languages'; use: print xlate('TEST to be displayed in different languages'); and you are all set for pure literals. The translation teams will receive that literal string as a job to translate and will translate it (when the message is clear enough). At runtime the message is then localized when printed. The input string can contain a hint to assist translators: print xlate('TT &lt;!-- abbreviation for Translation Test --&gt;'); The hint portion of the string will not be printed.</p><p>But consider this case: $message_to_be_localized = 'TEST to be displayed in different languages'; print xlate($message_to_be_localized);</p><p>The translate() function is called in the right place for runtime handling, but there is no message at gettext preprocessing time to be given to the translation teams, just a variable name. Translation of the variable name would break the code! So all places potentially feeding this variable have to be marked to be given to translation teams, but not translated at runtime!</p><p>This method resolves all such cases. Simply mark the candidates: $message_to_be_localized = x18n('TEST to be displayed in different languages'); print xlate($message_to_be_localized);</p></p>
158 <ul class="tags">
159 <li><span class="field">return:</span> the same value</li>
160 </ul>
161 <div class="method-signature">
162 <span class="method-result">string</span>
163 <span class="method-name">
164 i18n
165 </span>
166 (<span class="var-type">string</span>&nbsp;<span class="var-name">$value</span>)
167 </div>
169 <ul class="parameters">
170 <li>
171 <span class="var-type">string</span>
172 <span class="var-name">$value</span><span class="var-description">: the value</span> </li>
173 </ul>
176 </div>
177 <a name="functioninit_gettext" id="functioninit_gettext"><!-- --></a>
178 <div class="evenrow">
180 <div>
181 <img src="../../media/images/Function.png" />
182 <span class="method-title">init_gettext</span> (line <span class="line-number">84</span>)
183 </div>
185 <!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= -->
186 <p class="short-description">Initialise our use of Gettext</p>
187 <div class="method-signature">
188 <span class="method-result">void</span>
189 <span class="method-name">
190 init_gettext
191 </span>
192 (<span class="var-type"></span>&nbsp;<span class="var-name">$domain</span>, <span class="var-type"></span>&nbsp;<span class="var-name">$location</span>)
193 </div>
195 <ul class="parameters">
196 <li>
197 <span class="var-type"></span>
198 <span class="var-name">$domain</span> </li>
199 <li>
200 <span class="var-type"></span>
201 <span class="var-name">$location</span> </li>
202 </ul>
205 </div>
206 <a name="functiontranslate" id="functiontranslate"><!-- --></a>
207 <div class="oddrow">
209 <div>
210 <img src="../../media/images/Function.png" />
211 <span class="method-title">translate</span> (line <span class="line-number">65</span>)
212 </div>
214 <!-- ========== Info from phpDoc block ========= -->
215 <p class="short-description">Convert a string in English to whatever this user's locale is</p>
216 <div class="method-signature">
217 <span class="method-result">void</span>
218 <span class="method-name">
219 translate
220 </span>
221 (<span class="var-type"></span>&nbsp;<span class="var-name">$en</span>)
222 </div>
224 <ul class="parameters">
225 <li>
226 <span class="var-type"></span>
227 <span class="var-name">$en</span> </li>
228 </ul>
231 </div>
232 </div>
233 </div>
235 <p class="notes" id="credit">
236 Documentation generated on Mon, 20 Sep 2010 12:52:19 +1200 by <a href="" target="_blank">phpDocumentor 1.4.3</a>
237 </p>
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