awful.tooltip: Set the bg color correctly (FS#1148)
[awesome.git] / lib / awful /
1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 -- @author Sébastien Gross <seb•ɱɩɲʋʃ•awesome•ɑƬ•chezwam•ɖɵʈ•org&gt
3 -- @copyright 2009 Sébastien Gross
4 -- @release @AWESOME_VERSION@
5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 local mouse = mouse
8 local screen = screen
9 local timer = timer
10 local wibox = require("wibox")
11 local a_placement = require("awful.placement")
12 local beautiful = require("beautiful")
13 local textbox = require("wibox.widget.textbox")
14 local setmetatable = setmetatable
15 local ipairs = ipairs
17 --- Tooltip module for awesome objects.
18 -- A tooltip is a small hint displayed when the mouse cursor
19 -- hovers a specific item.
20 -- In awesome, a tooltip can be linked with almost any
21 -- object having a <code>connect_signal()</code> method and receiving
22 -- <code>mouse::enter</code> and <code>mouse::leave</code> signals.
23 -- <p>How to create a tooltip?<br/>
24 -- <code>
25 -- myclock = awful.widget.textclock({}, "%T", 1)<br/>
26 -- myclock_t = awful.tooltip({<br/>
27 -- objects = { myclock },<br/>
28 -- timer_function = function()<br/>
29 -- return"Today is %A %B %d %Y\nThe time is %T")<br/>
30 -- end,<br/>
31 -- })<br/>
32 -- </code>
33 -- </p>
34 -- <p>How to add the same tooltip to several objects?<br/>
35 -- <code>
36 -- myclock_t:add_to_object(obj1)<br/>
37 -- myclock_t:add_to_object(obj2)<br/>
38 -- </code>
39 -- Now the same tooltip is attached to <code>myclock</code>, <code>obj1</code>,
40 -- <code>obj2</code>.<br/>
41 -- </p>
42 -- <p>How to remove tooltip from many objects?<br/>
43 -- <code>
44 -- myclock_t:remove_from_object(obj1)<br/>
45 -- myclock_t:remove_from_object(obj2)<br/>
46 -- </code>
47 -- Now the same tooltip is only attached to <code>myclock</code>.<br/>
48 -- </p>
49 -- awful.tooltip
50 local tooltip = { mt = {} }
52 local data = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k' })
54 --- Tooltip object definition.
55 -- @name tooltip
56 -- @field wibox The wibox displaying the tooltip.
57 -- @field visible True if tooltip is visible.
58 -- @class table
60 -- Tooltip private data.
61 -- @name
62 -- @field fg tooltip foreground color.
63 -- @field font Tooltip font.
64 -- @field hide The hide() function.
65 -- @field show The show() function.
66 -- @field timer The text update timer.
67 -- @field timer_function The text update timer function.
69 -- Place to tooltip on th screen.
70 -- @param self A tooltip object.
71 local function place(self)
72 a_placement.under_mouse(self.wibox)
73 a_placement.no_offscreen(self.wibox)
74 end
76 -- Place the tooltip under the mouse.
77 -- @param self A tooltip object.
78 local function set_geometry(self)
79 local my_geo = self.wibox:geometry()
80 -- calculate width / height
81 local n_w, n_h = self.widget:fit(-1, -1)
82 if my_geo.width ~= n_w or my_geo.height ~= n_h then
83 self.wibox:geometry({ width = n_w, height = n_h })
84 end
85 end
87 -- Show a tooltip.
88 -- @param self The tooltip to show.
89 local function show(self)
90 -- do nothing if the tooltip is already shown
91 if self.visible then return end
92 if data[self].timer then
93 if not data[self].timer.started then
94 data[self].timer_function()
95 data[self].timer:start()
96 end
97 end
98 set_geometry(self)
99 place(self)
100 self.wibox.visible = true
101 self.visible = true
104 -- Hide a tooltip.
105 -- @param self The tooltip to hide.
106 local function hide(self)
107 -- do nothing if the tooltip is already hidden
108 if not self.visible then return end
109 if data[self].timer then
110 if data[self].timer.started then
111 data[self].timer:stop()
114 self.visible = false
115 self.wibox.visible = false
118 --- Change displayed text.
119 -- @param self The tooltip object.
120 -- @param text New tooltip text.
121 local function set_text(self, text)
122 self.widget:set_font(data[self].font)
123 self.widget:set_markup('<span color="' .. data[self].fg
124 .. '">' .. text .. "</span>")
125 set_geometry(self)
128 --- Change the tooltip's update interval.
129 -- @param self A tooltip object.
130 -- @param timeout The timeout value.
131 local function set_timeout(self, timeout)
132 if data[self].timer then
133 data[self].timer.timeout = timeout
137 -- Load Default values.
138 -- @param self A tooltip object.
139 local function set_defaults(self)
140 self.wibox.border_width = beautiful.tooltip_border_width or beautiful.border_width or 1
141 self.wibox.border_color = beautiful.tooltip_border_color or beautiful.border_normal or "#ffcb60"
142 self.wibox.opacity = beautiful.tooltip_opacity or 1
143 self.wibox:set_bg(beautiful.tooltip_bg_color or beautiful.bg_focus or "#ffcb60")
144 data[self].fg = beautiful.tooltip_fg_color or beautiful.fg_focus or "#000000"
145 data[self].font = beautiful.tooltip_font or beautiful.font or "terminus 6"
148 --- Add tooltip to an object.
149 -- @param self The tooltip.
150 -- @param object An object.
151 local function add_to_object(self, object)
152 object:connect_signal("mouse::enter", data[self].show)
153 object:connect_signal("mouse::leave", data[self].hide)
156 --- Remove tooltip from an object.
157 -- @param self The tooltip.
158 -- @param object An object.
159 local function remove_from_object(self, object)
160 object:disconnect_signal("mouse::enter", data[self].show)
161 object:disconnect_signal("mouse::leave", data[self].hide)
165 --- Create a new tooltip and link it to a widget.
166 -- @param args Arguments for tooltip creation may containt:<br/>
167 -- <code>timeout</code>: The timeout value for update_func.<br/>
168 -- <code>timer_function</code>: A function to dynamically change the tooltip
169 -- text.<br/>
170 -- <code>objects</code>: A list of objects linked to the tooltip.<br/>
171 -- @return The created tooltip.
172 -- @see add_to_object
173 -- @see set_timeout
174 -- @see set_text
175 local function new(args)
176 local self = {
177 wibox = wibox({ }),
178 visible = false,
181 local my_textbox = textbox()
183 -- private data
184 data[self] = {
185 show = function() show(self) end,
186 hide = function() hide(self) end
189 -- export functions
190 self.set_text = set_text
191 self.set_timeout = set_timeout
192 self.add_to_object = add_to_object
193 self.remove_from_object = remove_from_object
195 set_defaults(self)
197 -- setup the timer action only if needed
198 if args.timer_function then
199 data[self].timer = timer { timeout = args.timeout and args.timeout or 1 }
200 data[self].timer_function = function()
201 self:set_text(args.timer_function())
203 data[self].timer:connect_signal("timeout", data[self].timer_function)
206 -- set tooltip properties
207 self.wibox.visible = false
208 -- Who wants a non ontop tooltip ?
209 self.wibox.ontop = true
210 self.wibox:set_widget(my_textbox)
211 self.widget = my_textbox
213 -- add some signals on both the tooltip and widget
214 self.wibox:connect_signal("mouse::enter", data[self].hide)
216 -- Add tooltip to objects
217 if args.objects then
218 for _, object in ipairs(args.objects) do
219 self:add_to_object(object)
223 return self
226 function
227 return new(...)
230 return setmetatable(tooltip,
232 -- vim: ft=lua:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4:enc=utf-8:tw=78