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1 <img src="i/test-sample.png" alt="sample" align="right" />
3 <p>Augment is a system for gathering metadata from code and
4 displaying it. This metadata will include test
5 failures, test coverage levels, complexity metrics, and
6 others. The display frontends are pluggable so as to interface
7 with many editors and environments.</p>
9 <p>You can <tt>gem install augment</tt> to play around with it.</p>
11 <h3>Usage</h3>
13 <p>Ideally you would rarely use augment directly, but rather you
14 would interact with it from within whatever environment
15 you use as an editor. How you use augment is highly dependent on
16 what editor you're using to interact with it. Augment currently
17 supports these editors:</p>
19 <ul>
20 <li><a href='emacs.html'>GNU Emacs</a></li>
21 <li><a href='textmate.html'>Textmate</a> (limited support)</li>
22 </ul>
24 <p>As you can see, that's a short list. If you'd like to
25 implement augment support for your editor, it's pretty easy. See
26 the <a href='writing_frontends.html'>writing a frontend guide</a> for
27 details.</p>
29 <p>Augment works by running a set of <a href='backends.html'>backends</a>
30 on a file to gather metadata about it and passing off that
31 metadata to frontends that get feedback to the user.</p>
33 <h3>Development</h3>
35 <p>Grab the source: <tt>git://repo.or.cz/augment.git</tt></p>
37 <p>Hop on the <a href=''>mailing list</a> to coordinate.</p>
39 <h3>Inspiration</h3>
41 <p>Augment came out of
42 a <a href='http://technomancy.us/static/feedback_slides.tar.gz'>talk
43 from Rubyconf 2007</a>.</p>