descriptionArmadillo Project's Hardware component
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        Armadillo Project Description

        Embedded software development is a daunting task which requires combination of various technical tools difficult to learn, painful to migrate and time consuming to maintain. On the contrary, Armadillo Project is an embedded systems development suit including hardware, firmware and software components that integrates seamlessly and operates flawlessly.

        Hardware part of the project is based around a main board that works out of the box with little or no tweaking. There are also circuits that extends the core functionality of the main board to improve usability of the project in a wide range of embedded applications without the need of basic PCB redesign and lets you focus on your own project's core logic.

        Aforementioned firmware locates in the powerful arm based MCU. Although it is possible to upload custom firmware to the main board through USB connection or even wireless connection, it is not a requirement. The firmware that comes with the main board eliminates the typical embedded software development scheme providing a simple interface to access hardware resources of the MCU.

        Armadillo software resides in the PC. Its software stack accommodates different abstraction layers including low level communication protocol with the Armadillo firmware, API that provides an interface to handle embedded functions, and a user interface to access hardware resources, uploading new firmware to the main board etc.

        Armadillo project's open design paradigm prevents restriction of tools used to design an embedded system and provides a unified open protocol for various MCU types on the hardware level and various programming languages on the software level to be used in the <script src="/tinymce/themes/advanced/langs/en.js" type="text/javascript"></script> forthcoming projects.

2010-07-23 Mustafa SakaryaGerber files for panelization are generatedmaster
2010-07-20 Mustafa SakaryaPanel candidate v1.0
2010-07-20 Mustafa SakaryaPanelisation
2010-07-19 Mustafa Sakaryav1.0 gerber files are genereted
2010-07-19 Mustafa Sakaryasilkscreen update
2010-07-19 Mustafa Sakaryasimple expansion decoder
2010-07-18 Mustafa SakaryaBOM update + GND plane fix
2010-07-18 Mustafa SakaryaPower module completed
2010-07-18 Mustafa SakaryaPower : LiPo charger + step up circuit
2010-07-18 Mustafa Sakaryadigital/analog-mux/demux
2010-07-18 Mustafa SakaryaDC Motor controller : completed
2010-07-17 Mustafa Sakarya9 DOF IMU completed
2010-07-17 Mustafa SakaryaR/C servo pwm generator : finished
2010-07-16 Mustafa SakaryaMain Board : Routing Finished
2010-07-03 Mustafa SakaryaR/C servo pwm generator
2010-07-03 Mustafa SakaryaMain Board: Place & Route
14 years ago master