AP_HAL_ChibiOS: added NxtPX4v2
[ardupilot.git] / AntennaTracker / Parameters.h
1 #pragma once
3 #define AP_PARAM_VEHICLE_NAME tracker
5 #include <AC_PID/AC_PID.h>
6 #include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
8 // Global parameter class.
9 //
10 class Parameters {
11 public:
14 * The value of k_format_version determines whether the existing
15 * eeprom data is considered valid. You should only change this
16 * value under the following circumstances:
18 * 1) the meaning of an existing eeprom parameter changes
20 * 2) the value of an existing k_param_* enum value changes
22 * Adding a new parameter should _not_ require a change to
23 * k_format_version except under special circumstances. If you
24 * change it anyway then all ArduPlane users will need to reload all
25 * their parameters. We want that to be an extremely rare
26 * thing. Please do not just change it "just in case".
28 * To determine if a k_param_* value has changed, use the rules of
29 * C++ enums to work out the value of the neighboring enum
30 * values. If you don't know the C++ enum rules then please ask for
31 * help.
34 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37 static const uint16_t k_format_version = 1;
38 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
41 enum {
42 // Layout version number, always key zero.
44 k_param_format_version = 0,
45 k_param_software_type, // deprecated
47 k_param_gcs0 = 100, // stream rates for SERIAL0
48 k_param_gcs1, // stream rates for SERIAL1
49 k_param_sysid_this_mav,
50 k_param_sysid_my_gcs,
51 k_param_serial0_baud, // deprecated
52 k_param_serial1_baud, // deprecated
53 k_param_imu,
54 k_param_compass_enabled_deprecated,
55 k_param_compass,
56 k_param_ahrs, // AHRS group
57 k_param_barometer,
58 k_param_scheduler,
59 k_param_ins,
60 k_param_sitl,
61 k_param_pidPitch_old, // deprecated
62 k_param_pidYaw_old, // deprecated
63 k_param_gcs2, // stream rates for SERIAL2
64 k_param_serial2_baud, // deprecated
66 k_param_yaw_slew_time,
67 k_param_pitch_slew_time,
68 k_param_min_reverse_time,
70 k_param_start_latitude,
71 k_param_start_longitude,
72 k_param_startup_delay,
73 k_param_BoardConfig,
74 k_param_gps,
75 k_param_scan_speed_unused, // deprecated
76 k_param_proxy_mode_unused, // deprecated
77 k_param_servo_pitch_type,
78 k_param_onoff_yaw_rate,
79 k_param_onoff_pitch_rate,
80 k_param_onoff_yaw_mintime,
81 k_param_onoff_pitch_mintime,
82 k_param_yaw_trim,
83 k_param_pitch_trim,
84 k_param_yaw_range,
85 k_param_pitch_range, //deprecated
86 k_param_distance_min,
87 k_param_sysid_target, // 138
88 k_param_gcs3, // stream rates for fourth MAVLink port
89 k_param_log_bitmask, // 140
90 k_param_notify,
91 k_param_can_mgr,
92 k_param_battery,
94 k_param_serial_manager_old = 144, // serial manager library
95 k_param_servo_yaw_type,
96 k_param_alt_source,
97 k_param_mavlink_update_rate,
98 k_param_pitch_min,
99 k_param_pitch_max,
100 k_param_gcs4,
101 k_param_gcs5,
102 k_param_gcs6,
105 // 200 : Radio settings
107 k_param_channel_yaw_old = 200,
108 k_param_channel_pitch_old,
109 k_param_pidPitch2Srv,
110 k_param_pidYaw2Srv,
111 k_param_rc_channels,
112 k_param_servo_channels,
114 k_param_stats_old = 218,
115 k_param_scripting_old = 219,
118 // 220: Waypoint data
120 k_param_command_total = 220,
122 // 254,255: reserved
123 k_param_gcs_pid_mask = 225,
124 k_param_scan_speed_yaw,
125 k_param_scan_speed_pitch,
126 k_param_initial_mode,
127 k_param_disarm_pwm,
129 k_param_auto_opts,
130 k_param_NavEKF2,
131 k_param_NavEKF3,
133 k_param_logger = 253, // 253 - Logging Group
135 k_param_vehicle = 257, // vehicle common block of parameters
138 AP_Int16 format_version;
140 // Telemetry control
142 AP_Int16 sysid_this_mav;
143 AP_Int16 sysid_my_gcs;
144 AP_Int16 sysid_target;
146 AP_Float yaw_slew_time;
147 AP_Float pitch_slew_time;
148 AP_Float min_reverse_time;
149 AP_Int16 scan_speed_yaw;
150 AP_Int16 scan_speed_pitch;
152 AP_Float start_latitude;
153 AP_Float start_longitude;
155 AP_Float startup_delay;
156 AP_Int8 servo_pitch_type;
157 AP_Int8 servo_yaw_type;
158 AP_Int8 alt_source;
159 AP_Int8 mavlink_update_rate;
160 AP_Float onoff_yaw_rate;
161 AP_Float onoff_pitch_rate;
162 AP_Float onoff_yaw_mintime;
163 AP_Float onoff_pitch_mintime;
164 AP_Float yaw_trim;
165 AP_Float pitch_trim;
166 AP_Int16 yaw_range; // yaw axis total range of motion in degrees
167 AP_Int16 distance_min; // target's must be at least this distance from tracker to be tracked
168 AP_Int16 pitch_min;
169 AP_Int16 pitch_max;
170 AP_Int16 gcs_pid_mask;
171 AP_Int8 initial_mode;
172 AP_Int8 disarm_pwm;
173 AP_Int8 auto_opts;
175 // Waypoints
177 AP_Int8 command_total; // 1 if HOME is set
179 AP_Int32 log_bitmask;
181 // AC_PID controllers
182 AC_PID pidPitch2Srv;
183 AC_PID pidYaw2Srv;
185 Parameters() :
186 pidPitch2Srv(0.2, 0.0f, 0.05f, 0.02f, 4000.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f),
187 pidYaw2Srv (0.2, 0.0f, 0.05f, 0.02f, 4000.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f)
191 extern const AP_Param::Info var_info[];