archrelease: copy trunk to community-any
[arch-community.git] / python-smbprotocol / trunk / PKGBUILD
1 # Maintainer: Bruno Pagani <>
3 _pkg=smbprotocol
4 pkgname=python-${_pkg}
5 pkgver=1.10.1
6 pkgrel=2
7 pkgdesc="SMBv2 and v3 client"
8 arch=(any)
9 url=""
10 license=(MIT)
11 depends=(python-cryptography python-pyspnego python-six)
12 makedepends=(git python-setuptools)
13 checkdepends=(python-pytest python-pytest-mock python-gssapi)
14 optdepends=('python-gssapi: Kerberos support')
15 # tags are not signed, commits only
16 _commit=1ea33abd58f2e3886220a10888608052bf3608c1 # git rev-parse v${pkgver}
17 #source=(git+${url}.git#commit=${_commit}?signed)
18 # 1.9.0 was signed using GitHub key
19 source=(git+${url}.git#commit=${_commit})
20 sha256sums=('SKIP')
21 validpgpkeys=(A03A0E13C2EFFD384B1EC39A2AAC89085FBBDAB5) # Jordan Borean <>
23 build() {
24   cd ${_pkg}
25   python build
28 check() {
29   cd ${_pkg}
30   PYTHONPATH="${PWD}"/src pytest -vv --color=yes
33 package() {
34   cd ${_pkg}
35   python install --prefix=/usr --root="${pkgdir}" --skip-build --optimize=1
36   install -Dm644 LICENSE -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}