descriptionMy solutions to Advent of Code puzzles
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last changeTue, 13 Feb 2024 22:02:24 +0000 (13 16:02 -0600)
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This repository contains my solutions for Advent of Code, an annual
puzzle hosted at  It is just for fun.  I
prefer GPLv3+ licensing (if you seriously have a reason to copy this
code and want a different license, contact me) for the files I
authored.  I store my inputs in files named *.input* but exclude those
from the repo, since they come from the AoC website.

Eric Blake
2024-02-13 Eric Blakeday 25 optimize and improve heuristicsmain
2024-02-06 Eric Blakeday 12 optimize
2024-02-02 Eric Blakeday 23 support more inputs
2024-02-01 Eric Blakeday 19 fix bug
2024-02-01 Eric Blakeday 18 fix bug
2024-02-01 Eric Blakeday 17 fix bug
2024-01-27 Eric Blakeday 16 fix bug
2024-01-26 Eric Blakeday 15 avoid macro collisions
2024-01-25 Eric Blakeday 12 cover one more case
2024-01-25 Eric Blakeday 9 golf to 349 effective bytes
2024-01-25 Eric Blakeday 9 cover one more case
2024-01-25 Eric Blakeday 6 fix bug
2024-01-24 Eric Blakeday 25 C adjust for more inputs
2024-01-22 Eric Blakeday 23 optimize, with help
2024-01-20 Eric Blakeday 24 optimize
2024-01-18 Eric Blakepriority: add another algorithm for comparison purposes
2 months ago main