* Fix an error in compilation when Alpine is not built with S/MIME
[alpine.git] / pico / osdep / resource.h
2 // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
3 // Used by mswin.rc
4 //
5 #define IDD_OK 1
6 #define ABOUTDLGBOX 100
7 #define SPLASHDLGBOX 101
8 #define IDM_OPT_SETFONT 103
9 #define IDM_ABOUT 104
10 #define IDM_EDIT_CUT 105
11 #define IDM_EDIT_COPY 106
12 #define IDM_EDIT_PASTE 107
13 #define TEXTWINMENU 108
14 #define IDM_EDIT_CANCEL_PASTE 109
15 #define IDM_HELP 110
16 #define IDD_TOOLBAR 110
17 #define IDM_EDIT_COPY_APPEND 111
18 #define IDD_COMPOSER_TB 111
19 #define IDM_FILE_EXIT 112
21 #define IDM_OPT_FONTSAMEAS 113
22 #define IDD_SELECT 113
24 #define IDD_SELECTSORT 114
25 #define IDM_FILE_CLOSE 115
26 #define IDR_ACCEL_PINE 115
27 #define IDD_SELECTFLAG 115
28 #define IDM_FILE_PRINT 116
29 #define IDD_LOGINDLG 116
30 #define IDM_OPT_TOOLBAR 117
31 #define IDD_CONFIGDLG 117
32 #define IDM_OPT_TOOLBARPOS 118
33 #define IDD_CFVARSDLG 118
34 #define IDM_OPT_USEDIALOGS 119
35 #define IDD_LOGINDLG2 119
36 #define IDM_OPT_USEACCEL 120
37 #define IDM_OPT_IMAPTELEM 121
38 #define IDM_EDIT_SEL_ALL 122
39 #define IDM_MI_SORTSUBJECT 123
40 #define IDM_MI_SORTARRIVAL 124
41 #define IDM_MI_SORTFROM 125
42 #define IDM_MI_SORTTO 126
43 #define IDM_MI_SORTCC 127
44 #define IDM_MI_SORTDATE 128
45 #define IDM_MI_SORTSIZE 129
46 #define IDM_MI_SORTORDERSUB 130
47 #define IDM_MI_SORTSCORE 131
48 #define IDM_MI_SORTTHREAD 132
49 #define IDM_MI_SORTREVERSE 133
51 #define IDM_MI_FLAGNEW 135
52 #define IDM_MI_FLAGANSWERED 136
53 #define IDM_MI_FLAGDELETED 137
55 // This group must all be consecutive.
56 // These are all regular commands that end
57 // up in menus at the top of the screen and
58 // there are a couple checks for the range (see msmenu.h).
59 #define IDM_MI_VIEW 150
60 #define IDM_MI_EXPUNGE 151
61 #define IDM_MI_ZOOM 152
62 #define IDM_MI_SORT 153
63 #define IDM_MI_HDRMODE 154
64 #define IDM_MI_MAINMENU 155
65 #define IDM_MI_FLDRLIST 156
66 #define IDM_MI_FLDRINDEX 157
67 #define IDM_MI_COMPOSER 158
68 #define IDM_MI_PREVPAGE 159
69 #define IDM_MI_PREVMSG 160
70 #define IDM_MI_NEXTMSG 161
71 #define IDM_MI_ADDRBOOK 162
72 #define IDM_MI_WHEREIS 163
73 #define IDM_MI_PRINT 164
74 #define IDM_MI_REPLY 165
75 #define IDM_MI_FORWARD 166
76 #define IDM_MI_BOUNCE 167
77 #define IDM_MI_DELETE 168
78 #define IDM_MI_UNDELETE 169
79 #define IDM_MI_FLAG 170
80 #define IDM_MI_SAVE 171
81 #define IDM_MI_EXPORT 172
82 #define IDM_MI_TAKEADDR 173
83 #define IDM_MI_SELECT 174
84 #define IDM_MI_APPLY 175
85 #define IDM_MI_POSTPONE 176
86 #define IDM_MI_SEND 177
87 #define IDM_MI_CANCEL 178
88 #define IDM_MI_ATTACH 179
89 #define IDM_MI_TOADDRBOOK 180
90 #define IDM_MI_READFILE 181
91 #define IDM_MI_JUSTIFY 182
92 #define IDM_MI_ALTEDITOR 183
93 #define IDM_MI_GENERALHELP 184
94 #define IDM_MI_SCREENHELP 185
95 #define IDM_MI_EXIT 186
96 #define IDM_MI_NEXTPAGE 187
97 #define IDM_MI_SAVEFILE 188
98 #define IDM_MI_CURPOSITION 189
99 #define IDM_MI_GOTOFLDR 190
100 #define IDM_MI_JUMPTOMSG 191
101 #define IDM_MI_RICHHDR 192
102 #define IDM_MI_EXITMODE 193
103 #define IDM_MI_REVIEW 194
104 #define IDM_MI_KEYMENU 195
105 #define IDM_MI_SELECTCUR 196
106 #define IDM_MI_UNDO 197
107 #define IDM_MI_SPELLCHK 198
109 #define IDD_ARGLIST 199
110 #define IDM_OPT_CARETBLOCK 200
112 #define IDM_OPT_CARETHBAR 202
113 #define IDM_OPT_CARETVBAR 203
114 #define IDM_OPT_NEWMAILWIN 204
115 #define IDM_EDIT_CLEAR 205
117 #define IDM_MI_VIEWINWIND 206
118 #define ALPINEMENU 300
119 #define COMPOSERMENU 301
120 #define ALPINEICON 400
121 #define NEWMAILICON 401
122 #define PICOHAND 402
123 #define MCLOSEDICON 403
124 #define ALPINESPLASH 501
125 #define IDD_ABOUTICON 0x210
126 #define IDD_VERSION 0x212
127 #define IDD_BYLINE 0x213
128 #define IDS_BYLINE 773
129 #define IDS_APPNAME 774
130 #define IDS_APPIDENT 775
131 #define IDC_RESPONCE 1002
132 #define IDC_PROMPT 1003
133 #define IDC_GETHELP 1004
134 #define IDC_SORTARRIVAL 1005
136 #define IDC_SORTORDERSUB 1006
137 #define IDC_SORTSUBJECT 1007
138 #define IDC_SORTSIZE 1008
139 #define IDC_SORTCC 1009
140 #define IDC_SORTTO 1010
141 #define IDC_SORTFROM 1011
142 #define IDC_SORTDATE 1012
143 #define IDC_SORTTHREAD 1013
144 #define IDC_SORTSCORE 1014
146 #define IDC_SORTREVERSE 1015
147 #define IDC_FLAGCOL1 1016
148 #define IDC_FLAGCOL2 1017
149 #define IDC_BUTTON2 1018
150 #define IDC_ARGTEXT 1019
151 #define IDC_RLOGINE 1020
152 #define IDC_RPASSWORD 1021
153 #define IDC_RPWTEXT 1022
154 #define IDC_PRESPASS 1023
155 #define IDC_CONFRRADIO 1023
156 #define IDC_CFV_PNAME 1023
157 #define IDC_CONFLRADIO 1024
158 #define IDC_CFV_EMAILADR 1024
159 #define IDC_CONFSRVRTXT 1025
160 #define IDC_CFV_MSERVER 1025
161 #define IDC_CONFESERVER 1026
162 #define IDC_CFV_IMAP 1026
163 #define IDC_CONFUNTXT 1027
164 #define IDC_CFV_POP3 1027
165 #define IDC_CONFEUSERNAME 1028
166 #define IDC_CFV_LOGIN 1028
167 #define IDC_CONFDFLTFLDR 1029
168 #define IDC_CFV_SMTPSERVER 1029
169 #define IDC_CONFFLDRTXT 1030
170 #define IDC_CFV_DEFMAILER 1030
171 #define IDC_CONFEFLDRNAME 1031
172 #define IDC_CFV_DEFNEWSRDR 1031
173 #define IDC_CONFFNTXT 1032
174 #define IDC_CONFEFN 1033
175 #define IDC_CONFBROWSE 1034
176 #define IDC_CONFDFLTSET 1035
177 #define IDC_CONFTEXT 1036
178 #define IDC_STATIC -1
180 // Next default values for new objects
184 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 116
185 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 122
186 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 1023
187 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 103
188 #endif
189 #endif