Final preparations (or afterwards?).
[algebraic-prog-equiv.git] / courseiv.bib
1 @article{cite:cvet71,
2 author = "Cvetkovi{\'c}, D.~M.",
3 title = "Graphs and their spectra",
4 journal = "Univ. Beograd. Publ. Elektrotehn. Fak. Ser. Mat. Fiz.",
5 volume = {354-356},
6 pages = {1--50},
7 year = 1971
10 @article{cite:gunt56,
11 author = "G{\"u}nthard, Hs.~H. and Primas, H.",
12 title = "{Zusammenhang von Graphentheorie und MO-Theorie von Molekeln mit
13 Systemen konjugierter Bindungen}",
14 journal = "Helv. Chim. Acta",
15 volume = 39,
16 pages = {1645--1653},
17 year = 1956
20 @article{cite:coll57,
21 author = "Collatz, L. and Sinogovitz, U.",
22 title = "{Spektren endlicher Grafen}",
23 journal = "Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hamburg",
24 volume = 21,
25 pages = {63--77},
26 year = 1957
29 @article{cite:haem03,
30 author = "van Dam, E.~R. and Haemers, W.~H.",
31 title = "Which graphs are determined by their spectrum?",
32 journal = "Lin. Alg. Apps.",
33 volume = 373,
34 pages = {241--272},
35 year = 2003
38 @techreport{cite:mckay90,
39 author = "McKay, B.~D.",
40 title = "{\verb|nauty| Users' Guide (Version 1.5)}",
41 institution = "Australian National University, Department of
42 Computer Science",
43 number = {TR-CS-90-02},
44 year = 1990
47 @book{cite:gap02,
48 title = "GAP --- Groups, Algorithms and Programming",
49 note = "Version~4.3",
50 year = 2002
53 @book{cite:gavr96,
54 author = "çÁ×ÒÉÌÏ×, ç.~ð. and òÏÍÁÎÏ×, ä.~ó.",
56 publisher = "éÚÄ-×Ï ÆÁËÕÌØÔÅÔÁ ÷íÉë íçõ",
57 year = 1996
61 @article{cite:haem04,
62 author = "Haemers, W.~H. and Spence, E.",
63 title = "Enumeration of cospectral graphs",
64 journal = "European J. Combin.",
65 volume = 111,
66 pages = {111-111},
67 year = 2004