Show control key combos with uppercase alpha
[aNetHack.git] / .gitignore
1 # CVS default ignores begin
2 tags
4 .make.state
5 .nse_depinfo
6 *~
7 \#*
8 .#*
9 ,*
10 _$*
12 *.old
13 *.bak
14 *.BAK
15 *.orig
16 *.rej
17 .del-*
18 *.a
19 *.olb
20 *.o
21 *.obj
22 *.so
23 *.exe
24 *.Z
25 *.elc
26 *.ln
27 core
28 # CVS default ignores end
29 .*.swp
31 # We generate makefiles by shell script
32 Makefile
34 # Win32-specific ignores
35 Debug/
36 Release/
37 binary/
38 build/
39 ipch/
40 Nethack.sln
41 Nethack.sdf
42 Nethack.opensdf
43 Makefile.bcc
44 Makefile.gcc
45 Makefile-orig
46 Makefile.bcc-orig
47 Makefile.gcc-orig
48 *.suo
49 *.pdb
50 *.ilk
51 # VS2013 extension to auto-whine about questionable code generates these
52 *.lastcodeanalysissucceeded
53 # Win32-specific ignores end