fix compatibility with caching
[WRF-GoogleEarth.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 '''
4 A simple python module for creating images out of netcdf arrays and outputing
5 kml files for Google Earth. The base class ncEarth cannot be used on its own,
6 it must be subclassed with certain functions overloaded to provide location and
7 plotting that are specific to a model's output files.
9 Requires matplotlib and netCDF4 python modules.
11 Use as follows:
13 import ncEarth
14 kml=ncEarth.ncEpiSim('')
15 kml.write_kml(['Susceptible','Infected','Recovered','Dead'])
19 kmz=ncEarth.ncWRFFire_mov('wrfout')
20 kmz.write('FGRNHFX','fire.kmz')
22 Author: Jonathan Beezley (
23 Date: Oct 5, 2010
25 kmz=ncEarth.ncWRFFire_mov('wrfout')
26 kmz.write_preload('FGRNHFX')
28 Modified by Lin Zhang
29 Date: Dec 20, 2010
30 '''
33 import matplotlib
34 try:
35 matplotlib.use('Agg')
36 except:
37 pass
38 from matplotlib import pylab
39 from matplotlib.colorbar import ColorbarBase
40 from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm,Normalize
41 from matplotlib.ticker import LogFormatter
42 import numpy as np
43 try:
44 from netCDF4 import Dataset
45 except:
46 from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile as Dataset
47 import cStringIO
48 from datetime import datetime
49 import zipfile
50 import shutil,os
51 import warnings
52 import threading
54 try:
55 ncpu=max(1,os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN'))
56 except:
57 ncpu=2
59 warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
61 global dlock
62 global lock
63 global queue
64 global minmax
65 global ncfile
66 minmax={}
67 lock=threading.RLock()
68 dlock=threading.RLock()
69 queue=threading.Semaphore(ncpu)
70 ncfile={}
72 class ZeroArray(Exception):
73 pass
75 class ncEarth(object):
77 '''Base class for reading NetCDF files and writing kml for Google Earth.'''
79 kmlname='ncEarth.kml' # default name for kml output file
80 progname='baseClass' # string describing the model (overload in subclass)
82 # base kml file format string
83 # creates a folder containing all images
84 kmlstr= \
85 '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
86 <kml xmlns="">
87 <Folder>
88 <name>%(prog)s visualization</name>
89 <description>Variables from %(prog)s output files visualized in Google Earth</description>
90 %(content)s
91 </Folder>
92 </kml>'''
94 # string for static Ground Overlays
95 kmlimageStatic= \
96 '''<GroundOverlay>
97 <name>%(name)s</name>
98 <color>00ffffff</color>
99 <Icon>
100 <href>%(filename)s</href>
101 <viewBoundScale>0.75</viewBoundScale>
102 </Icon>
103 <altitude>0.0</altitude>
104 <altitudeMode>clampToGround</altitudeMode>
105 <LatLonBox>
106 <north>%(lat2)f</north>
107 <south>%(lat1)f</south>
108 <east>%(lon2)f</east>
109 <west>%(lon1)f</west>
110 <rotation>0.0</rotation>
111 </LatLonBox>
112 </GroundOverlay>'''
114 # format string for each image
115 kmlimage= \
116 '''<GroundOverlay>
117 <name>%(name)s</name>
118 <color>%(alpha)02xffffff</color>
119 <Icon>
120 <href>%(filename)s</href>
121 <viewBoundScale>0.75</viewBoundScale>
122 </Icon>
123 <altitude>0.0</altitude>
124 <altitudeMode>clampToGround</altitudeMode>
125 <LatLonBox>
126 <north>%(lat2)f</north>
127 <south>%(lat1)f</south>
128 <east>%(lon2)f</east>
129 <west>%(lon1)f</west>
130 <rotation>0.0</rotation>
131 </LatLonBox>
132 %(time)s
133 </GroundOverlay>'''
135 kmlcolorbar= \
137 <ScreenOverlay>
138 <name>%(name)s colorbar</name>
139 <color>ffffffff</color>
140 <Icon>
141 <href>%(file)s</href>
142 </Icon>
143 <overlayXY x=".15" y=".5" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
144 <screenXY x="0" y=".5" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
145 <rotationXY x="0" y="0" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
146 <size x="0" y=".75" xunits="fraction" yunits="fraction"/>
147 </ScreenOverlay>
150 # time interval specification for animated output
151 timestr=\
152 '''<TimeSpan>
153 %(begin)s
154 %(end)s
155 </TimeSpan>'''
157 beginstr='<begin>%s</begin>'
158 endstr='<end>%s</end>'
160 def __init__(self,filename,hsize=5):
161 '''Class constructor:
162 filename : string NetCDF file to read
163 hsize : optional, width of output images in inches'''
164 global ncfile
165 global lock
166 with lock:
167 if not ncfile.has_key(filename):
168 ncfile[filename]=Dataset(filename,'r')
169 self.f=ncfile[filename]
170 self.hsize=hsize
172 def get_minmax(self,vname):
173 global minmax
174 with lock:
175 if minmax.has_key(vname):
176 mm=minmax[vname]
177 else:
178 mm=self.compute_minmax(vname)
179 minmax[vname]=mm
180 return mm
182 def compute_minmax(self,vname):
183 v=self.f.variables[vname][:]
184 return (v.min(),v.max())
186 def get_bounds(self):
187 '''Return the latitude and longitude bounds of the image. Must be provided
188 by the subclass.'''
189 raise Exception("Non-implemented base class method.")
191 def get_array(self,vname):
192 '''Return a given array from the output file. Must be returned as a
193 2D array with top to bottom orientation (like an image).'''
194 v=self.f.variables[vname]
195 v=pylab.flipud(v)
196 return v
198 def view_function(self,v):
199 '''Any function applied to the image data before plotting. For example,
200 to show the color on a log scale.'''
201 return v
203 def get_image(self,v,min,max):
204 '''Create an image from a given data. Returns a png image as a string.'''
206 # kludge to get the image to have no border
207 fig=pylab.figure(figsize=(self.hsize,self.hsize*float(v.shape[0])/v.shape[1]))
208 ax=fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
211 cmap.set_bad('w',0.)
212 norm=self.get_norm(min,max)
213 ax.imshow(self.view_function(v),cmap=cmap,norm=norm)
214 ax.axis('off')
215 self.process_image()
217 # create a string buffer to save the file
218 im=cStringIO.StringIO()
219 fig.savefig(im,format='png',transparent=True)
220 pylab.close(fig)
222 # return the buffer
223 s=im.getvalue()
224 im.close()
225 return s
227 def get_colorbar(self,title,label,min,max):
228 '''Create a colorbar from given data. Returns a png image as a string.'''
230 fig=pylab.figure(figsize=(2,5))
231 ax=fig.add_axes([0.35,0.03,0.1,0.9])
232 norm=self.get_norm(min,max)
233 formatter=self.get_formatter()
234 if formatter:
235 cb1 = ColorbarBase(ax,norm=norm,format=formatter,spacing='proportional',orientation='vertical')
236 else:
237 cb1 = ColorbarBase(ax,norm=norm,spacing='proportional',orientation='vertical')
238 cb1.set_label(label,color='1')
239 ax.set_title(title,color='1')
240 for tl in ax.get_yticklabels():
241 tl.set_color('1')
242 im=cStringIO.StringIO()
243 fig.savefig(im,dpi=300,format='png',transparent=True)
244 pylab.close(fig)
245 s=im.getvalue()
246 im.close()
247 return s
249 def get_norm(self,min,max):
250 norm=Normalize(min,max)
251 return norm
253 def get_formatter(self):
254 return None
256 def process_image(self):
257 '''Do anything to the current figure window before saving it as an image.'''
258 pass
260 def get_kml_dict(self,name,filename,alpha=143):
261 '''returns a dictionary of relevant info the create the image
262 portion of the kml file'''
264 lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2=self.get_bounds()
265 d={'lat1':lat1,'lat2':lat2,'lon1':lon1,'lon2':lon2, \
266 'name':name,'filename':filename,'time':self.get_time(),'alpha':alpha}
267 return d
269 def get_time(self):
270 '''Return the time interval information for this image using the kml
271 format string `timestr'. Or an empty string to disable animations.'''
272 return ''
274 def image2kmlStatic(self,varname,filename=None):
275 '''Read data from the NetCDF file, create a psuedo-color image as a png,
276 then create a kml string for displaying the image in Google Earth. Returns
277 the kml string describing the GroundOverlay. Optionally, the filename
278 used to write the image can be specified, otherwise a default will be used.'''
280 vdata=self.get_array(varname)
281 min,max=self.get_minmax(varname)
282 im=self.get_image(vdata,min,max)
283 if filename is None:
284 filename='%s.png' % varname
285 f=open(filename,'w')
286 f.write(im)
287 f.close()
288 d=self.get_kml_dict(varname,filename)
289 pylab.close('all')
290 return self.__class__.kmlimageStatic % d
292 def image2kml(self,varname,filename=None):
293 '''Read data from the NetCDF file, create a psuedo-color image as a png,
294 then create a kml string for displaying the image in Google Earth. Returns
295 the kml string describing the GroundOverlay. Optionally, the filename
296 used to write the image can be specified, otherwise a default will be used.'''
298 vdata=self.get_array(varname)
299 min,max=self.get_minmax(varname)
300 im=self.get_image(vdata,min,max)
301 if filename is None:
302 filename='%s.png' % varname
303 f=open(filename,'w')
304 f.write(im)
305 f.close()
306 d=self.get_kml_dict(varname,filename)
307 return self.__class__.kmlimage % d
309 def colorbar2kml(self,varname,filename=None):
310 min,max=self.get_minmax(varname)
311 label=self.get_label(varname)
312 cdata=self.get_colorbar(varname,label,min,max)
313 if filename is None:
314 filename='colorbar_%s.png' % varname
315 f=open(filename,'w')
316 f.write(cdata)
317 f.close()
318 pylab.close('all')
319 return self.__class__.kmlcolorbar % {'name':varname,'file':filename}
321 def get_label(self,varname):
322 return ''
324 def write_kml(self,varnames):
325 '''Create the actual kml file for a list of variables by calling image2kml
326 for each variable in a list of variable names.'''
327 if type(varnames) is str:
328 varnames=(varnames,)
329 content=[]
330 for varname in varnames:
331 label=self.get_label(varname)
332 content.append(self.image2kml(varname))
333 content.append(self.colorbar2kml(varname))
334 kml=self.__class__.kmlstr % \
335 {'content':'\n'.join(content),\
336 'prog':self.__class__.progname}
337 f=open(self.__class__.kmlname,'w')
338 f.write(kml)
339 f.close()
341 class ncEarth_log(ncEarth):
342 def view_function(self,v):
343 if v.max() <= 0.:
344 raise ZeroArray()
346 v.fill_value=np.nan
347 v=np.log(v)
348 return v
350 def get_norm(self,min,max):
351 return LogNorm(min,max)
353 def get_formatter(self):
354 return LogFormatter(10,labelOnlyBase=False)
356 def compute_minmax(self,vname):
357 v=self.f.variables[vname][:]
358 if v[v>0].size == 0:
359 min=1e-6
360 max=1.
361 else:
362 min=v[v>0].min()
363 max=v.max()
364 return (min,max)
366 class ncEpiSimBase(object):
367 '''Epidemic model file class.'''
369 kmlname='epidemic.kml'
370 progname='EpiSim'
372 def get_bounds(self):
373 '''Get the lat/lon bounds of the output file... assumes regular lat/lon (no projection)'''
374 lat=self.f.variables['latitude']
375 lon=self.f.variables['longitude']
377 lat1=lat[0]
378 lat2=lat[-1]
379 lon1=lon[0]
380 lon2=lon[-1]
382 return (lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2)
384 class ncEpiSim(ncEpiSimBase,ncEarth_log):
385 pass
387 class ncWRFFireBase(object):
388 '''WRF-Fire model file class.'''
390 kmlname='fire.kml'
391 progname='WRF-Fire'
392 wrftimestr='%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'
394 def __init__(self,filename,hsize=5,istep=0):
395 '''Overloaded constructor for WRF output files:
396 filename : output NetCDF file
397 hsize : output image width in inches
398 istep : time slice to output (between 0 and the number of timeslices in the file - 1)'''
399 ncEarth.__init__(self,filename,hsize)
400 self.istep=istep
402 def get_bounds(self):
403 '''Get the latitude and longitude bounds for an output domain. In general,
404 we need to reproject the data to a regular lat/lon grid. This can be done
405 with matplotlib's BaseMap module, but is not done here.'''
407 lat=self.f.variables['XLAT'][0,:,:].squeeze()
408 lon=self.f.variables['XLONG'][0,:,:].squeeze()
409 dx=lon[0,1]-lon[0,0]
410 dy=lat[1,0]-lat[0,0]
411 #lat1=np.min(lat)-dy/2.
412 #lat2=np.max(lat)+dy/2
413 #lon1=np.min(lon)-dx/2.
414 #lon2=np.max(lon)+dx/2
415 lat1=lat[0,0]-dy/2.
416 lat2=lat[-1,0]+dy/2.
417 lon1=lon[0,0]-dx/2.
418 lon2=lon[0,-1]+dx/2.
419 return (lon1,lon2,lat1,lat2)
421 def isfiregrid(self,vname):
422 xdim=self.f.variables[vname].dimensions[-1]
423 return xdim[-7:] == 'subgrid'
425 def srx(self):
426 try:
427 s=len(self.f.dimensions['west_east_subgrid'])/(len(self.f.dimensions['west_east'])+1)
428 except:
429 s=(self.f.dimensions['west_east_subgrid'])/((self.f.dimensions['west_east'])+1)
430 return s
432 def sry(self):
433 try:
434 s=len(self.f.dimensions['south_north_subgrid'])/(len(self.f.dimensions['south_north'])+1)
435 except:
436 s=(self.f.dimensions['south_north_subgrid'])/((self.f.dimensions['south_north'])+1)
437 return s
439 def get_array(self,vname):
440 '''Return a single time slice of a variable from a WRF output file.'''
441 v=self.f.variables[vname]
442 v=v[self.istep,:,:].squeeze()
443 if self.isfiregrid(vname):
444 v=v[:-self.sry(),:-self.srx()]
445 v=pylab.flipud(v)
446 if vname == 'FGRNHFX' or vname == 'GRNHFX':
447 v[:]=v*0.239005736
448 return v
450 def get_dates(self):
451 t1=self.f.variables["Times"][0,:].tostring()
452 t2=self.f.variables["Times"][-1,:].tostring()
453 return '%s - %s' % (t1,t2)
455 def get_time(self):
456 '''Process the time information from the WRF output file to create a
457 proper kml TimeInterval specification.'''
458 global dlock
459 start=''
460 end=''
461 time=''
462 g=self.f
463 times=g.variables["Times"]
464 if self.istep > 0:
465 with dlock:
466 start=ncEarth.beginstr % \
467 datetime.strptime(times[self.istep,:].tostring(),\
468 self.__class__.wrftimestr).isoformat()
469 if self.istep < times.shape[0]-1:
470 with dlock:
471 end=ncEarth.endstr % \
472 datetime.strptime(times[self.istep+1,:].tostring(),\
473 self.__class__.wrftimestr).isoformat()
474 if start is not '' or end is not '':
475 time=ncEarth.timestr % {'begin':start,'end':end}
476 return time
478 def get_label(self,varname):
479 v=self.f.variables[varname]
480 return v.units
482 class ncWRFFire(ncWRFFireBase,ncEarth):
483 pass
485 class ncWRFFireLog(ncWRFFireBase,ncEarth_log):
486 pass
488 def create_image(fname,istep,nstep,vname,vstr,logscale,colorbar,imgs,content):
489 global lock
490 global queue
491 queue.acquire()
492 i=istep
493 if logscale:
494 kml=ncWRFFireLog(fname,istep=istep)
495 else:
496 kml=ncWRFFire(fname,istep=istep)
497 if colorbar:
498 img='files/colorbar_%s.png' % vname
499 img_string=kml.colorbar2kml(vname,img)
500 with lock:
501 content.append(img_string)
502 imgs.append(img)
503 try:
504 img=vstr % (vname,istep)
505 img_string=kml.image2kml(vname,img)
506 with lock:
507 content.append(img_string)
508 imgs.append(img)
509 print 'creating frame %i of %i' % (i,nstep)
510 except ZeroArray:
511 with lock:
512 print 'skipping frame %i of %i' % (i,nstep)
513 queue.release()
515 class ncWRFFire_mov(object):
517 '''A class the uses ncWRFFire to create animations from WRF history output file.'''
519 def __init__(self,filename,hsize=5,nstep=None):
520 '''Class constructor:
521 filename : NetCDF output file name
522 hsize : output image width in inces
523 nstep : the number of frames to process (default all frames in the file)'''
525 self.filename=filename
526 f=Dataset(filename,'r')
528 self.nstep=nstep
529 if nstep is None:
530 # in case nstep was not specified read the total number of time slices from the file
531 self.nstep=g.variables['Times'].shape[0]
533 def write_preload(self,vname,kmz='fire_preload.kmz'):
534 '''Create a kmz file from multiple time steps of a wrfout file. The kml file consists of a set of
535 GroundOverlays with time tag and a copy of the set without the time tag to preload the
536 images that are used in the GroundOverlays.'''
539 imgs=[] # to store a list of all images created
540 content=[] # the content of the main kml
541 vstr='files/%s_%05i.png' # format specification for images (all stored in `files/' subdirectory)
543 # create empty files subdirectory for output images
544 try:
545 shutil.rmtree('files')
546 except:
547 pass
548 os.makedirs('files')
550 # loop through all time slices and create the image data
551 # appending to the kml content string for each image
552 for i in xrange(0,self.nstep,1):
553 print i
554 kml=ncWRFFire(self.filename,istep=i)
555 img=vstr % (vname,i)
556 imgs.append(img)
557 content.append(kml.image2kmlStatic(vname,img))
558 kml.f.close()
560 # create the main kml file
561 kml=ncWRFFire.kmlstr % \
562 {'content':'\n'.join(content),\
563 'prog':ncWRFFire.progname}
565 # create a zipfile to store all images + kml into a single compressed file
566 z=zipfile.ZipFile(kmz,'w',compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
567 z.writestr(kmz[:-3]+'kml',kml)
568 for img in imgs:
569 z.write(img)
570 z.close()
572 def write(self,vname,kmz='fire.kmz',hsize=5,logscale=True,colorbar=True):
573 '''Create a kmz file from multiple time steps of a wrfout file.
574 vname : the variable name to visualize
575 kmz : optional, the name of the file to save the kmz to'''
577 imgs=[] # to store a list of all images created
578 content=[] # the content of the main kml
579 threads=[]
580 vstr='files/%s_%05i.png' # format specification for images (all stored in `files/' subdirectory)
582 # create empty files subdirectory for output images
583 try:
584 shutil.rmtree('files')
585 except:
586 pass
587 os.makedirs('files')
589 # loop through all time slices and create the image data
590 # appending to the kml content string for each image
591 #k=0
592 for i in xrange(0,self.nstep,1):
593 t=threading.Thread(target=create_image,args=(self.filename,i,self.nstep,vname,vstr,logscale,colorbar and i == 0,imgs,content))
594 t.start()
595 threads.append(t)
596 for t in threads:
597 t.join()
599 # create the main kml file
600 kml=ncWRFFire.kmlstr % \
601 {'content':'\n'.join(content),\
602 'prog':ncWRFFire.progname}
604 # create a zipfile to store all images + kml into a single compressed file
605 z=zipfile.ZipFile(kmz,'w',compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
606 z.writestr(kmz[:-3]+'kml',kml)
607 for img in imgs:
608 z.write(img)
609 z.close()
612 def uselog(vname):
613 if vname in ('FGRNHFX','GRNHFX'):
614 return True
615 else:
616 return False
618 if __name__ == '__main__':
619 import sys
620 if len(sys.argv) < 2:
621 print "Takes a WRF-Fire output file and writes fire.kmz."
622 print "usage: %s filename"%sys.argv[0]
623 else:
624 filename=sys.argv[1]
625 if len(sys.argv) == 2:
626 vars=('FGRNHFX',)
627 else:
628 vars=sys.argv[2:]
629 kmz=ncWRFFire_mov(filename)
630 for v in vars:
631 kmz.write(v,hsize=8,kmz='fire_'+v+'.kmz',logscale=uselog(v))