descriptionvim configuration
repository URL
last changeThu, 4 Jan 2024 01:51:16 +0000 (4 09:51 +0800)
last refreshSat, 27 Apr 2024 08:39:24 +0000 (27 10:39 +0200)
content tags

simple/weight vim's configration with vim-plug


To install, run

$ git clone git:// ~/.vim
$ cd ~/.vim && make install

To update the repository, run

$ make update


If you are going to use this colorscheme of the configuration in Terminal mode (e.g. not in a GUI version like gvim or macvim), please consider setting your terminal emulator's colorscheme to used.

Test the terminals color bit depth:

$ tput colors

If the result is 8, that means your Terminal was using 8 bit color (e.g. xterm on Gentoo), please:

$ echo "export TERM=xterm-256color" >> ~/.bashrc

You may need unicode suported terminal to display airline unicode symbols.

Other Notes

vimrc.mine and gvimrc.mine contain system-specific settings or other settings that should not be part of a general configuration.

2024-01-04 clownchore: Update plugins to latest tagmaster
2023-01-11 clownchore: Update Plugins to latest tag
2021-12-30 clownUpdate plugins to latest tag
2020-10-15 clownvim-plug: change plugin directory
2019-12-16 clownupdate some plugins to latest tag
2018-12-05 clownupdate airline configuration
2017-11-27 clown`vim-scripts` extension is deprecated
2016-11-25 clownvim-plug instead of Vundle
2015-10-09 clownVundle instead of pathogen
2015-06-14 clownrebase on 2015
3 months ago master