[UnderBot.git] / main
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 use warnings;
4 use strict;
5 use Set::Object '&set';
7 my $delay_between_edits = 60; # In seconds.
8 my $delay_between_edit_tries = 5;
9 # Also in seconds. This is the delay taken before trying again
10 # when an edit fails because of an edit conflict.
12 my $username = 'UnderBot';
13 my $password = 'secret';
15 my $kill_switch_page = 'User talk:UnderBot';
16 my $kill_switch_trigger = qr/stopediting/i;
18 my $api_url = '';
20 # ------------------------------------------------------------
22 package MW;
24 {use parent 'MediaWiki::API';
26 my $se = {skip_encoding => 1};
28 sub couldnt
29 {my $self = shift;
30 die
31 q(Couldn't ),
32 shift,
33 '. (', $self->{error}->{code}, ': ',
34 $self->{error}->{details}, ".)\n";}
36 sub list
37 {my $self = shift;
38 $self->SUPER::list({@_}, $se);}
40 sub category
41 # Returns the titles of all the pages in the given category.
42 {my ($self, $cat) = @_;
43 map {$_->{title}} @{$self->list
44 (action => 'query',
45 list => 'categorymembers',
46 cmtitle => $cat,
47 cmlimit => 500)
48 or $self->couldnt(qq(get members of "$cat"))};}
50 sub fetch
51 # Gets the given page with the given title.
52 {my ($self, $title) = @_;
53 $self->get_page({title => $title})
54 or $self->couldnt(q(fetch "$title".));}
56 sub has_been_deleted
57 # Has a page with this title ever been deleted?
58 {my ($self, $title) = @_;
59 return !! @{$self->list
60 (action => 'query',
61 list => 'logevents',
62 letype => 'delete',
63 letitle => $title)};}
65 sub edit_page
66 # Returns false iff the edit wasn't made because of an edit
67 # conflict. However, edit conflicts are only checked for if
68 # appropriate %args are supplied.
69 {my ($self, $title, %args) = @_;
70 # Don't touch this page if one by this name has been
71 # deleted before.
72 if ($self->has_been_deleted($title))
73 {print "Didn't edit previously deleted page: $title\n";
74 return 1;}
75 # Make the edit.
76 my $response = $self->SUPER::edit
77 ({action => 'edit',
78 title => $title,
79 minor => 1,
80 bot => 1,
81 %args}, $se);
82 unless ($response)
83 {if ($self->{error}->{details} =~ /\Aeditconflict/)
84 {print "Edit conflict: $title\n";
85 return 0;}
86 $self->couldnt(sprintf 'edit page "%s" (%s)',
87 $title, join(', ', %args));}
88 print "Edit: $title",
89 ($args{summary} ? " ($args{summary})" : ''),
90 "\n";
91 # Now sleep for a bit and check the kill switch.
92 sleep $delay_between_edits;
93 $self->fetch($kill_switch_page)->{'*'} =~ $kill_switch_trigger
94 and die "Killed.\n";
95 return 1;}
97 sub modify_page
98 # A way to edit a page that guards against edit conflicts.
99 # $function should modify $_ (which will contain the
100 # text of the page) and return the edit summary.
101 {my ($self, $title, $function) = @_;
102 for (;;)
103 {my $page = $self->fetch($title);
104 my $timestamp = $page->{timestamp} || 0;
105 my $text = $page->{'*'};
106 local *_ = \$text;
107 my $summary = $function->();
108 $self->edit_page($title,
109 text => $text,
110 summary => $summary,
111 basetimestamp => $timestamp)
112 and last;
113 sleep $delay_between_edit_tries;}}}
115 package main;
117 # ------------------------------------------------------------
119 # Set up.
121 binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
122 print 'Starting: ', scalar localtime, "\n";
124 my $mw = new MW({api_url => $api_url});
126 $mw->login({lgname => $username, lgpassword => $password})
127 or $mw->couldnt('log in');
129 # Get existing languages.
131 my $langs = set
132 grep {$_ ne 'HQ9+'} # Hardly a real language.
133 map {/\ACategory:(.+)/ ? $1 : ()}
134 $mw->category('Category:Programming Languages');
136 # Add any new languages that Rosetta Coders have used as arguments
137 # to Template:Mylang.
139 my @users =
140 grep {$_->{type} eq 'edit' or $_->{type} eq 'new'}
141 # We don't care about log entries, deletions, etc.
142 @{$mw->list
143 (action => 'query',
144 list => 'recentchanges',
145 rcnamespace => 2, # User
146 rclimit => 500)}
147 or $mw->couldnt('get recent changes');
149 foreach my $u (@users)
150 {my $p = $mw->fetch($u);
151 exists $p->{'*'} or next;
152 foreach ($p->{'*'} =~ /{{mylang\|(.+?)\|/g)
153 {$_ = ucfirst;
154 $langs->has($_) || m/#/ and next;
155 # Nasty things happen if we try to create a page with
156 # a pound sign in its title.
157 $mw->edit_page("Category:$_",
158 appendtext => '{{language}}{{stub}}',
159 summary => "Created language observed in [[$u]].");
160 $langs->insert($_);}}
162 # Create language-user, not-implemented,
163 # examples-needing-attention, and language-implementation pages.
165 foreach
166 (['Category:Language users',
167 'Category:%s User',
168 '{{langgroup|%s}}'],
169 ['Category:Unimplemented tasks by language',
170 'Reports:Tasks not implemented in %s',
171 '{{Unimpl Page|%s}}'],
172 ['Category:Examples needing attention',
173 'Category:%s examples needing attention',
174 '{{enacat body|%s}}'],
175 ['Category:Language Implementations',
176 'Category:%s Implementations',
177 '{{implementation cat|%s}}'])
178 {my ($cat, $title_fmt, $body_fmt) = @$_;
179 (my $r = quotemeta $title_fmt) =~ s/\\%s/(.+)/;
180 my $catlangs = set
181 map {/\A$r\z/ ? $1 : ()}
182 $mw->category($cat);
184 foreach (@{$langs - $catlangs}) # Set difference
185 {$mw->edit_page(sprintf($title_fmt, $_),
186 appendtext => sprintf($body_fmt, $_));}}
188 #my ($a, $b) = (-1, -1);
189 #while (++$a < @langs and ++$b < @catlangs)
190 # {$langs[$a] eq $catlangs[$b] and next;
191 # if ($catlangs[$b] lt $langs[$a])
192 # {--$a;
193 # next;}
194 # $create->($langs[$a]);
195 # --$b;}
196 # $create->($_) foreach @langs[$a .. $#langs];}
198 # For each category C in Category:Alternate_language_names, move
199 # all members of C to the redirect target named in the page for C.
200 # We assume that the members of C are included in C via
201 # Template:Header, as opposed to an explicit wikilink to C.
203 foreach my $cat ($mw->category('Category:Alternate language names'))
204 {my $catpage = $mw->fetch($cat)->{'*'};
205 $catpage =~ /#REDIRECT\s+\[\[:?Category:(.+?)\]\]/
206 or die "Regex didn't match in $cat";
207 my $target = $1;
208 my $alt = quotemeta substr $cat, length 'Category:';
209 # We'll be using $alt as a regex. It should permit underscores
210 # in place of spaces, since MediaWiki does.
211 $alt =~ s/\\ /[ _]/;
212 foreach my $task ($mw->category($cat))
213 {$mw->modify_page($task, sub
214 {s <== \{\{ header \| ($alt) ([|}])>
215 <=={{header|$target$2>xg
216 or print "Failed to remove $task from $cat.\n";
217 qq("header|$1" -> "header|$target");});}}
219 # Finish.
221 print 'Done: ', scalar localtime, "\n";