Updated LICENSE and info comments
[SA_Dice.git] / SA_DiceFormatter.h
1 //
2 // SA_DiceFormatter.h
3 //
4 // Copyright 2016-2021 Said Achmiz.
5 // See LICENSE and README.md for more info.
7 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
9 #import "SA_DiceExpression.h"
11 /*********************/
12 #pragma mark Constants
13 /*********************/
15 These constants describe one of several behavior modes for die string results
16 formatting.
18 NOTE: Each of the modes have their own set of settings, which may be configured
19 via various of the SA_DiceFormatter properties. Be sure to use the
20 appropriate settings for the currently set behavior mode.
22 NOTE 2: SA_DiceParser also has a behavior mode property, and can operate in
23 one of several parser behavior modes. Each formatter behavior mode is
24 appropriate for formatting results generated by some parser behavior modes but
25 not others. Attempting to format a results tree in a formatter mode that does
26 not support the parser mode in which those results were generated causes
27 undefined behavior. Thus, when using any a formatter and a parser together, we
28 must always make sure that the two objects are set to operate in compatible
29 behavior modes.
31 Each formatter behavior mode is described below. Each description also lists
32 the parser modes which are supported by that formatter mode.
34 ======================
35 ==== DEFAULT mode ====
36 ======================
38 “Default” mode is an alias for whatever default behavior is currently set for
39 new SA_DiceFormatter instances. (The “default default” behavior for the
40 current implementation is “legacy”.)
42 =====================
43 ==== LEGACY mode ====
44 =====================
46 Legacy mode mostly emulates the output format of DiceBot by Sabin (and Dawn by
47 xthemage before it). (It adds optional error reporting, and several minor
48 aesthetic enhancement options.)
50 The legacy mode output format reproduces the entire die roll expression, in
51 an expanded form (with whitespace inserted between operators and operands);
52 prints each individual die roll (grouped by roll command), along with the
53 sum of each die group. The final result is also printed, as is a label
54 (if any). Typical legacy mode output looks like this:
56 (Hasan_the_Great) 4d6 < 3 3 4 6 = 16 > + 2d4 < 2 4 = 6 > + 3 + 20 = 45
58 This output line would be generated by a roll string as follows:
60 4d6+2d4+3+20;Hasan_the_Great
62 Here are some typical output strings for erroneous or malformed input strings.
65 8d6+4d0+5
68 8d6 < 3 1 2 5 2 2 1 6 = 22 > + 4d0 < ERROR > [ERROR: Invalid die size (zero or negative)]
70 Legacy mode does not support attributed text of any kind.
74 =====================
75 ==== SIMPLE mode ====
76 =====================
78 Simple mode generates a very minimal output format. It prints the final result
79 of a die roll expression, or the word ‘ERROR’ if any error occurred. It also
80 prints the label (if any).
84 =====================
85 ==== MODERN mode ====
86 =====================
90 Modern mode supports a comprehensive range of commands and capabilities, and
91 has many configurable options for extensive customizability of the output
92 format. It also supports attributed text.
94 SUPPORTED PARSER MODES: Feepbot, Legacy, Modern.
96 ======================
97 ==== FEEPBOT mode ====
98 ======================
102 Feepbot mode emulates the output format of feepbot by feep.
104 SUPPORTED PARSER MODES: Feepbot, Legacy.
106 typedef NS_ENUM(unsigned int, SA_DiceFormatterBehavior) {
107 SA_DiceFormatterBehaviorDefault = 0,
108 SA_DiceFormatterBehaviorSimple = 1,
109 SA_DiceFormatterBehaviorLegacy = 1337,
110 SA_DiceFormatterBehaviorModern = 2001,
111 SA_DiceFormatterBehaviorFeepbot = 65536
114 /************************************************/
115 #pragma mark - SA_DiceFormatter class declaration
116 /************************************************/
118 @interface SA_DiceFormatter : NSObject
120 /**********************************/
121 #pragma mark - Properties (general)
122 /**********************************/
124 @property SA_DiceFormatterBehavior formatterBehavior;
126 /*************************************************/
127 #pragma mark - Properties (“legacy” behavior mode)
128 /*************************************************/
130 @property BOOL legacyModeErrorReportingEnabled;
132 /******************************/
133 #pragma mark - Class properties
134 /******************************/
136 @property (class) SA_DiceFormatterBehavior defaultFormatterBehavior;
138 /********************************************/
139 #pragma mark - Initializers & factory methods
140 /********************************************/
142 -(instancetype) init;
143 -(instancetype) initWithBehavior:(SA_DiceFormatterBehavior)formatterBehavior NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;
144 +(instancetype) defaultFormatter;
145 +(instancetype) formatterWithBehavior:(SA_DiceFormatterBehavior)formatterBehavior;
147 /****************************/
148 #pragma mark - Public methods
149 /****************************/
151 -(NSString *) stringFromExpression:(SA_DiceExpression *)expression;
152 -(NSAttributedString *) attributedStringFromExpression:(SA_DiceExpression *)expression;
154 +(NSString *) rectifyMinusSignInString:(NSString *)aString;
155 +(NSString *) canonicalRepresentationForOperator:(SA_DiceExpressionOperator)operator;
157 @end