Updated LICENSE and info comments
[SA_Dice.git] / SA_DiceEvaluator.m
1 //
2 //  SA_DiceEvaluator.m
3 //
4 //  Copyright 2016-2021 Said Achmiz.
5 //  See LICENSE and README.md for more info.
7 #import "SA_DiceEvaluator.h"
9 #import "SA_DiceBag.h"
10 #import "SA_DiceParser.h"
11 #import "SA_DiceExpression.h"
12 #import "SA_DiceExpressionStringConstants.h"
14 #import "SA_Utility.h"
16 /**************************/
17 #pragma mark Defined values
18 /**************************/
20 #define DEFAULT_MAX_DIE_COUNT    1000   // One thousand
21 #define DEFAULT_MAX_DIE_SIZE    10000   // Ten thousand
23 /***************************************************/
24 #pragma mark - SA_DiceEvaluator class implementation
25 /***************************************************/
27 @implementation SA_DiceEvaluator {
28         SA_DiceBag *_diceBag;
30         NSUInteger _maxDieCount;
31         NSUInteger _maxDieSize;
34 /************************/
35 #pragma mark - Properties
36 /************************/
38 -(NSUInteger) maxDieCount {
39         return _maxDieCount;
41 -(void) setMaxDieCount:(NSUInteger)maxDieCount {
42         if (maxDieCount > (NSUIntegerMax / _maxDieSize)) {
43                 _maxDieCount = NSUIntegerMax / _maxDieSize;
44         } else {
45                 _maxDieCount = maxDieCount;
46         }
49 -(NSUInteger) maxDieSize {
50         return _maxDieSize;
52 -(void) setMaxDieSize:(NSUInteger)maxDieSize {
53         if (   maxDieSize > [_diceBag biggestPossibleDieSize]
54                 || maxDieSize > (NSIntegerMax / _maxDieCount)) {
55                 _maxDieSize = (([_diceBag biggestPossibleDieSize] < (NSIntegerMax / _maxDieCount))
56                                            ? [_diceBag biggestPossibleDieSize]
57                                            : (NSIntegerMax / _maxDieCount));
58         } else {
59                 _maxDieSize = maxDieSize;
60         }
63 /**************************/
64 #pragma mark - Initializers
65 /**************************/
67 -(instancetype) init {
68         if (!(self = [super init]))
69                 return nil;
71         _maxDieCount = DEFAULT_MAX_DIE_COUNT;
72         _maxDieSize = DEFAULT_MAX_DIE_SIZE;
74         _diceBag = [SA_DiceBag new];
76         return self;
79 /****************************/
80 #pragma mark - Public methods
81 /****************************/
83 // TODO: Possibly refuse to evaluate an expression that’s already evaluated?
84 // (i.e., it has a  ...  .result?? .value??)
85 -(SA_DiceExpression *) resultOfExpression:(SA_DiceExpression *)expression {
86         // Check to see if the expression is erroneous (i.e. the parser has judged
87         // that it is malformed, etc.). If so, decline to evaluate the expression;
88         // return (a copy of) it, unchanged.
89         if (expression.errorBitMask != 0) {
90                 return [expression copy];
91         }
93         /*
94          NOTE: Even if an expression is not erroneous (i.e. if it has no syntax 
95          errors), it may still not be possible to evaluate it. For example, ‘5d0’ 
96          is a perfectly well-formed die string, and will yield an expression tree 
97          as follows:
99          [ type                 : SA_DiceExpressionTerm_ROLL_COMMAND,
100            rollCommand  : SA_DiceExpressionRollCommand_SUM,
101            dieCount             : [ type        : SA_DiceExpressionTerm_VALUE,
102                                                 value   : @(5)
103                                                 ],
104            dieSize              : [ type        : SA_DiceExpressionTerm_VALUE,
105                                                 value   : @(0)
106                                                 ]
107            ]
109          This is, of course, an illegal expression; we can’t roll a die of size 0
110          (a die with zero sides?).
112          If we encounter such an illegal expression, we add an appropriate error to 
113          the -[errorBitMask]. We are not required to set a value (-[value] property)
114          in such a case.
115          */
117         switch (expression.type) {
118                 case SA_DiceExpressionTerm_OPERATION: {
119                         return [self resultOfExpressionDescribingOperation:expression];
120                         break;
121                 }
122                 case SA_DiceExpressionTerm_ROLL_COMMAND: {
123                         return [self resultOfExpressionDescribingRollCommand:expression];
124                         break;
125                 }
126                 case SA_DiceExpressionTerm_ROLL_MODIFIER: {
127                         return [self resultOfExpressionDescribingRollModifier:expression];
128                         break;
129                 }
130                 case SA_DiceExpressionTerm_VALUE:
131                 default: {
132                         return [self resultOfExpressionDescribingValue:expression];
133                         break;
134                 }
135         }
138 /****************************/
139 #pragma mark - Helper methods
140 /****************************/
142 -(SA_DiceExpression *) resultOfExpressionDescribingValue:(SA_DiceExpression *)expression {
143         SA_DiceExpression *result = [expression copy];
145         result.result = result.value;
147         return result;
150 -(SA_DiceExpression *) resultOfExpressionDescribingRollCommand:(SA_DiceExpression *)expression {
151         SA_DiceExpression *result = [expression copy];
153         // For now, only sum and exploding sum (i.e., sum but with exploding dice)
154         // are supported. Other sorts of roll commands may be added later.
155         switch (result.rollCommand) {
156                 case SA_DiceExpressionRollCommand_SUM:
157                 case SA_DiceExpressionRollCommand_SUM_EXPLODING: {
158                         // First, recursively evaluate the expressions that represent the
159                         // die count and (for standard dice) the die size.
160                         result.dieCount = [self resultOfExpression:result.dieCount];
161                         if (result.dieType == SA_DiceExpressionDice_STANDARD)
162                                 result.dieSize = [self resultOfExpression:result.dieSize];
164                         // Evaluating those expressions may have generated an error(s);
165                         // propagate any errors up to the current term.
166                         result.errorBitMask |= result.dieCount.errorBitMask;
167                         if (result.dieType == SA_DiceExpressionDice_STANDARD)
168                                 result.errorBitMask |= result.dieSize.errorBitMask;
170                         // If indeed we’ve turned up errors, return.
171                         if (result.errorBitMask != 0)
172                                 return result;
174                         // Evaluating the two sub-expressions didn’t generate errors; this means
175                         // that we have successfully generated values for both the die count and
176                         // (for standard dice) the die size...
177                         NSInteger dieCount = result.dieCount.result.integerValue;
178                         NSInteger dieSize = 0;
179                         if (result.dieType == SA_DiceExpressionDice_STANDARD)
180                                 dieSize = result.dieSize.result.integerValue;
182                         // ... but, the resulting values of the expressions may make it
183                         // impossible to evaluate the roll command. Check to see whether the die
184                         // count and die size have legal values.
185                         if (dieCount < 0) {
186                                 result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_DIE_COUNT_NEGATIVE;
187                         } else if (dieCount > _maxDieCount) {
188                                 result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_DIE_COUNT_EXCESSIVE;
189                         }
191                         // Die type only matters for standard dice, not for Fudge dice.
192                         if (result.dieType == SA_DiceExpressionDice_STANDARD) {
193                                 if (dieSize < 1) {
194                                         result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_DIE_SIZE_INVALID;
195                                 } else if (dieSize > _maxDieSize) {
196                                         result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_DIE_SIZE_EXCESSIVE;
197                                 }
198                         }
200                         // If indeed the die count or die size fall outside of their allowed
201                         // ranges, return.
202                         if (result.errorBitMask != 0)
203                                 return result;
205                         // The die count and die size have legal values. We can safely roll the
206                         // requisite number of dice, and take the sum of the rolls (if needed).
207                         // NOTE: _maxDieSize is guaranteed to be no greater than the largest die
208                         // size that the SA_DiceBag can roll (this is enforced by the setter
209                         // method for the maxDieSize property), so we need not check to see
210                         // if the return value of rollDie: or rollNumber:ofDice: is valid.
211                         // We are also guaranteed that the product of _maxDieCount and
212                         // _maxDieSize is no greater than the largest unsigned value that can be
213                         // stored by whatever numeric type we specify simple value terms (terms
214                         // of type SA_DiceExpressionTerm_VALUE) to contain (likewise enforced
215                         // by the setters for both maxDieSize and maxDieCount), therefore we
216                         // need not worry about overflow here.
217                         if (dieCount == 0) {
218                                 result.result = @(0);
219                                 result.rolls = @[];
220                         } else {
221                                 NSArray *rolls;
222                                 if (result.dieType == SA_DiceExpressionDice_STANDARD) {
223                                         SA_DiceRollingOptions options = (result.rollCommand == SA_DiceExpressionRollCommand_SUM_EXPLODING) ? SA_DiceRollingExplodingDice : 0;
224                                         rolls = [_diceBag rollNumber:dieCount
225                                                                                   ofDice:dieSize
226                                                                          withOptions:options];
227                                 } else if (result.dieType == SA_DiceExpressionDice_FUDGE) {
228                                         rolls = [_diceBag rollFudgeDice:dieCount];
229                                 }
231                                 result.result = [rolls valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.self"];
232                                 result.rolls = rolls;
233                         }
235                         break;
236                 }
237                 default: {
238                         result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_UNKNOWN_ROLL_COMMAND;
240                         break;
241                 }
242         }
244         return result;
247 -(SA_DiceExpression *) resultOfExpressionDescribingRollModifier:(SA_DiceExpression *)expression {
248         SA_DiceExpression *result = [expression copy];
250         switch (result.rollModifier) {
251                 case SA_DiceExpressionRollModifier_KEEP_HIGHEST:
252                 case SA_DiceExpressionRollModifier_KEEP_LOWEST: {
253                         // These roll modifiers takes the highest, or the lowest, N rolls
254                         // out of all the rolls generated by a roll command, discarding the
255                         // rest, and summing the kept ones.
257                         // First, check if the left-hand operand is a roll command (and
258                         // specifically, a simple sum; though this latter requirement may
259                         // be dropped later).
260                         // TODO: re-evaluate this ^
261                         // If the left-hand operand is not a roll-and-sum, then the KEEP
262                         // modifier cannot be applied to it. In that case, we add an error
263                         // and return the result without evaluating.
264                         if (   result.leftOperand.type != SA_DiceExpressionTerm_ROLL_COMMAND
265                                 || (   result.leftOperand.rollCommand != SA_DiceExpressionRollCommand_SUM
266                                         && result.leftOperand.rollCommand != SA_DiceExpressionRollCommand_SUM_EXPLODING)
267                                 ) {
268                                 result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_ROLL_MODIFIER_INAPPLICABLE;
269                                 return result;
270                         }
272                         // We now know the left-hand operand is a roll command. Recursively
273                         // evaluate the expressions that represent the roll command and the
274                         // modifier value (the right-hand operand).
275                         result.leftOperand = [self resultOfExpression:result.leftOperand];
276                         result.rightOperand = [self resultOfExpression:result.rightOperand];
278                         // Evaluating the operands may have generated an error(s); propagate any
279                         // errors up to the current term.
280                         result.errorBitMask |= result.leftOperand.errorBitMask;
281                         result.errorBitMask |= result.rightOperand.errorBitMask;
283                         // If indeed we’ve turned up errors, return.
284                         if (result.errorBitMask != 0)
285                                 return result;
287                         // Evaluating the operands didn’t generate any errors; this means
288                         // that on the left hand we have a set of rolls (as well as a
289                         // result, which we are ignoring), and on the right hand we have a
290                         // result, which specifies how many rolls to keep.
291                         NSArray <NSNumber *> *rolls = result.leftOperand.rolls;
292                         NSNumber *keepHowMany = result.rightOperand.result;
294                         // However, it is now possible that the “keep how many” value
295                         // exceeds the number of rolls, which would make the expression
296                         // incoherent. If so, add an error and return.
297                         if (keepHowMany.unsignedIntegerValue > rolls.count) {
298                                 result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_KEEP_COUNT_EXCEEDS_ROLL_COUNT;
299                                 return result;
300                         }
302                         // It is also possible that the “keep how many” value is negative.
303                         // This, too, would make the expression incoherent. Likewise, add
304                         // an error and return.
305                         if (keepHowMany < 0) {
306                                 result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_KEEP_COUNT_NEGATIVE;
307                                 return result;
308                         }
310                         // We sort the rolls array...
311                         BOOL sortAscending = (result.rollModifier == SA_DiceExpressionRollModifier_KEEP_LOWEST);
312                         result.rolls = [rolls sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:@[ [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"integerValue"
313                                                                                                                                                                                            ascending:sortAscending] ]];
315                         // And the ‘result’ property of the result expression is the sum of
316                         // the first <keepHowMany> elements of the sorted rolls array.
317                         result.result = [[result.rolls subarrayWithRange:NSRangeMake(0, keepHowMany.unsignedIntegerValue)] valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.self"];
319                         break;
320                 }
321                 default: {
322                         result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_UNKNOWN_ROLL_MODIFIER;
324                         break;
325                 }
326         }
328         return result;
331 -(SA_DiceExpression *) resultOfExpressionDescribingOperation:(SA_DiceExpression *)expression {
332         SA_DiceExpression *result = [expression copy];
334         // First, recursively evaluate the expressions that represent the 
335         // left-hand-side and right-hand-side operands.
336         result.leftOperand = [self resultOfExpression:result.leftOperand];
337         result.rightOperand = [self resultOfExpression:result.rightOperand];
339         // Evaluating the operands may have generated an error(s); propagate any
340         // errors up to the current term.
341         result.errorBitMask |= result.leftOperand.errorBitMask;
342         result.errorBitMask |= result.rightOperand.errorBitMask;
344         // If indeed we’ve turned up errors, return.
345         if (result.errorBitMask != 0)
346                 return result;
348         // Evaluating the operands didn’t generate any errors. We have valid
349         // operands.
350         NSInteger leftOperand = result.leftOperand.result.integerValue;
351         NSInteger rightOperand = result.rightOperand.result.integerValue;
353         switch (result.operator) {
354                 case SA_DiceExpressionOperator_MINUS: {
355                         // First, we check for possible overflow...
356                         if (   leftOperand > 0
357                                 && rightOperand < 0
358                                 && (NSIntegerMax + rightOperand) < leftOperand) {
359                                 result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_INTEGER_OVERFLOW_SUBTRACTION;
360                                 break;
361                         } else if (   leftOperand < 0
362                                            && rightOperand > 0
363                                            && (NSIntegerMin + rightOperand) > leftOperand) {
364                                 result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_INTEGER_UNDERFLOW_SUBTRACTION;
365                                 break;
366                         }
368                         // No overflow will occur. We can perform the subtraction operation.
369                         result.result = @(leftOperand - rightOperand);
370                         break;
371                 }
372                 case SA_DiceExpressionOperator_PLUS: {
373                         // First, we check for possible overflow...
374                         if (   rightOperand > 0
375                                 && leftOperand > 0
376                                 && (NSIntegerMax - rightOperand) < leftOperand) {
377                                 result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_INTEGER_OVERFLOW_ADDITION;
378                                 break;
379                         } else if (   rightOperand < 0
380                                            && leftOperand < 0
381                                            && (NSIntegerMin - rightOperand) > leftOperand) {
382                                 result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_INTEGER_UNDERFLOW_ADDITION;
383                                 break;
384                         }
386                         // No overflow will occur. We can perform the addition operation.
387                         result.result = @(leftOperand + rightOperand);
388                         break;
389                 }
390                 case SA_DiceExpressionOperator_TIMES: {
391                         // First, we check for possible overflow...
392                         if (   (   leftOperand == NSIntegerMin
393                                         && (   rightOperand != 0
394                                                 || rightOperand != 1 ))
395                                 || (   rightOperand == NSIntegerMin
396                                         && (   leftOperand != 0
397                                                 || leftOperand != 1 ))
398                                 || (   leftOperand != 0
399                                         && ((NSIntegerMax / ABS(leftOperand)) < rightOperand))
400                                 ) {
401                                 if (   (   leftOperand > 0
402                                                 && rightOperand > 0)
403                                         || (   leftOperand < 0
404                                                 && rightOperand < 0)) {
405                                         result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_INTEGER_OVERFLOW_MULTIPLICATION;
406                                 } else {
407                                         result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_INTEGER_UNDERFLOW_MULTIPLICATION;
408                                 }
409                                 break;
410                         }
412                         // No overflow will occur. We can perform the multiplication operation.
413                         result.result = @(leftOperand * rightOperand);
414                         break;
415                 }
416                 default: {
417                         // We add the appropriate error. We do not set a value for the
418                         // result property.
419                         result.errorBitMask |= SA_DiceExpressionError_UNKNOWN_OPERATOR;
420                         break;
421                 }
422         }
424         return result;
427 @end