added information about viewing PDFs
[PyX/mjg.git] / faq / pyxfaq.tex
1 % $Id$
2 \documentclass[11pt,DIV14]{scrartcl}
3 \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
4 \usepackage{url}
5 \usepackage{mathptmx}
6 %\usepackage[all,comments]{glifaq}
7 \usepackage[answered]{glifaq}
8 \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}
9 \hypersetup{pdftitle={PyX FAQ}%
10 ,pdfauthor={\textcopyright\ Gert-Ludwig Ingold
11 <>}%
12 ,colorlinks=true%
13 ,linkcolor=blue}
14 \def\pyxversion{\input{pyxversion}}
15 \begin{document}
17 \begin{center}
18 \LARGE\sffamily Some frequently and\\
19 not so frequently asked questions\\
20 about \PyX
21 \par
22 {\small\sffamily (version \pyxversion)}\\[1truecm]
23 \large
24 Gert-Ludwig Ingold \par
25 \href{}{\url{<>}}
26 \end{center}
27 \toc
29 \vspace{2truecm}
30 \section*{Acknowledgements}
31 The following persons have in one way or the other, e.g.\ by asking good
32 questions or providing answers, contributed to this FAQ:\\
33 Walter Brisken, Jörg Lehmann, Michael Schindler, Gerhard Schmid, Andr{\'e}
34 Wobst.
35 \newpage
37 \section{General aspects of \PyX}
38 \question{a}{The name of the game}
40 {Originally, the name \PyX{} was constructed as a combination of
41 \textbf{P}ostscript, i.e.\ the first output format supported by \PyX{},
42 P\textbf{y}thon, i.e.\ the language in which \PyX{} is written, and
43 Te\textbf{X}, i.e.\ the program which \PyX{} uses for typesetting purposes.
44 Actually, the title of this question is a tribute to \TeX{} because it is
45 taken from the first chapter of the \TeX{}book\footnote{D.~Knuth, \textit{The
46 \TeX{}book} (Addison-Wesley, 1984)} where the origin of the name \TeX{} and its
47 pronunciation are explained.
49 Despite the ties between \TeX{} and \PyX{}, their pronunciation is quite
50 different. According to the developers of \PyX{}, it should be pronounced as
51 \tipagraph{[pYks]}{tipa1.pdf}. Please do not pronounce it as
52 \tipagraph{[pYx]}{tipa2.pdf} or \tipagraph{[pY\c c]}{tipa3.pdf}.
55 \question{a}{Where do I get the latest version of \PyX?}
57 {\label{q:where_do_I_get_PyX}
58 The current release of \PyX{} (as well as older ones) is freely available
59 from \url{} where also a CVS repository with the
60 latest patches can be found. Possibly older versions of \PyX{} are
61 also available as package for
62 various Linux distributions: see, for instance,
63 \url{} for
64 information on the \PyX{} package in Debian GNU/Linux,
65 \url{} for a Gentoo Linux
66 ebuild, and
67 \url{}
68 for the \PyX{} package in the SUSE LINUX professional distribution.
71 \question{c}{How can I determine the version of \PyX{} running on my
72 machine?}
74 {Start a python session (usually by typing \texttt{python} at the system
75 prompt) and then type the following two commands (\texttt{>>>} is the python
76 prompt)
77 \begin{progcode}
78 >>> import pyx\\
79 >>> pyx.\us\us{}version\us\us
80 \end{progcode}
83 \question{a}{How can I access older versions of \PyX? \new}
85 {As at present it is not guaranteed that \PyX{} is backward compatible, it may
86 be desirable to access an older version of \PyX{} instead of adapting older
87 code to the current version of \PyX. In order to do that, one needs the
88 corresponding \PyX{} package (see \uaref{q:where_do_I_get_PyX} if you need to
89 download it), which should be unpacked below a directory, e.g.\
90 \texttt{/home/xyz/Python}, where you want to keep the various \PyX{} versions.
91 This will result in a subdirectory with a name like \texttt{PyX-0.8} which
92 contains the contents of the corresponding package. You can then ask Python to
93 first look in the appropriate directory before looking for the current version
94 of \PyX{} by inserting the following code (appropriately modified according
95 to your needs) at the beginning of your program before importing the \PyX{}
96 module:
97 \begin{progcode}
98 import sys\\
99 sys.path.insert(0, "/home/xyz/Python/PyX-0.8")
100 \end{progcode}
101 Including appropriate lines even if the current version of \PyX{} is used,
102 might turn out to be helpful when the current version has become an old
103 version (unless you have no difficulties determining the \PyX{} version by
104 looking at your code).
106 If your operating system supports path expansion, you might use as an
107 alternative:
108 \begin{progcode}
109 import sys, os\\
110 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.expanduser("\char126/Python/PyX-0.8"))
111 \end{progcode}
112 which will expand the tilde to your home directory.
115 \question{c}{Does \PyX{} run under my favorite operating system?}
117 {Yes, if you have installed Python (\uaref{q:what_is_python})
118 and \TeX{} (\uaref{q:what_is_tex}). Both are available for
119 a large variety of operating systems so chances are pretty good that you will
120 get \PyX{} to work on your system.
123 \question{c}{Under which versions of Python will \PyX{} run?}
125 {\PyX{} is supposed to work with Python 2.1 and above. However, most of the
126 development takes place under the current production version of Python
127 (2.4.1 by the time of this writing) and thus \PyX{} is better tested
128 with this version. On the other hand, the examples and tests are
129 verified to run with Python 2.1 and above using the latest bugfix
130 releases. \PyX{} will not work with earlier Python versions due
131 to missing language features.
133 The version of your Python interpreter can be determined by calling
134 it with the option \texttt{-V}. Alternatively, you can simply start the
135 interpreter and take a look at the startup message. Note that there may be
136 different versions of Python installed on your system at the same time. The
137 default Python version need not be the same for all users.
140 \question{a}{Does \PyX{} provide a GUI to view the produced image? \changed}
142 {No, \PyX{} itself does not provide a means to view the produced image. The
143 result of a \PyX{} run is an EPS (= Encapsulated PostScript) file, a
144 PS (= PostScript) file or a PDF (= Portable Document Format) file, which can
145 be viewed, printed or imported into other applications.
147 There are several means of viewing PS and EPS files. A common way
148 would be to use \texttt{ghostview} which provides a user interface to
149 the PostScript interpreter \texttt{ghostscript}. More information
150 about this software, which is available for a variety of platforms,
151 can be found at \url{}. If you do not
152 own a printer which is capable of printing PostScript files directly,
153 \texttt{ghostscript} may also be useful to translate PS and EPS files
154 produced by \PyX{} into something your printer will understand.
156 PDF files can be viewed by means of the \texttt{Adobe
157 Reader\textsuperscript{\textregistered}}
158 available from
159 \url{}. On systems
160 running X11, \texttt{xpdf} might be an alternative. It is available from
161 \url{}.}
163 \question{a}{Where can I get help if my question is not answered in this
164 FAQ?}
166 {The \PyX{} sources contain a reference manual which is also available
167 online at \url{}. Furthermore, there
168 exists a set of examples demonstrating various features of \PyX, which is
169 available in the sources or can be browsed at \url{}.
170 If the feature you are looking for is among them, using the appropriate part
171 of the example code or adapting it for your purposes may help.
173 There is also a user discussion list about \PyX{} which you can subscribe to
174 at \url{}. The archive of
175 the discussion list is available at \url{}.
177 Finally, it might be worth checking \url{}
178 for an updated version of this FAQ.
181 \section{Python}
183 \question{c}{What is Python?}
185 {\label{q:what_is_python}
186 From \url{}:
187 \begin{quote}
188 Python is an \textit{interpreted, interactive, object-oriented} programming
189 language. It is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java.
191 Python combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has modules,
192 classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types, and dynamic typing.
193 There are interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various
194 windowing systems (X11, Motif, Tk, Mac, MFC). New built-in modules are easily
195 written in C or C++. Python is also usable as an extension language for
196 applications that need a programmable interface.
198 The Python implementation is portable: it runs on many brands of UNIX, on
199 Windows, OS/2, Mac, Amiga, and many other platforms. If your favorite system
200 isn't listed here, it may still be supported, if there's a C compiler for it.
201 Ask around on \href{news:comp.lang.python}{news:comp.lang.python} --- or just
202 try compiling Python yourself.
204 The Python implementation is
205 \href{}{copyrighted}
206 but \textbf{freely usable and distributable, even for commercial use}.
207 \end{quote}
210 \question{a}{Where can I learn more about Python?}
212 {The place to start is \url{} where you will find plenty of
213 information on Python including tutorials.
216 \question{c}{What do I need to import in order to use \PyX?}
218 {It is recommended to begin your Python code with
219 \begin{progcode}
220 from pyx import *
221 \end{progcode}
222 when using \PyX. This allows you for example to write simply
223 \texttt{graph.graphxy}
224 instead of \texttt{pyx.graph.graphxy}. The following modules will be loaded:
225 \texttt{attr}, \texttt{box}, \texttt{bitmap}, \texttt{canvas}, \texttt{color}, \texttt{connector},
226 \texttt{deco}, \texttt{deformer}, \texttt{document}, \texttt{epsfile}, \texttt{graph}, \texttt{path},
227 \texttt{pattern}, \texttt{style}, \texttt{trafo}, \texttt{text}, and \texttt{unit}.
229 For convenience, you might import specific objects of a module like in
230 \begin{progcode}
231 from graph import graphxy
232 \end{progcode}
233 which allows you to write \texttt{graphxy()} instead of \texttt{graph.graphxy()}.
235 All code segments in this document assume that the import line mentioned in
236 the first code snippet is present.
239 \question{a}{What is a raw string and why should I know about it when
240 using \PyX?}
242 {\label{q:raw_string}
243 The backslash serves in standard Python strings to start an escape sequence.
244 For example {\cs n} corresponds to a newline character. On the other hand,
245 \TeX{} and \LaTeX{}, which do the typesetting in \PyX, use the backslash to
246 indicate the start of a command. In order to avoid the standard interpretation,
247 the string should be marked as a raw string by prepending it by an \texttt{r}
248 like in
249 \begin{progcode}
250 c.text(0, 0, r"\${\cs alpha}{\cs beta}{\cs gamma}\$")
251 \end{progcode}
254 \section{Plotting of graphs}
256 \subsection{General aspects}
258 \question{c}{How do I generate a graph from data as simply as possible?}
260 {\label{q:mingraphdata}
261 Suppose that you have a data file \texttt{x.dat} containing values for
262 $x$ and $y$ in two columns. Then the following code will do the job
263 \begin{progcode}
264 from pyx import *\\
266 g = graph.graphxy(width=10)\\
267 g.plot("x.dat", x=1, y=2))\\
268 g.writeEPSfile("x")
269 \end{progcode}
270 \texttt{graphxy} creates a canvas (called \texttt{g} in this example) onto
271 which the graph will be drawn and it sets the default behavior including the
272 axis. There is, however, no default value for the width of the graph. In
273 \texttt{plot} you have to specify the name of the data file and the columns
274 from which the data should be taken. Finally, \texttt{writeEPSfile} will
275 generate the postscript file \texttt{x.eps} which you can view or print.
277 A minimal example is also provided in the \PyX{} distribution as
278 \path{examples/graphs/}.
281 \question{a}{How do I generate a graph of a function as simply as possible?}
283 {\label{q:mingraphfunc}
284 The following example will draw a parabola:
285 \begin{progcode}
286 from pyx import *\\
288 g = graph.graphxy(width=10,\\
289 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x=graph.axis.linear(min=-2, max=2)\\
290 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)\\
292 g.plot("y(x)=x**2"))\\
294 g.writeEPSfile("x")
295 \end{progcode}
296 Most of the code has been explained in \uaref{q:mingraphdata}. The main
297 difference is that here you need to specify minimum and maximum for the
298 $x$-axis so that \PyX{} knows in which range to evaluate the function.
300 Another, slightly more complex, example is also provided in the \PyX{}
301 distribution as \path{examples/graphs/}.
304 \question{a}{How can I stack graphs?}
306 {\PyX{} always needs a canvas to draw on. One possibility therefore consists
307 in creating a new canvas with
308 \begin{progcode}
309 c = canvas.canvas()
310 \end{progcode}
311 and inserting the graphs into this canvas with \texttt{c.insert(...)}. Here,
312 \texttt{...} has to be replaced by the name of the graph. Alternatively, the
313 canvas created with \texttt{graph.graphxy} for one of the graphs can be used
314 to insert the other graphs even if they will be positioned outside the
315 first graph.
317 The second issue to address is positioning of the graphs. By specifying
318 \texttt{xpos} and \texttt{ypos} when calling \texttt{graphxy}, you can
319 define the position of a graph. Later on, the position and size of a
320 graph \texttt{g} can be referred to as \texttt{g.xpos}, \texttt{g.ypos},
321 \texttt{g.width}, and \texttt{g.height} even if for example the height has
322 never been specified explicitly but is only defined by a \PyX{} default.
324 The following example shows how to put graph \texttt{gupper} above graph
325 \texttt{glower} on a canvas \texttt{c}:
326 \begin{progcode}
327 from pyx import *\\
328 from graph import graphxy\\
330 c = canvas.canvas()\\
332 glower = graphxy(width=10)\\
333 glower.plot(...)\\
334 c.insert(glower)\\
336 gupper = graphxy(width=10, ypos=glower.ypos+glower.height+2)\\
337 gupper.plot(...)\\
339 c.insert(gupper)\\
340 c.writeEPSfile(...)
341 \end{progcode}
342 where \texttt{...} has to be replaced by the appropriate information like
343 data and symbol specifications and the name of the output file. Here,
344 \texttt{c.insert} is used to actually insert the subcanvasses
345 for the graphs into the main canvas \texttt{c} and \texttt{c.writeEPSfile}
346 in the last line requests to write the contents of this canvas to a file.
348 %In order to suppress the labels of the $x$-axis of the upper graph, use
349 %\begin{progcode}
350 %myaxispainter = graph.axispainter(labelattrs=None)
352 %gupper = graph.graphxy(...,
353 % x=graph.axis.linear(...,
354 % part=graph.linpart(),
355 % painter=myaxispainter)
357 %\end{progcode}
360 \question{a}{How can I plot grid data?}
362 {\PyX{} offers support for plotting three-dimensional data as two-dimensional
363 color plots or grey-scale plots and of vector fields by providing ways to
364 plot rectangles and arrows in graphs.
366 We start by considering the task of creating a two-dimensional color plot by
367 plotting a number of filled rectangles. One first needs to create a data set
368 which consists of five entries per data point. These are the lower left corner
369 $(x_\mathrm{min},y_\mathrm{min})$ and the upper right corner
370 $(x_\mathrm{max},y_\mathrm{max})$ of the triangle and a value between 0 and 1
371 determining the color via a \PyX{} color palette. The following code gives an
372 idea of how to proceed:
373 \begin{progcode}
374 g.plot("datafile.dat"), xmin=1, xmax=2, ymin=3, ymax=4, color=5),\\
375 ~~~~~~~[]\\
376 ~~~~~~)\\
377 g.dodata()
378 \end{progcode}
379 Here, we assume that the data are stored in \texttt{datafile.dat} and the
380 columns contain $x_\mathrm{min}$, $x_\mathrm{max}$, $y_\mathrm{min}$,
381 $y_\mathrm{max}$, and the color value in this order. The columns are
382 numbered from 1, since the 0th column contains the line number. To
383 determine the color, we use the \texttt{ReverseRainbow} palette. The
384 last line instructs \PyX{} to plot the rectangles before plotting the
385 axes. Otherwise, the axes might be covered partially by the rectangles
386 and, in particular, the ticks might not be visible. Gray-scale plots
387 can easily be generated by specifying the palette \texttt{Gray} or
388 \texttt{ReverseGray} (cf.\ appendix C of the manual for a list of
389 predefined palettes).
391 At first sight, it seems surprising that plotting of grid data requires
392 the specification of four coordinates for the rectangle. The reason is that
393 this allows to draw rectangles of varying sizes which may help to reduce the
394 size of the postscript file by combining rectangles of the same color in
395 horizontal or vertical direction. For example, it may be sufficient to plot
396 a grey-scale image in a small number of grey shades and then combining
397 rectangles may be appropriate. Note, though, that this step is part of the
398 data creation and not preformed by \PyX{}. Another advantage of fully
399 specifying each rectangle is that it is straightforward to leave parts of the
400 graph blank.
402 The same ideas as for the color plot can be applied to plot vector fields where
403 each data point is represented by an arrow. In this case a data point is
404 specified by the position of the arrow, its size and its direction as indicated
405 in the following code snippet:
406 \begin{progcode}
407 g.plot("datafile.dat"), x=1, y=2, size=3, angle=4),\\
408 ~~~~~~~[]\\
409 ~~~~~~)
410 \end{progcode}
412 Complete code examples can be found in \path{examples/graphs/} and
413 \path{examples/graphs/}\,.
416 \question{a}{How can I access points in problem coordinates of a graph?}
418 {\label{q:problemcoord}
419 Sometimes it may be necessary to add graphical elements to a graph in addition
420 to the data or function(s) which have been plotted as described in
421 \uaref{q:mingraphdata} and \uaref{q:mingraphfunc}. For a graph instance
422 \texttt{g} the positioning can easily be done in canvas coordinates by making
423 use of the origin (\texttt{g.xpos}, \texttt{g.ypos}) and the width
424 (\texttt{g.width}) and height (\texttt{g.height}) of the graph.
426 Occasionally, it may be more convenient to specify the position of the
427 additional material in terms of problem coordinates. However, this requires
428 that the mapping from problem coordinates to canvas coordinates is known.
429 By default this is not the case before the content of the canvas is written
430 to the output which is too late for our purpose. One therefore needs to
431 explicitly instruct \PyX{} to determine this mapping. One possibility is to
432 ask \PyX{} to finish the graph by means of \texttt{g.finish()}. Now, problem
433 coordinates can be used to insert additional material which will end up in
434 front of the graph. If this is not desired, one should only fix the layout
435 of the graph by means of \texttt{g.dolayout()}. Then, the additional material
436 can be put onto the canvas before the graph is drawn and it will therefore
437 appear behind the graph.
439 The conversion of problem coordinates (\texttt{px}, \texttt{py}) to canvas
440 coordinates (\texttt{x}, \texttt{y}) is performed as follows:
441 \begin{progcode}
442 x, y = g.pos(px, py)
443 \end{progcode}
444 By default, the problem coordinates will refer to the ranges of the $x$ and $y$
445 axes. If several axes with different ranges exist, the
446 instances of the desired axes should be passed to the \texttt{pos} method by
447 means of the keyword arguments \texttt{xaxis} and \texttt{yaxis}.
449 We remark that the drawing of lines parallel to one of the axes at specific
450 problem coordinates can also be done by adapting the method described in
451 \uaref{q:zeroline}.
454 \question{t}{I would like a key for only some of my data sets. How do I do
455 that?}
460 \subsection{Axis properties}
462 \question{a}{How do I specify the tick increment?}
464 {In the partition of a linear axis, the increments associated with ticks,
465 subticks etc.\ can be specified as argument of \texttt{parter.linear}. In the
466 following example, ticks will be drawn at even values while subticks will
467 be drawn at all integers:
468 \begin{progcode}
469 from pyx.graph import axis\\
470 tg = graph.graphxy(width=10,\\
471 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x=axis.linear(min=1, max=10,\\
472 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~parter=axis.parter.linear(tickdist=[2,1]))\\
473 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)
474 \end{progcode}
477 \question{a}{How do I plot the zero line?}
480 \label{q:zeroline}
481 \PyX{} releases before 0.6 offered the possibility to stroke a zero line by
482 specifying \texttt{zeropathattrs} in the painter constructor. In more recent
483 releases, one proceeds as follows. First one has to fix the layout information
484 of the graph by means of the \texttt{finish} or \texttt{dolayout} method (see
485 \ref{q:problemcoord} for a more detailed explanation). Then, the
486 \texttt{xgridpath} or \texttt{ygridpath} method of a graph will return a grid
487 path parallel to the $y$ or $x$ axis, respectively, at the specified $y$ value.
488 As an example, a zero line in $x$ direction can be drawn as follows:
489 \begin{progcode}
490 g.finish()\\
491 g.stroke(g.ygridpath(0))
492 \end{progcode}
495 \question{a}{How can I add grid lines to a graph?}
498 Specifying \texttt{gridattrs} for the painter of an axis will generate grid
499 lines orthogonal to this axis. At least an empty list is needed like in
500 \begin{progcode}
501 g = graph.graphxy(width=10,\\
502 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x=graph.axis.linear(painter=graph.axis.painter.regular(gridattrs=[])),\\
503 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y=graph.axis.linear()\\
504 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)
505 \end{progcode}
506 where grid lines in vertical direction are drawn in default style.
508 Occassionally, one might want to draw grid lines corresponding to ticks and
509 subticks in a different style. This can be achieved by specifiying
510 changeable attributes using \texttt{changelist}. The following code
511 \begin{progcode}
512 my\_xpainter = graph.axis.painter.regular(gridattrs=\\
513 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[attr.changelist([style.linestyle.solid, style.linestyle.dashed])]\\
514 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)\\
515 my\_ypainter = graph.axis.painter.regular(gridattrs=\\
516 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[attr.changelist([,])]\\
517 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)\\
519 g = graph.graphxy(width=10,\\
520 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~x=graph.axis.linear(painter=my\_xpainter),\\
521 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~y=graph.axis.linear(painter=my\_ypainter)\\
522 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)
523 \end{progcode}
524 will create vertical solid and dashed grid lines for ticks and subticks,
525 respectively. The horizontal grid lines will be red for ticks and blue for
526 subticks. The changeable attributes are applied in a cyclic manner. Therefore,
527 in this example grid lines at subsubticks would be plotted in the same style
528 as for ticks. If this is not desired, the list of attributes should be extended
529 by an appropriate third style. The keyword \texttt{None} will switch off
530 the respective level of grid lines in case you want to draw them only e.g.\
531 for ticks but not subticks.
534 \subsection{Data properties}
536 \question{a}{How do I choose the symbol?}
538 {\label{q:choose_symbol}
539 Suppose a graph called \texttt{g} has been initialized, e.g.\ by using
540 \texttt{graph.graphxy}. Then, data and the style of their representation
541 in the graph are defined by calling \texttt{g.plot} like in the following
542 example in which filled circles are requested:
543 \begin{progcode}
544 g.plot("test.dat"),\\
545 ~~~~~~~[, symbolattrs=[deco.filled])]\\
546 ~~~~~~~)
547 \end{progcode}
550 \question{a}{How do I choose the color of the symbols?}
552 {Colors are not properties of the symbol as such and can therefore not
553 be specified in \texttt{symbolattrs} directly. The color is rather related
554 to the plotting of the symbol as defined by \texttt{deco.stroked} or
555 \texttt{deco.filled}. With
556 \begin{progcode}
558 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~symbolattrs=[deco.stroked([]),\\
559 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~deco.filled([])]\\
560 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~)
561 \end{progcode}
562 you will obtain a circle filled in green with a red borderline.
565 \question{a}{How do I choose the line style?}
567 {If you do not want to use symbols, you can set the line style as in this
568 example
569 \begin{progcode}
570 g.plot("test.dat"),\\
571 ~~~~~~~[[style.linewidth.Thin])]\\
572 ~~~~~~~)
573 \end{progcode}
574 where the linewidth is set.
576 If you also want to use symbols, you can combine the symbol and the
577 line style as in
578 \begin{progcode}
579 g.plot("test.dat"),\\
580 ~~~~~~~[[style.linewidth.Thin,\\
581 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~style.linestyle.dashed]),\\
583 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~symbolattrs=[deco.filled])
584 ~~~~~~~]
585 ~~~~~~)
586 \end{progcode}
587 to plot the symbols on top of a thin, dashed line. You may alter the
588 order of the styles to plot the line on top of the symbols.
591 \section{Other plotting tasks}
593 \question{a}{How can I rotate text? \new}
595 {Text can be written at an arbitrary angle by specifying the appropriate
596 transformation as an attribute. The command
597 \begin{progcode}
598 c.text(0, 0, "Text", [trafo.rotate(60)])
599 \end{progcode}
600 will write at an angle of 60 degrees relative to the horizontal axis. If no
601 pivot is specified (like in this example), the text is rotated around the
602 reference point given in the first two arguments of \texttt{text}. In the
603 following example, the pivot coincides with the center of the text:
604 \begin{progcode}
605 c.text(0, 0, "Text", [,text.valign.middle,trafo.rotate(60)])
606 \end{progcode}
608 \section{\TeX{} and \LaTeX{}}
610 \subsection{General aspects}
612 \question{a}{What is \TeX/\LaTeX{} and why do I need it?}
614 {\label{q:what_is_tex}
615 \TeX{} is a high quality typesetting system developed by Donald E. Knuth
616 which is available for a wide variety of operating systems. \LaTeX{} is a
617 macro package originally developed by Leslie Lamport which makes life with
618 \TeX{} easier, in particular for complex typesetting tasks. The current
619 version of \LaTeX{} is referred to as \LaTeXe{} and offers e.g.\ improved
620 font selection as compared to the older \LaTeX{} 2.09 which should no longer
621 be used.
623 All typesetting tasks in \PyX{} are finally handed over to \TeX{} (which is the
624 default) or \LaTeX{}, so that \PyX{} cannot do without it. On the other hand,
625 the capabilities of \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} can be used for complex tasks where
626 both graphics and typesetting are needed.
629 \question{a}{I don't know anything about \TeX{} and \LaTeX{}. Where can I read
630 something about it?}
632 {\label{q:intro_tex_latex}
633 Take a look at CTAN (\uaref{q:ctan}) where in \ctan{info}
634 you may be able to find some useful information. There exists for example
635 ``A Gentle Introduction to \TeX'' by M.~Doob (\ctan{gentle/gentle.pdf}) and
636 ``The Not So Short Introduction to \LaTeXe''
637 (\ctan{info/lshort/english/lshort.pdf}) by T.~Oetiker et al. The latter has
638 been translated into a variety of languages among them korean (which you will
639 not be able to read unless you have appropriate fonts installed) and mongolian.
641 Of course, it is likely that these documents will go way beyond what you
642 will need for generating graphics with \PyX{} so you don't have to read all
643 of it (unless you want to use \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} for typesetting which can be
644 highly recommended).
646 There exists also a number of FAQs on \TeX{} at \ctan{help}.
649 \question{a}{What is CTAN?}
651 {\label{q:ctan}
652 CTAN is the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network where you will find almost
653 everything related to \TeX{} and friends. The main CTAN servers are
654 \url{}, \url{}, and \url{}. A list of
655 FTP mirrors can be found at \ctan{CTAN.sites}.
657 In this FAQ, \texttt{CTAN:} refers to the root of an anonymous ftp CTAN tree,
658 e.g.\ \url{},
659 \url{},
660 and \url{}. The links to CTAN in this document
661 point to one of these servers but you might consider using a FTP mirror closer
662 to you in order to reduce traffic load.
665 \question{a}{Is there support for Con\TeX{}t?}
667 {No, and as far as I know there no plans to provide it in the near future.
668 Given the close ties between Con\TeX{}t and Meta\-Post, Con\TeX{}t users
669 probably prefer to stick with the latter anyway.
672 \subsection{\TeX{} and \LaTeX{} commands useful for \PyX}
674 \question{a}{How do I get a specific symbol with \TeX{} or \LaTeX?}
676 {A list of mathematical symbols together with the appropriate command name
677 can be found at \ctan{info/symbols/math/}. A comprehensive list
678 containing more than 2500 symbols for use with \LaTeX{} can be obtained from
679 \ctan{info/symbols/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf}. In some cases it might be
680 necessary to install fonts or packages available from CTAN
681 (\uaref{q:ctan}).
684 \subsection{\TeX{} and \LaTeX{} errors}
686 \question{a}{Undefined control sequence \cs{usepackage}}
688 {\label{q:undefined_usepackage}
689 The command \cs usepackage is specific to \LaTeX{}. Since by default \PyX{}
690 uses \TeX{}, you have to specify the correct mode:
691 \begin{progcode}
692 text.set(mode="latex")
693 \end{progcode}
696 \question{a}{Undefined control sequence \cs{frac}}
698 {\label{q:undefined_frac}
699 The command \cs frac is only available in \LaTeX{}. In \TeX{} you should
700 use \texttt{\cb{a\cs over b}} in math mode to produce ${a\over b}$. As an
701 alternative you may ask for the \LaTeX{} mode as explained in
702 \ref{q:undefined_usepackage}.
705 \question{a}{Missing \$ inserted}
707 {You have specified \TeX- or \LaTeX-code which is only valid in math mode.
708 Typical examples are greek symbols, sub- and superscripts or fractions.
710 On the \PyX{} level, you can specify math mode for the whole string by using
711 \texttt{text.mathmode} as in
712 \begin{progcode}
713 c.text(0, 0, r"{\cs alpha}", text.mathmode)
714 \end{progcode}
715 Keep also in mind that the standard Python interpretation of the backslash as
716 introducing escape sequences needs to be prevented
717 \uaref{q:raw_string}.
719 On the \TeX/\LaTeX{} level you should enclose the commands requiring math
720 mode in \$'s. As an example, \texttt{\$\cs alpha\us i\hat j\$} will produce
721 $\alpha_i^j$. This allows you to specify math mode also for substrings. There
722 exist other ways to specify math mode in \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} which are
723 particularly useful for more complex typesetting tasks. To learn more about
724 it, you should consult the documentation
725 \uaref{q:intro_tex_latex}.
728 \question{a}{Why do environments like itemize or eqnarray seem not to work?}
730 {An itemize environment might result in a \LaTeX{} error complaining about
731 a ``\texttt{missing \cs item}'' or an eqnarray might lead to a \LaTeX{} message
732 ``\texttt{missing \cs endgroup inserted}'' even though the syntax appears to be
733 correct. The \TeX{}nical reason is that in \PyX{} text is typeset in left-right
734 mode (LR mode) which does not allow linebreaks to occur. There are two ways out.
736 If the text material should go in a box of given width, a parbox can be used
737 like in the following example:
738 \begin{progcode}
739 text.set(mode="latex")\\
740 c = canvas.canvas()\\
741 w = 2\\
742 c.text(0, 0, r"\cs begin\cb{itemize}\cs item a\cs item b\cs end\cb{itemize}", [text.parbox(w)])
743 \end{progcode}
745 Occasionally, one would like to have the box in which the text appears to be as
746 small as possible. Then the \texttt{fancybox} package developed by Timothy Van
747 Zandt is useful which provides several environments like \texttt{Bitemize} and
748 \texttt{Beqnarray} which can be processed in LR mode. The relevant part of the
749 code could look like:
750 \begin{progcode}
751 text.set(mode="latex")\\
752 text.preamble(r"\cs usepackage\cb{fancybox}")\\
753 c = canvas.canvas()\\
754 c.text(0, 0, r"\cs begin\cb{Bitemize}\cs item a\cs item b\cs end\cb{Bitemize}")
755 \end{progcode}
756 Other environments provided by the \texttt{fancybox} package include
757 \texttt{Bcenter}, \texttt{Bflushleft}, \texttt{Bflushright},
758 \texttt{Benumerate}, and \texttt{Bdescription}. For more details, the
759 documentation of the package should be consulted.
762 \question{a}{Font shape `OT1/xyz/m/n' undefined}
764 {\label{q:fontshape_undefined}
765 You have asked to use font \texttt{xyz} which is not available. Make sure that
766 you have this font available in Type1 format, i.e.\ there should be a
767 file \texttt{xyz.pfb} somewhere. If your \TeX{} system is TDS compliant
768 (TDS=\TeX{} directory structure, cf.\ \ctan{tds/draft-standard/tds/tds.pdf})
769 you should take a look at the subdirectories of
770 \path{TEXMF/fonts/type1}.
773 \question{a}{File \dots\ is not available or not readable}
775 {\label{q:no_lfs}
776 Such an error message might already occur when running the example file
777 \texttt{} included in the \PyX{} distribution. Usually, the error
778 occurs due to an overly restrictive umask setting applied when unpacking the
779 \texttt{tar.gz} sources. This may render the file mentioned in the error
780 message unreadable because the python distutil installation package doesn't
781 change the file permissions back to readable for everyone.
783 If the file exists, the problem can be solved by changing the permissions to
784 allow read access.}
786 \question{a}{No information for font `cmr10' found in font mapping
787 file}
789 {\label{q:no_cmr10}
790 Such an error message can already be encountered by simply running the example
791 file \texttt{} included in the \PyX{} distribution. The likely reason
792 is that the \TeX{} system does not find the cmr fonts in Type1 format.
793 \PyX{} depends on these fonts as it does not work with the traditional
794 pk fonts which are stored as bitmaps.
796 Therefore, the first thing to make sure is that the cmr Type1 fonts are
797 installed. In some \TeX{} installations, the command \texttt{kpsewhich
798 cmr10.pfb} will return the appropriate path if the cmr fonts exist in the
799 binary Type1 format (extension \texttt{pfb}) required by \PyX. If the command
800 does not work but the TeX{} system is TDS compliant
801 (\uaref{q:fontshape_undefined}), a look should be taken at
802 \path{TEXMF/fonts/type1/bluesky/cm} where \texttt{TEXMF} is the root of the
803 \texttt{texmf} tree.
805 If the Type1 fonts do not exist on the system, they may be obtained from
806 the CTAN \uaref{q:ctan} at \ctan{fonts/cm/ps-type1/bluesky}. See the
807 \texttt{README} for information about who produced these fonts and why they
808 are freely available.
810 If the Type1 fonts exist, the next step is to take a look at
811 \texttt{}. There may be several files with this name on the system,
812 so it is important to find out which one TeX is actually using.
813 \texttt{kpsewhich} might give this information.
815 The most likely problem is that this file does not contain a line telling TeX
816 what to do if it encounters a request for font \texttt{cmr10}, i.e. the
817 following line
818 may be missing
819 \begin{progcode}
820 ~~~cmr10~~~~~~~~~~~CMR10~~~~~~~~~~~<cmr10.pfb
821 \end{progcode}
822 It is probable that the required lines (in practice, you do not just need
823 \texttt{cmr10}) are found in a file named \texttt{psfonts.cmz} which resides in
824 \path{TEXMF/dvips/bluesky}.
826 One solution is to instruct \PyX{} to read additional map files like
827 \texttt{psfonts.cmz} or \texttt{psfonts.amz}. This can be achieved by modifying
828 the appropriate \texttt{pyxrc} file which is either the systemwide
829 \texttt{/etc/pyxrc} or \texttt{.pyxrc} in the user's home directory. Here, the
830 names of the map files to be read by \PyX{} should be appended separated by
831 whitespaces like in the following example:
832 \begin{progcode}
833 [text]\\
834 fontmaps = psfonts.cmz psfonts.amz
835 \end{progcode}
836 The same effect can be achieved by inserting the following line into the
837 \PyX{} code:
838 \begin{progcode}
839 text.set(fontmaps=" psfonts.cmz psfonts.amz")
840 \end{progcode}
841 Note that the default map ( has to be specified explicitly.
843 An alternative approach consists in modifying the \TeX{} installation by
844 inserting the contents of the desired map files like \texttt{psfonts.cmz} into
845 \texttt{}. Probably, \texttt{} recommends not to do this
846 by hand. In this case the instructions given in the file should be followed.
847 Otherwise, \texttt{psfonts.cmz} should be copied into \texttt{} while
848 keeping a backup of the old \texttt{} just in case. After these
849 changes, \PyX{} most likely will be happy. When inserting \texttt{psfonts.cmz}
850 into \texttt{} it may be a good idea to include \texttt{psfonts.amz}
851 as well. \texttt{psfonts.amz} contains information about some more fonts which
852 might be needed at some point. Making these changes ot \texttt{}
853 will imply that the \TeX{} system will use the cmr fonts in Type1 format
854 instead of pk format which is actually not a bad thing, in particular if
855 \texttt{latex}~/ \texttt{dvips}~/ \texttt{ps2pdf} is used to generate PDF
856 output. With fonts in pk format this will look ugly and using Type1 fonts
857 solves this problem as well. When \texttt{pdflatex} is used to create PDF files,
858 Type1 fonts will be used anyway.
861 \subsection{Fonts}
863 \question{t}{I have Type1 fonts in \texttt{pfa} format. How do I obtain the
864 corresponding \texttt{pfb} files needed by \PyX?}
869 \question{a}{I want to use a font other than computer modern roman}
871 {\label{q:other_font}
872 As long as you have a font in Type1 format available, this should be no
873 problem (even though it may cost you some time to set up things properly).
875 In the simplest case, your \LaTeX{} system contains everything needed.
876 Including the following line into your code will probably work
877 \begin{progcode}
878 text.set(mode="latex")\\
879 text.preamble(r"\cs{usepackage}\cb{mathptmx}")
880 \end{progcode}
881 and give you Times as roman font.
883 If you own one of the more common commercial fonts, take a look at
884 \ctan{fonts} and its subdirectories as well as at the web page
885 \url{} of Walter Schmidt. It is not
886 unlikely that somebody has already done most of the work for you and created
887 the files needed for the font to work properly with \LaTeX. But remember:
888 we are talking about commercial fonts here, so do not expect to find the fonts
889 themselves for free.
891 If none of these cases applies, you should spend some time reading
892 manuals about font installation, e.g.\ \ctan{macros/latex/doc/fntguide.pdf}
893 (of course, I do not expect font wizards to read the last few lines).
896 \question{a}{Can I use a TrueType font with \PyX?}
898 {Not directly as \PyX{} only knows how to handle Type1 fonts (although it is
899 possible to get \LaTeX{} to work with TrueType fonts). However, you may use
900 \texttt{ttf2pt1} (from \url{}) to convert a
901 TrueType font into a Type1 font which you then install in your \TeX{} system
902 \uaref{q:other_font}. You will loose hinting information
903 in the conversion process but this should not really matter on output devices
904 with not too low resolution.
907 \end{document}