initial commit for version 1.6.x patch release
[OpenFOAM-1.6.x.git] / src / sampling / meshToMeshInterpolation / meshToMesh / calculateMeshToMeshAddressing.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 1991-2009 OpenCFD Ltd.
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 Description
26     private member of meshToMesh.
27     Calculates mesh to mesh addressing pattern (for each cell from one mesh
28     find the closest cell centre in the other mesh).
30 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
32 #include "meshToMesh.H"
33 #include "SubField.H"
35 #include "octree.H"
36 #include "octreeDataCell.H"
37 #include "octreeDataFace.H"
39 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
41 namespace Foam
44 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
46 void meshToMesh::calcAddressing()
48     if (debug)
49     {
50         Info<< "meshToMesh::calculateAddressing() : "
51             << "calculating mesh-to-mesh cell addressing" << endl;
52     }
54     // set reference to cells
55     const cellList& fromCells = fromMesh_.cells();
56     const pointField& fromPoints = fromMesh_.points();
58     // In an attempt to preserve the efficiency of linear search and prevent
59     // failure, a RESCUE mechanism will be set up. Here, we shall mark all
60     // cells next to the solid boundaries. If such a cell is found as the
61     // closest, the relationship between the origin and cell will be examined.
62     // If the origin is outside the cell, a global n-squared search is
63     // triggered.
67     // visit all boundaries and mark the cell next to the boundary.
69     if (debug)
70     {
71         Info<< "meshToMesh::calculateAddressing() : "
72             << "Setting up rescue" << endl;
73     }
75     List<bool> boundaryCell(fromCells.size(), false);
77     // set reference to boundary
78     const polyPatchList& patchesFrom = fromMesh_.boundaryMesh();
80     forAll (patchesFrom, patchI)
81     {
82         // get reference to cells next to the boundary
83         const unallocLabelList& bCells = patchesFrom[patchI].faceCells();
85         forAll (bCells, faceI)
86         {
87             boundaryCell[bCells[faceI]] = true;
88         }
89     }
91     treeBoundBox meshBb(fromPoints);
93     scalar typDim = meshBb.avgDim()/(2.0*cbrt(scalar(fromCells.size())));
95     treeBoundBox shiftedBb
96     (
97         meshBb.min(),
98         meshBb.max() + vector(typDim, typDim, typDim)
99     );
101     if (debug)
102     {
103         Info<< "\nMesh" << endl;
104         Info<< "   bounding box           : " << meshBb << endl;
105         Info<< "   bounding box (shifted) : " << shiftedBb << endl;
106         Info<< "   typical dimension      :" << shiftedBb.typDim() << endl;
107     }
109     // Wrap indices and mesh information into helper object
110     octreeDataCell shapes(fromMesh_);
112     octree<octreeDataCell> oc
113     (
114         shiftedBb,  // overall bounding box
115         shapes,     // all information needed to do checks on cells
116         1,          // min. levels
117         10.0,       // max. size of leaves
118         10.0        // maximum ratio of cubes v.s. cells
119     );
121     if (debug)
122     {
123         oc.printStats(Info);
124     }
126     cellAddresses
127     (
128         cellAddressing_,
129         toMesh_.cellCentres(),
130         fromMesh_,
131         boundaryCell,
132         oc
133     );
135     forAll (toMesh_.boundaryMesh(), patchi)
136     {
137         const polyPatch& toPatch = toMesh_.boundaryMesh()[patchi];
139         if (cuttingPatches_.found(
140         {
141             boundaryAddressing_[patchi].setSize(toPatch.size());
143             cellAddresses
144             (
145                 boundaryAddressing_[patchi],
146                 toPatch.faceCentres(),
147                 fromMesh_,
148                 boundaryCell,
149                 oc
150             );
151         }
152         else if
153         (
154             patchMap_.found(
155          && fromMeshPatches_.found(patchMap_.find(
156         )
157         {
158             const polyPatch& fromPatch = fromMesh_.boundaryMesh()
159             [
160                 fromMeshPatches_.find(patchMap_.find(
161             ];
163             if (fromPatch.empty())
164             {
165                 WarningIn("meshToMesh::calcAddressing()")
166                     << "Source patch " <<
167                     << " has no faces. Not performing mapping for it."
168                     << endl;
169                 boundaryAddressing_[patchi] = -1;
170             }
171             else
172             {
173                 treeBoundBox wallBb(fromPatch.localPoints());
174                 scalar typDim =
175                     wallBb.avgDim()/(2.0*sqrt(scalar(fromPatch.size())));
177                 treeBoundBox shiftedBb
178                 (
179                     wallBb.min(),
180                     wallBb.max() + vector(typDim, typDim, typDim)
181                 );
183                 // Wrap data for octree into container
184                 octreeDataFace shapes(fromPatch);
186                 octree<octreeDataFace> oc
187                 (
188                     shiftedBb,  // overall search domain
189                     shapes,     // all information needed to do checks on cells
190                     1,          // min levels
191                     20.0,       // maximum ratio of cubes v.s. cells
192                     2.0
193                 );
196                 const vectorField::subField centresToBoundary =
197                     toPatch.faceCentres();
199                 boundaryAddressing_[patchi].setSize(toPatch.size());
201                 treeBoundBox tightest;
202                 scalar tightestDist;
204                 forAll(toPatch, toi)
205                 {
206                     tightest = wallBb;                  // starting search bb
207                     tightestDist = Foam::GREAT;        // starting max distance
209                     boundaryAddressing_[patchi][toi] = oc.findNearest
210                     (
211                         centresToBoundary[toi],
212                         tightest,
213                         tightestDist
214                     );
215                 }
216             }
217         }
218     }
220     if (debug)
221     {
222         Info<< "meshToMesh::calculateAddressing() : "
223             << "finished calculating mesh-to-mesh acell ddressing" << endl;
224     }
228 void meshToMesh::cellAddresses
230     labelList& cellAddressing_,
231     const pointField& points,
232     const fvMesh& fromMesh,
233     const List<bool>& boundaryCell,
234     const octree<octreeDataCell>& oc
235 ) const
237     // the implemented search method is a simple neighbour array search.
238     // It starts from a cell zero, searches its neighbours and finds one
239     // which is nearer to the target point than the current position.
240     // The location of the "current position" is reset to that cell and
241     // search through the neighbours continues. The search is finished
242     // when all the neighbours of the cell are farther from the target
243     // point than the current cell
245     // set curCell label to zero (start)
246     register label curCell = 0;
248     // set reference to cell to cell addressing
249     const vectorField& centresFrom = fromMesh.cellCentres();
250     const labelListList& cc = fromMesh.cellCells();
252     forAll (points, toI)
253     {
254         // pick up target position
255         const vector& p = points[toI];
257         // set the sqr-distance
258         scalar distSqr = magSqr(p - centresFrom[curCell]);
260         bool closer;
262         do
263         {
264             closer = false;
266             // set the current list of neighbouring cells
267             const labelList& neighbours = cc[curCell];
269             forAll (neighbours, nI)
270             {
271                 scalar curDistSqr =
272                     magSqr(p - centresFrom[neighbours[nI]]);
274                 // search through all the neighbours.
275                 // If the cell is closer, reset current cell and distance
276                 if (curDistSqr < (1 - SMALL)*distSqr)
277                 {
278                     curCell = neighbours[nI];
279                     distSqr = curDistSqr;
280                     closer = true;    // a closer neighbour has been found
281                 }
282             }
283         } while (closer);
285         cellAddressing_[toI] = -1;
287         // Check point is actually in the nearest cell
288         if (fromMesh.pointInCell(p, curCell))
289         {
290             cellAddressing_[toI] = curCell;
291         }
292         else
293         {
294             // If curCell is a boundary cell then the point maybe either outside
295             // the domain or in an other region of the doamin, either way use
296             // the octree search to find it.
297             if (boundaryCell[curCell])
298             {
299                 cellAddressing_[toI] = oc.find(p);
300             }
301             else
302             {
303                 // If not on the boundary search the neighbours
304                 bool found = false;
306                 // set the current list of neighbouring cells
307                 const labelList& neighbours = cc[curCell];
309                 forAll (neighbours, nI)
310                 {
311                     // search through all the neighbours.
312                     // If point is in neighbour reset current cell
313                     if (fromMesh.pointInCell(p, neighbours[nI]))
314                     {
315                         cellAddressing_[toI] = neighbours[nI];
316                         found = true;
317                         break;
318                     }
319                 }
321                 if (!found)
322                 {
323                     // If still not found search the neighbour-neighbours
325                     // set the current list of neighbouring cells
326                     const labelList& neighbours = cc[curCell];
328                     forAll (neighbours, nI)
329                     {
330                         // set the current list of neighbour-neighbouring cells
331                         const labelList& nn = cc[neighbours[nI]];
333                         forAll (nn, nI)
334                         {
335                             // search through all the neighbours.
336                             // If point is in neighbour reset current cell
337                             if (fromMesh.pointInCell(p, nn[nI]))
338                             {
339                                 cellAddressing_[toI] = nn[nI];
340                                 found = true;
341                                 break;
342                             }
343                         }
344                         if (found) break;
345                     }
346                 }
348                 if (!found)
349                 {
350                     // Still not found so us the octree
351                     cellAddressing_[toI] = oc.find(p);
352                 }
353             }
354         }
355     }
359 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
361 } // End namespace Foam
363 // ************************************************************************* //